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What the heck? Note: Electronic cigarettes are only allowed in smoking areas????


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For me, I never wanted to quit "smoking".....I enjoyed the habit....just not the smoke, smell & mess. I have no desire to quit vaping, just as I had no desire to quit smoking. The money it costs is miniscule compared the the money I used to spend on my 2 1/2 pack a day habit;)


You must have had some desire......to get rid of the smoke, smell and mess maybe:confused:

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You must have had some desire......to get rid of the smoke, smell and mess maybe:confused:


Nope......didn't want to quit smoking... as I told everyone... I didn't plan to quit even if they went to $100 a pack. But I was wheezing and coughing so figured I had to do something to cut down on the amount I was smoking. I got an e-cig to accomplish that and by the 2nd day I realized it was a great substitute and I didn't need cigarettes. After 2 weeks I was no longer wheezing and coughing. It's been over 2 years since my last cig and I don't miss it at all.


As for your other rather snide statement about even you knowing why you get comped rooms.....I don't chase comps in the casino. I know I'm going to lose anyway but it's my form of entertainment. It's nice when you do end up getting something back. FWIW, I certainly didn't lose the $4000 the "suite" cruise would cost me if I'd paid for it myself :D

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Nope......didn't want to quit smoking... as I told everyone... I didn't plan to quit even if they went to $100 a pack. But I was wheezing and coughing so figured I had to do something to cut down on the amount I was smoking. I got an e-cig to accomplish that and by the 2nd day I realized it was a great substitute and I didn't need cigarettes. After 2 weeks I was no longer wheezing and coughing. It's been over 2 years since my last cig and I don't miss it at all.


As for your other rather snide statement.....I don't chase comps in the casino. I know I'm going to lose anyway but it's my form of entertainment. It's nice when you do end up getting something back. FWIW, I certainly didn't lose the $4000 the "suite" cruise would cost me if I'd paid for it myself :D


Sorry to just jump in here and not read all the posts.. but I was checking JH's FB page for his answer and didn't see it... has then been an answer as to where Ecigs can be used officially?? Or is this just from the website???:confused:

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Nope......didn't want to quit smoking... as I told everyone... I didn't plan to quit even if they went to $100 a pack. But I was wheezing and coughing so figured I had to do something to cut down on the amount I was smoking. I got an e-cig to accomplish that and by the 2nd day I realized it was a great substitute and I didn't need cigarettes. After 2 weeks I was no longer wheezing and coughing. It's been over 2 years since my last cig and I don't miss it at all.


As for your other rather snide statement about even you knowing why you get comped rooms.....I don't chase comps in the casino. I know I'm going to lose anyway but it's my form of entertainment. It's nice when you do end up getting something back. FWIW, I certainly didn't lose the $4000 the "suite" cruise would cost me if I'd paid for it myself :D


To be able to breath again without wheezing and coughing is a huge desire I would think....


I wasn't being snide......I am a gambler also and it is my form of entertainment also........you can't tell me you never spent over $4,000 in the casino with your cruising history:confused: I know I have.....They take that into account. LOL! LOL!

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To be able to breath again without wheezing and coughing is a huge desire I would think....


I wasn't being snide......I am a gambler also and it is my form of entertainment also........you can't tell me you never spent over $4,000 in the casino with your cruising history:confused: I know I have.....They take that into account. LOL! LOL!


Oh, I've spent way over that :o....but some people gamble alot on the cruises and never find ways to get perks. I learned that early on in my cruising history cause every little bit helps me to cruise more :D

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You must be a millionaire.....you'd actually spend over $6,000 a MONTH for cancer sticks? :eek:


Probably not :p but with the 2 1/2 packs I was smoking and the 3 packs a day DH was smoking we were already spending a small fortune.


As far as the question about any updates from John Heald, there haven't been any

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Sorry to just jump in here and not read all the posts.. but I was checking JH's FB page for his answer and didn't see it... has then been an answer as to where Ecigs can be used officially?? Or is this just from the website???:confused:


I asked on John's FB page and although I haven't gotten a reply from him (he's either already left for vacation or is still pooping downstairs...), I did get a reply from the very reliable Ed K:


"The new full official smoking policy didn't mention "e-cigs". The short version on Carnival website's FAQ said e-cigs in smoking areas only. John has said OK to use e-cigs anyplace BUT MDR. So as it stands there is still confusion for some. But cruisers have said they are using on the Carnival ships WITHOUT a problem."

