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Who is cruising in October 2011?


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I did 20 min bike on Friday (it was hot ands I was not feeling very well, took all my might to do that)

I did take my granddaugher to the aquarium on Saturday if that counts for anything.

:D It absolutely counts! I kid you not that I picked up "tennis elbow" from being in the baby room for VBS week- how embarrassing!:p I need to get out to walk tonight but I was waiting for it to cool down a little more. Hmmm, maybe I should just think of it as preparing for cruise weather, minus that wonderful breeze!



LOL. I didn't know that VBS could be so dangerous. Good thing i only supply cookies.

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Thanks! Best of luck to you too! Just little bit everyday, right?!:rolleyes: I need to start remembering little BITES too! :D Hope everyone has a very successful week! Off to walk and drink some more water. Side note- trying to drink ONLY water after my morning coffee, no more diet stuff. I will be eager to see if I crave less sweets.



I started in Feb only drinking unsweeten tea and water (just don't like coffee). I read on how bad sugar substitutes are for you, how they are very bad for your liver/kidneys and to lose weight you really need you liver/kidneys working properly. So I cut out all that suger-free koolaid, sodas, etc. I will add just a lemon to my water, I try to do one whole lemon a day.

I do feel much better.

I do have a glass of wine/bourbon and water, very occasionally


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Like I said in an earlier post, I knew I wouldn't be able to get to the gym today but I did have an extra 10 mins when I first got up this morning. I looked at the exercises on demand on my TV and did 10 minutes abdominal exercise. Better than nothing.


Hope everyone has a great week.

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Just had an idea. I posted about this thread on my rollcall in case anyone else wants to join. You might want to do that yourself if you have joined a roll call. The more people the more ideas, inspirations and motivation.

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Mid week check-in

I exercised so far

Sunday - 30 min bike

Monday - 30 min bike

Tuesday - I was not feeling well

Wednesday(today) - I just did 45 min bike


I also foundthis web-site (thru my work) called CalorieKing. It has calories of all kind of brand name foods and restaurants. Has anyone tried this site before?. It was $54 dollars for a year of tracking daily calories,exercise, etc. Kind of reminded me of the WW on-line site, but cheaper.


Let me know what you think.

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Yes it is Blambky. Just stay focused. I wish I had that little to lose but even when you aren't at goal if you lose it just makes you feel better overall. Good luck to you.

I am Sandy from Utah. I wish also I had that little to use before our TA cruise in Nov. I had no idea I had gained weight in areas I had not noticed till I put our photos on the PC and blew them up from our last cruise, which was in March.. The bulges really got my attention. Not wanting to buy new cruise clothes, I chose to go it alone in my home since I live in a rural area a gym is not an option. So far a whole 4 lbs. is all I have lost so I am stepping up my exercise program, and trying not to eat anything white( like bread w/peanut and jam ) my weakness. I change every morning the rountine I do. Whether it is a floor routine w/pillates or riding an airdyne bike, or walking on the treadmill. I have increased the time to 1 hr. every day. It depends to be honest what TV show I've recorded that makes the exerciseing time go by faster. Good luck to us all. Thanks for letting me join. Sandy

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This week- I have made it to Curves (I use the Curves Smart program) and I followed my C25K routine. I talked my sister into starting running too!:p She has run in the past but starts/stops a lot. We are looking forward to going on a "Sisters" Cruise next June and we are both motivated to looking super cute together!;)

I have not done very well w/the eating part. I NEED to get my WW stuff back from my other sister still!:rolleyes: I have not WI but planning on this Wednesday. Not expecting a change but ya never know!:D

I have been taking my vitamins and it is getting easier to ignore the yucky smell. I think my nails seem like they are growing faster, so maybe they are working.

I have been drinking more water but have yet to really kick the diet & Crystal Light stuff. Just found my FAVORITE flavor and without even thinking bought enough to make 12 quarts!:eek: But darn, it sure is delish! Guess I should just keep trying to wean myself off of it.

