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Who is cruising in October 2011?


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I would also like to join your group. I am 59 years old, living in southwest Florida, and cruising in October (well, barely - we leave on the 30th, so I have a few more days than most of you). This is not the first time I have needed to lose weight I saw a thread on the Carnival board that mentioned the 17-day diet, researched it, and started on Monday. My problem is my addiction to carbs, but I haven't been able to force myself to do anything about it until now. The diet plan is appealing to me, and going well so far. There are just enough carbs included in the first cycle that I haven't been miserable with withdrawal, I have more energy and feel good generally. I think it will be helpful to have others to share with, and my age group seems to be well represented here I accidentally cheated this afternoon - after I had my hair cut, I automatically took a few mini Tootsie Rolls from the jar on the counter. I had the second one in my mouth on the way home when I remembered, and actually spit it out. Hope I made up for it by walking half an hour in the rain tonight. It did make me wonder just how much I was eating without even noticing.

Welcome ZoeyVictoria,

Everyone is welcome and we hope we can keep you motivated. This morning my scales was down a bit more, looks like 158 today!!!:):D I am so thrilled to be below that 160 (FINALLY) and my plan is never to see my scales above that number for the rest of my life.


Do not beat yourself up over a couple bites of Tootsie Rolls; they will not kill you. I even allow myself a nibble of chocolate from time to time, just as incentive to keep going. ;) We are all going to either accidentally or on purpose fall off and when we do, just begin again. I am a chocolaholic through and through and that will likely never change so just a few bites (yesterday I had a small amount of M&M's, the peanut kind so you get a taste of chocolate and the nuts aren't that bad for you).


So again "welcome" and tell us about your 17 Day diet. Is that the one The Doctor's TV show talked about. I don't know much about it, did you have to order the book from them or what?:confused:

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Welcome ZoeyVictoria,

Everyone is welcome and we hope we can keep you motivated. This morning my scales was down a bit more, looks like 158 today!!!:):D I am so thrilled to be below that 160 (FINALLY) and my plan is never to see my scales above that number for the rest of my life.


Do not beat yourself up over a couple bites of Tootsie Rolls; they will not kill you. I even allow myself a nibble of chocolate from time to time, just as incentive to keep going. ;) We are all going to either accidentally or on purpose fall off and when we do, just begin again. I am a chocolaholic through and through and that will likely never change so just a few bites (yesterday I had a small amount of M&M's, the peanut kind so you get a taste of chocolate and the nuts aren't that bad for you).


So again "welcome" and tell us about your 17 Day diet. Is that the one The Doctor's TV show talked about. I don't know much about it, did you have to order the book from them or what?:confused:

Weighed in this morning 1 lb. lighter than last Thursday. Made me feel I am getting there with baby steps each week. And I was happy to see a slight improvement in the tape measure. Still fighting the plantarfastitist (sp), but continueing with what exercising I can do. One thing I have been doing that may account for the weight loss is watching everything I eat, I have found if I don't let any snack food touch my lips then I don't want more.And eating slower at meal times has helped plus I dish my food up on a smaller plate than hubby's. It's working for me and I hope to announce a bigger loss next Thursday weigh in. Have a nice day all you wonderful ladies who like me are trying to be healthy. And in the process look good. Sandy

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Weighed in this morning 1 lb. lighter than last Thursday. Made me feel I am getting there with baby steps each week. And I was happy to see a slight improvement in the tape measure. Still fighting the plantarfastitist (sp), but continueing with what exercising I can do. One thing I have been doing that may account for the weight loss is watching everything I eat, I have found if I don't let any snack food touch my lips then I don't want more.And eating slower at meal times has helped plus I dish my food up on a smaller plate than hubby's. It's working for me and I hope to announce a bigger loss next Thursday weigh in. Have a nice day all you wonderful ladies who like me are trying to be healthy. And in the process look good. Sandy


Hope the foot is better each day; just take care of it. Had a friend who suffered from this and she was on her feet all day long so it took her forever to get over it. She even went for accupuncture at my suggestion and it did help some.


