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Who is cruising in October 2011?


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For those of you who are wondering, " what the heck is she talking about"? Page seven was not showing up for me, so all of the above posts were no where to be found. Now I think I'm caught up! Oh yeah I found a cute little cocktail dress, on sale, couldn't pass it up, so I bought it. Also got a new pair of slacks. I saved so much money, I'm embarrassed to tell you. What a deal I got and don't we all love a "deal?":cool:

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Earlier I forgot to comment on your father. I hope he is improving. Oh yeah stress can do lots of things to us, normally for me though I EAT! and then I GAIN! Sorry your father is not well and hope things look up for him and all your family soon.


Again not on this thread but two others, I'm not getting notifications. No idea what is going on so guess I'll just have to keep coming and looking a couple of times each day to see what is going on.:p

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For those of you who are wondering, " what the heck is she talking about"? Page seven was not showing up for me, so all of the above posts were no where to be found. Now I think I'm caught up! Oh yeah I found a cute little cocktail dress, on sale, couldn't pass it up, so I bought it. Also got a new pair of slacks. I saved so much money, I'm embarrassed to tell you. What a deal I got and don't we all love a "deal?":cool:

I just love those good deals. I also have found that the good deal buys become my favorites when I reach in my closet. I am still doing good, my PC is driving me crazy tho, but my dieting and exercising are still on track. Those fresh tomatoes and cucmbers are delightful and sure fill you up nicely at lunch with a little cottage cheese. I only was down last Thursday a half a pound, so weighed again Saturday and was down 3 lbs. go figure???? I weigh the same time of day, write down how much water drink the past 24 hrs. keep it the same but the scales sure frustrate me. And the measureing tape has not changed for two weeks. Oh well, I feel good and just won't give up losing the extra lbs. before the cruise in Oct. Ladies have a great week.Sandy

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I just love those good deals. I also have found that the good deal buys become my favorites when I reach in my closet. I am still doing good, my PC is driving me crazy tho, but my dieting and exercising are still on track. Those fresh tomatoes and cucmbers are delightful and sure fill you up nicely at lunch with a little cottage cheese. I only was down last Thursday a half a pound, so weighed again Saturday and was down 3 lbs. go figure???? I weigh the same time of day, write down how much water drink the past 24 hrs. keep it the same but the scales sure frustrate me. And the measureing tape has not changed for two weeks. Oh well, I feel good and just won't give up losing the extra lbs. before the cruise in Oct. Ladies have a great week.Sandy

Those darn scales can sure mess up our heads. Mine wasn't good today and I was good yesterday so I just shrugged it off. I would not let that stupid machine ruin my mood or my day!:eek:


Oh yeah I really got a deal. May as well fess up. The dress was a $60.00 dress, on sale for SIX DOLLARS! The slacks were $34.00 on sale for THREE DOLLARS and FORTY CENTS! I saved a little over $84!!! With my tax, I walked out of Kohl's just paying $10.06 for $94.00 worth of clothing! One happy shopper let me tell you. One other time, at Kohl's too, I got my hubby a gorgeous beige sport coat for $17.00 that was originally $200.00. I couldn't believe my luck that day;)


Keep on working on this gals, we can lose this weight! I know we can!

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When I said I couldn't wait for you all to see less of me I meant my weight/ "size" not my posts! Sorry I have been MIA. I had lost .2, lost.4 and then gained .6. Yep you got it right I gained what I lost.:( Then I really fell off and I will see how bad my bad behavior affected me tomorrow.


The worst part is...I gave my cousin a $250 check eight weeks ago and said I will lose 8 pounds a week or you can cash this check. That was 3 weeks ago! Now I have 5 weeks to lose 8 pounds! Ugh! I'm not gonna make it! I gotta do it and it starts tomorrow. It's a new day.


Congrats on your great sale welovetocruise. Those are always good days!


Sandy- I have to learn your tricks then I can be back on track!


Blambky- Maybe you and I can take advantage of the jogging track on board...especially if you are already up to 25 min.! Great job! Hey can you jog ahead of me holding some of the chocolate molten cake. It will keep me running! :)


Annie- So sorry to hear about your father.

