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Legend-ary Christmas and New Year's Back to Back Cruise Review


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Tuesday, December 20th: A fun day at sea!


We have grown to love fun days at sea. Finding what we like to do has been part of the learning curve and now, frankly, we relish having sea days now. However, we are probably too laid back for most... we are not huge go-getters on sea days, attending every activity and event. A series of naps, books, a few activities, and we are both happy campers/cruisers!


After breakfast, we immediately went up to the Serenity deck to locate a spot! Surprisingly, there were a few spots available but I saw a number of folks attempting to stake claims on lounge chairs and such and then, gasp, walk away. We took advantage of having a spot for awhile, just enjoying the breeze (it was very windy) and having the sun shine on your face.


Around noon, we wandered to the casino to "qualify" for the slot tournament, which we both were able to do. Then, we headed up to the steakhouse to enjoy the wine and food pairing experience with the Sommelier. Food bites were delicious and she could actually explain how and why the food pairings are matched up and help with the differences. She is the first sommelier who has been able to really break it all down and explain the nuances for me. We have sailed with her a few times and really like her.


A quick lunch and then back down to the casino for the final round of the slot tournament... I came in third overall. Darn! Oh well. Someone got it! Congrats!


We checked our email with the ship's computer internet time plan program -- man, is it slow!!!!! We have purchased internet packages before and it seems to keep going up (or maybe they are adjusting the packages. However, the connection speed is getting worse, and was so slow, we did not purchase one for the second week.


Nap time, sushi time, shower time, and our martini time.


We always get the 8:15 dinner seating because it fits best for our cruise style. We like a nap after excursions and then can take our time getting ready for dinner. Nightly, we head to the Atlantis Lounge for martinis about 7:15. We have done this for several cruises and it becomes a great place to reflect, unwind, and be social. Yudi and Sylvia make the best martinis! We started off with the new martini tastings and my new favorite is the Chipotle Pineapple Martini... love it! We enjoyed hanging out with several couples and a family of folks... listening to karaoke with Alvincible or whoever was there!


This was Elegant night so it is always fun to people watch. I love the men who wear the tuxes (it is so stylish and sweet!) and the children always are so cute.


Dinner was yummy as always. I know a lot of folks strongly feel Carnival food quality has decreased. I disagree that the quality has tanked... I think the quality is basically still there... the choices and options have definitely changed. With the new menu, we are seeing less "today" options and choices, but they are still having their "everyday" options listed. I like the new "Did ya ever?" choice. Definitely the desert options have decreased. But... I don't necessarily think all of that is bad. I am glad I am not cooking for 3000 folks and trying to please everyone. Frankly, I can't eat a lot of food anyway. I prefer what I eat to be really good, rather than having multiple options.


I think we ended back up in the casino again this evening but it may have been the night we saw Darren Saunders the comedian. Anyway, we like him and the end of yet another lovely day at sea. We are starting to unwind and relax!




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Wednesday, December 21st , Grand Turk/Fun day at sea.


We have been to Grand Turk several times and I love it! I know several folks from our Roll Call booked this cruise because of Grand Turk! It is indeed a sweet place. The problem today was the wind. It had been quite windy on Tuesday and this morning, as well attempted to dock in Grand Turk, the wind was just too strong to safely dock.


I "get" this being from the coast. During breakfast, the captain did inform us over the PA system that another ship had attempted twice to dock (in front of us) and had aborted their attempts due to the wind. He decided to wait briefly to see if he could find a weather window but after thirty minutes, he came back to let us know he was not going to attempt to dock in the high winds. Disappointing for sure, but I am so glad the captain takes safety first. We did hear a lot of rumblings about it.


I watched the wind increase all morning. It was indeed a beautiful day but very windy. We did proceed onward to Jamaica slowly and staff scrambled to create sea day activities and events, with a new funtimes coming out within an hour or so.


Kate and I spent the day reading, napping, wandering around the fun shops, and generally being lazy. Would have loved to been able to enjoy Grand Turk but we will be there this summer and hey, we are on vacation. I am happy.


