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Weirdest thing that happened to you....


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I was on an Alaskan cruise and won the Win a Cruise Bingo Raffle (this was NCL). Afterwards a guy walked up to me and said his name and asked if I remembered him. After a couple of seconds it dawned on me who he was. My sister and his sister were best friends in high school. I must have not changed a lot cause that was over 25 years ago and all I said was first name and what state I was from. It was really strange that he recognized me after all those years.

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I don't know how weird this is but my last name is Heald due to marriage with my first husband. When I joined CC about 18 mos ago, I saw a picture of John Heald that was posted on a thread. I almost had heart failure as it was like looking at a picture of my ex. Funny thing is, my ex's family is from the UK. So who knows ??? Small world. :)

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Not sure if disembarkation is still handled this way, but while waiting to be called to get off the Valor we were given colored wristbands. Ours were white, so we were waiting to hear white called. My wife always tries to be helpful to others who haven't cruised before so when she was explaining to a group of first timers why they needed to wait and why we were in line to disembark since our color had been called it didn't come out right. She pleasantly explained to the group of African American women that we would be disembarking before them because we were white. Silence.


*LOL* kind of like many many years ago when my parents and I were standing in a long line at Disney World . There was were a group of Japanese tourists behind us and they struck up a conversation with my dad.


They were going on about what a beautiful country America is and all the places they had been to , and my dad agreed and mentioned what a beautiful country Japan was too.


They asked my dad where in Japan he had been and he told them and then they asked when and very innocently he said "Oh 1942, 43 "


Took a few minutes of silence and icy stares before he realized what he said . :)

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Many, many years ago my wife was married to her first husband, and a "good friend" helped her get her own place and they had a little fling. Then I came along and she ended that and he went back to his wife. The wife found out all about it. Within the first hour of boarding our last cruise, who does she see? The "good friend" and his wife. Every time we passed them around the ship for the next week, the wife gave us this evil glare and he just looked away. It was very strange. Of course, if there are people you'd prefer to not see on a ship, you run into them constantly.

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We were at the Port of Miami going on our very first cruise on the Paradise. My husband, looking like a typical first timer, had binoculars around his neck and was scanning the parking lot for our car. All of a sudden he started laughing. Apparently he was so excited about the cruise he had jumped out of our car and left his driver's side door wide open. We were afraid of a run down battery by the time we got back from the cruise so we had no choice but to get it closed. He ran down to the gangplank (pre 911) and told the security guards what he had done and they told him to make a run for it but the ship was fixing to sail "any minute". Being a newbie he didn't question the logic that it was still 2 hours before sailing time. He ran like a nutjob, then ran back and he was about to pass out. The security people were laughing at the joke they had pulled on him. He will never forget to close that door again!



LMAO!!!! This one is classic!

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My very first cruise I ever went on was a 7 night cruise out of port canaveral (where I used to live) my friend came over early that morning and we finished packing, having a good time joking around with my roommate and such. I had told all of my friends and family not to try and contact me for the next 7 days because I'd be on a cruise.


the second day of my cruise there was a family emergency, my cousin had passed away, and nobody could get a hold of me on my cell phone as it was shut off. (yes they had the contact information for royal carribean, knew the ship and everything) however everyone had simply forgotten i was on a cruise, my entire family, all of my friends and my roommate!


when I got off the boat i was detained by security because there was a missing persons report filed for me since i hadn't been home, nor was anyone able to get in contact with me. my cell phone was full with concerned messages from my friends and family. I don't know how they forgot, because I was so excited and talked about my first cruise non stop before I left to go on it. it's a funny story to tell still to this day!


Totally something my family would have done!


2 cruises ago, my DH got called to the gangway for contraband in his luggage. I had taken my scrapbook tote and it had a variety of small tools in it. There were about 6 pairs of scissors that were not questioned but it turns out you can't bring a hammer on a cruise. Even if if is only 4 inches tall and only weighs a few ounces. The man wanted to know what it was for and DH couldn't even explain that because they were my tools. He walked with the man over to me so that I could explain, after much debate they let me keep my hammer, but it was the last cruise I was "allowed" to take my scrapbook tote with me.


The last cruise was on NCL out of New Orleans, not sure what happened with the guy in front of us at debarkation but he only had a picture ID from work and his birth certificate. He did not have a state issued ID, after about 15 minutes of discussion they moved him to a "private" room. When we got up to the counter the man apologized to us for the wait, looked at my 9 year old and proceeded with the question,"Do you have any prescription drugs with you that you didn't leave with?"

DS didn't know what to do, got a funny look on his face, the man says I'm just messing with you, are you Hunter? Hunter how old are you? Who are these people with you? Hunter says who we are, then the man leans in and says "Do they have any prescription drugs with them that they didn't leave with?" That would have been funny, but Hunter replied "I don't know" The man chuckled and sent us on our way.


Then again, when I got stopped for speeding once, the cop asked Hunter should I give her a ticket? He replies, I don't know that's your decision not mine. Thanks kid! Way to have Momma's back!