Hope everyone has a successful week! Britney

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I am Sandy from Utah. I wish also I had that little to use before our TA cruise in Nov. I had no idea I had gained weight in areas I had not noticed till I put our photos on the PC and blew them up from our last cruise, which was in March.. The bulges really got my attention. Not wanting to buy new cruise clothes, I chose to go it alone in my home since I live in a rural area a gym is not an option. So far a whole 4 lbs. is all I have lost so I am stepping up my exercise program, and trying not to eat anything white( like bread w/peanut and jam ) my weakness. I change every morning the rountine I do. Whether it is a floor routine w/pillates or riding an airdyne bike, or walking on the treadmill. I have increased the time to 1 hr. every day. It depends to be honest what TV show I've recorded that makes the exerciseing time go by faster. Good luck to us all. Thanks for letting me join. Sandy

WELCOME!!!:o Good for you, not letting the lack of gym keep you from making positive changes. Just think how proud you will

be, when you see the "new" pictures of yourself! Hint- When taking a photo,

pretend you are putting your chin on a shelf. (Up and slightly forward) It smooths out your neck and lessens any extra under your chin. A friend passed this tip on to me and really makes a difference! It feels weird at first, so I would "practice" in a mirror.;)

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WELCOME!!!:o Good for you, not letting the lack of gym keep you from making positive changes. Just think how proud you will

be, when you see the "new" pictures of yourself! Hint- When taking a photo,

pretend you are putting your chin on a shelf. (Up and slightly forward) It smooths out your neck and lessens any extra under your chin. A friend passed this tip on to me and really makes a difference! It feels weird at first, so I would "practice" in a mirror.;)

Hey thanks, Blambky. I have always been disappointed in the angle that my face or head is in a photo. I will start today at a family BBQ to use your suggestion. So since I have a garden, portions are not a problem during the summer month's its those luscious soups and casseroles in the fall and winter that grab me. But I am hoping to stay focused on my goal and make WATER, FIBER, and EXERCISE my prioity. What is your routine and what has and does work for you. Sandy

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I started in Feb only drinking unsweeten tea and water (just don't like coffee). I read on how bad sugar substitutes are for you, how they are very bad for your liver/kidneys and to lose weight you really need you liver/kidneys working properly. So I cut out all that suger-free koolaid, sodas, etc. I will add just a lemon to my water, I try to do one whole lemon a day.

I do feel much better.

I do have a glass of wine/bourbon and water, very occasionally


Dllyon, Just wanted to pop in and say, since I am really on a positive weight loss program before our Nov. cruise I have chose to go the lemon route also. Lately I went a little farther with it tho and find it to be very pleasant also. Now when we go out to eat I request only lemon slices to be my salad dressing rather than my favorite Ranch Dressing. I have not had a problem with any restaurant so far. Have a great Sunday. Sandy

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Happy Sunday everyone! Just checking in. I took a trip to Boston and got back on Tuesday, so I decided to really kick everything into high gear on Wednesday. I totally wasn't passing up lobster and clam chowder on my first trip to Boston! :p My husband and I fell in love with the city.


So anyway, I've been doing about 45 minutes of working out a day, plus limiting myself to 1200 calories a day. Just focusing on drinking 8 glasses of water, maybe a cup or two of hot green tea, and eating mostly fresh fruits and veggies. I have half a whole wheat bagel (my only bread for the day) or an egg white frittata (with asparagus or tomatoes and salsa) in the morning, and I snack on fruit or nonfat yogurt. I really try to limit my meat intake (chicken or fish) to dinnertime. I do crave something sweet after dinner, so I've learned that a glass of freshly made juice helps. I have a juicer, so I've been trying different combinations like cucumber/spinach/pear, apple/carrot, etc. My favorite that I just tried last night is carrot/mango/pineapple. So yummy and healthy.


To work out, I started the Power 90 program with my husband. I'll do the 30 minute video, then head out to run for 15-20 minutes. As long as I wake up early to do this in the morning, I'm good to go. Haven't gotten on the scale, however I do see and feel a difference in my body. I think I'll check the scale maybe 2-3 times before we go on our cruise. I tend to get discouraged if the number on the scale is not going down as fast as I want, but seeing the difference in the mirror is more of a motivator for me. And my skin looks better than it has in a long time. All from just Wednesday-Sunday! Looking forward to even more progress in the long run.


I've found that my-calorie-counter.com is a great tool. Helps me track my calories eaten as well as those I've burned. If I work out, I allow myself to eat those calories, so I really average about 1500 calories per day in food.


Have a great week everyone!


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My name is Donna and I am 59. I have just 12 weeks until

our trip to NE Oct. 7th. We are flying in a week early so that

I can attend my 40th Class Reunion the week before our cruise.

I would be satisfied to lose at least 10 lbs. or down one size

before then; and I believe that is a realistic goal.

My goal is to avoid processed foods, attend Zumba Fitness

at least twice a week, and get in at least a 30-40 minute walk

5 days a week.

