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Costa Concordia SINKING


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Wow I am so sorry for the passengers of that ship and their families to have to endure that ordeal.


I was thinking of taking another cruise this spring but in light of this I think I'll hold off on that. The thing that really bothers me is the reports of the lack of action by the captain and his crew save the passengers.


I was on a cruise back in 2004 with Carnival and we encountered a huge storm and I remember the lack of communication from the crew while the ship tossed and turned and had to be stabilized by tug boats. After that experience I vowed never to take another Carnival cruise. In light of what's happened now this reinforces that decision to not cruise with Carnival.


The cowardess of that captain is disgusting. There needs to be more information about these ship captains and what their qualifications are.

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Lots of disheartening things in that article.


Correct my understanding if I'm wrong.


The Captain seems to say he "fell" into the life boat while assisting in lowering it? The 2nd and 3rd officers were in that same life raft? They may face abandonment charges as well?


"Suddenly the system is reactivated and I, after having thrown, I found myself inside the rescue boat with many passengers. " A line of defense, that's pretty strange when you consider that on that same boat, they also found the second officer and third officer Dimitri Ckristidis Coronica Silvia. There may be finished by chance too?"


He doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs, but didn't get tested?


"I do not drink, do not smoke and do drugs, do whatever you want," he assures narcotest before accepting that it was not provided at the time of detention, as well as alcohol testing, although it is expected even in case of less serious accidents For example the road network.


The anchor was not dropped to turn the ship. They were only dropped after ship was stationary?


Initially, the commander had assured to have anchored shortly after the impact with the reef. To deny this version, however, there is a movie shot by the Guardia di Finanza officers arrived on the scene of the disaster just ten minutes after the disaster. The video was added to the file takes about 40 minutes and the investigation shows that Schettino had not blocked the way as he had stated in Concordia communications from edge to show that the ship was still in line. The noise of the anchors that are pulled down long after you hear his assurances.


Yes the Captain said he "fell" into the life boat while assisting in lowering it.

Yes seems that the 2nd and 3rd officers were in that same life raft.


Yes the Police its thinking and finding evidences to charge 2nd and 3rd officers for abandonment as well.


The test for drink, smoke or do drugs was done, but seems was done late, for sure not that night.


Seems that the anchor was not dropped to turn the ship. but was only dropped after ship was stationary.


The evidence may come from a police (guardia di finanza) movie when its clearly heard the sound of them falling on the water.


Seems that the police its try to find if there is any correlation with this event and phone calls beetwen the ship and the company.

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As being 100% italian and living here in Rome, i have to admit that this its by far almost true.

Even this behaviour can be accounted to not many people (around 20%) the result its that all italian seems be like that.


This its very embarassing for us, i really apologize for what such people doing when they are on a cruise.


This it is also one of the reason we like cruise with RCL instead with Italian Company Costa. And its also the reason we like cruise far from Italy.


Its very sad for us to say this.


Don't worry about it Gio . . . we Americans sometimes get an international reputation that isn't true of ALL of us either. Thus the term UGLY AMERICAN.:D


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From Sky News


Italian rescuers say search has been suspended as Costa Concordia shifts.


There was also a picture of what looked like one of the search team (based on his clothing) being stretchered off earlier.

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Wow I am so sorry for the passengers of that ship and their families to have to endure that ordeal.


I was thinking of taking another cruise this spring but in light of this I think I'll hold off on that. The thing that really bothers me is the reports of the lack of action by the captain and his crew save the passengers.


I was on a cruise back in 2004 with Carnival and we encountered a huge storm and I remember the lack of communication from the crew while the ship tossed and turned and had to be stabilized by tug boats. After that experience I vowed never to take another Carnival cruise. In light of what's happened now this reinforces that decision to not cruise with Carnival.


The cowardess of that captain is disgusting. There needs to be more information about these ship captains and what their qualifications are.



the ignorance of this whole comment shines through.... and having posted 3 times speaks volumes. What part of it was a COSTA ship did you not realize. You must me watching the news stories. Yes, Carnival corporation owns many cruise lines, but it was NOT a carnival ship.

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Seems that the police its try to find if there is any correlation with this event and phone calls beetwen the ship and the company.

IMHO the 'captain's' phone calls to his superior officer, while people were panicking, and the ship on the verge of floundering, was to give 'management' an ultimatum: either 'support me' or suffer the legal consequences for the company!

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the ignorance of this whole comment shines through.... and having posted 3 times speaks volumes. What part of it was a COSTA ship did you not realize. You must me watching the news stories. Yes, Carnival corporation owns many cruise lines, but it was NOT a carnival ship.


I can't help it if you don't like what I have to say. But your ignorance shines through not mine. I've been a member of this board since 2005. Just because I choose not to spend a lot of time posting on this board does not give you the right to attack.


Yes, Carnival corporation owns this ship and as a result it is part of the Carnival line...