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I asked on John's FB page and although I haven't gotten a reply from him (he's either already left for vacation or is still pooping downstairs...), I did get a reply from the very reliable Ed K:


"The new full official smoking policy didn't mention "e-cigs". The short version on Carnival website's FAQ said e-cigs in smoking areas only. John has said OK to use e-cigs anyplace BUT MDR. So as it stands there is still confusion for some. But cruisers have said they are using on the Carnival ships WITHOUT a problem."


As I noted before, we've used e-cigs all over the ship except eating areas. BUT, that was before the new smoking rules went into effect. I'd like to hear from someone in the coming weeks....

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Please excuse a long-time lurker for jumping in here, but here's the last reply of a bit of back-and-forth I had going with someone at Carnival's "Guest Solutions". After a sort of canned reply along the lines of, 'We're sorry you don't like the new smoking policy', I replied: "This is not about the "smoking" policy, I don't smoke. This is about treating users of the electronic cigarette the same as smokers. It is not the same, it is not smoking. I have no issue with any other part of the new policy. All I am asking is that users of the electronic cigarette not be forced to be exposed to the smoke of others in the smoking areas. Because, once again, I do not smoke, I am trying to avoid smoke, but I do use an electronic cigarette. I was just hoping to encourage someone there to see that use of an electronic cigarette is not smoking, and should not be treated the same. I would be very grateful if this portion of the new policy was reconsidered.



Their reply:


"We are trying to satisfy two very different audiences, and electronic cigarettes because of their content are being treated like cigarettes. They do contain nicotine, and non-smokers people still complain about second hand smoke."


So it's all about people complaining about second hand "smoke"? So much for logic.

I'll crawl back under my rock now. :cool:

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As I noted before, we've used e-cigs all over the ship except eating areas. BUT, that was before the new smoking rules went into effect. I'd like to hear from someone in the coming weeks....


I am a smoker and a vaper (now). When the new smoking policy was released, I bought and e-cig, just to help me out in a pinch, not even remotely dreaming that Carnival actually had a "policy" on it. Anyway, I plan to take it with me and I leave this Saturday on the Dream. I will be happy to report when I return next Saturday (July 9th) what my experiences were with staff, other cruisers, etc. I plan to use my ecig wherever and whenever I like, with the exception of the MDR and other eating areas. I never smoke in those venues anyway, so they really won't be an issue for me; but I do like to smoke in the casino and in the other indoor lounges.


Cruising Nut - all ecigs are different. Some look just like a regular cigarette. Mine does not. It is the same size as a regular cigarette; but it is solid black and the lighted end is blue.

When I take a drag off of it - it actually looks like a blue Christmas light. Most people initial reaction, even when they see me blowing vapor, is, "Cool, what it that?" They DO NOT think I am smoking, because I'm NOT - I am vaping. Since they smell nothing, there typically is not a controversy. They are mostly just curious. That being said, the day is still young, LOL! ;).


I will test it out and GLADLY report back to all.

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Hi Everyone. I'd like to thank you for this very informative thread. I'd heard of e-cigs before but never knew that they could successfully be used as a tool to stop smoking. I'm all over that and will be getting e-cigs ASAP. Thanks again.


If you look at my signature, you'll note that I've been a fairly loyal Princess cruiser, but their new policy of no smoking in cabins (never did that anyway) or on balconies has forced me to make a change. Even if I can successfully make the switch to e-cigs, some of our cruising buddies won't do that so Princess is out. Right now, we're seriously considering Carnival for our new cruise-line-of-choice. You folks seem like a friendly and fun group so I'm sure we'll fit right in. Please excuse all the questions I may have soon regarding how things are done, etc. on Carnival.


I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you - and looking forward to trying e-cigs.



