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NCL Dawn Suite - 11 Day Southern Caribbean (Day by Day Review)


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Today was swimming with the stingrays at Stingray City. The weather was still cloudy but not raining. We had a leisurely breakfast in the buffet and headed out to the dock. This was an excursion booked with the cruise so we met the cruise excursion people right at the dock and took a bus to Stingray City. The actual location was small but well situated in a quiet cove. We were given a short lesson in touching and holding stingrays and then got on small boats out to a shallow area with man-made platforms. As soon as we got there, the stingrays were near, attracted by the sound of the engine. The staff was terrific, showing us how to hold the rays and feed them. Brian couldn’t get enough of them and later wore his “stingray-hickey” with pride. We were there near an hour and also snorkeled in the nearby area which was a reasonably good reef but a little murky because of all the traffic. It stayed cloudy all day and there was a little rain when we were in the water but you could tell it was clearing somewhat.


We came back to the ship, showered and then headed back into town to explore. We got a kick out of seeing all the school kids in various colored uniforms, each school different. Finally we stopped off at a bar right at the end of the pier for a drink and free wi-fi to catch up on my email and post the requisite picture on Facebook!


That night we chose to stay in our cabin and ordered pizza and wings and watched two movies. Great treat to have the DVD player and movie library.












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I’d done a lot of research before the cruise and decided to try a mix of ship and private excursions so Dominica and Barbados were the private excursions and a test of my research skills. Today’s excursion was the one I was most looking forward to – Bumpiing Tours: http://www.bumpiingtours.com.


We met Levi and Gary just off the dock as planned. We were with a group of 8 other people and left via van on time. Our first stop was Champagne Reef where we snorkeled. We were really glad to have brought own equipment at this point because the rental gear was a bit disorganized. The water was a little choppy and the visibility was not great but still Champagne Reef was amazing. Dominica was formed by volcanoes that are young and still active (although not frequently). Champagne reef is above an area that is still expelling gases so there are areas where bubbles surface from the reef (hence the reference to Champagne). There was a lot to see, hundreds of fish and many types of coral.


We then went to Titou Gorge…. What an adventure (literally). It was a long and windy drive up what seemed like a huge mountain. From the bottom we could look up and see the top of the mountain in clouds. This part of the island is a rainforest and incredibly lush. It was cloudy all morning and the rain was threatening. When we arrived at the gorge, there was a group ahead of us so we waited for a few minutes for them to return, as the gorge area is small. First you climb down some rough steps into an open pool area where the water is fresh but COLD. This is water that has run off from one of the many fresh rivers running through the mountains. Everyone is wearing a small floatation belt and we swim into the mountain face along the river in calm water. The area gets darker and darker as we swim in and finally arrive at a place where we can stand. The rain has started in earnest now and we hear loud thunder outside. Brian and I are swimming with the first guide at the front to the group. The gorge gets narrower, the rain falls harder and you can tell the current is getting stronger. We then swim into another opening and our strong athletic guide Levi swims ahead. Brian follows him and makes it most of the way but the current is so strong that he has to rely on the life ring that Levi has floated back. Levi pulls Brian forward to the final cave where there is a huge waterfall and really fast flowing water. The life ring comes back to me and I can barely swim fast enough to catch it. I’m then pulled forward into the falls area. At this point Levi is looking very worried. His plan was to get everyone into this final area then climb the cliff and jump from the waterfall. However it’s raining so fiercely the water is flowing like rapids. He makes the smart call to turn back. Brian has already swum ahead and is watching for me. I leave the safe ledge and am immediately swept up against the rock wall from the force of the waterfall and the extra rainwater. Fear not, Levi is right there and pulls me by the life ring to the calmer area. After that he gives the signal for everyone to swim back. The swim is easy as we’re with the current but the rain is fierce. We all make it back safely and Levi explains that it just wasn’t safe and we need to leave the area. As we’re in the van on the way out, our guide Gary receives a message that the gorge is flooded and the river underneath has overflowed. Had we stayed in the inner gorge much longer we would have been swept by the current down the river, past the open (previously calm) pool and into the rapids. Yikes!!! Thankfully better safe than sorry and clearly Levi is an experienced guide.


We then head over to Trafalgar falls. We walk through the forest to the observation area. Two spectacular falls are overflowing with the rain and it’s a beautiful sight. We walk back down the river a little through some very rocky spots and in front of us is a calm pool of water. This area is above a hot spring. We step in and its like a hot tub. The water isn’t steaming as normal because the run off from the river has cooled it down but its still like a warm bath. We walk in further and there is an opening in the cliff that hugs the river… Gary shows us how to slide into there and we’re now on the other side in an even larger and calmer pool of warm water. Ahhhh….. we sit there and relax for quite a while. Above is a lush rainforest. It could be a scene from a movie. Unfortunately we had to force ourselves to leave and head back in the van to the ship. A great adventure all around.


Dinner was at the Venetian and the show was Second City, which was funny.












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Thanks foe posting the bathroom photos. I am looking forward to drinking a glass or two of wine while relaxing in a bubble bath as we cruise though the Southern Caribbean.


