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Child Control


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Any unruly unattended children around me will be given a triple espresso.


I like it.


Is that something like giving the gift of a drum or a horn to the hyperactive child of one of your "friends"? Nothing like giving back and paying it forward, whatever the catch phrase is these days!



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... I'm not sure which cruise we're going to book next summer, but to the passengers of whichever CC cruise we book...I can assure you all that there will be at least three children ages 3, 9 & 11 that you will not have to worry about misbehaving....


LOL, this is a great thread - right up there with the "balcony misadventures" thread.


If I had kids and they were on the same cruise as yours, mine would be sitting right next to yours - and also behaving. :cool:


Certainly important to give kids boundaries and to monitor them well no matter how "angelic" they might be. Visited my best friends back home earlier in the year and their two elder kids knew me well as I spent a great deal of time with them when they were younger and I lived in the same gated community as their parents - so they knew the rules that the god-father applied. Needless to say I go back this year to visit and the new (3 year old) "baby" does not know this "godfather" and he is dancing on the staircase refusing to go have a bath at 9pm at night. Making it more of an irritation to his parents (ok, and me too) is that the maid has been on shift since 7am, and she needs to bath him before she goes off for the night. I stood at the bottom of the staircase and clearly gave him "The Count of 3". When that did not work on him, he made the fatal error to step down into my reach. Needless to say he got a spank to the rear and tears flowed, followed by screams of "I hate you Uncle ....". He did go up and bath very quickly after that.


Best part - he comes to me the next day and says to me "I love you Uncle ....", and gives me a big hug. We never had a repeat of that staircase dance for the rest of the week. And he even behaved well on a 6 hour drive to the coast when I offered to drop them at their aunty's house down at the coast - which they all apparently enjoyed rather than having to stay at home for their school holidays.

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I think the problem (one of the problems?) lies with the way parents think 'these days'....they don't want things ruined for their kid, they want the perfect Disney princess experience/seat/photo op for their child....it is their vacation, by golly. Consideration-bah. It is the Me generation. And by proxy, they want to have everything their way for their kids.


IF it is against the rules I would absolutely 100% not allow my kids in the hot tub. Never. I am a serious rule follower. I have anxiety about whether I have accidentally forgotten to put my 3 oz of lotion/shampoo into a properly sized plastic baggie when I fly. I know. There are drugs. I should take them. Often. ;)


ANYWAY....I believe the hot tub issue is just a symptom of a larger disease of the "I want what I want when I want it and you can't tell me no because I paid for this darned cruise/vacation/etc"....


(And I am 34 and part of this generation by chronology). I am not raising my kids this way. I am also a strict "Don't splash in the pool if there are others around" person. My kids say yes ma'am and no ma'am. My son can be ABSOFREAKINGLUTELY rotten -- and when he is...he is disciplined promptly and effectively. THAT is another pet peeve (b/c you got me started). On vacation...at home...in a restaurant....if your child is acting up (and they will) DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Correct them. Fix it. Don't let it fester. If you keep letting them backtalk you...they will think it is acceptable and you are endorsing it.


I am nervous about my first cruise with kids. But I can tell you one thing -- even when it sucks b/c I am very comfy in my lounge chair or whatever, if my child is in need of a time out or retreat to the room, or whatever...it will happen and it will happen immediately. My husband and I are mean mean mean 'old school' in that regard. And I'm pretty good at 'the look' so I wouldn't be shy about eyeballing another kid acting out in the hot tub if mom/dad seems to have 'checked out' (which again, is where I lay blame. It isn't the kid's fault. It is the parent that has failed, IMHO. Kids need boundaries. Give them to them. And for those who will flame me and say "My child has X or Y issue" or whatever...well, then...make alternate arrangements. If your child has oppositional defiance disorder or something akin to it, maybe taking them on a week long cruise isn't the best idea.....


Which leads me back to my original point about "deserving" to cruise? What? I'm not knocking the hard working teenager -- kudos to him and to others like him. But "deserving" to cruise? Cruising is a privilege not a right, right? I guess "deserve" just sounds too close to "entitled" to me, and it goes back to what I feel some parents feel with regard to their kids. They want them first in the batting order, they redshirt them for kindergarten so they will have an edge....I'm not talking about ALL parents here, but boy let me say I run into SO many of them at child-related functions.


