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Weight Watchers Point System anyone?

cruising mickey

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Hi Deb. I wish I was on your cruise! You sound like you would be great to hang out with... a real hoot!!! I am on the Em-Princess sailing on Feb 17 for the virgin isles for 10 days. Hubby and I wanted to make the holiday a little longer so we are staying at a hotel in Florida right on the seashore for 4 days before the cruise. This is only our second holiday together as we raised 7 kids and got them out the door...lol. Our youngest 2 are 16 and 13 but they are so disabled that bringing them along would be impossible. My other kids made us take the first cruise last year and we loved it but I have to plan a year in advance because the girls have to go to a special medical care respite. It is sooo much work to take a holiday that I am tired by the time that I leave...lol No wonder I eat...lol. I am 53 and I sure noticed that it is hard to lose weight at this stage of life. Everyone says to forget about the diet when we are gone but I consider myself a food-aholic and if I had a drinking problem they would not be telling me to drink on the ship. I was over 70 lbs overweight soooo, yep, I think that's a problem. I just meant that following the points and if I stay the same weight for 3 months I think my body may be done...lol. When I was younger, at this weight I wore a bigger size than I do now at the same weight. Some have told me that everything is different after 50. Have a great time on your cruise!!!


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qqwer123 -


That is a wonderful accomplishment - not only getting to your goal (whether it is the top or bottom of your range, it's a healthy range), but then continuing on to lose another 17 lbs on your own. Without a doubt, you are NOT a quitter!


When I got to WW lifetime in the late 1980s (between my 2 daughters) I insisted on getting down to the bottom of the range for my height - 122 lbs. Looking back at pictures of myself, I didn't look healthy anymore, I couldn't maintain that weight without continuing to diet - no maintenance for me:(, but then worse of all, even though on paper that weight was in my range, I had so little body fat that my cycle went haywire, and I couldn't get pregnant when I was trying for my 2nd child. It wasn't until I got back up to 130 that I felt normal again.


But I still had the feelings of weight loss 'failure' by not staying at that 'goal', which of course can spell disaster for the psychology of body image.


I was just writing that you also have to take into account that over the years your body shape, proportion, how you carry weight, etc can change, when you added your post verifying that. I am in a size 12 right now at 166 lbs at age 58, but that's the same size I was at 140 lbs at age 40:eek:. And that's not all about sizing changing in the fashion industry - I had a few favorites I kept in my closet that fit me now.


So no, I wouldn't call you a quitter! Definitely listen to your body. We find that since our cruises are the main time we pose for pictures, it's a great way to honestly see if we look the way we THINK we look...lol!

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Oh don't I know it Deb!

It is amazing how the whole 'weight' thing just dominates our lives! I think size 12 is great (and skinny!) and healthy as well. I made up my mind this time that I wanted to be able to eat and I will never starve myself again. I remember in my late teens/20s 'fasting' to lose weight faster. Older and wiser now...I want to enjoy life and balance the food thing so I can enjoy a nice meal but not stray to the 'dark' side so I gain it all back.

And the mirror thing...you sound so much like me. I always question myself if I really look fine or I am in denial...lol. The reason is , at over 200 lbs I never weighed myself and even though inside I KNEW I had a problem, I talked myself into thinking that 'Im not that bad and I probably only weigh around 160'...It was a sorry day when I finally went to WW. I would not even look at my weight for the first 3 months...first time I finally looked I was 184 and I had lost 20 lbs...I was soooo upset. I finally got it into my mind...'ok, you are going in the right direction and instead of being bigger in a year, I will be smaller.,even if this takes months...


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Hey Jo, Isn't it amazing how similar our minds work? There is such a mind/body connection with obesity. I knew I was in trouble when I stopped looking in the mirror and was buying the stretchy pants, had retired all my jeans and dressed and felt frompy all the time. This truly is a lifetime journey. I started back to WW in July and now I am 4 pounds from the top end of my WW goal, which means I stop paying after 2 more pounds since I'm already a lifetime member! That's a huge pat on the back for me. I am at the 25 pound mark, feel great in my clothes and am comfy size 12. Do I want to lose more? Absolutely, but I am going to enjoy the journey and it is very slow (but sure).

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Judi, thanks for the kind words. I have decided it is not going to be about the scales or the numbers for me. It is going to be about maintaining and healthy living. This girly is no longer going to starve for a size again. I was sooo unhappy when I got back from my cruise last Feb and saw my pics. It was such a wonderful time for my hubby and I but I was so uncomfortable with my body on that trip that I would of died to even be close to my top end of my goal. I lost so slow this time but the weight has come off so better and in better spots than it ever did when I was younger. I think there are hidden rewards within the slow weight loss thing for sure. Way to go on your accomplishments as well!