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Please excuse a long-time lurker for jumping in here, but here's the last reply of a bit of back-and-forth I had going with someone at Carnival's "Guest Solutions". After a sort of canned reply along the lines of, 'We're sorry you don't like the new smoking policy', I replied: "This is not about the "smoking" policy, I don't smoke. This is about treating users of the electronic cigarette the same as smokers. It is not the same, it is not smoking. I have no issue with any other part of the new policy. All I am asking is that users of the electronic cigarette not be forced to be exposed to the smoke of others in the smoking areas. Because, once again, I do not smoke, I am trying to avoid smoke, but I do use an electronic cigarette. I was just hoping to encourage someone there to see that use of an electronic cigarette is not smoking, and should not be treated the same. I would be very grateful if this portion of the new policy was reconsidered.



Their reply:


"We are trying to satisfy two very different audiences, and electronic cigarettes because of their content are being treated like cigarettes. They do contain nicotine, and non-smokers people still complain about second hand smoke."


So it's all about people complaining about second hand "smoke"? So much for logic.

I'll crawl back under my rock now. :cool:


That can't possibly be true because this is a new rule......call back again and ask someone else and you will get a different answer.......

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Just my two cents worth....

As with anything new, the policy on e-cigs and whether they are or are not lumped in with smoking or given a new category of their own, it will take time to work itself out based on what happens onboard and how the majority of passengers react and respond. Complain or not. Cause trouble or not.


The FDA currently has e-cigs listed as tobacco products although they still might try to list them as devices. Cruiselines have no rules on nicotine gum, they do have rules on cigarettes, e-cigs will probably end up somewhere in-between. It will take many further studies and consistent results to form any sort of data base on which to form an opinion on the exposure to carcinogens or other possible deleterious effects.

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I am a smoker and a vaper (now). When the new smoking policy was released, I bought and e-cig, just to help me out in a pinch, not even remotely dreaming that Carnival actually had a "policy" on it. Anyway, I plan to take it with me and I leave this Saturday on the Dream. I will be happy to report when I return next Saturday (July 9th) what my experiences were with staff, other cruisers, etc. I plan to use my ecig wherever and whenever I like, with the exception of the MDR and other eating areas. I never smoke in those venues anyway, so they really won't be an issue for me; but I do like to smoke in the casino and in the other indoor lounges.


Cruising Nut - all ecigs are different. Some look just like a regular cigarette. Mine does not. It is the same size as a regular cigarette; but it is solid black and the lighted end is blue.

When I take a drag off of it - it actually looks like a blue Christmas light. Most people initial reaction, even when they see me blowing vapor, is, "Cool, what it that?" They DO NOT think I am smoking, because I'm NOT - I am vaping. Since they smell nothing, there typically is not a controversy. They are mostly just curious. That being said, the day is still young, LOL! ;).


I will test it out and GLADLY report back to all.


Awesome!.....do be sure to report back after your cruise....and hope it's a wonderful cruise for you! :D

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Have any of you successfully beaten the e-cigarette addiction? Do you even try? After all, it still costs money....or do you just merrily vape away?


Vaping costs a mere fraction of the cost of smoking cigarettes in California. In New York I'm told its even a larger savings.

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The trouble with googling e-cigarettes is that the ones that come up are the "free trial" scam ones that don't work. There are a few that look like a cigarette and work amazing, such as Volt and Bloog. The rest look like a Sharpie marker and beyond - way beyond.


After a smoker has tried the e-cigs that look EXACTLY like a cigarette they'll most likely graduate to the "Sharpie marker" you referred to. The small ones just can't make the battery last long enough and in no time you'll be mixing your own e-juice and don't want to deal with the wadding in the smaller e-cigs. They are the newest tank-type e-cigs which have a battery that last longer (mine just lasted all day). They also have a "tank" which will hold a full 4-5 hours of moderate vaping, so I only put in a filled "tank" twice a day.


I don't know if others make these, but mine is a Totally Wicked Tornado - T which I really like now. I can't get the video to PASTE so just go to U-tube and enter: Totally Wicked Tornado Tank and you'll see a video clip of how easy it is to use. Very informative. Just trying to save those that are just starting a lot of hassles with "look-a-likes" that just don't work properly.


I went through a BLU cig (junk) and then a Totally Wicked Maxi-mini(slightly larger), but still didn't get enough vapor cloud and was always changing batteries and filling cartridges.Not worth the hassle, IMHO. Now I'm where I want to be.:)

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Ok so I have a question for e cigarette users.