Something that seems to work for me and my metabolism, is

not to eat any carbs (even complex carbs) at dinner.

In closing, I hope it is OK for me to join this thread...

Donna :)

Your fine to join this group, love having you. WOW!!! 10 lbs, in such a short time. You must be skinny to start with. ( just joking). Please keep us posted, as it is so hard for me when I think I have done so good, then step on the scales ( I do have professional scales) and I get so disappointed each time. Hubby said to stay off the scales. I am going to this week.SAd to think I am down to Chicken (no skin, not fried and beef as a treat with fish as the normal main course). That's okay I will make up for it on our TA in Nov. I HOPE, I HOPE. Then the Holidays and LORD this weight loss program starts again. ( Giggle, Giggle) Hang in there you all we will somehow be super happy bulges or bulges, we have triedTo conquor the problem and will continue ( I HOPE


. Have a great week you all. Sandy

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Hey thanks, Blambky. I have always been disappointed in the angle that my face or head is in a photo. I will start today at a family BBQ to use your suggestion. So since I have a garden, portions are not a problem during the summer month's its those luscious soups and casseroles in the fall and winter that grab me. But I am hoping to stay focused on my goal and make WATER, FIBER, and EXERCISE my prioity. What is your routine and what has and does work for you. Sandy


:rolleyes: My routine (up until about May) was Weight Watchers and using the Curves Smart 3xs a week. I hit a MAJOR road block w/stressful time- my DD is switching to Public School first time in her life. I have started back to WW this morning and I have added C25K (9 week running program), still doing Curves Smart. I am really hoping that the extra exercise will help manage the stress that I know will pop up again. I was able to ;) lala la la la (ignore) it during the summer but it will soon be in my face again. Together we CAN do this, right?!:o Britney

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Happy Sunday everyone! Just checking in. I took a trip to Boston and got back on Tuesday, so I decided to really kick everything into high gear on Wednesday. I totally wasn't passing up lobster and clam chowder on my first trip to Boston! :p My husband and I fell in love with the city.


So anyway, I've been doing about 45 minutes of working out a day, plus limiting myself to 1200 calories a day. Just focusing on drinking 8 glasses of water, maybe a cup or two of hot green tea, and eating mostly fresh fruits and veggies. I have half a whole wheat bagel (my only bread for the day) or an egg white frittata (with asparagus or tomatoes and salsa) in the morning, and I snack on fruit or nonfat yogurt. I really try to limit my meat intake (chicken or fish) to dinnertime. I do crave something sweet after dinner, so I've learned that a glass of freshly made juice helps. I have a juicer, so I've been trying different combinations like cucumber/spinach/pear, apple/carrot, etc. My

favorite that I just tried last night is carrot/mango/pineapple. So yummy and healthy.


To work out, I started the Power 90 program with my husband. I'll do the 30 minute video, then head out to run for 15-20 minutes. As long as I wake up early to do this in the morning, I'm good to go. Haven't gotten on the scale, however I do see and feel a difference in my body. I think I'll check the scale maybe 2-3 times before we go on our cruise. I tend to get discouraged if the number on the scale is not going down as fast as I want, but seeing the difference in the mirror is more of a motivator for me. And my skin looks better than it has in a long time. All from just Wednesday-Sunday! Looking forward to even more progress in the lon

I've found that my-calorie-counter.com is a great tool. Helps me track my calories eaten as well as those I've burned. If I work out, I allow myself to eat those calories, so I really average about 1500 calories per day in food.

Have a great week everyone!


Sound like you are doing GREAT, keep it up!:D

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:rolleyes: Ok, so I have my WW books back from my sister. Knew it was time to start watching the food part but man, this morning's WI was a real stinker!:eek::mad: 141.4 :mad: BUT better than when I first started years back....

I am on track today and I am going to look forward to NEXT weeks WI. I know that it will be better!:D


Just keep swimming, just keep swimming....

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I found some fellow weight loss buddies! :) I am thrilled! I have been on WW since February and have plateaued at around a 12 pound weight loss. I still have 10 to go. :(

My weigh in is tomorrow morning and it's probably gonna be retched! I just started my cycle. :( But I will stay positive.


Let me back up a bit...my name is Nikki and I am 34. I have had trouble maintaining my weight after kids because...well because I love to eat. No matter the mood there is a food that compliments it.


Me, my hubby and 2 kiddos are sailing Oct 2nd and I am in a panic to shape up before we ship out!