Karen...our lives are truly parallel. I think our stories were quite the same and we seemed to lose at the same slow pace but look at you go girl! I wish the girls on this board were in my WW group...I would of enjoyed the meetings far more. I leave a week from this Friday...how close are you girls to cruise time? This time I am ready to rock my clothes and this little girl will not be whining in her stateroom every time I got dressed...asking hubby if this makes me look fat...lol For that, I am sure he will be grateful..and bless his heart, he lied every time and said I looked beautiful..I know I kept him around for a reason...lol

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Jo, have a wonderful cruise with a new-found confidence! We are leaving home on the 13th, and start off for paradise on the 14th. We are sailing Celebrity Equinox. Suddenly yesterday it occurred to me I may have slacks that are too big. I really need to try some things on and figure out what works.....not a bad problem to have.


To everyone: today is my birthday and I saw a recipe on facebook for a WW peach cobbler. My daughter is making it for me today and I'll let everyone know how it is. Really easy! Based on a 4 pt cake mix, makes 10 4 point servings.


2 lb frozen peaches (no sugar added)

1 yellow cake mix (4 points per svg)

1 can diet 7 up


spray a 9x13 pan with butter Pam

spread the peaches

sprinkle the cake mix on tip

pour the 7 up on top

bake at 350 for 20 minutes covered with foil

uncover and bake another 40 minutes


you can use any frozen fruit (no sugar added) and any lemon lime sugar free soda



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omitted something important
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Happy Birthday Karen! Hope you have a fun filled day! Thanks for the recipe. I am partial to sweets...it is my weakness...lol.

As for slacks...honest to goodness, you HAVE to try the dream-fit pull up slacks from Sears. I ordered a pair about a month ago from the catalogue and they were here in a few days. The regular is just right if you are about 5'4-5 7'. My mom is shorter than me and they have petite sizes that fit her perfect. We did not even have to shorten them at all. They are So comfortable! Good price as well. I was so impressed that I ordered another pair in dark grey. You have to look carefully in the catalogue and make sure you order the 'dream fit pants...with No zipper'. If you want a zipper they have beautiful pairs with them as well. I also ordered the skinny-pull up dream fit pants. I used to call them clam diggers back in my younger years...lol. Are you cruising the virgin islands? Our ship is the Princess Emerald and we leave on the 17th for 10 days. Perhaps our ships will be on the same island...that would be quite the thing!


ps. Order the pants in your size. The sizing is right on for these. They are about 27 to 37 a pair in Canada.

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The peach cobbler was awesome! It was a sizable portion for 4 points and as tasty as can be. The 9x13 pan is 40 points, so you can divide however it works for you. I wouldn't want it sitting around the house d/t temptation, but I'll make it again when I am going to Bunco next :-) My Bunco group happen to be a bunch of women who work for WW. I have tried the best recipes at those parties! Most everyone brings a WW dish with points all figured out. The peach cobbler is a true hit.

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Guest debbiejohncruise
Jo, have a wonderful cruise with a new-found confidence! We are leaving home on the 13th, and start off for paradise on the 14th. We are sailing Celebrity Equinox. Suddenly yesterday it occurred to me I may have slacks that are too big. I really need to try some things on and figure out what works.....not a bad problem to have.


To everyone: today is my birthday and I saw a recipe on facebook for a WW peach cobbler. My daughter is making it for me today and I'll let everyone know how it is. Really easy! Based on a 4 pt cake mix, makes 10 4 point servings.


2 lb frozen peaches (no sugar added)

1 yellow cake mix (4 points per svg)

1 can diet 7 up


spray a 9x13 pan with butter Pam

spread the peaches

sprinkle the cake mix on tip

pour the 7 up on top

bake at 350 for 20 minutes covered with foil

uncover and bake another 40 minutes


you can use any frozen fruit (no sugar added) and any lemon lime sugar free soda




thanks for the great recipe!


When is your cruise with Celebrity Equinox? We are on it from 10 Feb until 3 Mar. Are you on the same time as us? Debbie

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Thanks for the birthday wishes. It was a nice day, except my team lost the Superbowl......what a pitiful game that was :-(. I will look for those slacks! Thanks for the recommendation. My sister is looking, too. I checked the ones I have and look great....you know the story? Pants in every size......yah, me too.


Our itinerary is St. Kitts, St. Thomas, Dominica, Barbados and St. Marten. Any the same as yours? If you're sailing Feb 17th, we won't be sailing at the same time. We leave March 14-24th. Emerald Princess is a wonderful ship. We've been on her twice. This time we're on Celebrity Equinox....also a beautiful ship. Happy Sailing!


Deb: sounds like we won't be sailing together. That would be so fun to meet some WW friends on board!

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Karen, My closet is a comedy show with sizes from 18 to 6 lol. I was so excited when I figured that I had lost enough to wear my dress pants again and they all were too big..(one of the only bad things about weight loss) That's when I ordered the Sears pants. I was surprised how good a quality they were. We are going to almost the same places...different dates. Maybe next year!!


