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Complaining about kids???


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But why does one have to scold someone else's children for bad behavior?

The parents should have instilled better values in their children that they would never think to disturb people while they are sleeping?




Agreed, but thats for another thread on another website lol.

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My opinion is that teenagers that are fortunate enough to go on a vacation are also on vacation. Just because they don't act like a 50 year old doesn't mean that they're behavior is bad, it's just different than an adults. Unless you have a Dennis the Menace on board that follows you around I don't see how a kid can "ruin" your vacation.


They are still learning how to behave in society and sometimes a look is all it takes for them to know they've made a mistake.

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I've been on 12 Cruises, the last 3 cruise was with my family and friends, each time a large group 30-44 people each time, and we have a cruise next summer.

We will have one small child under 6 years old, and some teens, young adults, etc. Before going, I usually gather the teens and young adults together as we always do a 2 night pre-cruise in the city where the ship will sail from.


I remind them of being on their best behavior, and although they know what is right and what is wrong. I still remind them of things that could get on others nerves like: no playing on the elevators, do not play around any food area, only take what you are going to eat, keep your voices down at all times, no running,

be respectful of others, and they must be in the cabin at a certain time unless an adult is in the area. I remind them we are all here to have a good time. So far this has worked for us.


Happy Sailing.


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I have every right to enjoy my time on vacation. I dont want or need some screaming brat sitting next to me at dinner. I dont want or need kids running up and down the halls making all kinds of noise at any time during my vacation!! It is in no way Carnivals fault. Its the parents. But one thing I think Carnival should do is set a curfew for every child under 18 at 11pm. If they are caught they should be escorted to their room. Sounds to me like Carnival needs to hire more security. Ill tell you what. For all the people complaining about the kids you dont want to go to Disney World. Talk about some kids parents that need to be smacked! Wow!!!! Just because your on vacation doesnt give you the right not to watch your children!!!!!!!!!!!!! It doesnt matter how old they are. They all need supervision!!!!!!!! One last thing. If Im not getting sleep Im not a nice person and I WILL take care of the problem if you dont! Lets just say I wasnt very well liked at the All Star Sports at Disney! And you know what, I dont care. Take care of your kids and we wont have a problem. End of story.


Under 18 at 11pm? Not my kids. They are on vacation too and are great and well behaved kids. Just because a few other kids are unruly doesn't mean all kids should be punished. CCL will never do that and me and my kids are thankful for that.

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Under 18 at 11pm? Not my kids. They are on vacation too and are great and well behaved kids. Just because a few other kids are unruly doesn't mean all kids should be punished. CCL will never do that and me and my kids are thankful for that.


I'm curious: Why do you think 11pm is too early for a child under 18? Do your children normally stay out later than 11pm in your city back home?

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I'm curious: Why do you think 11pm is too early for a child under 18? Do your children normally stay out later than 11pm in your city back home?


No they don't stay "out" later than 11pm but there also aren't activities for them to do after 11pm nor someplace to go and "hang" with their friends whether that be Circle C, Club Oxygen or just having a slice of pizza. And before you say "well, with 2-3,000 people on board it is like being out in a small town", it is not exactly the same.

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Very much agree. Why not handle the problem yourself?? If its something as simple as kids running down the hallway, what kids have the balls to continue to do it after you stop them in the hall and give them a good talking to as you would your own child. As far as a curfew idea. I don't think that would be something that can be done. Sounds good, but doubt Carnival would go for it. Maybe just cameras in the hallways and a security team for each floor? But then we are talking about more money for more staff and security cameras may look kinda tacky.


All other cruiseline have a curfew....it can be done...

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I miss the Southwest commercials. Especially the 'must be football season' ones of days gone by.


Back on topic and IMO - People more often will complain about the bad then complement the good. That is why it seems there are so many complaints. If everyone who had a good or even great time came on here and gave their two cents on their trip, then the "few" complaints like that of the "bad kids", would seem miniscule in comparison.


This is so true! Having worked Customer Service for 10+ years myself, you always hear the bad, never the good. After doing that, I go out of my way to let people's boss's know when I have an amazing experience anywhere. Heck one day, I REALLY needed the oil changed in my car. Went to that place with the 3 guys on the sign.. after 45 mins my car wasn't even taken back! Got my keys and went across the street and paid double to get my oil changed... in 10 mins. I called them the next day to say how happy I was with the service, and the guy had NEVER received a call like mine...


