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We have a hot tub and I never allow my kids in it for the health reasons that have been posted by other posters. Ask your kid's doctor about hot tub use for children if you wish. My kids thus, also don't use cruise ship hot tubs. But it's other peoples right to make a choice to have their kids in the hot tub if CCL allows it. Their kids are fare paying cruisers and have the same equal rights as any other cruiser.


We also have a hot tub and do not allow our kids in there for more than 10 mins. It is not healthy for younger kids at all and we have seen many kids just soaking in them for hours. Not good. BTW the hot hubs are fresh water not salt.

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I still don't understand why Carnival security doesn't handle boorish behavior. You go into a mall and security is all over kids who are behaving badly. How can security just watch kids running through halls, throwing things, rough housing, etc?


i mean, they don't have to be jerks about it, but just a little "Hey, slow down" would go a long way (i would hope).

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I think the problem (one of the problems?) lies with the way parents think 'these days'....they don't want things ruined for their kid, they want the perfect Disney princess experience/seat/photo op for their child....it is their vacation, by golly. Consideration-bah. It is the Me generation. And by proxy, they want to have everything their way for their kids.


IF it is against the rules I would absolutely 100% not allow my kids in the hot tub. Never. I am a serious rule follower. I have anxiety about whether I have accidentally forgotten to put my 3 oz of lotion/shampoo into a properly sized plastic baggie when I fly. I know. There are drugs. I should take them. Often. ;)


ANYWAY....I believe the hot tub issue is just a symptom of a larger disease of the "I want what I want when I want it and you can't tell me no because I paid for this darned cruise/vacation/etc"....


(And I am 34 and part of this generation by chronology). I am not raising my kids this way. I am also a strict "Don't splash in the pool if there are others around" person. My kids say yes ma'am and no ma'am. My son can be ABSOFREAKINGLUTELY rotten -- and when he is...he is disciplined promptly and effectively. THAT is another pet peeve (b/c you got me started). On vacation...at home...in a restaurant....if your child is acting up (and they will) DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Correct them. Fix it. Don't let it fester. If you keep letting them backtalk you...they will think it is acceptable and you are endorsing it.


I am nervous about my first cruise with kids. But I can tell you one thing -- even when it sucks b/c I am very comfy in my lounge chair or whatever, if my child is in need of a time out or retreat to the room, or whatever...it will happen and it will happen immediately. My husband and I are mean mean mean 'old school' in that regard. And I'm pretty good at 'the look' so I wouldn't be shy about eyeballing another kid acting out in the hot tub if mom/dad seems to have 'checked out' (which again, is where I lay blame. It isn't the kid's fault. It is the parent that has failed, IMHO. Kids need boundaries. Give them to them. And for those who will flame me and say "My child has X or Y issue" or whatever...well, then...make alternate arrangements. If your child has oppositional defiance disorder or something akin to it, maybe taking them on a week long cruise isn't the best idea.....


Which leads me back to my original point about "deserving" to cruise? What? I'm not knocking the hard working teenager -- kudos to him and to others like him. But "deserving" to cruise? Cruising is a privilege not a right, right? I guess "deserve" just sounds too close to "entitled" to me, and it goes back to what I feel some parents feel with regard to their kids. They want them first in the batting order, they redshirt them for kindergarten so they will have an edge....I'm not talking about ALL parents here, but boy let me say I run into SO many of them at child-related functions.


I fear I have digressed totally.


Um...where was I? Kids these days.....need their parents to Parent.


Whew. I need a drink!


I just have to say 'amen.' I don't often post around here, but your post was spot on perfection. You sound like what a parent is supposed to be and I would have no problem cruising with you and your little ones on board. :) Hope your upcoming cruise is a great one! Now go get that drink. :D

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I totally agree! My parents would never allow us to act up in public and I certainly monitor my kids - 10 & 6. We are taking them on their first cruise next May and I guarantee no one will be wondering why my kids are hanging out in the hot tub or jumping into the pool. Here's a good one - cruise last October I notice a 2 year old boy trying to walk across that wooden "bench" that goes across the pool and his mother slept in a lounge chair with an empty glass between her legs. He almost fell a few times and other people that were alot closer than me just watched. I went and told security and he told me to "go wake her up." I was amazed that this was OK with security let alone all of the other passengers!



