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loosing sleep and ready to sell my boarding pass


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i cant sleep! my son (8yrs) got very ill this past week. he just got dx with asthma, and its been rough!!! after 8 days, his lungs are sounding a lot better today and i expect him to be in school on monday.


so... as a result, i am no longer seeing myself soaking up the sun and having a grand ole time with hubby, I am seeing my child sick and no one can get in touch with me, or they get in touch with me and theres nothing i can do, or the g-parents dont even realize how sick he is and dont even bother to try to get in touch with me. im really freaking out!!!


i dont know if i am going.


when i booked.. i did not really think about my two kids not being able to contact me. i feel like a bad mom. cant really take them because its a family (my DH's) reunion trip and NO ONE else will take the kids. i dont want to be the rude one. if its kids free they want, i will comply.


PARENTS: what has been your experience with leaving the kids behind, how did you handle this? were you as freaked out about being so far away as i am?

any tips on how to make this a little less stressful? please? lol

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i cant sleep! my son (8yrs) got very ill this past week. he just got dx with asthma, and its been rough!!! after 8 days, his lungs are sounding a lot better today and i expect him to be in school on monday.


so... as a result, i am no longer seeing myself soaking up the sun and having a grand ole time with hubby, I am seeing my child sick and no one can get in touch with me, or they get in touch with me and theres nothing i can do, or the g-parents dont even realize how sick he is and dont even bother to try to get in touch with me. im really freaking out!!!


i dont know if i am going.


when i booked.. i did not really think about my two kids not being able to contact me. i feel like a bad mom. cant really take them because its a family (my DH's) reunion trip and NO ONE else will take the kids. i dont want to be the rude one. if its kids free they want, i will comply.


PARENTS: what has been your experience with leaving the kids behind, how did you handle this? were you as freaked out about being so far away as i am?

any tips on how to make this a little less stressful? please? lol



We left our daughter (and will be doing so again in January) with my parents while we cruised. For 99 cents per minute I was able to call home as often as I wanted. We made the calls short and sweet. Don't worry! Have a great time!

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I have heard that some people keep in touch via carnival site messageboards. I dropped my kids off and never looked back (bad mommy!). That being said my kids werent recently sick and they stay with my parents all the time. My dh was more worried than me. Turned out my stepgrandma passed away while we were on board so carnival gave me complimentary calls home to discuss funeral arrangements so i ended up being able to check on the kids. That being said i didnt worry or miss them. 5 day cruise and i didnt miss my kids. Told you im a bad mommy. Lol. 7 days maybe, 5 not long enough. I also found that my cell worked in ports. You can stay in touch wth home, you will just have to pay for internet or phone.


Ps-how much do you want for that boarding pass??

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We emailed back and forth the whole week. Our friends that also left kids at home contacted their cell phone carrier and got international calling plan. They called home from each port.


Although I knew that my mother-n-law would take good care of my kids, I made sure that neighbors and friends were in the loop as well to step in if needed.

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Yes, I feel your pain. It can be very stressful to leave kids at home, especially when one is sick. The good news is that they CAN contact you by calling the ship. Go to the Carnival Website and search for instructions for calling to give to them. Also, you can call and check on them. I also believe your cruise insurance may pay for an emergency trip home if you are needed there, so you may want to check on that. When I have left kids in the past and I wondered if it was iffy, I'd book a visit to our family doctor, have them examined, explain the situation, and ask what SHE would do. I'll bet your doctor will shoot straight with you, and you may learn that the problem will likely be all gone in two or three days, which will help you to relax and enjoy your trip more. If your doctor says don't go, that will make your decision easy and help with the other adults on the trip to understand. I'm so sorry you are going through this. Yuck!

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First of all, I am glad your son is feeling better. I was diagnosed with asthma last year and do well as long as I take my advair.


I too am a terrible mom. I leave my children every single year for a week in October with their grandparents while I spend an entire week with my husband. I am so mean to them that I even laugh with him, reconnect with him and come home rested, relaxed and focused on my family. Yes, I am being sarcastic because the very best gift we can give our children is a good relationship between the parents.


I explain it to my kids this way....A deck of cards has 52 cards and a year has 52 weeks. Imagine if I take one little card out of the deck...it is still huge. That is the time I spend with my family. The one little card is the week I spend with my husband. Now, as far as the grandparents go, how would it make my parents feel if I cancelled my trip because I didn't think they were capable of caring for my children for a few days after they successfully raised me?


Please take a moment to really consider all of this before you cancel a trip that your husband is looking forward to. Parents need to nurture their relationship and a week without you may be good for your kids. I know it is for mine. And like another poster said, you can call home for .99 cents per minute from the cabin. I do it every other to every third day.