My husband is a long time smoker and I would LOVE to get him to get off the cigs because of health risks.

So what would you all suggest is a good starter kit for e cigs. He doesn't like flavored stuff and does smoke about 2 packs a day.

I'd love to see him get some freedom from this habit!!!

Thanks in advance for your answers and cheers!!


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Ok so I have a question for e cigarette users.

My husband is a long time smoker and I would LOVE to get him to get off the cigs because of health risks.

So what would you all suggest is a good starter kit for e cigs. He doesn't like flavored stuff and does smoke about 2 packs a day.

I'd love to see him get some freedom from this habit!!!

Thanks in advance for your answers and cheers!!



I would get him a Riva 510 Special Edition at Liberty-Flights.com. Be sure to click on the 20% discount. This is a UK company, but they have a drop shipper in San Diego and they ship priority mail for $2.99 per order. This kit has a true 3.7 volt battery.


If he doesn't like flavor, then you would want to get him some unflavored e-liquid, possibly in a 70% propylene glycol/30% vegetable glycerin mix. I would think he would need at least 18 mg to start, possibly 24 mg since he smoked 2 packs a day. Many suggest both - and using the stronger in the mornings. Here is an example of unflavored (although this site is more expensive than others, they are known for their quality): http://www.halocigs.com/fusion-unflavored-eliquid.html


A kit and a 30 ml bottle will be enough to get him off cigarettes. A 30 ml bottle will last someone between 10 and 30 days.

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I should add that the Riva 510 Special Edition is actually 2 full units, so one battery is charging while the other is in use. The cost with the 20% discount is $34.39 I think. It comes with everything you need, but eventually some people move from using an atomizer and cartridge (included) to cartomizers, which is a disposable combination atomizer and cartridge.


There are other types, but starting with a Riva or an eGo has been very successful for beginners on the forum. Many people end up there after getting a Blu or one of the "free trial" units or a piece of junk at a mall kiosk.


The batteries in the kit will last about a year, but the atomizers (it comes with 2) need to be cleaned and/or replaced. They last about 4-6 weeks (sometimes longer).

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CruisinElf, Best of Luck to you.


Kyrisong, careful, he's gotta want it. If anyone tried to get me off the smokes, I smoked more. My BF won't even touch my e-cig, and he's been hangin' around mine for 16 weeks. Best of luck to you as well.

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OK, I'm an action sort of person so I e-mailed Carnival yesterday.


"What's up with the electronic cigarettes are now to be used only in the smoking areas? I cruised the Miracle in April, 2011, and vaped my personal vaporizer nearly everywhere and encountered no problems. Please use a little understanding and realize these are not cigarettes and, if we vapors still wanted to be exposed to smoke, we would still smoke. There is no smoke, smell, fire or ash with an electronic cigarette (misnamed in my opinion) and therefore not a hazard to anyone. Most persons who use personal vaporizors use the type that do not even look like a cigarette so that there would be no confusion. I'm afraid if you continue this ruling I will be forced to discontinue sailing with Carnival and recommending you to friends and family. Vaping is NOT smoking."


This is the reply I got today:



Thank you for contacting the Guest Care Department.


I am sorry to hear you are disappointed by the change in our smoking policy. I can appreciate that electronic cigarettes are a personal choice for many. This was a difficult decision to make and we knew it would be hard to please both sides of the issue. However, we believe our policy provides a good balance for both audiences.


Your extensive cruise history shows how much you love the sound of the ocean and the fun and relaxation a vacation at sea offers. Please take some time to think about all the wonderful times you have experienced on a Carnival cruise. Although there are certain restrictions, you really are never too far from a place where you can use your electronic cigarettes, either one deck up, three decks down, a spot is really not far away.


We sincerely value your loyalty to our brand and regret that you are considering not sailing with us in the future. Setting aside our smoking policy, a Carnival vacation is still a wonderful opportunity to have loads of fun and create memories that last a lifetime. And, we do this by providing our customers an unbeatable value. We hope this will be the most important factor when you consider making your vacation plans in the future.


I can see that you are passionate about this subject and we are equally passionate about keeping our customers. I sure hope you will reconsider as we would love to welcome you back onboard another Fun Ship again soon."

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