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Is this safe? or Against policy?

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This thread brings up an interesting point. Who, out of the crew, if any, have been CORI checked? Is it only the camp staff? Are the camp staff even background checked?? CCL isn't really bound to american employment law now, is it?

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According to the OP you should be drawn and quartered.


I babysat 3 children for a summer job when I was 12. I had completed 7th grade. Does the Op have a reason to be concerned about this?


Try reading why I posted this by READING.


Thank you for the voice of reason. As I stated I'm not a whistle blower nor a tattle-tail as 1 person implied. ( if that were the case I would have posted entire review not only that which I am questioning.)

I am merely looking for opinions as I am planning a family cruise reunion. Yes I have some not so intelligent members great-nieces that have young children and would think this was OK. I searched Carnival FAQ's and did not find an answer about policy of leaving kids in balcony unattended.

If posters would read or skim they would know why I posted this thread instead of jumping to conclusions like they have done.


Thank You everyone for your thoughts.



because I will be attempting to put together a family reunion cruise (in a few years)with close to 61 family members. At present time my immediate family is 61 people ranging in age 6 mths to 64. This includes my siblings, spouses, children, childrens children and even childrens childrens children.

I could really care less what people do or don't do with their children unless it directly effects me. As I am not one of those whistle blowers that call the police over dumb stuff,


I am merely looking for thoughts on this mainly because the kids were left alone in a BALCONY stateroom. As I know most of my family would prefer balconies. IMHO babysitting in a HOME environment is different then babysitting in a strange one. Especially one that has so much to explore.

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Try reading why I posted this by READING.


Thank you for the voice of reason. As I stated I'm not a whistle blower nor a tattle-tail as 1 person implied. ( if that were the case I would have posted entire review not only that which I am questioning.)

I am merely looking for opinions as I am planning a family cruise reunion. Yes I have some not so intelligent members great-nieces that have young children and would think this was OK. I searched Carnival FAQ's and did not find an answer about policy of leaving kids in balcony unattended.

If posters would read or skim they would know why I posted this thread instead of jumping to conclusions like they have done.


Thank You everyone for your thoughts.





because I will be attempting to put together a family reunion cruise (in a few years)with close to 61 family members. At present time my immediate family is 61 people ranging in age 6 mths to 64. This includes my siblings, spouses, children, childrens children and even childrens childrens children.

I could really care less what people do or don't do with their children unless it directly effects me. As I am not one of those whistle blowers that call the police over dumb stuff,


I am merely looking for thoughts on this mainly because the kids were left alone in a BALCONY stateroom. As I know most of my family would prefer balconies. IMHO babysitting in a HOME environment is different then babysitting in a strange one. Especially one that has so much to explore.


I wouldn't even waste the time trying to defend yourself. This is typical and you didn't do anything to start it. I completely understood your reason for posting but unfortunately the thread to a wrong turn and we were sucked into it.

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Try reading why I posted this by READING.


Thank you for the voice of reason. As I stated I'm not a whistle blower nor a tattle-tail as 1 person implied. ( if that were the case I would have posted entire review not only that which I am questioning.)

I am merely looking for opinions as I am planning a family cruise reunion. Yes I have some not so intelligent members great-nieces that have young children and would think this was OK. I searched Carnival FAQ's and did not find an answer about policy of leaving kids in balcony unattended.

If posters would read or skim they would know why I posted this thread instead of jumping to conclusions like they have done.


Thank You everyone for your thoughts.



because I will be attempting to put together a family reunion cruise (in a few years)with close to 61 family members. At present time my immediate family is 61 people ranging in age 6 mths to 64. This includes my siblings, spouses, children, childrens children and even childrens childrens children.

I could really care less what people do or don't do with their children unless it directly effects me. As I am not one of those whistle blowers that call the police over dumb stuff,


I am merely looking for thoughts on this mainly because the kids were left alone in a BALCONY stateroom. As I know most of my family would prefer balconies. IMHO babysitting in a HOME environment is different then babysitting in a strange one. Especially one that has so much to explore.



I smell a rat.....

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Lock the balcony door, put the 'DO NOT DISTURB' sign on the door, make sure the older child has some entertainment (being a movie, game,etc) and has the instructions to what to do in an emergency, and the maturity to do it. Outside of the balcony (and that is not a stretch as many families live in apartments with balconies), it is just another day in the life of...