I also use a smaller plate, but not just for me, for hubby also. He needs to drop a few pounds as well. On my South Beach they want you to have snacks...just the right kind....and I find I lose better if I do that. Eating slower is "right on" and something I normally try to do. Did fine last night, just sat down and after overdoing it in the yard, I didn't even want to begin. Finally I did eat (most of my dinner) but I left half the meat and will eat it for lunch today.


I was 158 this morning on the scales...so my total loss so far is 22 lbs!!!:);) I never want to see that 160 or plus number ever again on the scales.

I know I look better, know I feel better and will hopefully live longer just because I am trying to eat healthier. Hang in there everyone. We can do this....we just have to stick to our guns!!!!:eek:

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Hi All! I am cruising Oct. 14th and just joined WW tonight. I have 9 weeks before I cruise and would like to be down 18lbs by then my 10% goal but right now I am focusing on the 5% goal of 9 lbs. I plan on getting the little one off to school in the am then hit the walking track. It's so hot here it's hard to get motivated but little steps will be good. Once it gets cooler I can kick it up a notch. I am so proud of myself my biggest accomplishment so far is I quit drinking Mountain Dew! I slowly weaned myself and have had a few headaches but I keep pushing through. It's amazing when you read the labels you change your eating habits. The mountain dew has a ton of sugar, the most caffeine of any soda and vegetable oil! :eek: I had no clue!


CW 184

GW 130



Thanks for listening!


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Hi All! I am cruising Oct. 14th and just joined WW tonight. I have 9 weeks before I cruise and would like to be down 18lbs by then my 10% goal but right now I am focusing on the 5% goal of 9 lbs. I plan on getting the little one off to school in the am then hit the walking track. It's so hot here it's hard to get motivated but little steps will be good. Once it gets cooler I can kick it up a notch. I am so proud of myself my biggest accomplishment so far is I quit drinking Mountain Dew! I slowly weaned myself and have had a few headaches but I keep pushing through. It's amazing when you read the labels you change your eating habits. The mountain dew has a ton of sugar, the most caffeine of any soda and vegetable oil! :eek: I had no clue!


CW 184

GW 130



Thanks for listening!



Welcome Tanya,


First of all let me congratulate you for kicking the Mountain Dew habit! I know that must be really hard to do. Never been much of a soda drinker but we have a son who loves Mountain Dew. Wish he would quit but as he just gave up smoking, we think one thing at a time.:rolleyes: Seems your goal, both the long term and short, are realistic. The summer has done a job on all of us trying to diet I think and as soon as it gets cooler for each of us, we will all be "kicking it up a notch or two" (hopefully). Already it is just slightly cooler here in Indiana so for the last two days I've been getting out and doing some yard/garden work. Any exercise we do is good for us in more ways than just the burning of calories. Keep up the good work and welcome again.:)

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School is back in session and I am settling into my routine again. I was so happy, when I read about the progress you all are making! It is very motivating! I decided after my last VERY disappointing WI and realizing that it was STRESSING me out, that I would lay off WW for a while. Maybe I need to tone & tighten more than releasing pounds? :rolleyes: Now, I know this sounds like a setback but it is not. When I started back to WW, I was using Curves Smart (resistance training) AND started a running program. That +.4 about sent me off the deep end. :eek: I know logically that it could have easily been gained muscle but it was an awful sight to see. Working so hard only to gain, UGH! So I am still doing both type of exercise and watching what I am eating. I just do not plan on WI with WW for a little while. IF when I go back there is still no change then I will regroup but right now, I know that I am doing what is healthy. I do not want that DANG number to dictate my mood about my progress. :p

NIKOLE- Where are you? Are you still working on it?

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Thanks Welovetocruisetwo! Congrats to your son on quitting smoking. That's a bad habit to break as well. I agree on the one thing at a time concept. I'll take the no smoking more than the no Mountain Dew. I do still drink sweet tea but it's 3 points for a medium glass on WW. As my WW leader said don't deprive yourself. You will just set yourself up to fail and give up for it being so hard.

