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Weight Watchers Point System anyone?

cruising mickey

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0.2 pounds DOWN is not a gain, it IS a loss! Be good to yourself and celebrate the loss. No matter how minor, a loss is a loss and each one will add up to another pound down. Just as we try to encourage others in their efforts, we need to realize that each of us is human and we will make mistakes and that we are also deserving of encouragement from our own biggest critic.

No matter what the prize looks like, gizfriend, it represents a mighty effort on your part, and is so deserving. After all, the biggest reward is the look and feel of your body with that amount of fat missing. Keep up the good work, and enjoy all your rewards.



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Good job everyone on great WIs and exercising this week! Congratulations albean86 on upcoming wedding! I had weigh in today. Down 2.6 this week and 26.4 total. I got my 25 pound charm today. I know it looks like a metal washer, but I was thrilled. Now onto 30 pounds. I track religiously, eat healthy food, and exercise every day. Hope everyone has a good rest-of-the- week and enjoy the weekend!!


Good job! I got my 25 lb charm week before last and then last week had a gain on .4, but I know what happened. It was our 44th wedding anniversary and I made my husband's favorite lemon meringe pie!! Oh well, next WI on Tuesday and my scale looks pretty good here at home, so hope it looks the same at WI.


Went shopping yesterday and was thrilled to be able to try on smaller sizes. Yey me!!


We cruise again in November and I'm hoping I can take off at least another 20 before we go.

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Gosh, great work everybody, lot's and lot's of losses! Slow and consistent is the key. I have struggled the last month, so I gained like 2.8lbs. I just took a couple of weeks off, so to speak, I didn't track, but I ate good for breakfast/lunch and ate whatever I cooked for the family for dinner. I feel re-charged and I figured it helps to boost your metabolism so it doesn't get used to the same calories.

Ever since I started in January, I was determined to lose this weight, even if it takes me a year or more, but I am still going to have fun and not deprive myself. My points are at 34, but I always use my weekly too, my average points used per week has been about 44. I know this may not work for everyone, but it's working for me at the moment.

Well I weighed in this morning and am down another 3lbs, so that's a total of 19 lbs! or 76 sticks of butta!

I cruise in 30 days, :D:), so yesterday I went to buy some outfits and bathing suits. I was able to buy a size smaller! :) In a 14 now and bought a "large" blouse instead of XL!

I only need to lose 4lbs to reach my 10%, hoping to make that mini goal by cruise time. We can do this!


Happy Sailing,

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Good to hear from you again keystonemama. And especially good to hear about the great weight loss. Isn't it wonderful to be able to buy a smaller size in clothing. I am determined that I will donate my older, larger sizes so that they are out of my closet, and I will keep this smaller me commitment for the rest of my life. I do not feel like I am depriving myself of anything, because I know I can eat anything I want as long as I do not make a habit of going back to my old ways. A planned detour is fine, because I will make up for it at the next meal, next day/week or exercise time.

Welcome to footballbabe3. You wil receive lots of encouragement here. I think the hardest step is admitting we need to do something. And you have already taken that step. So congratulations.



Edited by gubby
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I find I do better when I set mini-goals for myself. Small achievable goals boost my confidence and propel me a bit.


My cruise is in four weeks. My mini goals are as follows:


-Five days a week completely on program, which means tracking and staying within my point range. No thinking I can "wing it".


-Five more pounds of weight lost by my pre-cruise weigh in.


-Recruit 10 people commit to WW@W, so we can do another 10-meeting session (already have ten willing to continue).

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Second WI since making goal... Maintained! Yep, I was exactly the same weight as last Sunday Morning!!!! It is really weird tho, I must say... for so many weekly WIs I hoped and prayed that I LOST something, ANYTHING... and today it was OK to stay the same! (I still have a personal goal of losing another 5 pounds which will make my loss total over 60 pounds and my WI under 150, but have no set time within which to accomplish it.)


This is a whole new leg of the journey, and will take some getting used to!