Currently, I am a WW member and do 4-5 days of Jazzercise along with 4-5 days of P90X (just added the latter portion this past week.). The boost in workouts hasn't seemed to make a difference. Last week I gained a pound! Figures!


Anyhow looking forward to meeting a few of you gals and supporting you all the best I can. Here's to seeing less of you! ;)

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Hey Nikoletodd-

:p ok, so I will encourage you all the way to the ship, once we're on it though...:rolleyes:

I wonder if any of you have tried the Laughing Cow cheese spread wedges? They have a new Chipolte flavor that is so yummy and only 35 calories a wedge, now if I'd just use it in veggies, instead of crackers. Anyone have any new food finds? I figure I better start replacing what I have been eating.

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I am sailing in October and would love to lose at least a few pounds before the cruise - especially since it is a long cruise. I am currently in an RV and I am going to be spending all but about 3 weeks in the RV between now and the cruise. I have my Wii Fit and Wii Active 2 with me but, I admit, I have been lazy about daily structured exercise and only used it once in 4 weeks. I hope joining this group will help me be less lazy :)


At least we are currently camping beside a bike trail which we have used twice for long rides - 2 weeks ago 18 miles one day and biked 9 miles another day last week. Several days we have biked a couple of miles on it to restaurants or bars. That with trying to walk for 20-30 min almost every day has hopefully kept me from gaining too much weight - last time we spent several months in the RV I gained 7 pounds.


I'm 5'4", 45 years old and I'm not sure what I weigh right now... probably around 140. I tend to bounce between 130 and 145. I do P90X or one of the Wii exercises almost every day at home but it is hard to make myself do that on the road. I also have a pedometer and get between 1000 and 9000 steps daily. That is a good motivator - but you can see I'm not very consistent.

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Hey Nikoletodd-

:p ok, so I will encourage you all the way to the ship, once we're on it though...:rolleyes:

I wonder if any of you have tried the Laughing Cow cheese spread wedges? They have a new Chipolte flavor that is so yummy and only 35 calories a wedge, now if I'd just use it in veggies, instead of crackers. Anyone have any new food finds? I figure I better start replacing what I have been eating.

Finally got on the scales ( oops) will not do that again for awhile. Lost 0, nada. Very discouraging. Love my exercising routines, so it has to do with what I am eating. So now I have chose to walk in the evening after supper and have found two other ladies to walk with. I am still doing my morning exercises tho. What has been a food pleasure for me lately is lettuce wraps, filled with so many wonderful veggies and sometimes a few grapes. BUT, I made the mistake of adding ranch dressing, instead of sticking with juice from lemons. I have since stopped the ranch dressing practise. I like something sweet after dinner so have started to eat half of a small candy bar and sticking the other half in the freezer which makes it to hard to bite into, but take it out before dinner the next night and I am happy. Nice chatting with you all. Hope everyone of us has success this coming week. Sandy

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I found some fellow weight loss buddies! :) I am thrilled! I have been on WW since February and have plateaued at around a 12 pound weight loss. I still have 10 to go. :(

My weigh in is tomorrow morning and it's probably gonna be retched! I just started my cycle. :( But I will stay positive.


Let me back up a bit...my name is Nikki and I am 34. I have had trouble maintaining my weight after kids because...well because I love to eat. No matter the mood there is a food that compliments it.


Me, my hubby and 2 kiddos are sailing Oct 2nd and I am in a panic to shape up before we ship out!


Currently, I am a WW member and do 4-5 days of Jazzercise along with 4-5 days of P90X (just added the latter portion this past week.). The boost in workouts hasn't seemed to make a difference. Last week I gained a pound! Figures!


Anyhow looking forward to meeting a few of you gals and supporting you all the best I can. Here's to seeing less of you! ;)

So where are you sailing ???? I would like to know if anyone is sailing on the Azamara Journey TA.Oct. 10th. Would like to hear from you. Sandy

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My name is Babs and my husband and I will be cruising out of San Diego on October 17th. On March 31st I started looking at a whole new lifestyle change. So far, I've dropped about 19 pounds, but that can vary as much as a couple of pounds on any given day. I was weighing myself each morning as soon as I got up, but think that has got to change. I've lost the exact count, but I've been doing this "new thing" for somewhere around 112 days, give or take a day here or there. I do not call it a diet, but a lifestyle change.