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IMHO the 'captain's' phone calls to his superior officer, while people were panicking, and the ship on the verge of floundering, was to give 'management' an ultimatum: either 'support me' or suffer the legal consequences for the company!


You are right.


As i said many messages before this i'm asking my self if the company could be out of responsability for what happened.


Since all wessels are tracked i'm sure that the company can know what some of their ship are doing once a while (be too close and too fast to coast line).


There are only 2 options about this, on both case, on my opinion, the company should also be guilty.


1) the company do not know what are doing some capitains (they omiss to check)

2) the company know but did not sent any warning or better a mandatory order (as far as what we know, they didnt and this its even worst of case 1, since they could share the whole responsability).


I'm wrong ?

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Any one have any idea roughly how long it will take to salvage it? I'm guessing they won't be able to float it to start cutting it up due to the damage in the hull so it will have to be done there? Correct me if I'm wrong?


The latest (from Sky/BBC) is that it will take salvage divers at least 4 weeks to assess the damage and what can be done with it


For people who have not heard this before, here's the heated conversation between the coastguard and the captain, basically telling him to get back on the ship and do his job. This is a transltion but you can hear the anger of the coastguard in the background.



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Davy...it's just a theory.....based on the location of the rocks that were hit, the distances to la scola and the mainland and the possiblility of confusion in words even though everyone involved would have clearly understood what "mainland" meant to them so they would not raise a question. It is quite possible that the captain really did think he was 300 meters offshore based on his "very clear" order to turn at 300 feet (actually he would have indicated to turn before that, but we don't know the full course he followed which would help give credence (or not) to my theory.



The point here is that ships do not turn on a dime. The ship itself is 300 metres long. On a vessel that size doing fifteen knots with the wheel hard over the diameter of the turning circle is about half a mile. That's right... HALF A MILE.... OR POSSIBLY MORE.


If he wanted to pass the ship 300 metres off the coast he sould have started to turn AT LEAST HALF A MILE BEFORE HE DID or at 15 knots... AT LEAST THREE MINUTES BEFORE. That is a long time.


Also, at 15 knots with the azipods hard over the ship would have taken a very serious roll to port... remember the PRINCESS ship that took a sudden list when the OOW switched steering mode and the rudder went haard over? Same thing.

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Costa isn't going anywhere, it's a proud Italian name with a great heritage. It's also Europe's largest and most popular cruise line and is the 4th largest cruise line on Earth. They may be effected short-term, but will recover.


Proud name or not, the 'brand', to many, will now appear tainted especially if this report from the BBC proves accurate. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-16606405)


"'Near miss'

Meanwhile, satellite tracking information given to the BBC by the shipping journal, Lloyd's List Intelligence, shows that the Costa Concordia sailed closer to Giglio island on a cruise last August than it did on its disastrous voyage on Friday.


Lloyd's List told the BBC that the vessel passed within 230m of the island on 14 August 2011 to mark La Notte di San Lorenzo - the night of the shooting stars festival on the island.


The route deviation on that occasion had apparently been authorised by Costa Cruises - the company which owns the vessel.


Lloyd's List has published data suggesting a near miss occurred in a very similar location in August. The company said on Monday that the ship was never closer than 500m to the coast when it passed on 14 August.


Lloyd's List describes that occasion as a "near miss" and says the ship's route would have been less than 200m away from the point of collision on Friday's voyage.


Costa Cruises said on Monday that the route deviation last Friday had been "unauthorised, unapproved and unknown to Costa".


But Richard Meade, the Editor of Lloyd's List, said: "The company's account of what happened, of the rogue master [Capt Schettino] taking a bad decision, isn't quite as black and white as they presented originally."


"This ship took a very similar route only a few months previously and the master would have known that."


Costa Cruises says it is looking into the claims, but stands by the statement it gave on Monday."


If the Captain alone was at fault there still would be many who would no longer wish to cruise with Costa, as they'd believe that this recklessness was endemic within Costa. However, if it's proved that 'Management' were/are covering up their errors in this affair, the damage to Costa would be far greater. The salvage operation then, would be Carnival trying to save its share of the market (even if the affect was a short term decline in passenger numbers) and a name change would go some way towards this.


Look upon it as Phoenix rising from the ashes, it'll still be Europe's largest cruise line and still be the 4th largest on the 7 seas.

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In Italy being NOT GUILTY its not the same as being INNOCENT, so far he its charged with all such accuses that all of us know, so he no longer innocent, will be a three degree of judgement that will definitivly says if he it is GUILTY or INNOCENT.


Please take in mind that in Italy there is no COMMON LAW.


In Italy we have such kind of distinction, seems its same being not guilty and innocent, but he it is not because of the charges pending on him.


After reading this, I do recall hearing that. Thank you for the reminder.


As being 100% italian and living here in Rome, i have to admit that this its by far almost true.