Congrats to all of you! Keep on Trackin' :D


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Good to hear from you again keystonemama. And especially good to hear about the great weight loss. Isn't it wonderful to be able to buy a smaller size in clothing. I am determined that I will donate my older, larger sizes so that they are out of my closet, and I will keep this smaller me commitment for the rest of my life. I do not feel like I am depriving myself of anything, because I know I can eat anything I want as long as I do not make a habit of going back to my old ways. A planned detour is fine, because I will make up for it at the next meal, next day/week or exercise time.

Welcome to footballbabe3. You wil receive lots of encouragement here. I think the hardest step is admitting we need to do something. And you have already taken that step. So congratulations.



Gubby, I too, do not feel "deprived" of anything!


I think of it as "choosing what I will buy with my points today!" I get XXX points, is "this" really worth ALL the points? Can I have a smaller portion to satisfy the "need" or am I gonna NEED the whole thing? Sometimes, I NEED the whole thing! :rolleyes::o


I started WW in August with a friend. It was her idea, I just jumped on the bandwagon, so to speak. She lasted about 2 months, but was never fully committed. She'd say "oh I only cheated xxx times this week" and it would drive me NUTS!!! You can't CHEAT on WW. You are either ON PLAN, or NOT!!! No one forces you to make the choices you make. No one forces you to put food or drink in your mouth.

This is a way of life, and if you are committed to it, it works! Not every day will be a good day, and easy day or an on plan day... it's what you do AFTER one of these days that makes the difference!


And now I will step down off my soap box :p

Stay strong friends! We are in a good place, together, here... BECAUSE WE CAN!



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Hi everyone - I just found this site and thread! And I'm really excited.

Hubby and I are cruising in December - and I spend every day wondering how to manage 11 days on a ship filled with food.

I've lost a little over 96 pounds on WW - it's taken a couple of years - I fooled around for a long time - but never gave up(which I always did before), never gave up my meetings (which I always did before), and I keep hanging in there.


I think I have about 30-35 pounds still to lose. And that is my goal by late summer. April was a bummer for me - bingeing - but I'm back on track since last Wednesday (my WI day).


I've come to the conclusion that I don't HAVE to eat all that food just because it's there. And I know I have to hit the treadmill and walk the decks and take the stairs. But buffets and surround-sound food have always been my downfalls.


I couldn't read all the previous posts - but what are your plans for your cruise? I'm so glad I found this thread - my two favorite dreams in life - cruising and being at a healthy weight.


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No, no no no no......:(


Not good.


.08 last week, after three agonizingly small losses. I am doi g something wrong here. This is NOT my first time at the WW rodeo by a long shot, but it IS my first time with Points Plus. Last week I stayed OP and finished with 20 WP's left over.


I submit the following issues for your consideration (please help!!!):


1. Hurt my knee last Tuesday, had to have x rays, etc, "stay off your feet for a few days". I did.


2. Frozen fruit and bananas. Sometimes two bananas and three cups of frozen pineapples and mangos a day- sometimes a lot more.


3. possible PMS as I am on progesterone now (peri menopause) and its supposed to have been here yesterday- no sign.


Please help me. Give it to me straight. 5.1 pounds in 3 weeks is not a lot when you have 50 to lose and have done WW a hundred times before- my usual loss is 5 pounds first week, 2.5 the next, .0008 the third, and then the usual 2.5 per week. Even if it is "okay", I know I a, doing something wrong here.


I like PP because I used to look at an apple and say "why should I have you? For two points I would rather have this chemical filled pseudo junk food over here...". So I know it's healthier but I may be eating 600 calories of fruit.



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Hi SeaGo2,


I eat a TON of fruit too and I find that if I start dipping into my weekly points I don't lose an ounce. The key for me is to stay within my daily points only.

I know this is a total no-brainer, but check the frozen fruit ingredients and make sure there's nothing at all listed other than fruit. Anything else can thwart your efforts.


Good luck and stay strong! Stick to the plan and it'll all work out.

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I am with you on the weekly points. If I start using them, I can kiss any loss goodbye. If I stay within my alotted daily points, then there will be a loss. How much depends on activity and what I ate in way of "free fruits and veggies."

To seago2, even tho' fruits have a zero points value, they are full of sugar. WW left them at zero to encourage us to eat them. However, like anything else, too much of a good thing is NOT good. If you were to substitute some of the fruit for free veggies, trying to reach only 5 or 6 servings a day, perhaps you would have even more success. It looks like the fruits you are eating, pineapple, bananas, mango are the ones with a lot of sugar. Maybe by eating only 1 serving of these, and subbing in other fruits, and more veggies, the scale may move more. Good luck.