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Thursday, December 22, 2011... Another Fun Day at Sea!


okay, I admit, the sea days were getting a little old with three in a row! But....Kate participated in the Blackjack tournament, we played a little bingo, enjoyed the sun, and calmer waters today. I think this was also the evening of the past guest party that we attended. We enjoyed our balcony more this day than others and read lots! Nothing spectacular but enjoyed every minute of it.


Next port: Jamaica... ya, mon!

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Friday, December 23rd: Ocho Rios, Jamaica!


Jamaica is the only port on this set of cruises that we have not been to before. We were skeptical about this port because of reviews we have read here or experiences from our friends. (One friend tells about snorkeling off the shoreline and being approached by someone selling beads in the water! And wouldn't take no for an answer!)


We booked the Cool Runnings Catamaran Sail and Dunn River Falls excursion through Carnival. (you can't go to Ocho Rios and NOT do the falls and we love the catamaran sailing.) Same friend warned us that after climbing the falls, the catamaran sailing becomes a party barge with lots of dancing and good times. We put all of the information in the back of our minds and pushed forward.


I am the risk taker of the family... Kate has significant back issues having had back surgery for scoliosis and she decided last minute that walking the falls was not something she wanted to do. She was relieved that she could observe from the sidelines and follow our progress up the falls. She was concerned someone would pull her down (as we are required to hold hands) and I understand her concern.


I walked up the falls and yes, some guy who wasn't following the guides directions and actions pulled me down, scraping my leg up pretty bad. I ignore stuff like that but it only reinforced to Katelan that this was not for her. Later, she decided that when we come back this summer, she will walk the falls but wants only my hand and the guide's hand. What ever it takes.


All in all, I thought walking the falls was right tame but when you have that many people, you need some sort of order and guidance. It is a beautiful area and although the water is cool, it wasn't unbearable. I wasn't prepared to get as wet as I did but hey, it was all good fun and I enjoyed it.


The catamaran sail was awesome, and as forewarned, the return trip was indeed a party. You could smell the rum punch at least 5 feet away but amazingly, it was the smoothest rum punch I have ever drank. And after three of them, well.... Jamaica was my favorite stop! One of the dancers from our ship was dancing her heart out on the dance line! Folks had a great time and for me, that is all that matters.


After we got off the catamaran, we headed to Margaritaville. This requires leaving the port area, walking down a block long gauntlet of hawkers and people trying to sell you stuff, and then walking through a shopping plaza to get to Margaritaville. I can tell you we were approached multiple times in that block long area and offered sex (yes, really!), hair braiding, excursions, pot, and who knows what else! We were also insulted several times because we replied, "No thanks! We're good!" Kate was really upset about the insults (she is a seasoned traveler and is always polite but firm) and did not want to leave Margaritaville after we got there! The return trip was better but noticed there was a policeman (?) hanging out in the area then.


We sobered up at Margaritaville, people watched and ate some nachos (missed the conch season??? Really????) It was a glorious day. After we successfully returned to the ship, I headed to the whirlpool and then a nap.


The rest of the evening, we enjoyed the Chef's table! OMG! It deserves its own post!




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We realized two days after the Chef's Table that we sat next to you for that wonderful dinner. Can't wait to read your review--we thought it was wonderful!! And the next day, one of the sous chefs we met at the Chef's Table found me and brought us two creme brulees since I mentioned we had missed having it for dessert in the MDR on the first night.

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Friday Night Chef's Table Experience!


Last summer, Kate and her former college roommate got to go on a cruise we had booked. I ended up having to have surgery and couldn't go, which was a real bummer. However, Kate and Becca came back talking about the Chef's Table experience they had. Kate was determined that this trip, I would also get to enjoy that experience.


Yes, it is $75 a person. Pricey, yes, but very worthwhile. And as Kate says, unlimited wine softens the purse strings. We enjoy good food but we generally have to travel to get it. Honestly, I was trying to pace myself (I have tummy issues and really can't eat a lot of food ever) and by the 5th course, I was just tasting, as I heard others were doing. But I was also enjoying every mouthful. It is a full evening too.... we were done about 10:15?


