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A Taste of Disappointment


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Had an expensive (3 pages) reply from Cunard today,with regard to my letter of complaint.

Having worked 20+ years in Customer services,I have to say it was an excellent response. They addressed each of the points I had made individually, and showed that they had actually read the letter, rather than just printing off a stock response. They came up with a few specific reasons for my complaints re the MDR, showing that some investigation had been done,so hats off to them .... they didn't reply to my question as to whether they read Cruise Critic though!

They also credited me with £180 off a future cruise....although as my husband flatly refuses to travel in Britannia again,that won't go far!


That's encouraging to hear. Having tried to express concerns and have them addressed on the ship to no avail, I was too cynical to follow up in writing but it's good to know your issues were answered. I am due back on board for a TA later this week so I am hoping last month was an aberration and it will be 'service as normal'.

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Had an expensive (3 pages) reply from Cunard today,with regard to my letter of complaint.

Having worked 20+ years in Customer services,I have to say it was an excellent response. They addressed each of the points I had made individually, and showed that they had actually read the letter, rather than just printing off a stock response. They came up with a few specific reasons for my complaints re the MDR, showing that some investigation had been done,so hats off to them .... they didn't reply to my question as to whether they read Cruise Critic though!

They also credited me with £180 off a future cruise....although as my husband flatly refuses to travel in Britannia again,that won't go far!


Meant to say "an extensive reply"...not expensive!!! Is there no edit function here??

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I find it extremely difficult to believe that the quality/quantity of food served on a short cruise (intended as a "filler) would be any different to that on a longer cruise. The logistics involved in the provisioning of these ships - and the quantity stored onboard - alone would not allow that degree of penny pinching.


However I can believe that the bars were busier and therefore more rowdy than normal - this is normal for ALL cruiselines having 2 night cruises. Cunard would be no exception in that regard. The longer the cruise - the older(and quieter) the clientèle, the shorter the cruise the younger (and rowdier) - from the handbook, "Cruising 101"



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Had an expensive (3 pages) reply from Cunard today,with regard to my letter of complaint.

Having worked 20+ years in Customer services,I have to say it was an excellent response. They addressed each of the points I had made individually, and showed that they had actually read the letter, rather than just printing off a stock response. They came up with a few specific reasons for my complaints re the MDR, showing that some investigation had been done,so hats off to them .... they didn't reply to my question as to whether they read Cruise Critic though!

They also credited me with £180 off a future cruise....although as my husband flatly refuses to travel in Britannia again,that won't go far!


Obviously they've come back with an in-depth and genuine response, which is really great. Are you able to share some of your feedback and the particular response?

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Barry-I'd no issues with quality/quantity of food, but issues with smelly cabins due to smokers,blocked toilets in same cabin, unasked for alarm calls at 6.30 am in BOTH cabins(-coincidence or not??),long queues to be seated for breakfast,wine ordered with meals not arriving till after food eaten etc etc..the list goes on...


In their reply, Cunard stated the cabin should have had the filters in the aircon unit changed-evidently not done, and almost accused me of flushing strange objects down the toilet as I am obviously "unfamiliar" with boat plumbing. Actually,we have owned a liveaboard for about 10 years,and I rather too familiar with the workings of boat plumbing thanks!!Secondly, my husband was a BA 747 Captain and noted the toilets seemed to be vacuum operated just like on the aircraft....I think we can safely say it was nothing WE did !!

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Obviously they've come back with an in-depth and genuine response, which is really great. Are you able to share some of your feedback and the particular response?


Yes, the wait for breakfast was not really addressed,but was fed back to the restaurant manager onboard to see if they need to alter their seating system, the lack of toast and cold tea etc was put down to breakdowns of kitchen equipment, and the kitchen staff not being able to keep up with demand. Several staff were pulled from elsewhere in the galley to help catch up,and food items I believe were pulled in from elsewhere-I'm guessing Kings Court??

Poor sommelier was put down to more people than usual ordering wine-not sure I can believe that???

Smelly cabin-I mentioned above about aircon filters not being changed. Alarm calls were blamed on previous occupants having set an alarm call...however as we had 2 cabins,and they both recieved early alarm calls I find that coincidence too difficult to grasp. Again, this has been passed on to the accomodation manager onboard to look into.

