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My experience on the freedom was the hot tubs were not salt water. They had 3 “family” hot tubs, 2 21+ on the serenity deck and 2 adults only in the aft pool area. The hot tubs are not very hot, but are warmer than the swimming pools which are not heated at all. This means that the “family” hot tubs were often used as heated kiddie pools. The serenity hot tubs were usually full of partying twenty-somethings. The Aft pool and hot tubs is where I spent the majority of my on-board time.


I only had one bad child related experience the entire week, and it was in the Lido hot tub – so I know that I could have moved to the adult area at any time. I joined my husband in the Lido area, where he was enjoying the music with new friends. I went into one of the hot tubs where there were 4 adults, and two children 5-6 yo girl, who were not with any of the soaking adults. The Kids were jumping (cannonballs) and splashing and annoying the adults. After I explained to them that this wasn’t a swimming pool, the boy left but the little girl seemed to enjoy annoying the adults. When I again told her that her behavior belonged in the swimming pool, not the hot tub, she mocked me “this is not a swimming pool” and then splashed water in my face. In my calm but scary “don’t F with me” voice, I invited her to “Do that again. Go ahead. Splash me one more time.” She thought about it for about 10 seconds, then left. I saw her later that evening with a woman I assumed was her mother, who gave me a very nasty look.


Again, I know that I could have left for the Adults only area to avoid this annoyance. But the bigger issue to me was, who lets a little 5 year old girl, unsupervised, into a hot tub full of strangers (many of whom were drinking)?

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I have 3 teen daughters and I agree that little kids doing cannonballs in the hottubs is ridiculous. We have a hottub home and my kids never showed much interest in it. on all our past AI vacations I never allowed then in either because of age restrictions or because they looked like giant petri dishes or had a bunch of unsavory looking characters in them. on the 2 cruises we have been on I always noticed the lido tubs were full of kids . I got in one while the hairy chest contest was going on. It gave me a good vantage point but too many unruly kids. One lady said something and told them to go in the pool if they wanted to jump and they all scattered :)


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I have to say , having a pool and a hot tub of my own. I just get creeped out at the thought of all those strangers in those small (by comparison) pools and hot tubs on cruise ships.



Especially with all those kids (and some adults I am sure ) in them all day long.


When my kids were little and them and their friends would spend the day in and out of them. I wouldn't go in until I drained and sanitized the hot tub and added a good dose of HTH in the pool.



Last trip DW and I went on I know my DS and his GF spent a lot of time in that Hot Tub.


I would sooner swim in The Grotto at the Playboy mansion as go in there until it was cleaned out. And those are people I know .


Just never can get myself to go in them while on a cruise.

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Kids don't work....they don't need a vacation. I don't know many 12-13 year old boys that would sit still in a hot tub.


My 13 yr old works. Not only does he do a lot of house chores (lawn, garbage, his own laundry, dishes and he helps cook if I ask him to), he also works 15 hours a week outside the home at his Great Grandmother's store. Based on everything he does, he is expecting to have made saved over $1000 for vacation after he has bought his new toys to take on vacation, which include a new underwater digital camera. He loves hot tubs. He just sits there and relaxes.


On top of that, he attends cyber school for his schooling. It is run just like an online college, he has dead lines he has to meet and make sure he gets his work turned in on time and all this with limited teacher support. He does more than a lot of college students do.. but because they are over 21 they get to act like jerks? :confused:


I won't say my kids are angels, they are far from it when they are together! Separate you wouldn't even know they are around though. They also know there are things I would let them get away with in the house, that would NOT fly in public. I tell my son some of these "horror" stories of kids on cruises, and he asks me "Where were their parents?!"


I will not be totally policing my 13 yr old on our upcoming December cruise. I know he will be better behaved than most of the college age "adults". I also know that he will make the "right" decisions on who he spends time with. One of his better friends was arrested for shop lifting this year. He made the decision himself, that he didn't need friends like that around him. He would be the first one to come find me if he thinks anyone, child or ADULT is doing something that would endanger someone's health.


Not all kids are like this, I more than understand that. There are A LOT of bad apples out there. But there are also a lot of good kids and parents that do care out there. I am just sick of seeing how kids are all lumped into this horrible category, when there are adults who act worse than a lot of kids, but it's okay.. cause they are over 21!!