I fear I have digressed totally.


Um...where was I? Kids these days.....need their parents to Parent.


Whew. I need a drink!



SPOT FREAKING ON! I do not have my own children yet However I am a nanny to two young one whom I literally watch from the time they wake up to the time they go to bed. any time we go on outing to the swimming pool park, etc they KNOW the second they act up and the second they see "the look" they better straighten up or we are OUTTA there no matter how much it kills me because I'd like to stay! it's part of good child rearing and raising children! I've been working with them for over a year now and let me tell you it's not easy but it takes consistency and dedication to raise respectful children. Don't get me wrong there are still days I'd like to sell the kids I watch to the highest bidding slaver laborer- BUT they KNOW when Miss Maria tells them to do something whether that's to quit fighting with each other to quit bugging people around them , etc that they better quit as soon as I tell them or else there WILL be a consequence and I'm not talking about empty threats. Follow through parents empty threats get know where! Iv'e been nanny for 10 years now and also worked as a pre school teacher and owned my own day care- It disgusts me to see the laziness in parenting now of days just pure laziness! And parents wanting to be their childrens "friends" instead of parents!

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... they KNOW the second they act up and the second they see "the look" they better straighten up or we are OUTTA there no matter how much it kills me because I'd like to stay! it's part of good child rearing and raising children! ... BUT they KNOW when Miss Maria tells them to do something whether that's to quit fighting with each other to quit bugging people around them, etc that they better quit as soon as I tell them or else there WILL be a consequence and I'm not talking about empty threats.


Miss Maria, I promise to be a good parent one day and to apply your rule of "straighten up or we're outta here". :D


MMMMM, let's create a new country, the US of (well-beh)A(ved children).

MMMMM, I wonder if I am gonna get flamed :p:eek:

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Miss Maria, I promise to be a good parent one day and to apply your rule of "straighten up or we're outta here". :D


MMMMM, let's create a new country, the US of (well-beh)A(ved children).

MMMMM, I wonder if I am gonna get flamed :p:eek:



good for you!! that make Miss Maria very happy!!! haha I'm like "the super nanny of Seattle!" so I'm pretty passionate about the subject- I'm all for starting a new country with well behaved kids!!!! ;) I'm only 28 but I come from a old school way of life! Kids need to learn their manners. please, thank yous, I'm sorry's, excuse me's, Yes sir, Yes mam are strictly enforced in my care :)

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Rules are rules, right? Well, the sign posted clearly states no children allowed without being accompanied by an adult. It also limits the time people are allowed to be in there to 15 minutes. And the rules go on. Looks to me there would be a lot of finger pointing all around the tub and most everyone would be guilty of at least one of them. All I can say is, if you want your kids to enjoy the hot tubs, get in there with them.


I never use the hot tubs, the pool or even hang around the Lido deck. I just don't like crowds and noise. I know, that is impossible to do if you have your family with you. I also never cruise when school is out.


One thing for sure, if I see a child grossly misbehaving or doing something potentially dangerous or destructive, I will first look for his/her parent and if they are not around I will personally take that child aside and tell them to get their ass over to their parent or their cabin ASAP or I will personally walk them over to the closest officer on deck. I experienced kids running up and down the halls screaming late at night and I have stopped them in their track and told them to go to their rooms. If it takes a village, then I am part of that village. And frankly I don't care if I upset a parent or get dirty looks from them.


I don't hang out where there are drunks or adults doing stupid foolish things, either. Honestly I have never seen it happen on any of my cruises. I'm sure they do. But, as I said, I don't hang out where there are people drinking. I will relax on my own balcony and I am generally in bed by 11:30.

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Actually you will find out that the kids are not the problem. Most problems encountered will be with the 28-40 crowd, drunk, loud talking at dinner, loud in hallways coming back drunk at 2 am . Don't worry about the kids, kids will be kids.;)


That's just an excuse. Kids will behave if they were brought up correctly.

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I am going to call a few of the cruise lines and try to get my Mom a position as a "resident child behavioral specialist " on some ship.


