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So is the new tipping rate screwing the crew over now?

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You don't know that.... How about the social host making about $250 a week? Karaoke hosts make very little as well... You don't know who gets this... Nobody does yet.... Total speculation on your part... And I do know for a fact that not all musicians make $500 a week... Some do but not all...


How do you know karoake hosts make very little? Last cruise on Miracle girl running it was extremely good and sang quite a few songs with the band at various venues around the ship. Hard to believe she would be making very little.

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Spoke to the musicans when we were on the Splendor in 2009. Thought of our son who was a music major at that time. We were told that musicans have to have a BA and earned at least $500 a week. That was all they would admit to.


Son graduated in May and one of his friends was hired by NCL. His salary is $3000 a month.


Now Carnival wants us to tip these people? DUHHHHH


Plus room and board and they get to eat up on lido.

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How do you know karoake hosts make very little? Last cruise on Miracle girl running it was extremely good and sang quite a few songs with the band at various venues around the ship. Hard to believe she would be making very little.


Well.... I worked there for 5 years.... They do not make much.... Certainly not $3000 a month....

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I agree nothing wrong with auto tips. My complaint is they just increased alternative by a buck and started to include new people in it such as guest services and entertainment. That is my complaint.


If Carnival thinks they deserve give it to them dont expect us to do so by tipping.


I don't like the idea of tipping the entertainment staff on Carnival. When I think entertainment staff I think of the dancers and so on. The stuff they pass as entertainment in the theatre really isn't worth a tip IMHO. Same show on every ship I was on in the last year (3 Carnival ships) and it wasn't very good either.

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My sole issue is WHO is getting the tips that we give. If they had increased the tips given more money to the stewards, the waitstaff etc. I wouldn't have an issue but giving it to "alternate services" is what I have a problem with that and why won't they TELL me who is getting the funds. If you want to call it a surcharge and are upfront about it then give the money to whoever but to ask me to tip a "ghost" is not right.


When I put some coin in the tip cup somewhere I assume that the person who assisted me and others splits that with their peers. I wouldn't tip if I thought it was going to management as they always make more than the average worker.

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You don't know that.... How about the social host making about $250 a week? Karaoke hosts make very little as well... You don't know who gets this... Nobody does yet.... Total speculation on your part... And I do know for a fact that not all musicians make $500 a week... Some do but not all...


The gentleman that graduated with my son in May I know for a fact what his salary is. It stated it in his contact. Son was shocked at the salary.


If you look at Carnivals employment site you will see the musicans must have a BA. After talking to these musicans on the Splendor have watched this. Like I said before thought of our son. These are salaried employees paid very well. Now we are expected to tip them.

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A 10 by 8 room (with a roommate) and they get to go to a buffet (when not busy with guests).... Yeah.... Not exactly luxury accommodations....


The friend of our son knew exactly what he was getting into. He knew where he will be living for the next year.Yes it is NCL and he done his research. Best pay and options for him. Said he will have to spend very little money and gets to "see" the world. He is not blind. He left the day after graduation to meet his ship.

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2.0 has to be paid for some way.


The Ironic part is that they do not apply if you PRE-PAY the tips. Carnival is the only cruise company I know of that won't accept pre-payment!


Carnival does accept prepayment. We prepay every cruise.

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There will be boxes in all staterooms. When ship slows to a crawl, please deposit dollar bills and ship will return to normal cruising speed. True pay as you go.:o


You mean like the passangers on the airline that had to coff up $200.00 each to pay for fuel or they could not leave the country?


That was a true pay or you Don't go!

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Entertainment staff will not be getting tips. This change in terminology is only put in place to cover any future SERVICE individuals that may not fall into other classifications.


NO SALARIES individuals will be receiving a portion of these tips.


Now Camp Carnival Counselors are paid a full salary and they do get tipped but it is specifically noted at the time of the transaction (after hours babysitting) just like the tips are specifically noted when you buy a drink.


There is no way you will find every individual that has EARNED that tip and these will be hard working individuals (like in the Lido kitchen) will be missed....


I guess THEY don't deserve a tip????




I'm sorry. Did I miss something? Are you in charge or Carnival Cruise Lines? You know all of this how?


AND>>>>you obviously can't read.

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Guest services mark your forehead with a Big Red X after completing the auto tip removal form


Well, that was helpful.