Happy cruising and losing!


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Thanks Welovetocruisetwo! Congrats to your son on quitting smoking. That's a bad habit to break as well. I agree on the one thing at a time concept. I'll take the no smoking more than the no Mountain Dew. I do still drink sweet tea but it's 3 points for a medium glass on WW. As my WW leader said don't deprive yourself. You will just set yourself up to fail and give up for it being so hard.


Happy cruising and losing!



Hi Tanya,

Well our son has quit before, so lets hope this time it is for keeps. He loves anything with caffeine. I can't tolerate it at all.


Definitely you don't want to set yourself up to fail. One reason now and then I give myself a small sweet treat. Sweets are my downfall, but just a couple bites isn't going to ruin my diet either.


Worked a lot of hours in the yard today, so should've burned some extra calories doing that. I hope anyhow.:p

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Welcome Zoey! We were posting at the same time last night. Glad to have you join us "on the beach". Sounds like you're off to a good start! Don't let one little Tootsy Roll bother you. I do think you touched on a good point about mindful eating. We really don't stop to think what we're shoving into our mouths. I find the protein (hummus w/ cukes in my new snack food this week!) very satisfying. Glad to have another 50-something join us!

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Well I should not have weighed myself today, as the scales seemed to creep up again...not bad...but not good. :mad:Anyhow, all that yard work and it

tends to just wear me down, so I did treat myself. Today I promise I will behave myself and just eat the things I am allowed. I cut up a watermelon (it wasn't even all that good) and had a bit of it (not allowed on SB in Phase I). This and a few other bad choices made me not a happy camper today. But as I've said before many times, we just have to fall off once in a while so we can climb back on!


Hope everyone is doing just fine and sticking to their plans. I will do my best to behave today.:o Hang in there gals!!!

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So again "welcome" and tell us about your 17 Day diet. Is that the one The Doctor's TV show talked about. I don't know much about it, did you have to order the book from them or what?:confused:


I downloaded the book "sample" on my iPad, liked what I read, and purchased the book for the iPad. It was featured on television, but I didn't see it. The diet is basically three cycles of seventeen days each - more variety of foods are added in each cycle. It works on improving digestion and metabolism. The first cycle is basically two low-sugar fruits, two probiotics (yogurt), unlimited non-starchy vegetables, several kinds of fish, chicken, and turkey every day. Also green tea with every meal and 17 minutes of exercise. The only "weird" part is the cup of hot water with half a lemon squeezed into it first thing every morning - not great, but I can stand it. I thought it would be boring, but we have tried some of the simple recipes and have enjoyed this week's dinners; eggplant Parmesan, taco salad, barbecue chicken breasts. Surprisingly, I have not been hungry, have had no withdrawal symptoms from low carbs, and have thrived on the exercise. I feel better than I have for a long time, and I am losing weight.

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I downloaded the book "sample" on my iPad, liked what I read, and purchased the book for the iPad. It was featured on television, but I didn't see it. The diet is basically three cycles of seventeen days each - more variety of foods are added in each cycle. It works on improving digestion and metabolism. The first cycle is basically two low-sugar fruits, two probiotics (yogurt), unlimited non-starchy vegetables, several kinds of fish, chicken, and turkey every day. Also green tea with every meal and 17 minutes of exercise. The only "weird" part is the cup of hot water with half a lemon squeezed into it first thing every morning - not great, but I can stand it. I thought it would be boring, but we have tried some of the simple recipes and have enjoyed this week's dinners; eggplant Parmesan, taco salad, barbecue chicken breasts. Surprisingly, I have not been hungry, have had no withdrawal symptoms from low carbs, and have thrived on the exercise. I feel better than I have for a long time, and I am losing weight.


Sounds good to me! Lots of good choices on meals and I've heard before of drinking a hot cup of water with lemon first thing in the morning. How much weight have you lost so far?