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Okay, you talked me into it - I am going shopping at Kohl's. I have at least six items in my closet with tags on them, when I bought clothes slightly too small because I knew sooner or later I would lose some weight. Am I the only one who does that? I am down 9 pounds and my clothes are fitting differently; tonight I put two tops in the dryer that I used to hang to dry, hoping to shrink them slightly. Can't wait to lose enough to start stacking up a Goodwill pile.

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Okay, you talked me into it - I am going shopping at Kohl's. I have at least six items in my closet with tags on them, when I bought clothes slightly too small because I knew sooner or later I would lose some weight. Am I the only one who does that? I am down 9 pounds and my clothes are fitting differently; tonight I put two tops in the dryer that I used to hang to dry, hoping to shrink them slightly. Can't wait to lose enough to start stacking up a Goodwill pile.


I love a bargain! I also have things I buy still with tags on them but after so long, I just give them away to Goodwill! No I don't normally buy things too small, though I do have two pairs of jeans that fit that bill. Now I can wear both of them....thank heavens, I finally fit into them. They were okay to begin with just a little tight and then I gained more weight. Didn't like the looks of the numbers of the scales tonight, so think I'll give the scales a little rest and not weigh for a few days. I know I'm eating right and being careful, so the weight will come off eventually, I just have to be patient.


Happy shopping, I hope you find some real bargains!!!!;)

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The scale was good to me this a.m. Yes, from force of habit after I got up, I jumped on them. At least with my eyes half closed it seemed the scales have gone down again. Back to where I was a few days ago. No more popcorn for me (actually we are all out of it anyhow) and really going to have to toe the line here as we leave in under four weeks for our trip to Texas.;)


Hope you are all doing as good and that you have a good weekend. :) It can cool down just anytime now and I will be happy as there will be no excuse not to get outside and garden and to walk more.:o

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I've been known to buy thing, pack them for a cruise and, if I don't wear them, return them;)


Down a pant size! I'm in a stall at this point though, but that's ok. I'm holding steady!


Good luck this weekend everyone.

Annie, you are doing just great!!:D. I can still wear all my clothes though they are getting pretty darn loose and baggy.:eek:


I just hate to have to return anything so if I buy it, I keep it usually. I did just redo some cases I've been packing. Decided I did not need this one long dress and one long skirt, so took them out and rehung them in my closet. I do have two big suitcases that are going to weigh a ton! Also I've just hemmed two pair of jeans, one black and one white, that I had not been able to wear. They both now fit just fine! :cool:


I'm hanging in there, just 24 days to try and lose about 7 1/2 to 8 lbs. We took our usual morning walk and then went to town to an art show and also hit the farmers market, so walked right at two more hours today. That should help some.;)

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I took a different route on my walk last night, and underestimated the length of the road that circles my community. I usually walk thirty minutes, but last night I walked and walked and walked because I was so far from my home - sixty-three minutes! My hips, feet and thighs hurt until this afternoon, but the scale was down 1.2 pounds this a.m. I am out of town for the weekend and will skip tonight's walk without guilt.


I have a couple of items of clothing that I keep handy at the end of the closet rod so I can try them on every weekend. They are closer to fitting :)

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I took a different route on my walk last night, and underestimated the length of the road that circles my community. I usually walk thirty minutes, but last night I walked and walked and walked because I was so far from my home - sixty-three minutes! My hips, feet and thighs hurt until this afternoon, but the scale was down 1.2 pounds this a.m. I am out of town for the weekend and will skip tonight's walk without guilt.


I have a couple of items of clothing that I keep handy at the end of the closet rod so I can try them on every weekend. They are closer to fitting :)


All that walking is good, though not being sore:eek: We did our normal three laps around our cul de sac this a.m. Then we walked for almost two hours downtown at Artfest and the Farmer's Market! I am so glad my new jeans fit now, and also an older bathing suit I've not worn for eons! I plan to take all three on our trip this fall.

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Good job on the walking! I'm down another pound and did not expect it, as we went out for a pre-hurricane dinner last night and I had prime rib. That's the thing about the "Beach" diet though, you can have a good piece of meat! I had steamed broccoli and Caesar salad. I even had beer, which I haven't had while on the beach!