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I posted this story back in 2009, but I think it bears repeating:

" I had a bout of upset stomach and I went to the pursers desk to ask about some Imodium AD or Pepto or whatever. They told me that I could get that from the Infirmary. So off I went. Well, I knew right away I had made a mistake when they made me sign a form from the Center for Disease Control. They asked alot of questions and took my temperature, which was normal. The long story short, I was quarantined for 24 hours for a case of Diahrea, (probably caused from nothing but shear gluttony! You know how it is on an all you can eat cruise ship!) I was told that I was not allowed to leave my cabin for 24 hours and at that time I had to come back and be re-evaluated before I would be released from quarantine! I was absolutely devestated! Its scary when you don't have any say over your own comings and goings. Almost like being in jail (only in a balcony cabin on a cruise ship with free room services.)" :D

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Weirdest thing that happened to us on a cruise. That's easy. Well, it's more of an awkward thing. My boss at the time gave me and the other co-worker in our office a 3 day cruise out of Port Canaveral for Christmas. Since we are very good friends it made it even more spectacular.


Co-worker/friend Kelly starts making phone calls and setting up dining times and such and our good friend Andrew happens to be listening and wanted to go to. Andrew had a bit of a crush on me at the time and he was fun to party with so I thought how cool it would be cruising with him because I really was starting to crush on him too.


Next day, Andrew brings a girl he is sorta seeing into the office to visit and friend Kelly invites her to come with us too. Andrew looks at me...I look at him. EEK!


Flash forward: Andrew starts showing way too much attention to me (in girls opinion) and she has a complete meltdown. Locks herself in the cabin bathroom. Says that she feels like a third wheel. Andrew,being EVER so tactful says, "you're more like a flat tire". Friend Kelly yells at me for some reason. Andrew threatens to jump overboard. I take off and do my own thing. I dont "do" drama and confrontation. It made for an interesting first evening in such close quarters.


Flash forwarder: 30 foot seas the next evening and EVERYONE is sick...except me and Andrew. We spent the entire evening running all around the ship. The girl now forgotten, we really connected.


We have been together ever since. 8 years now!


We have made it a point that from that day forward...we cruise ALONE!

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This didn't happen on an actual cruise, but it was on a cruise ship. About 10 years ago, I was at a conference in New Orleans for my job in the technology industry. One of the afternoons we had a luncheon on a Royal Caribbean cruise ship docked there. We ate a lovely meal in the ship's dining room, and after that, we had to walk up several flights of stairs to get to the theater for a presentation.


It was a typical ship's stairway, where it's 2 sets of stairs parallel to each other that then blend into one halfway to the next deck. While going up one side, my friend and I noticed that on the other side, bucking the traffic going up was a totally naked man going down the steps, smoking a cigarette! My friend immediately quipped "I wonder where he keeps his lighter!" A moment later, security appeared, and we heard them say to him, "Sir! Sir! You can't smoke here!"


Apparently it was ok that he was naked...


We never did find out the back story to the incident, but it was pretty funny!

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My funny story is actually from my wedding cruise. Hubby and I got on the "Newlywed Game". As most of you know during this game husband and wife are back to back... the question that came up was "When is the last time you made Whoopie"


I could not see this but just heard everyone start laughing histarically. Even the MC was on the ground laughing so hard. Come to find out, hubby actually looked at his watch when asked this question. Worst part about this....my ENTIRE family (parents, in laws, sisters, brothers, aunts etc.) were in the audience. Our best friends were video taping this for us and he made the comment of "That's why you were late for breakfast".


I about died but it makes a great story now!

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One cruise I remember getting on the elevator pressed the button for the floor where my room was. Next thing I know I was being woken up by one of the staff who cleans the elevators about 3 hours after I pressed the button. Guess I had too much to drink.

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On one of our first cruise we took a pirate shore tour-- I am not a drinker so when they passed pitcher (many many many times) I ask what is it They answer a Greyhound being a dog lover that sounded great-- I ask what was it ---they said a local grapefruit soda. It was deli-sh--So when I stumbled back to the ship at noon these little old ladies in their little voices were talking about the "drunk woman " i look around and It's me! I now know to ask what Else is in there!


Also we were on ship with over 3000 pass and I hear in the crowded elevator-- that has to be Andra she the only person I know can laugh like that. And sure enough it was a friends daughter who live across the country and I have only met a couple of times in the elevator. i guess I should not snort when I laugh.

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On embarkation day, after entering our cabin, the lovely wife and I were sitting on the bed, discussing the days activities, when we heard a key card enter the lock, and a young couple came into our cabin. (Sure glad we were just "sitting" on the bed!) They excused themselves, and said they must be in the wrong cabin. Just a minute or two later the phone rang, and someone from the pursers desk ask me to identify myself. I did,,,and after a long pause, he said that there had been some kind of a mistake, and that we had been upgraded, but they had failed to tell us, and that our cabin had been sold on the pier! I've been upgraded before,,,but certainly not like that! After repacking the "stuff" we'd already put away, we moved on up to the new cabin, and received an apology from the pursers desk. STRANGE INDEED!