Could something happen? You betcha. It can also happen in your own home. Raise a child with some confidence or raise a child that is afraid at every turn in the road. Your choice.


Just to add, don't remember the famous, and I do mean FAMOUS, musical artist that lost a child to an open window... on land. ***** happens.

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I read a review and the following was posted ...



we put DD to bed (who is 2) and give DS (who 12) the walkie talkie. even if she woke up she was in a crib and would start yelling bubba. so even if she did manage to get out of the crib, she wouldn't be able to open the door to the cabin. they are spring loaded and her big brother would get to her first. he would call us at every sound. we just told him if she wasn't awake not to worry about it. we all make sounds when we sleep.


we would never just leave her in the room by herself. if we didn't have him (DS)we would probably just hang on our balcony some and also use the baby sitting service camp carnival provides after 10pm they charge you.



Mind you this family was booked in a ocean view suite w/ balcony.


I personally would never leave a 12 yr old alone with a 2 yr old in stateroom, but that is me. But what about a stateroom with a balcony?





I've been in several balconies and there is no two year old that I have met that could open one. I see no problem with a twelve year old watching a sleeping two year old with Mom & Dad two minutes away.

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On our recent cruise my dh and ds were out on the balcony when they heard a man on a balcony above them shouting. Turns out the man's 2 year old son locked the balcony door after he went outside and he was stranded. We had to call customer relations to get up to his room and save him. What if the 2 yo locks the 12yo out on the balcony? At night when there aren't that many people out on their balconies to hear anything...


I do not believe that this could happen, really.

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I do not believe that this could happen, really.


i have a friend on the ncl gem this week that was locked out on his balcony, and he was posting on facebook. it was quite amusing.


btw there are two locks on the balcony door. one high up, and one near the doe nob mechanism.

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I have a great-niece who at age 3 1/2 (she is now 24) would climb out the (locked) second story window onto porch roof and manage to get down to the street. My brother-in-law ended up nailing the windows shut after this happened 3 times.


My sister lived in a resort area up in NJ. Hope would wander down to the boardwalk. The police thankfully knew who she was and would bring her home.


Never underestimate young children.

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sorry, but in an emergency on a ship, where lights could go out, and halls be smoke filled, and the nearest "exit" is no where close to the door. does the 12 year old know to stay in the room, or leave, and go where?


Using the mind of a 12 year old, if something like a fire/smoke happened, he has an exit... the balcony! At home he is told to go out the window if needed for a fire, aren't they the same? That could be what a 12 year old might think in a panic. The problem is on a ship, there is no ground to land on when you jump off the balcony, just water or a life boat.


That said, the OP did not mention what time of day/night this was, a 2 year old could be sleeping at 4 in the afternoon, 7 at night, or 11 at night.


What about when the cabin steward wants to come turn down the room? Do you tell him/her not to turn down the room because your children are in there alone. Or do they come in and turn down the room with the kids there.


Also what is the 12 year old suppose to be doing in the room (besides baby sitting) reading, computer games, watching TV?


there are too many parts not answered to make a good decision.

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On our recent cruise my dh and ds were out on the balcony when they heard a man on a balcony above them shouting. Turns out the man's 2 year old son locked the balcony door after he went outside and he was stranded. We had to call customer relations to get up to his room and save him. What if the 2 yo locks the 12yo out on the balcony? At night when there aren't that many people out on their balconies to hear anything...


That is simple, he would just climb over the rail on to the next balcony and see if they are home. It might take a few times, but I am sure he would find an open door sooner or later, Or fall overboard and well problem solved. No more babysitter to watch the 2 year old.

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For an hour or two we put my 2 year old son to bed in the crib (in our inside room) by himself... Only 1 night out of 7 was he not asleep after we came back from the Adult Comedy. He was still in the crib - staring... My husband never shut a door so quickly in his whole life.)


(During his afternoon nap the first day or two I sat outside the room "just in case" he did not make a peep. He did not know how to climb out of the crib.)


On our next cruise when he will be almost 3, we will use the babysitting - because he will be on the couch...