No walking outside for me today, the hurricane winds are winding down but it's still risky. Lots of branches and limbs are hanging around out there waiting to fall on somone :-(


Here's to a great week for all us losers!!!!

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I need advice, please. While we are on the Allure (in sixty-three days), I plan to eat what I want in moderation, take the stairs as much as possible, and get back to eating right the day we return. It is too special a vacation to pass up the things I find enjoyable. We just returned from our second weekend in a row out of town, and I stayed on the diet perfectly (just takes planning ahead). Next weekend, though, we are flying to Richmond for a family memorial service for my father, who died last month. We are staying in a hotel, but will be at an all-day picnic with twenty adults and eight children on Sunday. My dilemma - what should I do about eating while I am with other people? There will be pulled pork barbecue (made from tenderloin) and fresh vegetables from my sister's garden, which will be fine, but should I eat nothing else or make exceptions for my other sister's potato salad and my mother's dessert? I am enjoying losing weight and proud to be sticking to the diet, and I don't want to be discouraged when I return home. On the other hand, I am rarely together with my entire family, and a parent's memorial service (memorial picnic?) is a one-time-only event. What would you do?

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I need advice, please. While we are on the Allure (in sixty-three days), I plan to eat what I want in moderation, take the stairs as much as possible, and get back to eating right the day we return. It is too special a vacation to pass up the things I find enjoyable. We just returned from our second weekend in a row out of town, and I stayed on the diet perfectly (just takes planning ahead). Next weekend, though, we are flying to Richmond for a family memorial service for my father, who died last month. We are staying in a hotel, but will be at an all-day picnic with twenty adults and eight children on Sunday. My dilemma - what should I do about eating while I am with other people? There will be pulled pork barbecue (made from tenderloin) and fresh vegetables from my sister's garden, which will be fine, but should I eat nothing else or make exceptions for my other sister's potato salad and my mother's dessert? I am enjoying losing weight and proud to be sticking to the diet, and I don't want to be discouraged when I return home. On the other hand, I am rarely together with my entire family, and a parent's memorial service (memorial picnic?) is a one-time-only event. What would you do?


I would go to the picnic, eat the bbq, the vegetables...and just go easy on the potato salad and dessert. I do believe we have to live in the world and we are going to be tempted and as long as we eat a little of the things we know that are not good for us, I think we can manage. No one is saying we can't ever eat some of the things we love.:p So just do those things in moderation; that is my advice. Hope this helps you some.


Sorry about the passing of your father.

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Hello everyone! My name is Jamie im 23 years old and My family and I are planning a cruise on October 30th 2011 and I would love to drop at least 20lbs before then! I would have just about 2 months to drop that. So hopefully this message board helps me and inspires me to stay on track :D I would love to hear everyones struggles, success and tips!

<3 Jamie

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Hello everyone! My name is Jamie im 23 years old and My family and I are planning a cruise on October 30th 2011 and I would love to drop at least 20lbs before then! I would have just about 2 months to drop that. So hopefully this message board helps me and inspires me to stay on track :D I would love to hear everyones struggles' date=' success and tips![/color']


<3 Jamie


Welcome Jamie and I must say 20 lbs is a lot to hope to lose in just two months but I suppose anything is possible. What I've been trying to do is more a lifestyle change rather than a diet. ;) I've lost about 22 lbs in just four months but I'm truly trying to change my whole outlook on food. Some days I am not as good as I should be, for instance yesterday after church I made us waffles for brunch. I've not made them for eons and I knew my hubby would love them so I did it. Weighed this a.m. and the scales has not gone up (thankfully) but I know now today I am back on my true schedule and I will behave myself. We cruise in just two weeks less than you and my hope is that I can drop maybe 8 more lbs before we depart for Texas and an AF reunion in September. Good luck on your diet or whatever you are calling it. One other piece of advice if at the age of 23 you are having some weight issues, get it off now and keep it off. I had no weight problems at all when I was your age. Mine all came on around 40 and I've gone up and down ever since. :eek:


Again welcome and we all wish you a successful change in your life. Please tell us what your plan is, are you doing Weight Watchers, South Beach or whatever? You will find encouragement and motivation here.:)

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Hello everyone! My name is Jamie im 23 years old and My family and I are planning a cruise on October 30th 2011 and I would love to drop at least 20lbs before then! I would have just about 2 months to drop that. So hopefully this message board helps me and inspires me to stay on track :D I would love to hear everyones struggles' date=' success and tips![/color']

<3 Jamie

Jamie, take the time to study this site. We have all contributed some workable ways to stay on track. I agree with Babs, if your that young and fighting weight YOU MUST get a hold of it NOW. Find something so fun and interesting to do to keep your mind off the food. I get bored real easy so every day I do a different rountine, then switch it the following week. This includes, treadmill, health rider, airdyne bike. Then I have added kick boxing,Denise Austins pilattes, Yoga then walking 3-4 miles one day a week or more depending on the weather and what time of day my husband wants to walk. I only weigh once a week as it frustrates me when it don't reward my efforts, but I need to get some idea where I am at. I believe in Water, Fiber and excercise. Good luck Jamie stay with it. Sandy

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Jamie, please add me to the list of people who are encouraging you to take care of your weight problem now, and don't spend your life alternately gaining and losing like I have. I am 59 years old, and I can't tell you how many times I have lost the same extra pounds. You have a chance to lose the extra pounds, learn from it, and keep the weight off - go for it :D

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Jamie, please add me to the list of people who are encouraging you to take care of your weight problem now, and don't spend your life alternately gaining and losing like I have. I am 59 years old, and I can't tell you how many times I have lost the same extra pounds. You have a chance to lose the extra pounds, learn from it, and keep the weight off - go for it :D


Jamie, if you don't do anything other than listen to what some of your elders are telling you, please take heed. It really is important that you get it right and get it straight now!:confused: Find out something you feel you can live with, go for it and don't just "diet", change your whole outlook on food and how it affects you. Seriously now is the time to make the change.

Good luck!!!!! from all of us!!!!!;)

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My DW and I are sailing for 11 days at the end of October. I need to lose quite a bit of weight. Luckily, we just started the biggest loser here at my office, so there is hope. The first time we did it, I won by losing 30 lbs in 2 months. I need to do that again. How I did it last time was to do 100 sit-ups everyday, cut most sugar and bread from my diet, and watch my portion size and content. It was difficult at first. Especially since I drank a lot of sodas daily. Once I started losing weight, it made it easy to keep going. I did plateau after about a month and had to tweak a few things to keep the momentum, but it did work. I went from eating hamburgers, pizza and Mexican food to eating salads at almost every meal. 30 lbs in 2 months is only 1/2 a lb. a day, on average, so it really isn't an unreachable goal. My goal this time is to loose 35 lbs in 52 days. That's a 0.65 per day goal. One last thing...I plan to drink 8 16oz. glasses of water every day. That will probably do as much to help me lose weight as anything.

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My DW and I are sailing for 11 days at the end of October. I need to lose quite a bit of weight. Luckily, we just started the biggest loser here at my office, so there is hope. The first time we did it, I won by losing 30 lbs in 2 months. I need to do that again. How I did it last time was to do 100 sit-ups everyday, cut most sugar and bread from my diet, and watch my portion size and content. It was difficult at first. Especially since I drank a lot of sodas daily. Once I started losing weight, it made it easy to keep going. I did plateau after about a month and had to tweak a few things to keep the momentum, but it did work. I went from eating hamburgers, pizza and Mexican food to eating salads at almost every meal. 30 lbs in 2 months is only 1/2 a lb. a day, on average, so it really isn't an unreachable goal. My goal this time is to loose 35 lbs in 52 days. That's a 0.65 per day goal. One last thing...I plan to drink 8 16oz. glasses of water every day. That will probably do as much to help me lose weight as anything.


Welcome to our group. You should be our motivator with goals like you have!!!;) Half a pound a day is phenomenal I think. I guess I need to drink more water but I already drink a lot. You say 8 16 oz glasses though and that is a LOT! Please sign in and post often, you just might be what the rest of us have needed! Good luck with your goals!:)

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