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You are not the only one this guy fooled! On my honeymoon cruise in 2008, my husband and I had a little too much to drink in Cozumel. (Who am I kidding? We had ENTIRELY too much to drink!) On our way back to the ship, we came across this same bronze "statue." My husband decided he wanted to take a picture with him. I pulled out my camera and my husband, who was completely inebriated at this point, thought it would be funny to take a picture of him grabbing this bronze statue's...um, manhood. Needless to say, this statue jumped away before my husband was able to physically violate him. We all had a good laugh!


This thread is great! Lots of laughs!


Hmmm...I wonder if he's still there? That would be a fun one to pull on hubby!

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On embarkation day, after entering our cabin, the lovely wife and I were sitting on the bed, discussing the days activities, when we heard a key card enter the lock, and a young couple came into our cabin. (Sure glad we were just "sitting" on the bed!) They excused themselves, and said they must be in the wrong cabin. Just a minute or two later the phone rang, and someone from the pursers desk ask me to identify myself. I did,,,and after a long pause, he said that there had been some kind of a mistake, and that we had been upgraded, but they had failed to tell us, and that our cabin had been sold on the pier! I've been upgraded before,,,but certainly not like that! After repacking the "stuff" we'd already put away, we moved on up to the new cabin, and received an apology from the pursers desk. STRANGE INDEED!




This happened to us but only with a crew member.

We booked the cruise 3 days before it sailed. It was the last cabin on the ship, an inside. We put the card in the door and opened it and a crew member was on his laptop at the desk.


Guest services moved him but I felt kind of bad because I'm sure he was thinking how great it was going to be to have a "guest" cabin.

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  • 3 weeks later...
any more stories?



Funny you should ask...my DF just got back from a carribean cruise with her DH and their 8 friends. Being that they were doing everything with their friends, DF wanted some alone time with the DH, so they snuck back to their room for some 'quality' time, while the others were still dancing the night away. Low and behold, after they were discovered missing from the dance floor, several of the friends went on a search for them to bring them back. During their haste for their 'quality time', they failed to close their cabin door all the way and their friends came bounding in. DF immediately dived bombed the floor and began her shamefull war-dog crawl to the curtains, which she promptly stood behind while instructing her friends to leave. They eventually all made it back to the dance floor, but what a tale to tell and I told her I would do my best to help spread the good word!! :eek:

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A few years back, hubby and I were tired and stayed in the cabin and were flipping thru the channels. Low and behold theres my father and mother in the newlywed game. How cute .. you say. Well my 80 year old father is in a red g-string thong doing some kind of dance around the stage. My Mother was mortified, you could see it in her face. Seems the director gave him the thong as part of the show and he went with it. Yes we have it on videotape.

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Dont know if this is weird or just gross. On the Miracle we had one of those balconies that is extended, makes it about 14 feet long or so. The railing is glass and the glass becomes a mirror at that length. Well our neighbors enjoyed balcony sex all the time, allllllll the time, especaily in the daytime. The mirror effect was so clear, I could tell you the color of the condom.

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Hubby and I were on the Carnival Victory in port in Portland ME. I was still in bed and hubby goes outside to our extended aft balcony. He comes running back in the room stating the appeared to be a deceased person in the water behind the ship. I went out and he was right. I was pondering what to do on a ship do you call 911? or what. As I am pondering fishing boats surround the person and then the coast guard came. I think we were the only folks on the ship that saw this...at least I never heard anything on the ship about it.

We left the ship to see the port. We were in a shop when the shop owner asked how we liked Portland. We responed it is great but we did not expect to see a body in the harbor. The shop owner started shouting, "Praise the Lord, they found him'" Hubby and I were staring at her not really knowing what to say. She finally calmed down to tell us that the young man had fallen off of the dinner cruise boat and had not been found. This was 2 weeks earlier.

I am sure this is not the weird type stuff the OP was looking for,but this is the weirdest thing that happened to us.

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While on a cruise we came back from port early and was sitting on our balcony reading and enjoying the quiet.


Our "neighbor" came out and he obviously thought that he was all alone out there because he decided to pass gas....:eek:.


The first time I just looked at my husband and said nothing.......the second time he did it I was trying to laugh silently.....but the third time he tooted one off I just blurted out "OMG what is he doing?"....:D He ran back into his cabin and I don't think we saw him again.


Still cracks me up everytime I think about it.....

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While on a cruise we came back from port early and was sitting on our balcony reading and enjoying the quiet.


Our "neighbor" came out and he obviously thought that he was all alone out there because he decided to pass gas....:eek:.


The first time I just looked at my husband and said nothing.......the second time he did it I was trying to laugh silently.....but the third time he tooted one off I just blurted out "OMG what is he doing?"....:D He ran back into his cabin and I don't think we saw him again.


Still cracks me up everytime I think about it.....



LMAO!! That happend to us, but it was at night and an elderly couple were both to blame. It reminded me of that Family Guy episode where Peter's having a tooting dual with Michael Moore in the restroom. Just add the burping element as well and that was our neighbors for that night! :o

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