I am really enjoying your review. I almost feel like i am right there with you. By the way, your photos are excellent. What type of camera do you use?

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Thanks foe posting the bathroom photos. I am looking forward to drinking a glass or two of wine while relaxing in a bubble bath as we cruise though the Southern Caribbean.


I am really enjoying your review. I almost feel like i am right there with you. By the way, your photos are excellent. What type of camera do you use?


Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying it. I had fun writing the review. My main camera is a Nikon 5100. But the majority of these pictures were taken with a small underwater camera called an Olympus Tough. It was a last minute purchase before we left and was the best $130 I've spent on a camera in years. I really just wanted something cheap to use underwater so found it on sale at Best Buy. Several people on our excursions had the same camera and it work really well. :)

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Barbados was another early morning start. We met our tour guide from Sasha Catamarans (shasacatamarancruises@gmail.com) and took a taxi to the beach to meet our boat. It was another windy and choppy day but there was more sun than prior days. We climbed aboard (literally) and were given some safety instructions. We were to be taken to 3 snorkel sights and have lunch (for the 5 hour tour). We motored over to the first sight and were told about the sea turtles. Brian and I were quick into the water and the 2nd guide was already feeding the turtles. Four turtles swam all around us. They were spectacular; beautiful and graceful. We took lots of pictures and videos … just this stop alone would have been worth the day. We then sailed for a while and moved onto the sight of some boat wreck. Our guide had fish food and was immediately surrounded by hundreds of fish. The water was murky from the waves so we couldn’t see much of the wreck but the fish were amazing. We sailed back into shore, dropped off some people and picked up lunch from a caterer that met the boat at the beach (that’s service). The lunch was amazing local fish, chicken, rice and salads. Unfortunately it was too wavy and murky for more snorkeling but we enjoyed the rest of the afternoon sailing.


Dinner that night was at Moderno. We ate early and there was hardly anyone there. The result was excellent service but a little too much attention and it seemed strangely rushed. The food was good and the salad bar was excellent. We saved just enough room for the spectacular Chocoholic Buffet!


The show that night was James Stephens, an impressionist and comedian. We sat in the front row and suspected we might get picked on. James was interacting with the audience a lot and was very funny. He sang several songs as impressions and apparently liked Brian’s singing along (with enthusiasm). He asked Brian and other audience member to come onto the stage and lead them in a Temptations song. It was hilarious watching Brian try and dance along but the funniest part was when James handed the microphone over to Brian and Brian actually started singing (and singing well). The audience cheered and the comedian had this made up look of indignation on his face and proceeded to kick Brian off the stage, complaining he was trying to take over his show. Later that night someone stopped Brian and said “hey you did Canada proud”. We laughed and laughed all night long.





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We woke to a huge blue sky and lots of sun… finally!! We weren’t due to arrive in St. Kitts until noon so had a leisurely morning. The view as the ship passed Nevis and arrived at St. Kitts was spectacular. We didn’t want to leave our wonderful balcony so had a basic breakfast of tea and muffins ordered in as we soaked in the sun and the view. Later we had a light lunch at Cagney’s (more shrimp cocktail and the asparagus and prosciutto salad was terrific, also tried that famous brownie and ice cream – yummy!). Virgina stopped by and FINALLY our issue with OBC was sorted out (after 4 chats with her, 3 visits to the front desk and one call the NCL booking desk).


We took our time and walked off the ship. We didn’t have anything planned in St. Kitts so just walked around the village and ohhh’ed and ahhh’ed at some jewelry. We bought the obligatory t-shirts and yet another beach cover up for me and also stopped to have a strawberry daiquiri. Then back to the ship.


It was still early and our balcony was in the shade so we went in search of the 13th deck hot tub. Just as promised in other reviews it was sunny and quiet. We relaxed in the hot tub then laid out on the deck in the sun.


Dinner that night was at Bamboo. We’d heard several people complain but since we wanted to try every specialty restaurant we gave it a try. It turned out to be one of our favorites. As others have said the food was a little salty but we’re partial to that. The fried rice, sesame chicken, wok seared beef and several appetizers were all excellent. We followed dinner with the show, which was the “Variety Show”, and I’d have to say sort of average. After that we gave the Karaoke another visit. It was quiet so Brian tried singing some new songs, which were mostly great and one was a little comical. I’d listen to him sing every night regardless though ☺


After a nightcap and some music in Spinnaker Lounge we called it a night.








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Amanda, Great review.

We were on the ship with you and did the poker crawl. I agree, your Suite with Balcony on deck 12 was the best room we saw.

We were in the same suite without the balcony and loved it!

Can't say enough about the benefits, the lavazzo coffee machine, the butler, cagneys, the ports, etc.

Brian was great at the show, he can sing!!!

Happy Holidays,


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Amanda, Great review.

We were on the ship with you and did the poker crawl. I agree, your Suite with Balcony on deck 12 was the best room we saw.

We were in the same suite without the balcony and loved it!

Can't say enough about the benefits, the lavazzo coffee machine, the butler, cagneys, the ports, etc.

Brian was great at the show, he can sing!!!