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And at my kids' ages...their idea of a vacation is sitting at home with electronics and junk food...with no homework or bedtime...with no parents bugging them...with a friend over. They'd take that over a week on a cruise with their folks.


I don't know how old your children are, but that is sad.....

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No way would I allow my daughter sit in a nasty germy hot tub.


I was once in the solarium and saw a three or four year old snorkeling in the hot tub while his grandma watched. I could tell that all the adults were annoyed so I just asked the server why a child was snorkeling in an adult only tub. He did tell the grandma that he was not allowed in that area and they left.


It would be nice if cruislines offer more adult venues.

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I totally agree! My parents would never allow us to act up in public and I certainly monitor my kids - 10 & 6. We are taking them on their first cruise next May and I guarantee no one will be wondering why my kids are hanging out in the hot tub or jumping into the pool. Here's a good one - cruise last October I notice a 2 year old boy trying to walk across that wooden "bench" that goes across the pool and his mother slept in a lounge chair with an empty glass between her legs. He almost fell a few times and other people that were alot closer than me just watched. I went and told security and he told me to "go wake her up." I was amazed that this was OK with security let alone all of the other passengers!


What? Your kids can't jump into the pool? That is ridiculous. There are all kinds of adults only resorts. I recommend the stick in the muds go to those. No jumping in the pool???? I'm going to find those sticks in the muds and cannonball them myself!

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My 13 yr old works. Not only does he do a lot of house chores (lawn, garbage, his own laundry, dishes and he helps cook if I ask him to), he also works 15 hours a week outside the home at his Great Grandmother's store. Based on everything he does, he is expecting to have made saved over $1000 for vacation after he has bought his new toys to take on vacation, which include a new underwater digital camera. He loves hot tubs. He just sits there and relaxes.


On top of that, he attends cyber school for his schooling. It is run just like an online college, he has dead lines he has to meet and make sure he gets his work turned in on time and all this with limited teacher support. He does more than a lot of college students do.. but because they are over 21 they get to act like jerks? :confused:


I won't say my kids are angels, they are far from it when they are together! Separate you wouldn't even know they are around though. They also know there are things I would let them get away with in the house, that would NOT fly in public. I tell my son some of these "horror" stories of kids on cruises, and he asks me "Where were their parents?!"


I will not be totally policing my 13 yr old on our upcoming December cruise. I know he will be better behaved than most of the college age "adults". I also know that he will make the "right" decisions on who he spends time with. One of his better friends was arrested for shop lifting this year. He made the decision himself, that he didn't need friends like that around him. He would be the first one to come find me if he thinks anyone, child or ADULT is doing something that would endanger someone's health.


Not all kids are like this, I more than understand that. There are A LOT of bad apples out there. But there are also a lot of good kids and parents that do care out there. I am just sick of seeing how kids are all lumped into this horrible category, when there are adults who act worse than a lot of kids, but it's okay.. cause they are over 21!!


Hey it is great taht you can trust him, I do feel however that you may be putting a little to much trust in him. No child is perfect nor will they always make the right decisions. Your child seems mature be he is still a child and a Cruise is a small floating city. I certainly policed my children at that age even though they were little angels. ;)

The post is in regards to the little darlings not 21 year olds. At 21 you are respobsible for yourself and still growing up.

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To me children in the hot tubs is a question if they behave it is more of a concern if the child has an accident while in the hot tub, one of the post said the water is chlorinated but I've been on 28 cruises and I have never seen any testing to insure the proper concentration of chlorine is mantained according to CDC regulations. I think that is the reason children are not allowed in the hot tubs, if there is an minium age reguirement I do not know. What do you think?



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None of the people whose children misbehave post on Cruise Critic. Everyone here parents children with halos. :D


Hey I resent this statement,all 3 of my kids are GREAT and would NEVER do anything wrong, even if I am not there :D JK..Will I let my kids in the hot tub with me..of course if there is room. Will my kids act like crazy animals....maybe...but I can assure you if they do, they will be taken to the room right away and given a good old fashion spanking :eek:! This being said, my kids are still young so will not be anywhere by themselves unless at camp. I just don't understand some parent's today with the whole I'm on vacation mentality...yes you are on vacation from home, work, etc..but as a parent you NEVER get vacation from that!