We met at 6:30 in the atrium and were greeted by Chef Panda Nirada. We were taken directly to the galley, which was in full swing of the early dinner seating! He showed us around and gave us some brief information about how the galley operates, particulars to serving so many meals at once, etc. We eventually made our way to behind the dessert line where we were served champagne and wonderful appetizers: the tuna tartar is always a favorite, a duck pot sticker, and a steak taco (which was Kate's favorite and very good!). The avocado cheesecake was an amazing surprise! The Chef kept talking and pointing out all sorts of information, explained the food we were eating... man! We watched the sous chefs and pastry chefs serve dessert to our wait staff... organized chaos for sure! Oh, and Chef Panda is preparing Warm Chocolate Melting Cake for us during all of this talking and chaos... Wow!


I should say that Katelan has shellfish allergies and issues as I do rice. Kate had different things when we had shellfish and he made sure to come tell what she was eating! Kate said many of the substitutions were duck or chicken based and every one delicious!


After he finished up with the preparation of the melting cake, we moved onward to Medusa's Liar where they had set up a private dining table for his guests. We each had designated seating (little fancy place cards, love it) and were given wine to begin. We eat had a menu rolled up and tied with a star anise ribbon.


The meal is seven courses! As they bring one out Chef Panda explains what the course is, how it is prepared and all the details. I can say besides being just incredibly delicious, all of it was visually stunning! The wine was endless!


1st Course: Norwegian Salmon Tartar with Avocado Mousse and Salmon Caviar

2nd Course: Fire Roasted Tomato and Poblano Chili Bisque with Grilled Corn and Cilantro Drizzle

3rd Course: Rock Shrimps and Apple Beignets with a Tapioca Crunch and Garlic Lemon Aioli

4th Course: Chopped Mediterranean Salad with Shaved pumpkin and Feta Cheese Crumble.

5th Course: Fillet of Chiliean Sea Bass with wine stewed Shallots and Chives Vinagrette, Leeks Emulsion, and Peas Risotto

6th Course: Aged Filet Mignon with Onion Streusal and Homemade Three Pepper Mustard

7th Course: Warm Chocolate Melting Cake and special dessert plate.


Chef Panda did take quite a bit of time speaking with each of us individually to make sure we were okay, enjoying the meal, and answering any questions we had.


We really enjoyed the entire process and we enjoyed the dinner conversations and company. It truly was a wonderful evening and delicious meal. We will definitely do the chef's table again this summer on the Freedom!

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Saturday, December 24th, Christmas Eve, Grand Cayman


We have been to Grand Cayman multiple times and have kissed many a stingray, snorkeled, had a horseback riding excursion, and shopped. We did Hell, the turtle farm, the rum factory, the island tour... when we go now, I can't seem to get Kate interested in doing anything, except shopping and going to Margaritaville. This time, she wanted to swing by Hard Rock Cafe as well.


Frankly, I would LOVE to hear about the beaches and rum point in particular. I love a good beach but she wants hammocks and places to hide from the sun. I keep hoping we can find a happy medium somewhere on Grand Cayman... please share!


Today, we did get off the ship and we did go shopping for jewelry, little goodies/trinkets for my students and staff, and hot sauce for Becca. I used to get rum cakes from here but we like the new rum cakes in Belize better...


One of my husband's best friend is involved with Hard Rock Cafes and we go to them when we find one. This trip Kate wanted to go to Cayman's Hard Rock and have a drink there. We saddled up to the bar and asked for one of their specialty drinks that we like. Surprisingly, they don't serve it. Wow! No worries, we chose another one. Guess what? They don't serve that one either. Okay... how about a this one....? We are out of the mixer. We were rather surprised...and decided thanks, but no thanks. And left. Disappointed, but I am sure Margaritaville has something we like. And they did.