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Hi -I agree with the 'too much fruit can be too much' theory. 2 bananas is actually 4 servings of fruit. But I'd rather see you eat that than a processed bar of some sort.


Have any of you thought about the Simply Filling plan? I'm on that - love it. You can eat any POWER FOODS for free! Well, it's until you are satisfied. But I like it because I hated counting points for milk and stuff. It's amazing how much you can have - most grains, potatoes, meats, fish, all veggies and fruit.

You can have 49 extra points a week to fill in - when I'm doing well, it's just to fill in - coffee creamer - some little treats.


5 pounds in 3 weeks - that's great! It's a hard transition from Points to Points Plus - at first, I was afraid to eat anything for fear of going over my 29 points - this year, it's 26 points - I found out on my own that 29 were too many. But now I'm on SF.

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Hi everyone! I just rejoined WW again tonight! Hope you don't mind me jumping on here with you all. I've been trying this and that to lose weight since New Year's on my own. But I need the accountability of going to the meetings and getting weighed. I cruise in a little more than six months. Hoping to lose a good amount of weight by then!

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Welcome, Malibubaby and thank you all for your help.


I just know it's the frozen fruit- it's too easy to eat. I will use it only for "emergencies" and one small bowl of the frozen crack at night. It IS really good as a means of redirecting me from VBT (Very Bad Things) but I am sure this is what is holding me up.


The funny thing is: when I am not dieting I am probably taking in 4,000 calories a day, and on a cruise? I can't even imagine how many points and I don't want to think about it. I pack it in. Then for weeks after the cruise I continue to pack it in. So you would think that a couple of bowls of fruit at 90 calories per 3/4 cup would be negligible. Then again, it's more than a couple. But the shock to my system of actually eating like a normal person :eek:- you would think the pounds would be flying off.


If I had done Medifast I would have lost 15-20 by now, but I would be gaining it back very, very soon.


My thing, submitted for your advice, is that I get ravenous when I get home from work (usually around 4). So I have been eating mini carrots while I cook dinner. The fact that I have been able to do this is nothing short of a miracle, trust me. So then dinner comes and I play it cool, a cup of pasta, 5 points of chicken, veggies upon veggies. Sometimes no starch. I can have an entire dinner that is 5 points. So then.... 7 or 8 rolls around and I find myself eating 3 Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches, or 100 calorie choc covered pretzel packs, and then a couple of bowls of frozen mango or peach slices. I finish the day at par or maybe a point under, but it has basically been party time all night, nonstop eating. I need something to direct myself, food wise, because "do not eat at this time of day" is not a successful plan. Neither is "more carrots, this time with celery". I am taking quite a hit with popcorn- WTH? It used to be almost free. Now it's 5 or 6 points. I air pop it and spray it with I Can't Believe..... .


So I am within points but...


I think the WPA is for emergencies, so you don't give up entirely if you screw up. "Oops, I just had two pieces of pizza, I can't believe I did that, oh well, I'm still within my WPA." I try not to use them but at least I know they are there if I go off the rails.


Thank you so much for your help and please keep it coming, please. I used to be on the WW boards but found them cliquey beyond belief. Also, they triggered eating if I didn't actively ignore half the posts. CC is my home. I am just turning 50, have five kids, and a stressful job as a custody lawyer. This is it for me. I have been so down about my weight- I have isolated myself from a lot of experiences. Then again, this will be my fourth cruise in a year (not my plan! Coincidence.) and the eating has never been more out of whack.

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Hi all. Going on our first cruise in a few weeks. Does anyone make any effort to calculate Points while cruising? Or do you just say forget it,and eat eat eat? How much weight do people usually gain on a cruise?

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I understand the temptations of everyone. I work full time at a hospital and in the evenings I bake and decorate cakes and cookies from my home. I baked and decorated 100 sugar cookies last night. Over the weekend I baked 3 sheetcake for a graduation party and a baby shower cake, and made 30 decorated sugar cookies for a bridal shower. I have so many cake orders this month. I make my frosting from real butter. I make the BEST frosting and cakes....darn it! I used to eat the left over frosting in my decorating bag but not anymore! I have lost 18 1/2 pounds and have 70 more to go! I use my cake money for my cruise.