Edited: Is there an age limit on the hot tubs, I honestly don't know this and would like for someone to let me know because if there is my kids won't be in there no matter how they act.

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You realize the pool is the size of a postage stamp, right? Not much room to jump without jumping on top of someone.


I love your comparison...call me a crazy parent but even at the water parks I don't allow my kids to "splash their hands" because some people don't want to be splashed. I may be going over board for this BUT I want my kids to be considerate of other people and realize they can't always do what the "want" if it bothers other people. When they are in our pool they can splash each other all they want but when in public places they have to be considerate of others. As for jumping off the sides of the pool it shouldn't be allowed in a pool the size of these ship pools anyway. If they want a "fall" go down a slide where it is meant to be. JMO

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I totally agree! My parents would never allow us to act up in public and I certainly monitor my kids - 10 & 6. We are taking them on their first cruise next May and I guarantee no one will be wondering why my kids are hanging out in the hot tub or jumping into the pool. Here's a good one - cruise last October I notice a 2 year old boy trying to walk across that wooden "bench" that goes across the pool and his mother slept in a lounge chair with an empty glass between her legs. He almost fell a few times and other people that were alot closer than me just watched. I went and told security and he told me to "go wake her up." I was amazed that this was OK with security let alone all of the other passengers!


When my son was very little...I was the "always there" parent. I learned very fast that others just assumed I would keep an eye on their kids too. Unfortunately for them I didn't agree. I felt ..."their child...their responsibility" and I was not going to enable. I would have been one of the watchers.


The only way a mother like this might learn is if security took the child "to the office" for his own safety.

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I love your comparison...call me a crazy parent but even at the water parks I don't allow my kids to "splash their hands" because some people don't want to be splashed. I may be going over board for this BUT I want my kids to be considerate of other people and realize they can't always do what the "want" if it bothers other people. When they are in our pool they can splash each other all they want but when in public places they have to be considerate of others. As for jumping off the sides of the pool it shouldn't be allowed in a pool the size of these ship pools anyway. If they want a "fall" go down a slide where it is meant to be. JMO

I agree - those pools are too small and too crowded for jumping and splashing! The slides are so much fun, that's where my kids (teens) like to spend their time. They have been in the hot tubs, where we did not see any sign about age limits, but at their ages, they like to lounge, not horse around in them.

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Yep, I've been a victim of the snorkeling rug rat. I couldn't believe mom was not only letting the girl do it, but encouraging her. The hot tub was full of adults of all ages and this mom and kid crowded their way in and THEN mom put the kid's flippers on. The adults were all drinking and trying to ignore it because I think we were all kind of stunned.


Several people were subtly trying to make a point to mother by making little comments and she ignored it. Finally, I got kicked in the stomach with a flipper and I'd had just about enough. I cut loose like a sailor- not at anyone in particular, just because it hurt! The kid's head was underwater and she didn't catch a word of it. Mom got all offended by my vulgar language and made a big fuss and pulled the kid out of the hot tub.


I got several free drinks from the other grown ups in the hot tub after they left.

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A tiny bit off topic but a few years back there was a thread going about "What's the grossest thing you every saw on a cruise" and 99% of the replies had to do with hot tubs. There were some definate YUCK factors in that thread. If you can find it, and read it, believe me, you won't let your kids in them for a second. I remember distincly, one of them dealt with a couple sitting in the hot tub and the female was "popping" the pimples on the guys back. OMG!!! YUCK. Do your kids a favor...unless you have a RX for antibiodics with you, keep them out of the hot tubs!

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In my experience, the loudest and most obnoxious people on cruises are drunken adults that have forgotten all form of good manners and are running around with big bellies hanging out, belching, yelling, smoking, having hairy chest contests, you name it... Sorry to be so blunt and YES, of course if a parent lets a child into the hot tub they need to be supervised and should behave appropriately, but I wonder why we are always so quick to judge children while the grown ups are left to behave like animals. I am sorry to sound so critical, but I've been amazed by the constant hammering that parents/kids get on this site. And the parents seem to do this to each other, which makes it even more discouraging. Life is too short...:(

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We have a hot tub and I never allow my kids in it for the health reasons that have been posted by other posters. Ask your kid's doctor about hot tub use for children if you wish. My kids thus, also don't use cruise ship hot tubs. But it's other peoples right to make a choice to have their kids in the hot tub if CCL allows it. Their kids are fare paying cruisers and have the same equal rights as any other cruiser.