Now, I don't know what was not going on with Margaritaville that day.... but it was not feeling the party atmosphere that we have come to know and actually enjoy out of the Cayman's Margaritaville. The DJ was there (saw him and his side kick) but they were not booming out hits or organizing silly games. As a matter of fact, it was rather dead. Sad. I feel I missed out on valuable people watching time... okay, maybe because it was Christmas Eve... We enjoyed some in season conch fritters and a drink and then left.


Like I said, I am trying to find a beach place that has hammocks, shade, water, and sun that is easy access, comfortable surroundings, and food and drink nearby... I accept all recommendations. Hopefully, pictures would help. I don't think I can stand another shopping day in Grand Cayman! :o

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Sunday, Christmas Day, Monday, December 26th Turn around day, and Tuesday, December 27th.


Sorry, I have been busy busy and haven't been able to finish this.


I am lumping all of these in together as they are sea days or turn around day and really, it gets too same-y otherwise.


We enjoyed Christmas Day as a sea day. In my humble opinion, Christmas is low key onboard. There are decorations and references to the holiday, but it is not over the top, big do, type of thing. This year, they did do a couple of things I haven't seen before.


They made it snow in the atrium. Several times. Pretty cool. Okay, it wasn't snow but bubbles and it fell like snow and looked like snow. It was fun to watch it snow!


They also had folks gather in the atrium and sing Christmas carols. I thought this was also a nice touch and fun... while we waited for it to start snowing!


Turn around day (remember, we are back to back) was interesting. We really enjoyed NOT having to pack up Christmas day and do the luggage thing. We got a letter and our new sail and sign cards this day telling us to meet in Follies lounge at 7:45 with our passports.


So, we did.... there were only two very minor hiccups in our process. First, we were told to bring only our passports and that is what we had. Once we got in front of the officer, he wanted our statement of purchases which we had to go get one, fill it out and then return. Once in front of the new officer, he said, you don't need this, you aren't getting off the ship today. Duh! I suggested he let his buddy down at the other end of the table know the form wasn't needed, for future reference. Maybe save someone else the frustration. No big deal


There were a lot of non-US citizens waiting to go through customs that morning and I felt for them, having to wait as patiently as possible.


The other hiccup was that our sail and sign cards for the 2nd week were still gold. We were now technically platinum. Kate had to wait until the accounts cleared around 11:30 and we were reissued new cards. Not really a problem for me but for her, it was an issue.


All in all, the turn around was relaxing. We ate a leisurely breakfast and returned to our cabin for a nap. Our steward was awesome and let us hang out. After most of the ship cleared, we went up to the Serenity area and enjoyed the hammocks and quiet for a good while until new folks started filtering in. A second muster drill and a second meet and greet and we were off again! We were able to keep our wait team and moved tables with them! How sweet is that?


Tuesday was another great day at sea and we are definitely in the groove. We have read about 6 books each, have napped, relaxed, and enjoyed the company of others and the peace and quiet of having little to do!

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Wednesday, December 28th: Costa Maya Mexico


We had not been to Costa Maya since right before Hurricane Dean wiped it and the local town off the map... 4 years ago? Its been quite a while. Our one stop before we had just gotten off the ship and enjoyed the hammocks and the beach area. Nothing big. But, we left with a great memory and an enjoyable day. We were so sadden that Big, Bad Dean literally destroyed the area and knew it would take it years to recover. We have been looking forward to returning!


That said, we really had to research the area to find out what was available to do. We love going to Nachi Cocum for the day in Cozumel but this trip, we had no Cozumel stops (odd, but that it is the way it worked out.) We really wanted an all-inclusive type situation beach day, similar to Nachi Cocum. Cruise Critic folks were recommending Maya Chan and I checked it out, it sounded really nice, and we booked it direct.


I was worried when we arrived the taxi stand and they did not have our name on the reservation list. Thankfully, I had a copy of the paypal receipt and email from the owner confirming our reservation. We board the taxi along with others (It was a big van) and were told we were about 5 miles from the resort and it would take 25 minutes. (That wasn't adding up for me, but hey, I am flexible.) I can say, yes, they probably are located about 5 miles away and yes, it definitely takes about 25 minutes on mostly sand covered roads. It is an interesting ride.