Still,at least they actually read it,rather than just the usual corporate guff...

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I've been reading the posts in this thread, and I do wonder why some people seem to have a terrible time on Cunard ships. I have sailed about 18 times on the transatlantics (QE2 then QM2) and not once have I had a terrible experience. In fact I always had a wonderful trip. Some were better than others, but none were disappointing. There were things that went wrong on occasion, but never enough to spoil the entire trip.


I've sailed in PG, in QG (once), Caronia on QE2, and Britannia on QM2. Always had a great time no matter what. I've met some wonderful people on both ships, and particularly on QE2. I was lucky enough to have the Captain's table for a couple of voyages, and those times were especially fun.


I did like the choice of the single Caronia cabins on QE2. They were quite big and had baths. Rather comparable to PG on QM2 (at least compared to Britannia). However, I was in a single QG on QE2, and although fairly large, it was not particularly outstanding, but comfortable.


I think what has been gradually lost is more a spirit, a feeling, an atmosphere---it's intangible. It's not quantifiable. You can't explain it really. I don't want the past back. Many things are better now. But I don't think it's an issue of past, present or future. It's about "savoir vivre". But, hey, there are so many things in life to be happy about and to look forward to. The furture is open and nothing is set in stone.:)

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I became friendly with one of the gentleman hosts who was very youthful and easily the best dancer. He was monopolized on the Queens Room dance floor every evening by one of the world cruise regulars and pursued (read: stalked) by her relentlessly throughout the ship during daytime hours. While reading by the pool on a sea day, I witnessed her emerge from the port side doorway to the One Deck pool area where he was sun bathing. When he saw her coming, he jumped up and ran into the ship through the portside doors. She attempted to cut him off in the Pavilion Cafe. It was like watching a French farce! It all came to a head one evening when she slapped him in the face for ignoring her and selecting other dance partners in succession. Good times!


I don't think any ship will ever have such a cast of characters as QE2 did on world cruises. I, too, wonder where they might have gone... I suspect Queen Elizabeth and, prior, to Queen Victoria.



That is hilarious! I wish I had been there. Was this a lady of "a certain age" or a younger one on the make? She sounds quite predatory. I would imagine there was alcohol involved.

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Sailed the New England to Quebec cruise on the QM2 this past October. Queen's grill. Pricey but I always do that. Third time on Cunard. Have sailed 15 times or more on several lines. This was an unmitigated disaster. Our bulter started complaining the moment we met him. Nor said "I cannot bring breakfast since I have too many cabins. Not like the QE2 which I loved." Hmmmm. After the third day of listening to his complaints, we sat in the Grill. Everything else went OK, not fabulous, but OK until we made all of our ports and went to sail out of Quebec City. Two other lines' ships stayed in port. Our newly appointed captain sailed straight into the teeth of a nor'easter. 65 mile per hour sustained winds and 27 foot waves for 12 hours. So many people were ill. All entertainment was cancelled. The wind started a fire on deck 12 in the gas turbines. An announcment went out "Please pick up your children and pets". Understandably, the first-time cruisers seated near us were upset. We proceeded to our cabin to put on warm clothes and get our meds. Thankfully the fire was put out. But not before the dining room was emptied of all crew thus ruining our dinner. No Royal Ascot ball for which we had purchased new fancy clothes. Nothing rescheduled the next night. Not even a free drink was proffered.The winds died down somewhat after leaving the Gulf of St. LAwrence, but were still quite high for another 24 hours. OK. we are on our way to NY, what else can go wrong? Well...they can lose your luggage. On the pier? Yup. And the Cunard employeee put there to help you can be rude when your 63 year old husband politely asks her for help. An hour and a half to finally find the missing piece which had BOTH tags ripped off. AUGH! And I paid a premium for his trip? An email to Cunard resulted in a letter stating they were looking into it. Over a month since we got home and no results. At this point, they couldn't pay ME to sail on this line.

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That is hilarious! I wish I had been there. Was this a lady of "a certain age" or a younger one on the make? She sounds quite predatory. I would imagine there was alcohol involved.


Tess, it was very funny to witness. She was of "a certain age" and liquor was not involved. This occurred at sea on a sunny afternoon.