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We have a hot tub and I never allow my kids in it for the health reasons that have been posted by other posters. Ask your kid's doctor about hot tub use for children if you wish. My kids thus, also don't use cruise ship hot tubs. But it's other peoples right to make a choice to have their kids in the hot tub if CCL allows it. Their kids are fare paying cruisers and have the same equal rights as any other cruiser.


No, they do not have equal rights because they are children. Then cannot drink, gamble and are restricted from certain areas. As a parent, I realized that and kept my daughter out of places that she has no business being at.

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I think the problem (one of the problems?) lies with the way parents think 'these days'....they don't want things ruined for their kid, they want the perfect Disney princess experience/seat/photo op for their child....it is their vacation, by golly. Consideration-bah. It is the Me generation. And by proxy, they want to have everything their way for their kids.


IF it is against the rules I would absolutely 100% not allow my kids in the hot tub. Never. I am a serious rule follower. I have anxiety about whether I have accidentally forgotten to put my 3 oz of lotion/shampoo into a properly sized plastic baggie when I fly. I know. There are drugs. I should take them. Often. ;)


ANYWAY....I believe the hot tub issue is just a symptom of a larger disease of the "I want what I want when I want it and you can't tell me no because I paid for this darned cruise/vacation/etc"....


(And I am 34 and part of this generation by chronology). I am not raising my kids this way. I am also a strict "Don't splash in the pool if there are others around" person. My kids say yes ma'am and no ma'am. My son can be ABSOFREAKINGLUTELY rotten -- and when he is...he is disciplined promptly and effectively. THAT is another pet peeve (b/c you got me started). On vacation...at home...in a restaurant....if your child is acting up (and they will) DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Correct them. Fix it. Don't let it fester. If you keep letting them backtalk you...they will think it is acceptable and you are endorsing it.


I am nervous about my first cruise with kids. But I can tell you one thing -- even when it sucks b/c I am very comfy in my lounge chair or whatever, if my child is in need of a time out or retreat to the room, or whatever...it will happen and it will happen immediately. My husband and I are mean mean mean 'old school' in that regard. And I'm pretty good at 'the look' so I wouldn't be shy about eyeballing another kid acting out in the hot tub if mom/dad seems to have 'checked out' (which again, is where I lay blame. It isn't the kid's fault. It is the parent that has failed, IMHO. Kids need boundaries. Give them to them. And for those who will flame me and say "My child has X or Y issue" or whatever...well, then...make alternate arrangements. If your child has oppositional defiance disorder or something akin to it, maybe taking them on a week long cruise isn't the best idea.....


Which leads me back to my original point about "deserving" to cruise? What? I'm not knocking the hard working teenager -- kudos to him and to others like him. But "deserving" to cruise? Cruising is a privilege not a right, right? I guess "deserve" just sounds too close to "entitled" to me, and it goes back to what I feel some parents feel with regard to their kids. They want them first in the batting order, they redshirt them for kindergarten so they will have an edge....I'm not talking about ALL parents here, but boy let me say I run into SO many of them at child-related functions.


I fear I have digressed totally.


Um...where was I? Kids these days.....need their parents to Parent.


Whew. I need a drink!

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I don't think there is any general "kid" bashing that goes on here. Just people bashing poorly behaved kids or parents. Lots of folks don't like kids without boundaries (many of them parents) and some parents simply don't believe children should have boundaries.


I don't think most people really blame the kids themselves when it is an inattentive parent and the kid is running wild. Most of us believe it is the parents' fault. No reason to pretend we like it or just let wild kids run all over us though.


In the end, it doesn't matter who we blame, no one should have to put up with a kid that is breaking rules. A kid in a hot tub where kids are allowed... well us adults have to enter at our own risk. A kid snorkeling in an adults only hot tub... nope... don't have to put up with that and won't.

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