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Please don't touch my baby....


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If you're willing to take the baby on the cruise to begin with, I wouldn't be worrying about people touching your baby, I mean, germs are everywhere. It may happen a few times, but really, how often will this be occurring? I have to say that your insulation that crew members and maybe older people would be doing everything they can to play and touch your baby comes across as condescending. And I think one of those signs are rude. Just wash your baby's hands often.

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If you're willing to take the baby on the cruise to begin with, I wouldn't be worrying about people touching your baby, I mean, germs are everywhere. It may happen a few times, but really, how often will this be occurring? I have to say that your insulation that crew members and maybe older people would be doing everything they can to play and touch your baby comes across as condescending. And I think one of those signs are rude. Just wash your baby's hands often.


No disrespect intended, but did you mean "insinuation"? I did not insinuate that everyone would "be doing everything they can" to touch my baby, I am merely asking parents for whom this has been a concern (and from the responses you can see there are a few) what worked for them.


Taking my baby on a cruise is my choice. I understand many disagree, but that is parenthood. We each decide what is best for our children and my pediatrician brought forth no objections. My child is quite healthy. I was not asking for opinions about whether or not to take my baby, but asking for ideas about how to politely ask others not to touch my baby from those who have been there. If you read older family posts, some parents complained about this.


There is nothing rude about that sign. They were created by the mother of a premature baby who constantly had people touching her young baby's hands. Preemies and newborns are more susceptible to diseases than adults and this mother's concern, like mine, was for the welfare of her child first. In general, babies are cute and adults, elderly or not, often want to innocently touch them...but we really shouldn't.


Thanks all...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would never take my kids on a cruise until they are old enough to walk unassisted at all times.


There is no place on a cruise ship for a baby to crawl, roll, have tummy time and so on. Any even a 3 day cruise is to long to carry or stroller a baby everywhere. That is no fun for parents or baby.


My kids started cruising at age 3 and i never gave someone touching their hands a thought.


Take a vacation that have green space, play grounds, beaches, and so on. Wait to cruise until they are older.


I am on the same page as other posters. I would never want to touch someone elses kids. I love mine but not have zero interest in others. I think you are over thinking it.

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My son just turned 2 and will be headed on his 5th cruise in March. He had a blast on each one. Cruise lines now have parent and tot activities for the little ones so there is someplace for them to crawl, roll over, have tummy time. RCI and Celebrity also have a toy lending library so you can take toys back to your cabin (not sure about the other lines). Taking a stroller was not a problem. I use one on land, why not at sea? I will say that no one tried on any of the cruises to touch him. If it does happen to you, how about "I'm sorry, but would you mind not touching my baby please". One of the previous posters suggestions that you say "I think he's coming down with something" make it appear that you are looking out for the other person.


When he was younger I used a Moby wrap and people are generally less touchy feely when the baby is strapped to your chest. I actually had much more of a problem with people trying to touch my belly when I was pregnant.

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You could always say "Please don't touch my baby, he's too young to be exposed to unnecessary germs".


As soon as he's crawling, of course, then you'd be wasting your time. He'll pick up far worse off the floor than he would off someone's hands.

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This thread reminds me of a bumper sticker I once saw that said, "Try being informed instead of just having an opinion." If other people touching her baby's hands were even just a possibility, the OP is to be commended for thinking ahead. Unfortunately, it is more than just a possibility. I know because my son started cruising at a young age. And I have a degree in public health.


Passengers and crew were constantly fawning over my son and touching his hands. It is a huge mode of disease transmission. As you can see from this thread, people have strong feelings on this topic, many of which are not based in science. Most people worry about coughs and sneezes when they should be paying more attention to stair rails and door handles.


There is no one right way to handle it. It depends on the situation and how assertive you feel comfortable being, and whether you'd rather run off to the bathroom or endure ignorant stares and comments. Sometimes, knowing that I will never see the person again, I simply say, "Please don't touch his hands." But most of the time, we just smile and then have to go wash his hands. We also use sanitzing wipes. I would stay away from alcohol-based hand sanitizer because it can absorb into the skin and cause alchohol poisoning.


If the OP were being neurotic, she would not take her baby on a cruise, or anywhere else for that matter. And if she wants to pay the fare and get to change diapers on the high seas, that's her business.

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I definitely think that a wrap/carrier is the best way to discourage people from touching. I have always worn my babies in wraps, and they were never touched by strangers. Now I have to worry about my 4 year old, who hugs everyone! He's so loving, it's hard to tell him not to hug everyone he sees. And my 2 year old hates everyone, so it's a nice balance.