Hope you are at peace with whatever decision you make and I hope your little man does well with his asthma. :)

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i cant sleep! my son (8yrs) got very ill this past week. he just got dx with asthma, and its been rough!!! after 8 days, his lungs are sounding a lot better today and i expect him to be in school on monday.


so... as a result, i am no longer seeing myself soaking up the sun and having a grand ole time with hubby, I am seeing my child sick and no one can get in touch with me, or they get in touch with me and theres nothing i can do, or the g-parents dont even realize how sick he is and dont even bother to try to get in touch with me. im really freaking out!!!


i dont know if i am going.


when i booked.. i did not really think about my two kids not being able to contact me. i feel like a bad mom. cant really take them because its a family (my DH's) reunion trip and NO ONE else will take the kids. i dont want to be the rude one. if its kids free they want, i will comply.


PARENTS: what has been your experience with leaving the kids behind, how did you handle this? were you as freaked out about being so far away as i am?

any tips on how to make this a little less stressful? please? lol


The 1st cruise without them I didnt handle it the best in the world (you should've seen my s&s). Since then I've been fine, calling from the ports b/c unless the ships have a special on calling it is way cheaper that way. Asthma is a scary thing but.... it's something that doesn't have to control your life. With him being recently diagnosed yeah I'd be freaked out as heck, but I think as long you make aware the person he's staying with then he should be fine. Good Luck on your decision I know it's a hard one.

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Just last night I sent emails to family in case they need to contact me in an emergency. Other than someone mentioned, calling home from the ship at .99 cents a minute, here are instructions in case someone from home is trying to reach you on the ship. Yes, it's expensive and hopefully they won't need to call me, but just peace of mind knowing that if they need to reach me they can:


Friends and family may call guests on board via Sea Mobile Shore-to-Ship telephone service. The rate is $9.50 per minute from the United States; additional long distance charges may apply from outside the United States.


1-877-CCLSHIP (1-877-225-7447) – from the U.S

1-732-335-3284 - from outside the U.S


The caller needs to have available the ship name and the guest's name. The charges will be applied to the caller's credit card: MasterCard; Visa; American Express; The Discover Card; Diner's Club.


For customer service please call:

1-866-459-9020 or 954-672-4428

e-mail: dialaship@mtnsat.com

Customer Service Hours:

8:30am to 5:30pm Eastern Standard Time

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you all give the best advice!


am i to understand that i can call them from the ship for 99cents per min??


has anyone ever used a prepaid phone card from the ship phone?

i may call carnival and see what they say.

you may understand more why i am concerned when i tell you this: the grand parents are smokers! smokers with asthma kid? not good! im also going to look into paying someone to come to my home and keep my kids. before the asthma thing i was fine with this, but seeing how very sick he has been is what has me freaked out. agree with the statement about taking care of your relationship. you are right!!!! you must make time away together. ;0)

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you all give the best advice!


am i to understand that i can call them from the ship for 99cents per min??


has anyone ever used a prepaid phone card from the ship phone?

i may call carnival and see what they say.

you may understand more why i am concerned when i tell you this: the grand parents are smokers! smokers with asthma kid? not good! im also going to look into paying someone to come to my home and keep my kids. before the asthma thing i was fine with this, but seeing how very sick he has been is what has me freaked out. agree with the statement about taking care of your relationship. you are right!!!! you must make time away together. ;0)


If he is that sick, why are you going on a cruise?:confused: Your travel insurance will let you cancel if you really have a sick kid as a doctor would be required to sign off.

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i cant sleep! my son (8yrs) got very ill this past week. he just got dx with asthma, and its been rough!!! after 8 days, his lungs are sounding a lot better today and i expect him to be in school on monday.


so... as a result, i am no longer seeing myself soaking up the sun and having a grand ole time with hubby, I am seeing my child sick and no one can get in touch with me, or they get in touch with me and theres nothing i can do, or the g-parents dont even realize how sick he is and dont even bother to try to get in touch with me. im really freaking out!!!


i dont know if i am going.


when i booked.. i did not really think about my two kids not being able to contact me. i feel like a bad mom. cant really take them because its a family (my DH's) reunion trip and NO ONE else will take the kids. i dont want to be the rude one. if its kids free they want, i will comply.


PARENTS: what has been your experience with leaving the kids behind, how did you handle this? were you as freaked out about being so far away as i am?

any tips on how to make this a little less stressful? please? lol


My husband and I didn't go away without kids until they were grown and once we went off by ourselves, we regretted not doing it when they were younger. My parents are no longer alive but I think they would have enjoyed spending a week alone with their grandkids, and we regret we didn't give them that opportunity.