Today, just for the heck of it, I chose to not diet. It is so hard to try new recipes and to cook for your husband who wants things you can't eat. So today, I just said "to h- - - with it"; I know I will pay tomorrow when I weigh in but I made a conscious decision and will live with it. After all I've been pretty good for over 135 days now so once in a while we have to be bad, I guess. So I will tell you all the results of this indiscrection tomorrow. Good night for now and lets hope we can all get back on this horse and see our dreams come true.:(

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Well folks I blew it yesterday. :o Trying a new recipe, especially a sweet one, was not a good choice...but it was my choice so I have to live with

what I did. The scales was up this a.m. (over 160) again which makes me furious at myself. :mad: I knew when I decided to "be bad" yesterday that I took this chance, so today I am back on track. No more new non diet recipes for this gal!:eek: I'll keep you posted as time goes by. Hoping I can get hubby up here in a bit and take a walk before breakfast. I think it is cool enough out that we can begin this habit again. Hang in there everyone and remember if we blow it we have to live with the consequences.

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You only blew it if you get so discouraged you quit trying. Otherwise, it becomes a valuable lesson and you will benefit in the long run :) Hang in there - if it was easy, we wouldn't need to be doing it in the first place.


You are right and I didn't mean I really "blew the whole diet", just I knew better and I shouldn't have taken the risk. :mad: What I am seeing right now is my weight went way up...just over a couple sweet rolls...and no matter what I can't seem to get it back down. :( I'm now walking each morning (it has turned somewhat cooler) and I know that is good for me, plus working in the yard and still the scales is staring back at me and it makes me so mad at myself. It seems every show on tv is talking about diets and I am being tempted to try something else, maybe that is what I need to do to motivate myself again. Sort of like a jump start to shake my system up. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Never fear I am not giving up but will stick to my guns and will lose this regained weight plus more if it kills me. I know I feel better and I look better so this is just a temporary set back and I will keep to the course!!!;)

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You are right and I didn't mean I really "blew the whole diet", just I knew better and I shouldn't have taken the risk. :mad: What I am seeing right now is my weight went way up...just over a couple sweet rolls...and no matter what I can't seem to get it back down. :( I'm now walking each morning (it has turned somewhat cooler) and I know that is good for me, plus working in the yard and still the scales is staring back at me and it makes me so mad at myself. It seems every show on tv is talking about diets and I am being tempted to try something else, maybe that is what I need to do to motivate myself again. Sort of like a jump start to shake my system up. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Never fear I am not giving up but will stick to my guns and will lose this regained weight plus more if it kills me. I know I feel better and I look better so this is just a temporary set back and I will keep to the course!!!;)

I know I feel better also, but did not think I looked better. My neighbor has been gone back East for 3 weeks and today I walked and visited with her, the first thing she said " You have really lost weight are you dieting " Made my day and I have been in the clouds all day. Our cucmbers and tomatoes are on now so that is going to be lunch for me everyday that they are producing. Still drinking lots of water and exercising, this weight thing is constantly on my mind so passed up going to a church luncheon yesterday after a funeral just so I would not be tempted and blow everything. Looking forward to using the tape measure Thursday. Hope I am not disappointed. Hang in there gals. Best wishes to you all to reach your goals.

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I have been walking the past few mornings, know that is the best thing for me. The more exercise we all get the better. ;) In the summer heat I just couldn't make myself get out there. So now the walking, plus finishing up my yard work, hopefully the weight will start to come off.


I also have a garden and so far not too many ripe tomatoes but lots of green ones so we will be enjoying more of them soon. :) My neighbor raises cucumbers and they share them with us. I love both tomatoes and cukes so that is one really big plus for summer, having all the home grown veggies. Also they are good for us too.


I really tried to be good today and hopefully in a couple of days those lbs I put on because I ate bad stuff will go away. I just need to keep focused on what I really want to do. Keep up the good work everyone.:)

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Well I am happy to report I am finally back down to 158 (my weight before I blew it on Sunday by making that coffee cake). All week I've been really careful and finally this a.m. the scales was right on!;) I sure learned a good lesson by that splurge, which truly wasn't all that bad. I mean I only ate three small pieces of the Monkey Bread but it was enough to do me in.