When my son was very little...I was the "always there" parent. I learned very fast that others just assumed I would keep an eye on their kids too. Unfortunately for them I didn't agree. I felt ..."their child...their responsibility" and I was not going to enable. I would have been one of the watchers.


The only way a mother like this might learn is if security took the child "to the office" for his own safety.


I'm sorry, I'm not going to "just watch" while a 2 year old is on the verge of hurting him/herself and the fact that everyone "just watched" disturbs me. What purpose does that serve? Teaching the mother a lesson at the kid's expense?


I would at least took the kid to his mother's chair (had I known who she was) and woke her butt up. If I didn't know who she was, I bring him to security as a "lost child".

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It is because of the horrible parents that raise children that are more horrible than they are, that grow up to be even worse parents raising horrible children that I now HATE children. CAnnot stand the sight of them....because I know they will run amok and create hell for all those around. Children should be seen, and never heard. Children should be disciplined and made to adhere to guidelines of acceptable behavior. LAst Thanksgiving onboard the CONQUEST the kids ran around so much, made so much noise, ran down the halls knocking on doors, riding the elevators punching every button-not letting anyone on, making the pools impossible to relax at, putting their hands IN the food on the buffet lines, and more.....CHILDREN DO NOT BELONG IN ADULT SITUATIONS.

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my daughter was 5 and a half on our last cruise, a TA to Europe. she did go in hot tubs, but only if no other adult was in it. if it was in use, we did not allow her to go in.


we also limited the time she was in the tub. now that said, a TA is not filled with kids, she was one of 7 in her age group, so not really a mad house of kids regardless.


RCL (which was the cruise we were on) had adult hot tubs, where not children are allowed.


this will be our first cruise with Carnival, do they not have this option?

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I feel as though the hot tubs are really intended for adult use. Most gyms that I've gone to have signs that clearly state age restrictions. And to be entirely honest, I really would not have a problem with children in the hot tubs PROVIDED they could actually behave appropriately. If children can sit in the hot tub respectful of others without horseplaying and jumping in, I'd be fine with it. Realistically, anyone who has ever cruised has seen the kids jumping around the hot tub area recklessly...that type of behavior is something I do not approve of whether they are on vacation or not...parents need to teach them to enjoy themselves while also being respectful of others.


yes but gyms are not really for kids are they? its not like you are going to have a 7 year old lift weights...

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yes but gyms are not really for kids are they? its not like you are going to have a 7 year old lift weights...


True but I guess I'm referencing our local YMCA, where there a ton of kids doing various activities. They do not allow kids in the hot tub.

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It is because of the horrible parents that raise children that are more horrible than they are, that grow up to be even worse parents raising horrible children that I now HATE children. CAnnot stand the sight of them....because I know they will run amok and create hell for all those around. Children should be seen, and never heard. Children should be disciplined and made to adhere to guidelines of acceptable behavior. LAst Thanksgiving onboard the CONQUEST the kids ran around so much, made so much noise, ran down the halls knocking on doors, riding the elevators punching every button-not letting anyone on, making the pools impossible to relax at, putting their hands IN the food on the buffet lines, and more.....CHILDREN DO NOT BELONG IN ADULT SITUATIONS.



I stand corrected. There is some kid bashing going on.:D Oh well, every opinion is valid as exactly that, an opinion. I don't think most of us hate children (I'm prepared to be wrong again-) but just want to not be overrun by kids acting like idiots. I've got no problem with kids laughing, splashing goofing around, playing games... I don't buy the "seen but not heard" thing. I mean... that's fine in a workplace or adult venue, but a cruise on Carnival is a family venue and kids are cool until they go bonkers and try to run adults out. Then I have to pull out the evil mother glare and give them a good look at it.