I have decided I can bake and not eat it! It is hard but so far I am doing good. I keep telling my self look at the points in that cookie, eat an apple instead! I won't lie, sometimes I take a taste, not every time, but no more than a small taste. I want to look good on my next cruise!

I weigh in tonight, so wish me luck!


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Went on a 9 (I think, It might have been 10) night cruise back in November after being on WW for about 6 weeks. Had lost 11 lbs before cruise and I only gained back 2. I ate what I wanted when I wanted it. Hey, I was on vacation! Got back on plan as soon as I got back and have now lost a total of 25 and counting. There are healthy options available if you really want to stick to plan, however it might be alright to have a little freedom and remember that it's back to plan as soon as you get home.

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I haven't been on a cruise while in WW but I plan to eat basically what I want while trying to maintain eating healthy choices. With all the walking around I do I usually lose a pound or two anyway.





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WI was yesterday, had a gain of .4 of a pound but instead of being discouraged, I'm that more determined to get on track . Ate too many cup cakes at my grand daughter's birthday party and way too much Mexican food at a dinner over the weekend. But I'm back on track today.

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raytownlady - What a great attitude... fess up when you mess up and get back on plan. Love it!


seago2 - Couple suggestions that work for me. I try to have vegetable soup or an apple or orange or something before I leave work. Don't let yourself get to the I-need-to-eat-now point or you'll overeat all night. After dinner I usually get pretty munchy too. A couple things have helped - just sit and ride the feeling out for a bit, sometimes it goes away. Or drink a big glass of water (all at once). The other thing is to get up and get busy. Before you know it, it'll be bedtime too late to eat.


My big weakness is bread. I love it! Last night at my writing class there was a loaf of sweet cinnamon swirl bread with icing on it. Yes, I had 2 slices with butter and it was so good!!!


One trick I use on the ship is to order 2 salads and have only 1/2 the entree. I hate to waste, but I love fresh veggies and hate that bloated full feeling from eating too much heavy stuff too late. My main problem on the cruise is that I have a few cocktails or glasses of wine everyday, which I rarely do at home. Heck, it's vacation, live it up!

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raytownlady - What a great attitude... fess up when you mess up and get back on plan. Love it!


Or drink a big glass of water (all at once). The other thing is to get up and get busy. Before you know it, it'll be bedtime too late to eat.



One trick I use on the ship is to order 2 salads and have only 1/2 the entree. I hate to waste, but I love fresh veggies and hate that bloated full feeling from eating too much heavy stuff too late. My main problem on the cruise is that I have a few cocktails or glasses of wine everyday, which I rarely do at home. Heck, it's vacation, live it up!


raytown lady I too love your attitude. As long as we get right back on track, not much harm is done. It is just the feeling that we gave into a temptation that may have tasted darn good at the time, but now we must fight to lose that weight all over again. I must remember that next time I am faced with a plate of goodies.

As for the glass of water trick, it is true that we often mistake thirst for hunger. Why give in to temptation if all we need is a zero point glass of cold, refreshing water?

I love the way you order on a cruise. I am certainly going to try this on the next cruise. It will be a shame to fight to take off the extra pounds and buy a new wardrobe now only to indulge way too much for a couple of weeks and have to start back at the beginning.

We are all having success and we probably like the way we look and feel now. Let's continue to work at it. We didn't gain this extra poundage quickly so we will lose as we gained. A pound ( or a few ounces )at a time.



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I just reread this thread and found some things that I had forgotten. Apologies to the original posters for not quoting you properly, but I think the messages are important. If I am the only one who has forgotten them, sorry, but I think they are important ones.

1. Don't exchange what you want most, for what you want at the moment.

2. A loss IS a loss, no matter how small. They all add up.

3. The wonderful poem about " just one pound." That is how we got the extra weight- one pound at a time.

4. This is not diet. It is a lifestyle change.

5. Drink water, exercise and TRACK everything you bite.

Hope this helps to motivate someone.



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