Back to the subject, I have 2 kids of my own (9 and 13) and I love them to death! I find though, I really dislike other people's kids 90% of the time. My mother booked a family reunion cruise in July on RC once, it was horrible! Even my oldest (11 at the time) thought it was to much. I will never cruise during non-school times again. Kids who are able to be taken out of school (or who are home schooled) are generally so much better behaved from my experience.


I don't think it is unreasonable to have a curfew for those under 18 on a cruise, unless they are with Carnival staff who is being paid for it. I personally wouldn't let my kids out that late vacation or not! I don't know the 1000's of other people on the cruise ship with me so I don't trust them farther than I could throw them!


Yes I understand that it is the kids vacation to.... but there are also how many other people who if they aren't behaving it could impact THEIR vacation? Those people your kids won't let on the elevator, or who have to walk threw their mess paid money to be there also!


I personally won't let other people's kids ruin my vacation. I am not the type of person who likes a lot of people around. Heck I won't go to Walmart at a "normal" time cause there are just to many people there for my liking. This is why I won't give up a balcony, I can enjoy my vacation and not give 2 cents about what other people (or their kids!) are doing!

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Why are there so many complaints about teenage kids when I have encountered cruises where adults between the ages of 20-25 do so many inappropriate things, it would make even their parents ashamed. But nobody says anything about people at that age. Why? Because alcohol is involved? Get real. I have never came across a child around the ages of some of these complaints to ruin my cruise one bit. Lets get over it people. It's annoying and you sound like you hate life and think about how ignorant you sound that a 12 yr old "ruined" your WEEK long vacation. Its just sad. I have a very well behaved 4 yr old that gets enrolled in the kids program so I definitely don't let her run around alone and don't plan on it, just to make that clear.


I think you hit the nail on the head...it is the ones who stoop to complaining about kids that are the real fools. You are 100% correct those "adults":rolleyes: should get over it and stop all this...me...me..me..stuff and crying over their spoiled vacation because they don't want to see families enjoying themselves together.

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I'm curious: Why do you think 11pm is too early for a child under 18? Do your children normally stay out later than 11pm in your city back home?

she doesn't think it is too early...she is saying her kids don't stay out later than 11pm anyway....at least that is how I am reading it

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There are some people (not all) that are sensationalizing things. We only sail when the kids are out of school since we have school age kids. I've never seen things as bad as some of these people are saying. I don't believe half of it.

agree 100%

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I think you hit the nail on the head...it is the ones who stoop to complaining about kids that are the real fools. You are 100% correct those "adults":rolleyes: should get over it and stop all this...me...me..me..stuff and crying over their spoiled vacation because they don't want to see families enjoying themselves together.


Really people that complain that there are out of control kids on a ship are the real fools:confused: And you relate that to people not wanting to see families enjoying themselves on vacation:confused:

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Long story, but I would take a crying child over an obnoxious adult any day of the week :-)


Amen to that. I've dealt with far more obnoxious adults than bratty children, and I teach teenagers!


My opinion is that teenagers that are fortunate enough to go on a vacation are also on vacation. Just because they don't act like a 50 year old doesn't mean that they're behavior is bad, it's just different than an adults. Unless you have a Dennis the Menace on board that follows you around I don't see how a kid can "ruin" your vacation.


They are still learning how to behave in society and sometimes a look is all it takes for them to know they've made a mistake.

Neiner, you've hit the nail on the head. Especially when we're considering teenagers. In teaching college in NZ, we're taught about the brain function of teenagers. They physically function different to both children AND adults. It's a storm of activity going on in their major brain centres and, as a result of certain things being re-wired, they often loose a lot of common sense. It's the reason why we often see teens doing stupid stuff that any adult, and many younger children, would find absurd and dangerous. As such, we need to be mindful that teens aren't going to act exactly like adults, because they're not, least of all in their brains.


They're learning. We need to encourage good behaviour, but not act like the Fun Police when their behaviour seems slightly inappropriate for what we would consider adult behaviour: Of course it's going to seem different, they're not adults!


As for children, well, kids will be kids.


I feel as though if people have problems, they should speak to the parents about it. But be considerate, there's no need to be horrid about it. If you approach the situation with a friendly approach, the parent of the child has no need to be rude or spiteful in return.