Sadly, Hurricane Dean's presence is still being felt in Majahual. They are slowly rebuilding but it is difficult to tell what is just the way life is and what is rebuilding. The mangrove areas are dead and wiped out and it appears that some areas are definitely building up.


We have mixed feelings about Maya Chan. First, it was a rainy, gray day, which I am sure impacted our perception. Secondly, when we got there, we also were not on their list of reservations. Thankfully, no worries and we got assigned the wedding web-cam location.


The guys were all very welcoming and friendly. The welcoming drinks were fine, and we were given some delightful watermelon, and we attempted to settle in despite the weather. Rain heavy forced us under the papalapa, and we soon found ourselves watching (a definitely old) football game between North Carolina State and Minnesota???? Hey, at least it was NC State.... but football fans, we are not.


The highlight of the day was that they offered cheap massages. We paid $45 for an hour long massage. That is like half of what we normally pay. Kate said hers was great and that the guy really knew his moves. My gal knew her moves but she lacked timing and rushed through it. Oh well.


Lunch was on their time... almost 1:00 ship time and it was slow. The food was great! Worth waiting for, but Kate finally asked if they had chips and salsa to snack on. Their salsa was really good... but it was definitely an afterthought. After lunch, the skies cleared for the most part and we returned to our area, enjoyed the hammock and the water. Found a really cool star fish in the water and wandered about.


We heard them attempt to gather a group for golf? But I am not sure they had many takers. We took the early taxi back to the port around 3:00... just not feeling it. Kate is not anxious to return to Maya Chan, but I am willing next trip. She says it is a pain to get out there (takes longer) and the road is tough on her back at times. She would rather be able to order what she prefers rather than just have whatever they prepare. She wants it more like Nachi Cocum. And they have no pool.


I liked the place, the food was really good but the drinks were slow in coming and not overly exciting. The beach was nice and I have no doubts that aside from a rainy day, it is a beautiful place. It isn't a perfect Nachi substitute but it is a good one.





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Thursday, December 29th Isla Roatan


First, I have gotta say, we love Roatan. What a beautiful island and beautiful people! We used to go to Maya Key for the day when it was $20 a person. Once Mahogany Bay was built, it was easier to stay in the port and just chill out. Now, Maya Key is far more expensive and you must book it through Carnival. Good for them, I am sure...but it was a sweet spot for a while.


Last summer, I was booked with Kate to go on a Victor Bodden tour of the island as we have never really done that. We were going to do the whole tour, monkeys, island, beaches, etc. in hopes of scouting out new places and things to do. Well, it ended up that I couldn't go on the cruise and Kate and her former college roommate went! (lucky Becca!) Remember, I said, Kate is not the risk taker of the family? Well, Becca is also a bit skiddish so they opted out of the tour completely, citiing "we're in a foreign country with some dude we don't know, going somewhere we don't know..." I understand it but was disappointed that they didn't go on the tour. Especially since part of that was to find some good locations for us this trip.


Frankly, all we did is get off the ship, shop a little bit, snagged a clam shell, and floatie and hang out most of the day. The water was comfortable and refreshing. The sun was very warm and the day glorious. What is not to like about that?(okay, I know some folks will complain about the cost of a clam shell, a floatie, and having to walk to the beach. We don't complain about that kind of stuff. We just try to enjoy it!) We shopped a little for trinkets for friends and coworkers back home and returned to the ship.


I am constantly amazed at how the ship's captains can back the ship into that small little harbor area. I know the azipods or whatever they are called really help, but to back it in it just tricky. I watched the pilot come abroad that morning in the dark and within a hour we were docked. Amazing.


We watched them repeatedly call and blow the ship's horn for several slow folks and watched as people ran to return to the ship, under the watchful eyes and cheers of fellow passengers! We also watched them wheel a couple of passed out folks back to the ship, along with their companions. (I am sure there were a few headaches with that later, too!)