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Some people *do* like to touch other peoples babies. Some just cant resist.

With our "GingerBaby", I have found that sometimes people seem to reach out to 'pet his hair' or touch his toes, becasue he is smiles and makes eyecontact a lot with others (esp the ladies) :p

I do sometimes *turn* his body toward mine a bit more if I see someone is going in for the 'finger grab' ...

otherwise I just use a wipey on his hands... and make sure they dont go toward his face before I do...

But I bet this is no more a problem on a ship then it is on land.....

Little kids seem to be big offenders... I had a little boy (maybe 3/4yrs) come up and grab GingerBaby's foot while I was holding him...."Baby! Baby! Baby!" I just said "Yes, Baby,... oh, honey, dont grab..." -the parents didnt have enough sense (or whatever) to correct their child...even after I did... they just said "oh he loves babies'...

No worries...:)

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If other people touching her baby's hands were even just a possibility, the OP is to be commended for thinking ahead. Unfortunately, it is more than just a possibility. I know because my son started cruising at a young age. And I have a degree in public health.

Out of interest, what age do you think you should stop trying to keep ordinary germs away from babies? I only ask because I knew a mother who kept everything squeaky clean for her son from birth until he went to school - washing toys if he dropped them on the floor, no contact with strangers, etc. With the natural result that when he went to school, he caught everything going, and missed half the year.


Do you give up trying as soon as the baby's crawling? Or how long do you carry on?

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Out of interest, what age do you think you should stop trying to keep ordinary germs away from babies? I only ask because I knew a mother who kept everything squeaky clean for her son from birth until he went to school - washing toys if he dropped them on the floor, no contact with strangers, etc. With the natural result that when he went to school, he caught everything going, and missed half the year.


Do you give up trying as soon as the baby's crawling? Or how long do you carry on?


Yes, that is definitely over the top. Kids need interaction with other kids for a number of reasons. My comments are in regards to public places (like cruise ships), particularly things that people touch with their hands. A baby only needs to be "shielded" for the first few weeks in a home environment. I would like to be able to say, "Just use common sense," but the trouble is that many people do not.

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If they are more susceptible to disease than why take a cruise? Not something I did with my daughter when she was so young.


Children are not "more susceptible" to diseases compared to adults actually more elderly have complications from illnesses than young children. Everyone is just as easily susceptible. Although the most serious and most common respiratory diseases are airborne meaning just breathing the air droplets in the air will make you ill. Good handwashing is great but will not prevent all diseases. That being said, a cruiseship is no more risky than church,the mall, the grocery store, restaurant or any other public enclosed area. I began sailing with both my kids at 7 months and 8 months, no one ever touched their hands and they never once caught anything on a cruise in the 14 sailings my DD has been on and the 7 my DS has been on. Your little one will be fine. If someone looks like they are going to touch your child just politely ask that they refrain from touching him/her or carry hand sanitizer and quickly sanitize afterwards.

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Not sure if this has been mentioned, but when it's happened to me (not on a cruise, but just in general with my children in a stroller), I have casually said as they went toward the child "please feel free to tickle her toes - her hands go in her mouth too much to have everyone touching her...thanks!" with a big ole smile on my face.


Then they proceed to tickle toes instead of trying to touch hands/face.

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There is no place on a cruise ship for a baby to crawl, roll, have tummy time and so on. Any even a 3 day cruise is to long to carry or stroller a baby everywhere. That is no fun for parents or baby.



I want to make sure people understand that this is just wrong.

Both NCL and CCL have under 2 time. Here babies can Crawl and roll and have tummy time. I even had a blast watching all the little ones grabbing at each other's toys. It was great.


I have read the RCCL has toys that you can check out to your cabin.


While my stroller did get a workout after my cruises with my now 3yo and 1yo, everyone had an absolute blast.

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Not sure if this has been mentioned, but when it's happened to me (not on a cruise, but just in general with my children in a stroller), I have casually said as they went toward the child "please feel free to tickle her toes - her hands go in her mouth too much to have everyone touching her...thanks!" with a big ole smile on my face.


Then they proceed to tickle toes instead of trying to touch hands/face.



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Not sure if this has been mentioned, but when it's happened to me (not on a cruise, but just in general with my children in a stroller), I have casually said as they went toward the child "please feel free to tickle her toes - her hands go in her mouth too much to have everyone touching her...thanks!" with a big ole smile on my face.