She has excellent qualifications :


Mother of 4, grandmother of 14 , great grandmother of 2 (1 on the way)


Nevermind fancy degrees , and authoring best selling self help parenting books. She's a 5'1" Italian grandma from Brooklyn who never has taken crap from anyone , certainly not her kids.


When she said "Knock it off" that wasn't a suggestion that was a Papal Bull.


She literally wants to claw at the Tv when she sees these Jerry Springer, Doctor Phil type shows where parents are all weepy because their 12 yr old won't listen . "What the hell is the matter with this mother ? Doesn't she wear a belt or have a wooden spoon in the house ? :)" And where the hell is the father ? Upstairs with the maid? why doesn't he open a mouth?" These are very common outbursts she will have during these shows.


You could go on a lot of cruise with the money you'd save not buying these child rearing books and just open your mouth and put your foot down.


Some kids just are in need of a good old fashioned whack across the behind plain and simple . And if you trhink that is abuse and barbaric , then you deserve the walking on these kids will give you when they get older and all the grief it will come with.

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Maybe its cause i go to bed fairly early on a cruise but have never seen rowdy drunk people....puking....nasty,rude. I have seen a few line cutters ect....My kids i watch closely....if i let them roam the ship on their own, if i see them doing anything i don't like...running.... being loud....they are done with their freedom for the rest of the cruise. I won't let my kids ruin anyone else's vacation. I know we will get the stupid replys to all the posts here (i have been on CC since 2005) oh yeah all the CC'ers on these boards have perfect kids. you watch! ;)

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This thread is one of those you wish you could email to all new cruisers (and a few old ones) to open their eyes. All of us that are parents in one way or another consider our children to be "special"... admit it, BUT those of us who realize it and do not "push" our darlings on everyone else generally have polite, well raised kids. Notice I said generally... I can remember one time (years ago) having a friend relate seeing my "darling" kid doing something out of my sight that I would NEVER have thought would happen. I started to say "not my kid" until I realized this friend had no reason to lie and I had blinders on. Sat down with the child and got the truth out, had her apologize not only to who she "flipped" off but also to the friends who saw it. She thought I had eyes in the back of my head!

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My son is nearly 13 and he will be allowed to use the hot tubs. Why would I not allow him? It is his vacation too. Since he isn't old enough to drink alcohol, he'll be better behaved than some adults.


Our cruise has the adult only area so people should feel free to go there if they don't want kids around.


Hmmm Adult area pools Something is wrong with this Video then ...

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rights vs priviledges?


good grief! it's neither!


you pay a fare. this fare gets you this list of things, with restrictions. this fare allows you to share the ship with others, including baggage.


and until fares are set up as two classes; cruise, and cruise jr., all have paid to access all areas of the ship unless otherwise noted. there is usually at least one adult only hot tub, or even an adult or serenity area.


meanwhile, the hot tubs are hardly hot, so those people worried about exposure time, please stop. The tubs on board don't even come near to 104 degrees.


and as long as childrens fares are accepted and processed, enjoy watching them have fun running, splashing, and even laughing. after all, if we had a choice, we would probably join them.

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MOST children on cruises, in my experience, behave wonderfully. Unfortunately, it isn't the majority we remember or that get our attention, it is the few who are obnoxious we focus on.


With that being said, I have seen far worse behavior from adults (again, a small minority) than ever from children.


I agree, children should not be in the adults only hot tub. Carnival should monitor this better. But if its a "kid friendly" hot tub and you don't want to be around the kids, avoid it and go to serenity.


For kids, the hot tub is the alternative to the pool, which is often packed with adults lining every inch of wall space, drinking and there is no space available for children.


"Kid's don't work"?...that's another issue for me. Working in a school system I get to see how many kids actually do work...family businesses, farms, etc. Mine has had his own vending machine business be began when he was 8 and asked for a cell phone. I told him to get a job - and he did.


While I would like to think my children behave as they have been taught when I am not around, I understand this may not be happening...on a cruise or elsewhere. While I am not going to smother my children by constantly breathing down their neck, I will show up randomly and often when they are doing things on their own or with peers. My 18 year old has told me that never knowing when, where or how often mom would show up was always in the back of her mind when she had choices to make in social situations as a high schooler.


Enjoy your cruise!!!