Although I really do hate to see folks at risk of being left (and all of the troubles and challenges that go along with that) , I am also repeatedly amazed each cruise, at people who just amble around without a care in the world and it is past time for the ship to have sailed. I think the captains exercise EXTREME patience with passengers who are just clueless or self-absorbed. We watched a family with several children in Alaska sit down on a bench, eat a snack, and then, after ship's security approached them, did they even begin to make their way onto the ship, complaining loudly and bitterly the entire way.


Some day we will enjoy a Victor Bodden tour of Roatan. In the meantime, just being in Roatan is enough!

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Sunday, Christmas Day, Monday, December 26th Turn around day, and Tuesday, December 27th.


Sorry, I have been busy busy and haven't been able to finish this.


I am lumping all of these in together as they are sea days or turn around day and really, it gets too same-y otherwise.


We enjoyed Christmas Day as a sea day. In my humble opinion, Christmas is low key onboard. There are decorations and references to the holiday, but it is not over the top, big do, type of thing. This year, they did do a couple of things I haven't seen before.


They made it snow in the atrium. Several times. Pretty cool. Okay, it wasn't snow but bubbles and it fell like snow and looked like snow. It was fun to watch it snow!


They also had folks gather in the atrium and sing Christmas carols. I thought this was also a nice touch and fun... while we waited for it to start snowing!


Turn around day (remember, we are back to back) was interesting. We really enjoyed NOT having to pack up Christmas day and do the luggage thing. We got a letter and our new sail and sign cards this day telling us to meet in Follies lounge at 7:45 with our passports.


So, we did.... there were only two very minor hiccups in our process. First, we were told to bring only our passports and that is what we had. Once we got in front of the officer, he wanted our statement of purchases which we had to go get one, fill it out and then return. Once in front of the new officer, he said, you don't need this, you aren't getting off the ship today. Duh! I suggested he let his buddy down at the other end of the table know the form wasn't needed, for future reference. Maybe save someone else the frustration. No big deal


There were a lot of non-US citizens waiting to go through customs that morning and I felt for them, having to wait as patiently as possible.


The other hiccup was that our sail and sign cards for the 2nd week were still gold. We were now technically platinum. Kate had to wait until the accounts cleared around 11:30 and we were reissued new cards. Not really a problem for me but for her, it was an issue.


All in all, the turn around was relaxing. We ate a leisurely breakfast and returned to our cabin for a nap. Our steward was awesome and let us hang out. After most of the ship cleared, we went up to the Serenity area and enjoyed the hammocks and quiet for a good while until new folks started filtering in. A second muster drill and a second meet and greet and we were off again! We were able to keep our wait team and moved tables with them! How sweet is that?


Tuesday was another great day at sea and we are definitely in the groove. We have read about 6 books each, have napped, relaxed, and enjoyed the company of others and the peace and quiet of having little to do!


I had the same problem with my B2B2B on the Sensation..I had advised Guest Services many times I would be Platinum on the last cruise. I had to wait to get my card, I had gone to Walmart in between. I was escorted around the rope, got to the first stop, she says you aren't VIP (I had a plain boarding pass I printed from home), I told her I was. She checked her list, and found out.

Was escorted to the counter, the woman plopped Gold card in front of me. OH, no you DON'T! I told her I was Platinum.....she went back and got me my Silver card. I finally had that card in my hot little Platinum hands, dammit!! So I feel for your wife...it IS a big deal, to have it messed up takes a little out of it. But it ended well.

I also had a declaration sheet....filled it out...he said I only have to fill it out when I go home.



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Friday December 30, Belize


I have gotta say, we love Belize. Always have. I know a lot of folks on these boards don't and I certainly understand that. We have just never had a big problem with Belize. In the past, we have taken a number of snorkeling trips from Hammerhead - Coral Breeze, we have cave tubed several times with the dot com folks, and gone to Cay Caulker and Bannister Beach too. Our biggest frustration has been what many other have challenges with--- the tendering process. That said, it is a frustration, NOT a deal breaker! We love the island, the people, and enjoy every day we have spent there.