What a cast of characters inhabited QE2 on world cruises. My travel agent always said that QE2 was a magnet for such types!


I loved and dearly miss that great ship.

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Ladycruiser 12345


So sorry to read of your problems on your cruise, it is so disappointing to feel you wasted your money


I am afraid you will most likely get flamed , or told you expected too much of a hard working staff, however there are some posters who can relate to you.


Your Butler obviously requires "retraining" , for the price of QG you certainly have a right to have breakfast served in your room,in fact that is one of the luxuries advertised by Cunard .


I have cruised 18 times on Cunard (over 50 total incl other lines ) some cruises have been really good, but there have been those that were most certainly less than minimum in service.


I hope that you do get an answer from HO, but it is very "iffy". On one cruise my OBA had a charge of $65 which should not have been there, pursers office gave several excuses why this was not taken off, on return home I wrote to Mr Shanks (though I did not expect him to actually deal with the matter) No reply , 2 months another letter, another 2 months, then I opened an envelope from Cunard Southampton, inside a cheque for $65, no letter,no apology, just the cheque. Bare minimum service.


At time of the fire, after reading several reports of lack of info, etc, I wrote that I thought the Captain should have made announcements that calmed the passengers, I got flamed, told in essence that I should "shut up and cruise on another line"


If you do get flamed, just ignore the nasty remarks.


Good luck next time

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I don't understand why some repsondents her want to flame others who are only giving their opinions after spending megabucks on a cruise. Queen's Grill is pricey. One cannot get into the Grill or Lounge without being in QG. For someone to say I didn't know where I was is ludicrous. My butler was absurd. This was my 15th cruise. I have had a butler on 13 of my cruises. This was the only one who stood out as very poorly trained. They should do their jobs to the utmost not to the minimum and then complain about it. He's a butler. Not my employee. If he were , and I've had more than 100 over the years, he would have been gone. When one spends a great deal of money, at the very least, one is entitled to their opinion. As to the comments about my luggage, grill guests have priority disembarkation. The idea is that you should get better service and your bags should come off quickly and all together. They were in 3 different places and NOT with the other Grill passsengers' bags. Don't criticize what you have never paid for or experienced. You don't know what you're talking about. I'm sure if you paid this price you'd be screaming LOUDLY. Perhaps you really work for the line. As far as my typing, sorry , I've always had secretaries. Don't type well. Boohoo.

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I don't understand why some repsondents her want to flame others who are only giving their opinions after spending megabucks on a cruise. Queen's Grill is pricey. One cannot get into the Grill or Lounge without being in QG. For someone to say I didn't know where I was is ludicrous. My butler was absurd. This was my 15th cruise. I have had a butler on 13 of my cruises. This was the only one who stood out as very poorly trained. They should do their jobs to the utmost not to the minimum and then complain about it. He's a butler. Not my employee. If he were , and I've had more than 100 over the years, he would have been gone. When one spends a great deal of money, at the very least, one is entitled to their opinion. As to the comments about my luggage, grill guests have priority disembarkation. The idea is that you should get better service and your bags should come off quickly and all together. They were in 3 different places and NOT with the other Grill passsengers' bags. Don't criticize what you have never paid for or experienced. You don't know what you're talking about. I'm sure if you paid this price you'd be screaming LOUDLY. Perhaps you really work for the line. As far as my typing, sorry , I've always had secretaries. Don't type well. Boohoo.


I can well believe this report. My butler on QM2 was only slightly better. Although he did not refuse to bring breakfast, I found the cold items (eg yoghurt and pineapple juice) were hot as he had obviously prepared the tray a long time before serving and left the food near some kind of heating device. Obviously I could not eat hot yoghurt and juice. Therefore, whenever possible I went to the QG restaurant for breakfast.


As to luggage, Cunard White Star lost one of my cases for several days because the administrators in the Purser's office gave me wrong documents to put on the case (even though I said that they were wrong - they insisted I use those particular documents). When I came home and only received one case instead of two, I had to make long calls to the US and Singapore to track down my case. In fact, I did a better job of finding it than Cunard White Star representatives. This was a bad end to the trip.

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It's an age thing.