Then they proceed to tickle toes instead of trying to touch hands/face.


That's probably the best suggestion so far as far as not hurting other people's feelings *and* protecting the baby. Nonverbals (as you mention) also go a long way!

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After reading all the previous posts I had to comment . When DD was 3 we took a cruise out of Miami on Carnival Imagination. At the airport upon returning from the restroom my wife is talking to another couple and my DD is sitting in the woman's lap. I didn't particularly like this but said nothing. We take the bus to the port and board the vessel and run into the couple again as we are having some drinks and snacks on LIDO deck. Woman grabs DD and has her on lap again. A few moments later DW says " Doesn't DD left eye look red?" I say " Yes it does." I will never forget this @#%#%#%#% woman's response " If you need I have boric acid you could use if it gets any worse". Well lo and behold next day we get summoned to the kids club because DD eye has become bright red & infected, no kids club for her, visit to the infirmary for drops $$$$ . Bottom line NOONE touches my kids who I don't know. It has only come up a couple of times since & I am not over the top but keep your hands to yourself. My phrasing is usually I would appreciate it if you would not touch my child or something similar. Maybe I'll get flamed for this but, I don't give a ____ what anyone thinks only concerned with the well being of my family. So forget the politeness & grin & bear it attitude of OP DO NOT underestimate the stupidity/ poor hygiene of others under no circumstance permit someone to touch any of your kids. As a last comment *** goes around wanting to touch other people's kids? I don't. I don't get some people.

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After reading all the previous posts I had to comment . When DD was 3 we took a cruise out of Miami on Carnival Imagination. At the airport upon returning from the restroom my wife is talking to another couple and my DD is sitting in the woman's lap. I didn't particularly like this but said nothing. We take the bus to the port and board the vessel and run into the couple again as we are having some drinks and snacks on LIDO deck. Woman grabs DD and has her on lap again. A few moments later DW says " Doesn't DD left eye look red?" I say " Yes it does." I will never forget this @#%#%#%#% woman's response " If you need I have boric acid you could use if it gets any worse". Well lo and behold next day we get summoned to the kids club because DD eye has become bright red & infected, no kids club for her, visit to the infirmary for drops $$$$ . Bottom line NOONE touches my kids who I don't know. It has only come up a couple of times since & I am not over the top but keep your hands to yourself. My phrasing is usually I would appreciate it if you would not touch my child or something similar. Maybe I'll get flamed for this but, I don't give a ____ what anyone thinks only concerned with the well being of my family. So forget the politeness & grin & bear it attitude of OP DO NOT underestimate the stupidity/ poor hygiene of others under no circumstance permit someone to touch any of your kids. As a last comment *** goes around wanting to touch other people's kids? I don't. I don't get some people.


(yes, you can be exposed to all kinds of things in the Recycled Air of an Aircraft./.. or any other Public Place.):rolleyes:

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I loved that the crew members came up and said hi and grabbed my baby's hand. That was on NCL though and they have hand sanitizer being dispensed everywhere. I also live in San Antonio where the OP would have a field day with the hispanics here.....something called OJO (sp?) where if they admire a cute baby/kid they feel the need to touch it or it is bad luck. I even had a co-worker that brought their baby in and said I had to touch it and I had a bad cold, they said they didn't care.

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I loved that the crew members came up and said hi and grabbed my baby's hand. That was on NCL though and they have hand sanitizer being dispensed everywhere. I also live in San Antonio where the OP would have a field day with the hispanics here.....something called OJO (sp?) where if they admire a cute baby/kid they feel the need to touch it or it is bad luck. I even had a co-worker that brought their baby in and said I had to touch it and I had a bad cold, they said they didn't care.


Ah, that makes sense. We had a very interesting experience on the river walk one year. It was cold so the babies were sealed in nice and warm, and one lady actually unzipped the cover! Now that I know, I guess I'm insulted that even more people didn't touch the babies. :eek: :D

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Yes, it is sometimes very awkward :) But yes if they say cute or beautiful baby and then admire the child they then have to touch it. Not sure what happens if they don't but that is how it goes :D


Ah, that makes sense. We had a very interesting experience on the river walk one year. It was cold so the babies were sealed in nice and warm, and one lady actually unzipped the cover! Now that I know, I guess I'm insulted that even more people didn't touch the babies. :eek: :D
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