Funny, but it is fairly easy to tell kids that are taught well but acting out, because they will respond to the mother death ray look, even if it comes from a total stranger. Kids that aren't taught manners at home don't even notice it.

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No, they do not have equal rights because they are children. Then cannot drink, gamble and are restricted from certain areas. As a parent, I realized that and kept my daughter out of places that she has no business being at.


Thats just silly if they were free you might have a point. We pay the same price as you do for them. We are all restricted from certain areas so that point is out.

The ship might be a better trip if some of the adults didnt drink. I will parent my kids and if they act out it will be dealt with.

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It is because of the horrible parents that raise children that are more horrible than they are, that grow up to be even worse parents raising horrible children that I now HATE children. CAnnot stand the sight of them....because I know they will run amok and create hell for all those around. Children should be seen, and never heard. Children should be disciplined and made to adhere to guidelines of acceptable behavior. LAst Thanksgiving onboard the CONQUEST the kids ran around so much, made so much noise, ran down the halls knocking on doors, riding the elevators punching every button-not letting anyone on, making the pools impossible to relax at, putting their hands IN the food on the buffet lines, and more.....CHILDREN DO NOT BELONG IN ADULT SITUATIONS.


Wow lol anger issues?:eek:

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There is nothing wrong with the kids in the hot tubs. I don't understand why some try to make it a mature adult activity.

We let our kids use them because they can and we let them. If they bother you for no other reason than being kids, oh well..


It never was a big deal till someone here created it..

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Hot tubs are salt water, filtered sea water, same as the pools. Used to be fresh water but that was several years ago.


Your wrong,at least on the Dream,Legend etc.They are fresh water,but who cares.We were on the Dream last Feb 20th.That was presidents week off from school.There were 1300 kids on board.We are old farts,and kids can get on our last nerve,but I have to say there we only about 20 kids that caused problems.Thats not to bad.These were tweenies and not younger children.The worst was not the fresh water hot tubes,but the elevators.we found a way around that too.They love the glass elevators,so we didn't use them.We had kids at the next table in the MDR.They had nice parents and there were no problems.The year before last we were on the Dream again on the same cruise.Go figure,this cruise had way less kids and was not near as crowded.We wondered about last Feb---The North had an awful winter and maybe families were just trying to get a break.One last thought--yep,I notice that the hot tubes will have people in them socializing with other people for hours, and no one seems to need a bath room break.Good bladder control I guess? Then again rest rooms on the Dream tend to be hard to find.

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I did not start this thread as an anti-children post. I absolutely adore my children. Kids are kids and they are going to act a certain way...I get it and I deal with it on a daily basis....I'm not saying your kids should not have fun on their vacation and I'm not singling out anyone specific person's children....


My issue is with the parents who believe their kids can do no wrong and allow them to act like children do without trying to teach them respect for others and enforce positive behavior...


with that said, as posted above, I'm insanely excited about our cruise and am excited for DW's first experience....I'll enjoy it no matter what...I just have a problem with parents not actually parenting whether it's on a cruise ship or in society in general....children seem to lack respect, consideration, manners and discipline these days....and this is coming from someone in their 30's.


Totally agree with you. I also am in my 30's and the decline in parenting from when i was a kid and now is alarming. I would have never done some of the things I've seen and heard that kids are doing on vacation or not.. If you act up and no one corrects that behavior(i.e parents) why would you stop or change. I don't have a problem with kids as long as they conduct themselves appropriately. Kids will be kids and play,but when their play effect other people then its a problem. Like one of my friends said, "your kids are only cute to you".:rolleyes:

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I have sailed with my son twice now. I might've stretched the truth a B-I-T about the brig, being put off the ship in Mexico and what could happen in a Mexican jail, and that he would in fact, pay for everything it cost me to get us home, should that happen. Needless to say, I got compliments all week from people who had seen him out and about on deck about what a "nice and polite young man he was." Now, my son has been raised in the south, is very polite, and does say yes ma'am and no sir. He better. But I am also realistic enough to know that, given the opportunity, there could be cause for misadventure. He is well mannered and polite, but not perfect. Thus, the perhaps embellished information about what could happen should be misbehave and security have to bring him to me as a result.