So now, I have to focus on trying to lose at least 8 more lbs before we leave on the 20th of September. Today is the 19th of August so it is possible, don't you think?:confused: I don't "have to" lose the 8 lbs but it would sure be great if I can so I can enjoy a few more things on the cruise. Smaller meals is the way I have to go and I definitely have to lay off the sweets and the breads. Okay, lesson learned!!!


Hope everyone is doing great!:)

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Count me in!!

Me and the DH are cruising on the Freedom Oct 8th for our 20th wedding anniversary!! We are 41yo and over the years we have put some weight on. You know how it is when you have a child... you do for them and stop doing for yourself... between that and owning my own business I let myself go in order to keep up with everything else. Our DD is now grown with a family of her own, so we have time for us. Back in November 2010, we made the decision to get healthy and joined a gym. I had lost 10 lbs working out and eating healthier foods. We planned this trip and decided we aren't losing fast enough. So 5 weeks ago we started watching our portions as well and to date I've lost another 15 lbs for a total of 25lbs!! :D I don't think it'll happen by the time we leave for our trip, but I'd like to lose 40 more lbs. Does anyone have any suggestions on what's worked best to help you lose? I've seen that some are doing a 17 Day Diet and some the Dukan Diet, I'd never heard of them before. How do they work?

Thanks for any info!

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Such words of wisdom and encouragement Zoey. It's so true. Set backs will happen but it's how we react to it that ultimately determines if this is just another "diet" or truly a lifestyle change. Statistics don't lie: most "dieters" gain the weight back. However, if we CHANGE our lifestyle the weight loss can be permanent.


Good luck all as we go into the weekend. I have had a good week and have lost another pound, some of it due to stress (very ill father), but mostly due to eating "on the beach"! Can't wait to really be on a beach in October:)


You only blew it if you get so discouraged you quit trying. Otherwise, it becomes a valuable lesson and you will benefit in the long run :) Hang in there - if it was easy, we wouldn't need to be doing it in the first place.
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I'm still here with you ladies! Welcome to everyone who have joined. I still have yet to WI but I am going on my 7th week of Couch 2 5K. This morning I did a whole 25 minute run without getting winded once! Quite proud of myself! @:) Keep going, it sounds like everyone is doing great!!!

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Good morning everyone. :) I've not weighed yet, so can't report on how I'm doing but hoping things are still okay. Our son came home over the weekend so it's been hectic to say the least.


Seeing my doctor today so may see if he has any suggestions on how I can lose a little bit faster. Most likely not but it won't hurt to ask. I am not sick, just need to see him to get new RX for this coming year and also some blood work on the status of my thyroid cancer situation.


Hope everyone has a wonderful week, keep up the good work and keep focused! :);)

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Hey Babs, I think your goal is attainable. That would mean you have to lose 2 pounds/week. Ramp up the exercise and watch the calories. Maybe buy an inspiration dress or 2!


So now, I have to focus on trying to lose at least 8 more lbs before we leave on the 20th of September. Today is the 19th of August so it is possible, don't you think?:confused: I don't "have to" lose the 8 lbs but it would sure be great if I can so I can enjoy a few more things on the cruise. Smaller meals is the way I have to go and I definitely have to lay off the sweets and the breads. Okay, lesson learned!!!


Hope everyone is doing great!:)

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Something is obviously wrong with CC this morning as the last post doesn't show up! Oh well, in reply I am ramping up the best I can. Walking each morning now and really being careful. Got a call back and my EKG was just fine. Errands to run here in a bit and we always park way out so we get more walking in.


Hope you all are doing great!:)


Well it did finally show up. I was here twice before....no three times and could not read the previous post, by Annie I think, but there it is now! Glad my computer or CC finally is working correctly.


Four weeks from today, we leave for Texas!! I am so ready for a vacation and a cruise!

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