I understand being concerned about your child, but as others have said it's not like you're totally unreachable. There are emergency contact numbers for the ships and you can call or email.


As for the grandparents smoking, if they're caring grandparents and they understand that smoking around an asmahtic child is a big no-no, I would imagine they'd comply with not smoking near him. That's a conversation you need to have with them well ahead of time.


My recommendation to you is to iron out the details with them, then go and relax. Otherwise you might look back on it later, like we did, and regret you didn't take advantage of it when you could.

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Asthma is scary when first diagnosed, because you don't know why your baby can't breathe. My son had his first episode when he was 18mo old, and I totally understand your concern. What I have done that helps to reassure me is make sure that whoever is watching my child has been educated on symptoms, treatment, and emergency. So if I were you I would make an appointment with your pediatrician and take the grandparents. Let the doctor explain to them what physical signs to look for to indicate when to bring the child in, when to treat (with inhaler or nebulizer), when to take him to the ER, and when to call 911. My pediatrician even has a print out that provides all the info in writing. Then you can rest assured they aren't going to miss something. And go enjoy your vacation, and just check on them from time to time (no more than once every day or two). Just my two cents. Or maybe that was four :-)

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you all give the best advice!


am i to understand that i can call them from the ship for 99cents per min??


has anyone ever used a prepaid phone card from the ship phone?

i may call carnival and see what they say.

you may understand more why i am concerned when i tell you this: the grand parents are smokers! smokers with asthma kid? not good! im also going to look into paying someone to come to my home and keep my kids. before the asthma thing i was fine with this, but seeing how very sick he has been is what has me freaked out. agree with the statement about taking care of your relationship. you are right!!!! you must make time away together. ;0)


I think the $0.99 per minute thing is a ship by ship basis. When we were on the Destiny and they offered the $0.99/minute, but when we were on the Dream, they did not.

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I have heard that some people keep in touch via carnival site messageboards. I dropped my kids off and never looked back (bad mommy!). That being said my kids werent recently sick and they stay with my parents all the time. My dh was more worried than me. Turned out my stepgrandma passed away while we were on board so carnival gave me complimentary calls home to discuss funeral arrangements so i ended up being able to check on the kids. That being said i didnt worry or miss them. 5 day cruise and i didnt miss my kids. Told you im a bad mommy. Lol. 7 days maybe, 5 not long enough. I also found that my cell worked in ports. You can stay in touch wth home, you will just have to pay for internet or phone.


Ps-how much do you want for that boarding pass??


This is very true!!! Just go to the Carnival site and community, go to forums and find the forum that says, "currently onboard." Make a thread for yourself (title it your cruise date and family name or something) and give the link to your friends and family. You can use the computers (funhubs) around the ship to open this forum and post on it for FREE! I just used it on the Dream, so my mom could wish me a Happy Birthday and contact me if she needed me. Its kinda slow on the ships, but you have plenty of time on vacation, so no biggie right? Just remember you have to sign up and you have to sign in under the FORUMS when you log in on the ship, not the main screen. Save your money for if you get a message that you need to call home.

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All are correct about Currently On Board. I use it every time I cruise.

Remember, every one who posts has to be registered on Carnival.com to be able to post.

I can picture your kid's faces when they look forward to seeing your messages. It will give them something to look forward to.

If you take a laptop, you can also access the forums in your room.


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If these folks are grandparents they evidently managed to raise at least one child without knocking that child off :p so I would worry a little less about it! They would certainly recognize a situation that required medical attention and handle it.


Set up a particular time of day to email and you can actually "chat" in the "currently on board" thread. There are also some places in port that provide internet and calls for free. I know in Grand Cayman there is a gift shop right outside the port area that offers this if you make a purchase in their shop - my kids were thrilled to access their facebook accounts!


Relax and enjoy and know that your son is in good hands.

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My 30 year old daughter was pg when we took our Christmas cruise last year.

We were gonna do the Keys after and then return to Houston.

Well, she called the evening we disembarked from the P. Ruby and said she had developed toxemia and was on her way to a stat c-section.

We packed up and went home (road trip!) ASAP.

Mom and baby were fine, but I was glad I cut the vaca short to be with them.


Moral of the story....

No matter how old they are, they are still your kids and you worry about them (sick or not).

If he is stable on the meds and understands what symptoms need to be addressed by a medical professional, go and have a good time.

Call a couple of times a day to check on him to stay sane.



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Agree that an asthmatic child staying with smokers is not ideal! Can't they go out on the porch to smoke? If they are not willing to make this concession, then, I certainly would look into the alternative of hiring a house sitter to stay home. I would not cancel my vacation though.