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  • 2 weeks later...
Karen, My closet is a comedy show with sizes from 18 to 6 lol. I was so excited when I figured that I had lost enough to wear my dress pants again and they all were too big..(one of the only bad things about weight loss) That's when I ordered the Sears pants. I was surprised how good a quality they were. We are going to almost the same places...different dates. Maybe next year!!



Yep, I'm going thru the same thing right now, for years had a box of "too small but too cute to get rid of" jeans. I tried on two pair this morning and they fit like a glove, (Yippee), BUT will be too big for my cruise! I used to have a sewing machine, (in the stone age, haha) and could just zip up the inside seam but it's long gone. Soooooo....back to square one. I've become an expert at catalog shopping and working the sale coupons or QVC, they have a good return policy.


Right now I have committed to jumping up and down (out of my comfy chair that is) during the Olympics commercials to get in my 10,000 steps, I'll have a path worn out in the carpet by the time it's over, that's a lot of back and forth. But I know two weeks of sitting on my butt would not be a good thing. I also have a set of those squishy weighted balls on the arms of the chair to use during the events.


It's been s-l-o-w going the last few months with the weight loss, only 1.8 last Thursday night but at least it's going in the right direction. I think my meals need a good shake-up, I seem to be eating the same 10 things all the time, it's fast and easy but I need to mix it up more. This Winter has been a doozy, can't wait for the Spring to come, and our cruise of course, :) Cheers!

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I was just wondering about this......has anyone here tried the new Simple Start Program just to shake things up??? I'm losing...but it is so darn slow and I don't want to get bored and go off the rails. Was talking to the hubby this morning that I might try the new Program for a few weeks and see if I a) like it and b) will it activate the good weekly losses I was having. I think I'm just too stuck with the same-old-same-old. Anyone try the new Plan yet??? What do you think??? Thanks, :)

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Well, I'm sticking to the points, BUT we have heard there has been quite a lot of success with Simple Start. I would not hesitate. A girl I work with lost 9 lbs in 3 weeks. She's in her late 30's so she looses faster....WAY faster than I do. Let us know how it goes and good luck!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is my first time in this section. I can tell you I tried the WW Simple Start the first week & lost 3 pounds. However, I am familiar with the points plus system & went back to that. I joined in May (a lifetime member) & have lost 46 pounds. I still have about 50 to go.


I have changed some habits without realizing like fill half my plate with vegetables. I have reduced my starch intake (no more bread basket treats). I still go to buffets because husband wants to go. My big weakness is the variety of deserts. I try to take a small spoon of each of the have-to-haves though.

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Welcome PT Angel, (are you a therapist?) Well, I never got started on Simple Start but last night after our meeting I sat in with the Newbies again to get a refresher course. What I need to do is go out and get the fat-free or non-fat versions of what I have been counting Points for before. Mainly cheese, Cottage Cheese, yogurt etc., most everything else I already eat and have. I'll give it a whirl and see if I can notch the scale down. My leader said a shake-up wouldn't hurt, even though I did lose 2 more pounds last night. So far 28.2 lbs. down! :) Enjoy your weekend everyone!

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No, I am not a therapist. You have to try whatever works for you. I need to write everything down & be very specific. Not everyone has to be that regimented. I just know what works for me. I sometimes envy those that can maintain their goals & make it look easy. It's very hard for me.


I bought the fat free cottage cheese & can't taste a difference; the same with the shredded cheese. I have snuck a little of the fat free shredded cheese into my husbands food & he doesn't even realize it.


Good luck & know that others are going through the same challenges.

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Hi everyone I just found this thread and am going on a cruise in 4weeks so I really appreciate this topic.


i just joined WW online. I used to be quite small but I got sick almost 3 years ago and couldn't move much. I was on prednisone for 2years but am off now. I was told by Dr that the weight would just come off once I was off the meds. Boy was he wrong. Maybe it is a combination of age (I am mid 50s) menopause or what but I am having a tough time losing. It was reassuring to see others with a slow weight loss with WW. I have been vigilant for 2weeks. I keep track on my app and have never used my extra 49 points. I may have lost a pound but like goldgirl2 my weight can fluctuate by 3pounds during the day! Any suggestions? I do know one thing - giving up will not get me where I need to go!


Thanks! Laura

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Guest debbiejohncruise

Would you believe I only gained a pound over the 3 week cruise? We walked every day (with Nordic walking sticks) on deck 5 (shadier than the deck up on top and quieter) and always used the stairs on board. that and eating healthy is definitely possible on the ship. We did have a drink package and had quite a few glasses of wine and Bahama Mamas but still managed to do very well! Good luck everyone with cruises coming up! Deb

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