I always notice that there are very few people on the upper decks on any cruiseship I have been on - between 4-5AM (just before sunrise - absolute best time of the day at sea!! :)) Those that are around are usually quite sociable. and mature .;)



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Hi Ladycruiser 12345


I'm sorry you didn't enjoy your cruise, particularly regarding the storm. I was also on that cruise and personally, I would have been more upset if we had not carried on sailing as we would have been late arriving in NY and I would have missed my time there. I would agree that the communication was not the best but then I would rather that dealing with the emergency was given priority over telling the passengers all the details.

I thought the whole experience was really exciting and added to my enjoyment of the trip which I suppose goes to show we're all different and you can't please all of the people all of the time!

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My butler was absurd. This was my 15th cruise. I have had a butler on 13 of my cruises. This was the only one who stood out as very poorly trained. They should do their jobs to the utmost not to the minimum and then complain about it.


More praising and "celebrating" the staff's efforts have become part of the itinerary, which is good, but I did notice staff were reliably nicer and more polite until about 2 to 4 years ago. Recently I have noticed some crankyness and "devil-may-care" kinds of attitudes here and there (which began to manifest slightly during QE2's last couple of years). I do find that most of the staff on QM2 are quite nice really, but I have experienced some less than professional behavior here and there recently.

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Can I just say I had a Butler named Nor for my Q6 suite on my QM2 Fjords Cruise in July 2011, He was excellent, nothing was too much trouble and he was so much better than the Butler I had in my Q2 Suite, on QV November 2010, so bad can't even remember his name began with an S though (first time in QG, upgrade from Q7 woo hoo, but very naive with what to expect) ,I guess it's just if you get them on a good day! But I do agree it should always be a good day where their job is concerned regardless if it is QG or Britania! Maybe I am just too nice to complain.

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Ladycruiser 12345


So sorry to read of your problems on your cruise, it is so disappointing to feel you wasted your money


I am afraid you will most likely get flamed , or told you expected too much of a hard working staff, however there are some posters who can relate to you.


Your Butler obviously requires "retraining" , for the price of QG you certainly have a right to have breakfast served in your room,in fact that is one of the luxuries advertised by Cunard .


I have cruised 18 times on Cunard (over 50 total incl other lines ) some cruises have been really good, but there have been those that were most certainly less than minimum in service.


I hope that you do get an answer from HO, but it is very "iffy". On one cruise my OBA had a charge of $65 which should not have been there, pursers office gave several excuses why this was not taken off, on return home I wrote to Mr Shanks (though I did not expect him to actually deal with the matter) No reply , 2 months another letter, another 2 months, then I opened an envelope from Cunard Southampton, inside a cheque for $65, no letter,no apology, just the cheque. Bare minimum service.


At time of the fire, after reading several reports of lack of info, etc, I wrote that I thought the Captain should have made announcements that calmed the passengers, I got flamed, told in essence that I should "shut up and cruise on another line"


If you do get flamed, just ignore the nasty remarks.


Good luck next time

I feel that if she had brought this matter of the butler to the purser's attention, it might have been addressed. We had a couple who got the room we were orginally supposed to be in, tell us how bad their butler was(ours was fantastic). I told them address it with the purser..sure enough it became much better.

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Hi Ladycruiser 12345


I'm sorry you didn't enjoy your cruise, particularly regarding the storm. I was also on that cruise and personally, I would have been more upset if we had not carried on sailing as we would have been late arriving in NY and I would have missed my time there. I would agree that the communication was not the best but then I would rather that dealing with the emergency was given priority over telling the passengers all the details.

I thought the whole experience was really exciting and added to my enjoyment of the trip which I suppose goes to show we're all different and you can't please all of the people all of the time!

Was the storm as bad as described? We had some pretty wild weather coming back to NY last Nov. We were in a Q-6 on deck 9 & could feel the spray all the way up there. This was pretty late. I should have dressed & gone to the Chart room. Then again it might have been a bit disconcerting to see the window "dunking" under. It did that on our 2004 voyage. Kind of cool & scary at the same time.

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  • 10 months later...

Wish i had found this thread a year ago . Even though i got 'a free upgrade'

i was not impressed with the food, waiting staff in Britannia Grill. We were so massively dissapointed with the Queen Mary it may take us a long time we consider another Cunard Cruise !:(

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