I have asthma, COPD and until I got it under control, I was sick either on the cruise or after I got home every time I cruised. The a/c vents in the staterooms of the Fantasy class ship (Ecstasy) did not agree with me. I was also very ill on a newer Celebrity ship and required medical treatment.


Not sure if taking your child with you would be a good answer either, especially with the activities and quick changes in climates in and out of air conditioning.


Have fun and enjoy your vacation! Mom's should be allowed to break away and have a life!

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you all give the best advice!


am i to understand that i can call them from the ship for 99cents per min??


has anyone ever used a prepaid phone card from the ship phone?

i may call carnival and see what they say.

you may understand more why i am concerned when i tell you this: the grand parents are smokers! smokers with asthma kid? not good! im also going to look into paying someone to come to my home and keep my kids. before the asthma thing i was fine with this, but seeing how very sick he has been is what has me freaked out. agree with the statement about taking care of your relationship. you are right!!!! you must make time away together. ;0)


Glad to see all the excellent advice and that you have your "poop in a group" and thinking of all the options and scenerios. I agree to take your parents to the doctors and have him/her explain what to watch for and maybe even touch base with them not smoking in the house for that 1 week (I am a smoker and never smoke in our house - even when it is minus 35). Asthma is a very treatable condition and at 8 he is old enough to know limits and what to watch for - have a niece who at 4 could explain her condition better than an adult

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i cant sleep! my son (8yrs) got very ill this past week. he just got dx with asthma, and its been rough!!! after 8 days, his lungs are sounding a lot better today and i expect him to be in school on monday.


so... as a result, i am no longer seeing myself soaking up the sun and having a grand ole time with hubby, I am seeing my child sick and no one can get in touch with me, or they get in touch with me and theres nothing i can do, or the g-parents dont even realize how sick he is and dont even bother to try to get in touch with me. im really freaking out!!!


i dont know if i am going.


when i booked.. i did not really think about my two kids not being able to contact me. i feel like a bad mom. cant really take them because its a family (my DH's) reunion trip and NO ONE else will take the kids. i dont want to be the rude one. if its kids free they want, i will comply.


PARENTS: what has been your experience with leaving the kids behind, how did you handle this? were you as freaked out about being so far away as i am?

any tips on how to make this a little less stressful? please? lol


you don't say when your cruise is scheduled so how can we comment?


If it is next week and this is your first experience with asthma...you certainly may need to monitor your son...and cancel your cruise...but you have insurance right?


If it is in 6 months the asthma will probably be well under control. My main concern is your lack of confidence in the grandparents...which I totally get, btw....

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Apparently, the "grandparents" raised one of you without mishap...and they tend to be even MORE protective of grandkids than of their own children.


You are NOT a bad parent if you leave the kids with trusted folks to go on vacation. It's healthy for both your relationship AND the kids! Couples need to re-connect as friends and lovers (not just as parents!) and kids need to know that parents come before kids, and that they will return and especially since your child has a medical issue....it will give him confidence in his health and treatment. You don't want him to believe he's too sick to be left...how debilitating.


So, go. Don't feel guilty and don't worry...he'll be fine, and you'll come back better for the separation.

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yes, i am a doctor. and of course i will make sure he is good before i go. what my concern is, is that if he has an episode and i am gone. :mad:. call me a control freak, but i really really worry that no one would do for him what i would. and, i dont write scripts for my own children, my associate takes care of my kids. i have learned that no matter what the situation, when its your own kids, you should take a back seat.

that being said, you all are giving great advice. i know that he will be fine. i will be the one worried sick about what 'might' happen while i am gone. i will have all his meds there for him, i just want a way to call him. so if its 6.99 a minute, i will do that. ill just have one heck of a ss bill at the end, lol. any other ideas are appreciated. thanks, you all have a lovely day!

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yes, i am a doctor. and of course i will make sure he is good before i go. what my concern is, is that if he has an episode and i am gone. :mad:. call me a control freak, but i really really worry that no one would do for him what i would. and, i dont write scripts for my own children, my associate takes care of my kids. i have learned that no matter what the situation, when its your own kids, you should take a back seat.

that being said, you all are giving great advice. i know that he will be fine. i will be the one worried sick about what 'might' happen while i am gone. i will have all his meds there for him, i just want a way to call him. so if its 6.99 a minute, i will do that. ill just have one heck of a ss bill at the end, lol. any other ideas are appreciated. thanks, you all have a lovely day!


You're a doctor? Then I guess you know if the condition will allow for the child to be left with grandparents who smoke. And you also will know if the grandparents are capable of caring for an asthmatic child.


quite frankly it disappoints me that a doctor would leave an asthmatic child with smokers.

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