While out of sight, he was never out of contact as we carry walkie-talkies. I required him to check in every hour. And he did. A few times I actually went to where he said he was just to be sure we were on the same page, and always found him where he reported to be. He's a good kid mostly, and I trust him (mostly) to do the right thing. But I am also realistic enough to know that peer pressure can make some people do stupid things. He made a few friends while on board and made sure to bring them by to introduce me. But again, I know he is not perfect so he went into his first cruise with the certainty that being in a Mexican jail was not going to be a Carnival vacation ;)


He was 12 on his first cruise. Fourteen when we sailed in April and will be 15 when we sail again next spring. So far, so good :)

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My wife and I just got back from a CCL cruise that was over run with unruly kids. The kids tied up the glass elevators so much that we gave up and took the stairs.


Sorry to say but here is when I would have turn into B**ch mode. I would have personally taken them to their parent's and if they refused to show me to their parents we would have headed to security with them. I would also expect others to do the same to my children if they saw them acting like crazy people. So if any of you are reading this and are sailing in October be aware I will bring your kids to you if you are not with them or you can pick them up at security :D. I think they need a "naughty room" and announce for parent's over the speakers to come "pick up your child from the naughty room".

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I think the problem (one of the problems?) lies with the way parents think 'these days'....they don't want things ruined for their kid, they want the perfect Disney princess experience/seat/photo op for their child....it is their vacation, by golly. Consideration-bah. It is the Me generation. And by proxy, they want to have everything their way for their kids.


IF it is against the rules I would absolutely 100% not allow my kids in the hot tub. Never. I am a serious rule follower. I have anxiety about whether I have accidentally forgotten to put my 3 oz of lotion/shampoo into a properly sized plastic baggie when I fly. I know. There are drugs. I should take them. Often. ;)


ANYWAY....I believe the hot tub issue is just a symptom of a larger disease of the "I want what I want when I want it and you can't tell me no because I paid for this darned cruise/vacation/etc"....


(And I am 34 and part of this generation by chronology). I am not raising my kids this way. I am also a strict "Don't splash in the pool if there are others around" person. My kids say yes ma'am and no ma'am. My son can be ABSOFREAKINGLUTELY rotten -- and when he is...he is disciplined promptly and effectively. THAT is another pet peeve (b/c you got me started). On vacation...at home...in a restaurant....if your child is acting up (and they will) DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Correct them. Fix it. Don't let it fester. If you keep letting them backtalk you...they will think it is acceptable and you are endorsing it.


I am nervous about my first cruise with kids. But I can tell you one thing -- even when it sucks b/c I am very comfy in my lounge chair or whatever, if my child is in need of a time out or retreat to the room, or whatever...it will happen and it will happen immediately. My husband and I are mean mean mean 'old school' in that regard. And I'm pretty good at 'the look' so I wouldn't be shy about eyeballing another kid acting out in the hot tub if mom/dad seems to have 'checked out' (which again, is where I lay blame. It isn't the kid's fault. It is the parent that has failed, IMHO. Kids need boundaries. Give them to them. And for those who will flame me and say "My child has X or Y issue" or whatever...well, then...make alternate arrangements. If your child has oppositional defiance disorder or something akin to it, maybe taking them on a week long cruise isn't the best idea.....


Which leads me back to my original point about "deserving" to cruise? What? I'm not knocking the hard working teenager -- kudos to him and to others like him. But "deserving" to cruise? Cruising is a privilege not a right, right? I guess "deserve" just sounds too close to "entitled" to me, and it goes back to what I feel some parents feel with regard to their kids. They want them first in the batting order, they redshirt them for kindergarten so they will have an edge....I'm not talking about ALL parents here, but boy let me say I run into SO many of them at child-related functions.


I fear I have digressed totally.


Um...where was I? Kids these days.....need their parents to Parent.


Whew. I need a drink!



I wish you could give lessons!! I think you are my hero:D

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