Even this behaviour can be accounted to not many people (around 20%) the result its that all italian seems be like that.


This its very embarassing for us, i really apologize for what such people doing when they are on a cruise.


This it is also one of the reason we like cruise with RCL instead with Italian Company Costa. And its also the reason we like cruise far from Italy.


Its very sad for us to say this.


Oh Gio, it's not just an Italian issue. Don't feel you have to apologize for anyone.

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Gio, could you please translate numbers 4 through 8 on this chart.



4) 9.48 pm Schettino ask at 1st officer to check engine room, he then say that the engine room its all flooded

5) 9.49 pm Former Costa Capitan Palombo call Costa Cruises and ask what is happening. Meanwhile the Police (Guardia di Finanza) its taken under alarm

6) 9.52 pm The speed of the ship fall to 4 knots (suddenly from 15). At this point the ship turn left and going straight toward harbour of Island of Giglio. On board its found there are some wounded people.

7) 9.58 pm The ship approach the shore (scoglio di punta Gabbianella) at speed about 2 knots.

8) 10.05 pm Costa Cruise call the Ship, Schettino said generically to have “problems” on board, seems he do not talk about collision.

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From Sky News


Italian rescuers say search has been suspended as Costa Concordia shifts.


There was also a picture of what looked like one of the search team (based on his clothing) being stretchered off earlier.


I saw video of him being transfered to land on a stretcher. It was said he was suffering from exhaustion.

Rescue operations have apparently been suspended because the ship shifted again.

From a live shot, it looks like they are moving some of the lifeboats.

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Much better to upload your scanned documents to a secure online server such as Cloud. If you have to swim to shore forget about hard copies or flash drives. Also if you have the copies and drives stored in your safe and you can't get to your cabin whether you have to swim to shore or not doesn't make a difference - you still can't get to the documents. Alternatively you can scan and email to yourself to a web based address but this might not be the most secure way.


Bottom line, I would go with an encrypted web based storage system that allows access from any computer anywhere in the world.


Exactly. We also send our scanned documents along with itinerary, credit card info, cruiseline contact numbers, etc to our emergency contact person back home.

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Cooper interviewing a survivor, who got on in Barcelona. That was 5 days prior to the incident.


She says they never had a muster drill.


This has been covered extensively on past posts. In this part of the world, unlike the US cruise scene, there are Open Loop Cruises where a small amt of pax can board at different ports as the cruises call in at a large number of different countries where pax want to board. So in this case 5 ports (normally they take pax in tunisia too but are not at present). The muster drill is held once per voyage at the part where Most pax board ie in this case, Savona which was the next stop and where the muster drill was schduled less than 24 hours after leaving Cittaveccia.


So, if you like or or not, that is the case. If you don't like open loop european cruises, dont sail one. If you think they should have 5/6 mandatory muster drills (ie daily muster drills for EVERYONE) then lobby the regulators for that. But this cruise was within the law as it stands.

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4) 9.48 pm Schettino ask at 1st officer to check engine room, he then say that the engine room its all flooded

5) 9.49 pm Former Costa Capitan Palombo call Costa Cruises and ask what is happening. Meanwhile the Police (Guardia di Finanza) its taken under alarm

6) 9.52 pm The speed of the ship fall to 4 knots (suddenly from 15). At this point the ship turn left and going straight toward harbour of Island of Giglio. On board its found there are some wounded people.

7) 9.58 pm The ship approach the shore (scoglio di punta Gabbianella) at speed about 2 knots.

8) 10.05 pm Costa Cruise call the Ship, Schettino said generically to have “problems” on board, seems he do not talk about collision.


Thank you.

We've had a lot of posts here on when the anchor was dropped. Does it indicate in the chart when that actually happened?

Sorry to be such a pest about the translation. I'd ask my Godmother but she's 90 and legally blind so she can't help.

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Thank you.


We've had a lot of posts here on when the anchor was dropped. Does it indicate in the chart when that actually happened?


Sorry to be such a pest about the translation. I'd ask my Godmother but she's 90 and legally blind so she can't help.


I read somewhere on the news that the anchor was dropped a lot later than the ship stopped on the position where you can see it today.


Seems that this its made sure from a tape recorded by the police (i do not remember wich one) where you can clearly heard (this its what is written, but i did not saw such tape) the rumors of the anchors falling on the water.


Someone had also said that this has happened under company suggestion, dont know if this (if its it's true) was done for stabilize the ship or for avoid further problems claiming that the anchor was released long before.

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Yes, Carnival corporation owns this ship and as a result it is part of the Carnival line...


Wrong. Again. It's like saying Quaker Oats, Life cereal, and Tropicana OJ are all same because they are both owned by PepsiCo.


Carnival Corporation is the parent company to a large number of separate cruise lines, key word there is 'separate'.


Carnival Cruise Lines is not the same and does not own Costa Cruises. They are both owned by Carnival Corporation & plc.

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