Happy Holidays,



Hi Jacki, welcome home (sadly). Glad you enjoyed your suite, I remember you made a last minute change, I think. It was a great area of the ship. Wish I was back there now... work this week has been a tough transition!


Have a great Holiday!

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Day 10


Such a leisurely day, totally enjoyed it, especially the big blue sky and huge blue ocean. We had breakfast on the deck and a light lunch sitting by the hot tub. After too much sun we went back to our room and ordered tea and scones again. :D


Dinner was at Venetian. We drank our complimentary bottle of champagne and had fun toasting all our best memories of the week so far. We followed dinner with Paul Scally’s Show which was a pleasant surprise and very funny. Ended the night with the famous White Hot Party which was well attended and lots of fun.


Day 11


Can’t tell you how sad I was to be waking to the last day of our voyage. It seemed to go by so fast; the blink of an eye. The day was very windy, cloudy on and off and heavy seas. Regardless, we made the best of it and tried to join as many activities as we could to make the most of our last day. We had breakfast at Cagney’s and tried new things on the menu. After puttering around the ship some more, started packing, checking out pictures, getting updated room bills... etc., we joined the Second City “Presumed Murder” lunch event. Lunch was average but the entertainment was fun. We didn’t guess the right murderer but sat up front and joined the improv a little. Just can't keep Brian off the stage ;)


We spent the afternoon being lazy and did finished most of our packing. Later we went to the Crew Show, which was exceptionally well done and very heart-warming (not to be missed). Dinner was at Cagney’s and we made a special effort to get dressed up – Brian in a suit and me in a new long dress I’d bought for the cruise. Cagney’s steaks and lobster were, as expected, terrific. The final show was the well acclaimed “Bollywood” show and I’d been looking forward to it all week. It didn’t disappoint and the all-crew encore at the end of the show was again heart-warming and bitter-sweet because it meant goodbye (or farewell). Finally we raced to the Spinnaker lounge to get a seat for the last Second City Show which was billed as “adult”. We were bent over laughing at some of their antics, the best of Second City for the week for sure!


This picture isn't from the last day but seemed fitting.... :)



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Breakfast at Cagney’s one last time and disembarkation was relatively painless. Straight to the airport and home. End of a terrific vacation, despite a few minor bumps in the road and some crumby weather. But all in all a huge success with lots of pictures, excitement, fond memories and new friends.


Feel free to email me at amandaholden@cogeco.ca if I can answer any questions and I have a zillion pictures. I also have a video in the works but that might be a few weekends of work. In the meantime, I can't take credit for this but this video was from someone on our cruise and its terrific. This is the link and its post 871 in the November 23, 2011 Thanksgiving thread under roll call for NCL. I enjoyed it so much I thought it worth sharing.



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Amanda - I have loved reading your review throughout this week. It sounds like you had an incredible time and I hope to have an equally good time in just 26 short days. Thanks for sharing your perspectives on nearly everything onboard that I care about (ie, food and entertainment) and giving me the night of the White Hot Party! :D

I hope the PCD is not kicking in too bad at this point! :(
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[quote name='CruisinMaterial']Amanda - I have loved reading your review throughout this week. It sounds like you had an incredible time and I hope to have an equally good time in just 26 short days. Thanks for sharing your perspectives on nearly everything onboard that I care about (ie, food and entertainment) and giving me the night of the White Hot Party! :D

I hope the PCD is not kicking in too bad at this point! :([/QUOTE]

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Have a terrific cruise!!

PS. Paul Scally is not the cruise director but I'm sure the new one will be great. Haven't met a CD I didn't like.
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[quote name='my_crib_too']It looks like this was your first cruise with NCL. How would you compare NCL to the other lines you sailed with? Will you sail with NCL again?[/QUOTE]

There's a lot written about comparing cruise lines and when I was researching our cruise before we booked I was surprised how passionate loyal NCL fans were so I was excited to try it. We'd sailed on Princess the last 2 years. Over all I think I prefer Princess and I've realized we prefer larger and newer ships and we are more picky about food than I'd thought. So the suites and specialty restaurants on NCL were terrific but if I was going to pick another cruise in a regular balcony I'd go back to Princess or Celebrity. That said, if I was looking for a particular itinerary and NCL had it with a new ship (like Epic or one of the new ones), I would still sail with NCL again.

I think we are going to try Celebrity or RC next year because we like the variety.
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  • 1 month later...
Thanks for the great review and beautiful pictures. We are booked in the new family suites (without baclony) for Easter break cruise. Just curious- what did you do in St. Kitts? We have been there a few times and not thrilled with the beaches and have already toured the island....
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[quote name='2boyzmom']Thanks for the great review and beautiful pictures. We are booked in the new family suites (without baclony) for Easter break cruise. Just curious- what did you do in St. Kitts? We have been there a few times and not thrilled with the beaches and have already toured the island....[/QUOTE]

We hadn't planned anything for St Kitts and didn't do much other than explore the immediate port area. I recall St. Kitts was just more than half a day as we arrived after or around noon. When I look at my notes I'd planned to go to the beach and visit Raggae Beach Bar. But since we never got there I can't tell you how it was. Sorry :(

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