This trip we booked the Caye Caulker snorkeling rays and sharks tour with the folks at Coral Breezes again. Kate will tell you our tendering process was a breeze this trip because we are now platinum and have priority disembarkation. I am not so sure... I think it was timing. Carnival flipped the days we were in Roatan and Belize a few short weeks before our cruise... we were notified by Coral Breezes of our new arrival time to their meeting location and we backward planned for a time to go to Follies to await a tender. When we got to Follies, it was obvious that MOST everyone had gone on the earlier tenders and we were able to jump on board the tender that was leaving. 30 minutes later... they had a full tender and we left for the pier.


We checked in with Hammerhead-Coral Breezes folks and they already had a crowd. In fact, I wonder if they tell folks different times to meet as some folks said they had been there already an hour waiting! We waited yet another 30 minutes for the next tender to arrive and then got going.


Aside from their hurry up and wait attitudes, we like these folks. They always have shown us a great day, have high energy, are enthusiastic, and seem to want you to have a good time. We headed off to Caye Caulker, dropped some folks off and then headed out to the reef for snorkeling.


The absolute highlight of my trip happened this day.... I have snorkeled a lot, many places, and in many situations. I have never seen a moray eel (in the wild or its natural habitat) and I even said, I want to see a moray eel today. Well, I got my wish. I hate snakes, but this wasn't snake-like. It was the most beautiful creature, graceful, colorful, and delightful. What a treat! Just a stunning opportunity to enjoy such a beautiful creature. The sad thing is my picture of it is horrid and unidentifiable. Oh well... It is firmly implanted in my mind.


We snorkeled the reef for about an hour and then headed a short distance to a spot with rays and sharks. The rays are always fun and the nurse sharks were really cool. Kate said some folks on board got really upset that the guides were feeding and handling the rays and sharks and were going to write animal activists and Carnival. You know, I consider myself an animal activist and lover but I have never thought a thing about the local guides handling and feeding the rays and sharks. I guess I have never seen a guide mistreat or mishandle an animal. My other concern was --did they not read the tour description BEFORE the tour?


We were taken back to Caye Caulker for lunch at an interesting local hotel. The hotel has little cabins and a central restaurant area. We had pre-ordered lunch earlier that morning. I had order a chicken burrito and was looking forward to the meal. I can tell you my burrito had no chicken in it and it was just beans and cabbage. I did try it but the tortilla was too gummy and it just didn't work for me. Kate wasn't too pleased with her lunch either.


We had a few short minutes to wonder around Cay Caulker before we headed back to the pier. A long boat ride. We had been told we would arrive back at the pier with an hour to spare.... Last tender being at 3:00... we arrived back at 2:30 so we felt very rushed to make any purchases we wanted and get in line back to the tender.


I thought we were on the last tender back but apparently, we weren't. Several tenders came in later and later, as we didn't leave until after 5:00. I am assuming that several Carnival tours were late coming in. Had we known, we might have taken our time.... We had to get on a tender with a very rowdy and happily intoxicated group of folks who were extremely loud and cheerful. Again, glad it wasn't me having to recover later from that hangover!


We headed to the lido and grabbed a plateful of goodness for our late lunch, showered, and then headed to the Captain's party for returning guests. Still didn't win the steakhouse for 2 dinner... but enjoyed the free cocktails, snacks and party anyway.


Loved our day in Belize... still a lot of hurry up and wait, but the pay off is good. Maybe next time, we will go see the ruins. Maybe.





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Although I really do hate to see folks at risk of being left (and all of the troubles and challenges that go along with that) , I am also repeatedly amazed each cruise, at people who just amble around without a care in the world and it is past time for the ship to have sailed.


It is incredible. On one recent cruise, my wife and I were docked at SXM (and safely on board the Glory). Our balcony faced the pier and we had a ball watching the latecomers to the NCL ship (I forget which one) across from us. Before the ship's doors were closed, it was obvious that someone was missing from the reactions of the crew that were on the pier. After repeated horn blowing, the ship left the dock and headed out of the bay.