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rights vs priviledges?


good grief! it's neither!


you pay a fare. this fare gets you this list of things, with restrictions. this fare allows you to share the ship with others, including baggage.


and until fares are set up as two classes; cruise, and cruise jr., all have paid to access all areas of the ship unless otherwise noted. there is usually at least one adult only hot tub, or even an adult or serenity area.


meanwhile, the hot tubs are hardly hot, so those people worried about exposure time, please stop. The tubs on board don't even come near to 104 degrees.


and as long as childrens fares are accepted and processed, enjoy watching them have fun running, splashing, and even laughing. after all, if we had a choice, we would probably join them.

Just on our Liberty cruise they had to close one hot tub it got so hot.....the other was i'd estimate being i have one about 85 to 90 degrees....most ships i believe they are at about 95 degrees

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Child Control...we use the rhythm method.;)





Can't remember the show but there is a scene with a woman in a very upscale restaurant , and she is sitting in a booth on her cell phone making a business call call in a very low voice. In the meantime the small child a few tables over is screaming , yelling, throwing food off his plate at other diners . All while the parents sit there eating oblivious to it all.


The waiter walks over to the woman on the phone and asks her to put it away , its against restaurant policy . The waiter claims it bothers the other diners .


The woman gestures to the brat running amok and asks "And that doesn't ?"


The waiter shrugs his shoulders and says "There's nothing we can do about that Maam "


The woman says to him "Haven't you ever heard of Roe v. Wade ?" :)

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It is because of the horrible parents that raise children that are more horrible than they are, that grow up to be even worse parents raising horrible children that I now HATE children. CAnnot stand the sight of them....because I know they will run amok and create hell for all those around. Children should be seen, and never heard. Children should be disciplined and made to adhere to guidelines of acceptable behavior. LAst Thanksgiving onboard the CONQUEST the kids ran around so much, made so much noise, ran down the halls knocking on doors, riding the elevators punching every button-not letting anyone on, making the pools impossible to relax at, putting their hands IN the food on the buffet lines, and more.....CHILDREN DO NOT BELONG IN ADULT SITUATIONS.


WOW!!! Hate is a very strong word don't ya think!? :O

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i am going to call a few of the cruise lines and try to get my mom a position as a "resident child behavioral specialist " on some ship.


She has excellent qualifications :


Mother of 4, grandmother of 14 , great grandmother of 2 (1 on the way)


nevermind fancy degrees , and authoring best selling self help parenting books. She's a 5'1" italian grandma from brooklyn who never has taken crap from anyone , certainly not her kids.


When she said "knock it off" that wasn't a suggestion that was a papal bull.


She literally wants to claw at the tv when she sees these jerry springer, doctor phil type shows where parents are all weepy because their 12 yr old won't listen . "what the hell is the matter with this mother ? Doesn't she wear a belt or have a wooden spoon in the house ? :)" and where the hell is the father ? Upstairs with the maid? Why doesn't he open a mouth?" these are very common outbursts she will have during these shows.


You could go on a lot of cruise with the money you'd save not buying these child rearing books and just open your mouth and put your foot down.


Some kids just are in need of a good old fashioned whack across the behind plain and simple . And if you trhink that is abuse and barbaric , then you deserve the walking on these kids will give you when they get older and all the grief it will come with.



amen to this!!!! ....

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Can't remember the show but there is a scene with a woman in a very upscale restaurant , and she is sitting in a booth on her cell phone making a business call call in a very low voice. In the meantime the small child a few tables over is screaming , yelling, throwing food off his plate at other diners . All while the parents sit there eating oblivious to it all.


The waiter walks over to the woman on the phone and asks her to put it away , its against restaurant policy . The waiter claims it bothers the other diners .


The woman gestures to the brat running amok and asks "And that doesn't ?"


The waiter shrugs his shoulders and says "There's nothing we can do about that Maam "


The woman says to him "Haven't you ever heard of Roe v. Wade ?" :)


Maybe this was Samantha in Sex and the City?? LOL I remember an episode that sounded like that lol

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Maybe this was Samantha in Sex and the City?? LOL I remember an episode that sounded like that lol



You know I think you are right. :)


I just remembered what a great line that was when I heard it.


DW is a huge fan of the show , and I sat through wayyyyyy more episodes than I care to mention *LOL*

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