The cruiseline posts a listing of all passangers who have removed tips. The crew has access to that list. They know.

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Well she thinks she is always right, bless her heart.


Bless her heart? No, she just thinks she is the only one who knows anyting and always making statements that are not true or only partly true. I think most posts are just made up from her own mind!

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I do get it, really. I left last weekend on my cruise, and come home to the same complaints though. If you dont like it, remove the tips, its your choice, but at some point it is up to YOU (plural, to all the complainers) to deal with it. You cant make Carnival respond... just like when I had that miserable cruise on conquest when Ike hit and customer service to me stank, I had to get over it and move on.


John promised me a phone call. I meet him in person at the commercial they shot in Dallas. He broke his promise to me and mach and others who could have let him know refused to let him know...so to me he is already someone who isnt honest or keeps promises. Lots of hot air. Mach would rather me think less of John forever, than let john know he broke his promise...so dont sit around waiting for john.


Iv been cruising too much, 6 to 8 times a year. I keep saying I need to cut back a little. My time on a cruise is too valuable to waste it letting things like how tipping is done upset me. It is Carnival's choice.. just like it was johns choice to not go thru with a simple phone call to say carnival heard me on the bad service we got. I too simply wanted to be heard. Now I know its like knocking my head against a wall .. not worth the effort.


That particular cruise, and Carnival's and John not keeping his word was when I started leaning toward my preferance of RCL. I dont like people who dont keep their word. Im a honest person. I did not ask for the phone call, John volunteered that someone would call me.


Its your choice now how you want to handle the fact that John isnt replying to you. Carnival had the choice of keeping me loyal or not and choose not.. now its your choice.


OMG what the heck are you blubbering about? Poor baby, didn't get a phone call. Welcome to the real world.

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at some point you have to just decide, ok carnival does not care what i think ... And then decide if you want to keep cruising with them. It did make me start branching out more.. So maybe it was for the best. I was thinking today when i got off triumph, 5th time for those shows, that i think im going to try ncl next booking. More branching out needed. ..at some point some of us start growing away more and more from carnival due to ...whatever. It is up to you though to decide. .. Especially if john never responds, and especially if it really is a point about how the tips are distrubuting, how much do you really care?


Just like john choose not to follow thru on his promise to me to "have someone call me" and folks here knew that meant for the rest of my time on cc i would say john does not keep his promises... It was a choice they made. ... And we know i make a lot of posts, and will keep saying that about john.


get over it!

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I have a question....I was told if you remove the tips and then choose to tip who you want, they are required to turn the money into the front desk. The only way they can keep the tip is if the passenger kept the auto tip and then gave extra????....I know this is the way its done on HAL.



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not so on carnival. what you hand them, they get to keep 100% of it.


Once again, you are incorrect. If you remove your tips and give them cash, they have to turn it in and be pooled. If they don't turn it in, they can be fired.


Just ask them........If you leave the tip and tip extra, then they get to keep it.



Some night, watch in the dining room when waiters are handed envelopes. They immediately go and place the envelope in a box at the podium. They are watched......

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True but for a young person with no entanglements seems like a great job.


I agree with you... For a young person right out of school it's great. My only point was to show a different side to "room and board". People that work there aren't homeless. There is still rent/mortgages and car payments to make on things they can't use at sea. It's not a bonus that this is provided... It's a necessity to work there. It doesn't mean they are getting a free ride in life though... A lot will still have typical bills that don't stop just because they work on a ship...

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Once again, you are incorrect. If you remove your tips and give them cash, they have to turn it in and be pooled. If they don't turn it in, they can be fired.


Just ask them........If you leave the tip and tip extra, then they get to keep it.



Some night, watch in the dining room when waiters are handed envelopes. They immediately go and place the envelope in a box at the podium. They are watched......


I guess John H is a lying sack of........


From his blog.........


Flynlo Asked:

John Please Reply,

Help us out on the Cruise Critic Board! Do waiters or room stewards get to keep all cash tips, regardless of auto tip reduced, removed etc. Some of us prefer cash tips, but lots believe that waiters or cabin stewards are reprimanded when auto tips are removed. True or not. Thanks for any help.