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For an hour or two we put my 2 year old son to bed in the crib (in our inside room) by himself... Only 1 night out of 7 was he not asleep after we came back from the Adult Comedy. He was still in the crib - staring... My husband never shut a door so quickly in his whole life.)


(During his afternoon nap the first day or two I sat outside the room "just in case" he did not make a peep. He did not know how to climb out of the crib.)


On our next cruise when he will be almost 3, we will use the babysitting - because he will be on the couch...


this is like throwing gasoline on a thread......

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I have a great-niece who at age 3 1/2 (she is now 24) would climb out the (locked) second story window onto porch roof and manage to get down to the street. My brother-in-law ended up nailing the windows shut after this happened 3 times.


My sister lived in a resort area up in NJ. Hope would wander down to the boardwalk. The police thankfully knew who she was and would bring her home.


Never underestimate young children.



Then common sense tells me to not leave that 3 year old alone ever.........I certainly wouldn't take a climbing 3 year old on a cruise ship.......


If a parent has to ask others if it is safe for their own children to be doing this........then these people shouldn't be having children........

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For an hour or two we put my 2 year old son to bed in the crib (in our inside room) by himself... Only 1 night out of 7 was he not asleep after we came back from the Adult Comedy. He was still in the crib - staring... My husband never shut a door so quickly in his whole life.)


(During his afternoon nap the first day or two I sat outside the room "just in case" he did not make a peep. He did not know how to climb out of the crib.)


On our next cruise when he will be almost 3, we will use the babysitting - because he will be on the couch...


In the future, you might want to tie him to the crib or couch with a rope...just in case.


Mods....I think it's time to close this tread. The more I read, the more I shake my head in disbelief. And the funny thing is....I was considered a "liberal parent".

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For an hour or two we put my 2 year old son to bed in the crib (in our inside room) by himself... Only 1 night out of 7 was he not asleep after we came back from the Adult Comedy. He was still in the crib - staring... My husband never shut a door so quickly in his whole life.)


Everyone else has trouble believing the locked balcony story, but THIS is the story I don't believe. There's no way any sane, rational, responsible person would leave a 2-year old in a room by himself just to go entertain themselves. This isn't an opinion. It's the law. Do something like that on land, and you'd be arrested.


(((Just last year in Texas, a woman left the children in her day care alone for a half hour to go to Target. A fire started and 4 babies were killed before she got back.)))


You're this stupid and brag about it on the internet? No way. I'm not buying it.

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Everyone else has trouble believing the locked balcony story, but THIS is the story I don't believe. There's no way any sane, rational, responsible person would leave a 2-year old in a room by himself just to go entertain themselves. This isn't an opinion. It's the law. Do something like that on land, and you'd be arrested.


(((Just last year in Texas, a woman left the children in her day care alone for a half hour to go to Target. A fire started and 4 babies were killed before she got back.)))


You're this stupid and brag about it on the internet? No way. I'm not buying it.


I would hope they are just kidding, if not, they need to be in jail and someone responsible enough to have kids needs to be taking care of that baby

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Then common sense tells me to not leave that 3 year old alone ever.........I certainly wouldn't take a climbing 3 year old on a cruise ship.......


If a parent has to ask others if it is safe for their own children to be doing this........then these people shouldn't be having children........


um yeah, it wouldn't have took three times of that happening before I took steps to prevent it. My two year old never gets farther than the next room by herself and if we are in public, I've got ahold of her constantly. She likes to take off too much...

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Everyone else has trouble believing the locked balcony story, but THIS is the story I don't believe. There's no way any sane, rational, responsible person would leave a 2-year old in a room by himself just to go entertain themselves. This isn't an opinion. It's the law. Do something like that on land, and you'd be arrested.


(((Just last year in Texas, a woman left the children in her day care alone for a half hour to go to Target. A fire started and 4 babies were killed before she got back.)))


You're this stupid and brag about it on the internet? No way. I'm not buying it.


You should buy it, because not everyone is sane or rational....I knew a mother (in her late 30's...not a teenage mother) of a 2 year old who left him alone in their cottage so she could go to a barbeque. She wasn't too worried because he was a sound sleeper.


Don't know....maybe what the Cunard/Princess people say about the Carnival people is true. :)

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