Along came a man and woman, ambling along, pushing a baby carriage with a toddler in it. Once the husband realized that the ship had left, you should have seen the change. While screaming at the top of his lungs at his wife, he left the carriage and began running up the dock. Whenever he neared any dock personnel he would scream at them, while continuing to run up the now empy pier. It was absolutely hilarious. Of course many on the Glory balconies were razzing him. I felt terrible for the poor wife (who at this point was also running up the pier, pushing the carriage).


End of long story, the NCL ship stopped at the mouth of the bay, and a pilot boat brought the parents and child to the ship (lucky for them).


Kevin C

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Yea, Kevin, although I cannot laugh at anyone's misery, it just constantly amazes me how fellow passengers are so self-absorbed or just careless... and then expect the ship to stop, wait, turn around... like I said, every cruise, I see ship captains exercise EXTREME patience waiting on these folks saunter up. IMHO, if its just you... fine, go with it. But dude, if you got a family or kids, get with the program. :rolleyes:

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Saturday, December 31st New Years Eve and Fun Day at Sea and Sunday January 1st Disembarkation


This was our last full day on board and after two weeks, I was still feeling I wanted to stay longer! But.. alas, our time was coming to an end.


We spent the day enjoying typical sea day activities such as trivia games, trying to qualify for the slot tournament (neither one of us did), and bingo. Additionally, we enjoyed a spot on the Serenity Deck for a short period of time but decided we rather enjoyed our own wrap balcony better.


The Balloon Drop! This was the first time I have seen this at New Years but it was fun. For $10 or $20 bucks (I can't remember now) you could purchase 10 raffle tickets. Then you had to place the ticket in the balloon, blow it up, and then put the balloon in the pile. They literally had placed netting over the atrium (from the buffet area) and at midnight, they would let the balloons drop. The CD would choose one balloon and the winner would get a free cruise. (or something like that!) Of course, we ponied up and prepared our balloons.


I got a kick out of seeing two Carnival employees whose sole job was sitting and guarding the balloons and netting. (Felt for them!) I suspect some one might attempt to "release" the balloons early as a prank and they were there to make sure that did not happen.


Sad to report, we did not win the free cruise but Kate did go at midnight and watch the drop. Said it was all fun and exciting.


The rest of our day was packing, enjoy the ship's facilities, the pool, the hot tub, sushi, the martini bar, enjoying our serving team in the dining room... all that great stuff we like that we don't get to enjoy at home! Carnival staff are always great!


After dinner, we enjoyed the parties for a while in the atrium and on the Lido deck. I don't get particularly excited about counting down time to midnight and frankly, I don't like crowds all that much. After a little while, I had enough and left Kate to hang out in Medusa's Liar until time for the balloon drop. She said the countdown, the balloon drop, etc. were all great fun and well done.


Sunday, disembarkation day. You know, there is always something so special about pulling into (any) port silently and quietly in the beginning light of morning. One of the reasons I love a balcony. It was rather cool but not terribly cold, sun was coming up and fog was hanging over the water but it was gonna be a beautiful day.


After a leisurely breakfast, we were able to go the meeting place our new platinum status told us to meet. Brian came in and led us off the ship by 9:00 I believe? We really didn't wait long at all. I am definitely gonna enough this platinum status thing. It is a great perk. Hate leaving the ship, but since they insist....


Here is a list of things I think are the "don't miss" of Legend:


  • Afternoon tea on sea days (just fun to do)
  • Belize
  • Enjoy the martini bar and the martini tastings! Tell Sylvia we sent you!
  • Enjoy the dancing and singing waiters (they enjoy it!)
  • Enjoy the steakhouse, and remember, the first night you get a free bottle of wine.
  • Heck, do the chef's table one night, on any ship. It is a great dining experience.
  • Sign up for the Behind the Scene's Tour ... we have done this before and it is always fun!
  • Read a good book on the Serenity deck!
  • Sushi

We had a great Back to Back (our first) and we are booked for a second B2B this summer on Freedom. Hope all of your cruises are great!

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