John Says:

Hello Flyno

I hope you just read the explanation I gave just a few questions ago about tipping. I assure you that regardless of if the tips are left on the guests’ Sail & Sign card or withdrawn and paid instead in cash that the positions you are tipping receive 100% of the money. There are no exceptions to this. Unfortunately it seems that this confusion was started by someone who truly had no bloody clue what he was talking about which is a real shame.

Now, if tips are removed the guest services officer will of course ask why. The most common reason is that people wish to pay in cash and that’s fine. However the guest is always asked if they are removing the gratuities because they are unhappy with the service provided by the stateroom steward or dining room team. If the guest was to say “yes” then the crew member in question is thrown in the brig and publicly flogged…. I guess I shouldn’t make light of this but having read some of the opinions where people really think that if a guest removes the gratuity we automatically reprimand them without investigation is ludicrous.

Now, there are times of course when the service has not been what we or the guest expects and on these occasions appropriate re-training is given and in rare cases the crew member concerned would be given an official warning. The reason we ask guests if they are removing the tips because of the service is one of the ways we continue to find out where our weak links are and thus improve. It is of course also important to remember that some people remove tips ……….well………..ummmmm……….because they just don’t think people deserve them despite the excellent service……..and that’s life.

So once again thanks Flyno for allowing me a chance to set the record straight and if you or Host Mach could add this to the miles of thread on this subject I would appreciate it.

My best wishes


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The gentleman that graduated with my son in May I know for a fact what his salary is. It stated it in his contact. Son was shocked at the salary.


If you look at Carnivals employment site you will see the musicans must have a BA. After talking to these musicans on the Splendor have watched this. Like I said before thought of our son. These are salaried employees paid very well. Now we are expected to tip them.


You're still off a bit.... You are describing show band musicians. Do you think the Calypso bands (which are disappearing) and lounge entertainers have to have a BA in music performance? No they don't.... They are not paid "very well".... Even at $500 a week (which would be the high end for the show band), that's $25000 a year if they work every week (which no one does). Remember that there is zero pay for vacations... So the typical band member makes about $18000 a year and will have to pay tax on that (yes, US citizens pay taxes).... Tell me again how this is "well paid"... That's before they spend a dime on an island...


It is a great experience for a young musician out of school.... It's an adventure... But they are not getting rich there...


I still guess (guess being highlighted!) that the "entertainment" tips would be going to hosts and dancers... Their salary is no where near $500 a week.. But hey.... What do I know... Guessing like you all are.... I did work there for 5 years though and think I have a pretty good idea how most things on a ship still work....

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Spoke to the musicans when we were on the Splendor in 2009. Thought of our son who was a music major at that time. We were told that musicans have to have a BA and earned at least $500 a week. That was all they would admit to.


Son graduated in May and one of his friends was hired by NCL. His salary is $3000 a month.


Now Carnival wants us to tip these people? DUHHHHH


One other MAJOR point.... Your sons friend is working for NCL.... Their pay scale is almost double compared to Carnival... And they have a daily service charge, not tips, that can't be removed.... what's your point with this post??

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Once again, you are incorrect. If you remove your tips and give them cash, they have to turn it in and be pooled. If they don't turn it in, they can be fired.


Just ask them........If you leave the tip and tip extra, then they get to keep it.



Some night, watch in the dining room when waiters are handed envelopes. They immediately go and place the envelope in a box at the podium. They are watched......


how many times are you going to post this incorrect info?

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One other MAJOR point.... Your sons friend is working for NCL.... Their pay scale is almost double compared to Carnival... And they have a daily service charge, not tips, that can't be removed.... what's your point with this post??


Carnivals tips are now $11.50 and NCL's daily service charge is $12.00. So they can pay musicians double out of that extra $.50?


NCL's FAQ's say you can adjust the daily service charge if you tell them of a problem and it is not corrected to your satisfaction.


From NCL's FAQ:


If there is a service issue can the service charges be adjusted on board?

Guest satisfaction is the highest priority at Norwegian Cruise Line. We have structured a guest satisfaction program designed to handle any concerns about service or on-board product quickly and efficiently. However, in the event a service issue should arise during your cruise please let our on-board guest services desk staff know right away, so that we can address these in a timely manner. It is our goal to reach a satisfactory solution to any issue when it happens and make sure our guests can focus on enjoying their cruise. Should your concerns not be met with satisfaction you can adjust the charges




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