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Really people that complain that there are out of control kids on a ship are the real fools:confused: And you relate that to people not wanting to see families enjoying themselves on vacation:confused:

no you are wrong..I am relating it to this....the complainers are jealous when they see cohesive families enjoying time together...and wish they had it themselves...


sort of like when the following simple statement is made by any numbers of posters..."my kids don't go to Camp Carnival and spend their time on the ship with the family doing everything together" or something like this...."my 12yo is not allowed to freely roam the ship"..or the top one of all time..."we always cruise with the kids"


and then the avalanche of responses will undoubtedly be....


"you have to let your kids grow up"

"it is your kids vacation too and they need to make new friends on the ship"

"you need time away from the kids"

"the kids should have been brought up to be able to handle themselves in any situation, even a cruise ship"

"you are doing your kids no good by making them dependant on you, and have to cut the cord"

or my all time favorite..."why don't you leave the kids with a friend or relative or even the stranger down the street?":eek: just kidding about the stranger in case you didn't realize it.


Diva...I know you will disagree with me...that is expected..but regardless......the reason that kid threads always turn nasty is because...


1. the posters on them are selfish

2. the posters on them are jealous

3. the posters on them know that "kid hating" has not yet been deemed "politically incorrect:rolleyes:"..so they get away with it


I truly do feel sorry for those who feel they cannot have a good vacation when children are around.

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Sex and drinking? Now I'm scared to bring my 16 yo on a cruise.

why? do you really think that if the above referenced incident really took place that it happened at 2pm?


If it happened it was at 2am.....


cruises are wonderful for teens and kids...they get to see great places, try new and exciting foods, get to spend time on the sea...etc. etc.

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Just to clarify my "Say what?!!!" was for Crusin6's "jealous" post.

yep..that's how I see it...


those that complain about the kids constantly are the ones with the problem.


The trick is to ignore any activity you don't like...because you ain't gonna change it:D


Especially kids....they are very very important to our survival BTW...but we all know that....and everyone was a kid once....but, seriously...they are not yours or my kids...so we have no right to have a say in the way they act....


personally...I wish all smokers and gamblers and drunks would conduct themselves better on the ships.....but I can't change them


The kids are no issue as far as I am concerned...


And I stick by my comment of those who don't enjoy seeing families having fun together..

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I don't complain about kids "constantly", but I will complain if they or whoever infringes on me having an enjoyable cruise.

Some things you can ignore, others no way. I won't stand by and let a kid bite food and put it back where it came from or suck ice cream from the fountain. If you put up with that, you have a problem.

Just curious,...how does a gambler misbehave, other then the obvious, spending more then they have, or can afford to gamble. That sounds like their problem.

Your last comment....really?

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Why are there so many complaints about teenage kids when I have encountered cruises where adults between the ages of 20-25 do so many inappropriate things, it would make even their parents ashamed. But nobody says anything about people at that age. Why? Because alcohol is involved? Get real. I have never came across a child around the ages of some of these complaints to ruin my cruise one bit. Lets get over it people. It's annoying and you sound like you hate life and think about how ignorant you sound that a 12 yr old "ruined" your WEEK long vacation. Its just sad. I have a very well behaved 4 yr old that gets enrolled in the kids program so I definitely don't let her run around alone and don't plan on it, just to make that clear.


So what you are saying is, people should ALSO be complaining about adults from 20 to 25 being rude and out of hand.


And you are a responsible parent because when you get on the ship, you take your kids to Camp and stick them in the proverbial closet so they are not running around on the ship having fun?


I think there should be a thread about parents that come on the cruise, give their kids to the staff to watch them, then act like they don't have kids. Just to make that clear.

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My opinion is that teenagers that are fortunate enough to go on a vacation are also on vacation. Just because they don't act like a 50 year old doesn't mean that they're behavior is bad, it's just different than an adults. Unless you have a Dennis the Menace on board that follows you around I don't see how a kid can "ruin" your vacation.


They are still learning how to behave in society and sometimes a look is all it takes for them to know they've made a mistake.




I have kinda been trying to say this all along. But I think people think if you have this mindset then you must be one of those parents that lets your kid run rampid. Which isn't the case at all.

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I'm curious: Why do you think 11pm is too early for a child under 18? Do your children normally stay out later than 11pm in your city back home?


IMHO, NOTHING good happens after midnight, especially concerning underage kids. 11pm is a reasonable time for them to be in.

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