Someone mentioned the Laughing Cow Cheese wedges...and I love them. I buy them all the time and yes, sometimes those crackers are not so good for us but if you just break them into smaller pieces I do allow myself a few of them. A lot of the time I just eat the cheese as part of my lunch or breakfast and don't have any crackers. I've found that all forms of starch (be it bread, cake or whatever) is not good for me losing weight, so I try very hard to limit any bread, pasta, rice etc.


I hope you will allow me to add my two cents worth from time to time...and oh boy October can't come soon enough for me. Hawaii and being on a ship for 15 days sounds wonderful and I can't wait. I do need to lose some more weight though so hopefully in the weeks ahead I can continue to behave myself and really completely immerse myself in this change. Good luck to everyone!!;)

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My name is Babs and my husband and I will be cruising out of San Diego on October 17th. On March 31st I started looking at a whole new lifestyle change. So far, I've dropped about 19 pounds, but that can vary as much as a couple of pounds on any given day. I was weighing myself each morning as soon as I got up, but think that has got to change. I've lost the exact count, but I've been doing this "new thing" for somewhere around 112 days, give or take a day here or there. I do not call it a diet, but a lifestyle change.


Someone mentioned the Laughing Cow Cheese wedges...and I love them. I buy them all the time and yes, sometimes those crackers are not so good for us but if you just break them into smaller pieces I do allow myself a few of them. A lot of the time I just eat the cheese as part of my lunch or breakfast and don't have any crackers. I've found that all forms of starch (be it bread, cake or whatever) is not good for me losing weight, so I try very hard to limit any bread, pasta, rice etc.


I hope you will allow me to add my two cents worth from time to time...and oh boy October can't come soon enough for me. Hawaii and being on a ship for 15 days sounds wonderful and I can't wait. I do need to lose some more weight though so hopefully in the weeks ahead I can continue to behave myself and really completely immerse myself in this change. Good luck to everyone!!;)

Hi Babs glad to have you as a member. Sounds like your lifestyle change has really worked for you. I also practise eating nothing WHITE, (bread,pasta ect). Also have taken steps to keep as much salt out of my diet as possible. But I sure have not done as good as you have, as I have only lost 7lbs. in 120 days. Congratulations to you, hope you reach your goal. Sandy

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Hi Babs glad to have you as a member. Sounds like your lifestyle change has really worked for you. I also practise eating nothing WHITE, (bread,pasta ect). Also have taken steps to keep as much salt out of my diet as possible. But I sure have not done as good as you have, as I have only lost 7lbs. in 120 days. Congratulations to you, hope you reach your goal. Sandy


Hi Sandy and thanks for your welcome. I am determined to lose some more weight but will admit it is not easy. I have thyroid cancer so that challenge, my age, and other things that contribute to the difficulty in losing. I decided the word "diet" was not what I needed, but rather a completely new way of viewing food. Normally when I got stressed I would turn to something sweet to make me feel better. Those "white" things are really bad for us and I've learned that. So I seldom eat bread, potatoes, sugar, etc.


My goal is to lose quite a lot more but I am not setting a specific number. I just want to be healthier and on the way if I look better then that is great too!

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Alright darn it what gives? I'm killing myself with two a days reducing the carbs, increased the protein and staying within the WW parameters and still gained .6!


Ok my rant is over! :) Just had to put it out there. My goal weight is 130. I currently weigh 138.4. However, I keep creeping back up it seems the better I do the more I gain. Has anyone else experienced this? Is it a change of life s you get older woman thing???? Goodness gracious I could really use a clue! :)


Blam- Good to see a cruising buddy on here! You'll keep me focussed for sure because someone can testify to the end results!!! :) I'll do the same for you nd then on board we can celebrate our successes with my buddies Ben and Jerry. (they're in the ice cream business in case ya didn't catch that. :)) Speaking of Dairy...I am a huge Goat cheese fn because it's caloric intake is the lowest of all cheese including feta and lets face it it tastes great! Currently I am hooked on 1 egg white with heirloom tomatoes and half a toasted English muffin for 2 points for bfst. :) yummy good stuff!


Sandy- Blambky and I are sailing to the Western Caribbean on RC. What is the Azamara Journey? Also...keep in mind the scales are only one way to measure success. Buy a measuring tape and reord inches of everything. :)


Welovetocruise- Welcome! I think you have the right idea about a lifestyle change. I just want to get into the life body shape I want before I concede to the forever change. Meaning...I want to hard core diet and excercise and then try like heck to maintain it for life!


Wayfairer- You sound like me I have a huge weight span of yoyo bounce! I also love doing P90X. Are you doing lean or classic?

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