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Concordia News: Please Post Here


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WOW :eek: Concordia refloated and used again as a cruise ship or just repurposed into something else? Attorney Eaves is not clear from the video tape above. Will the Concordia II be equipped with aqua lungs and fins? Make sure to BYOW (Bring your own wetsuit).



That sounds just alot of lawyer talk....to get attention and get the public upset, for his suit......nothing more.........



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If the law didn't evolve and force maritime practices to change, we'd still have flogging, and excutions by hanging from the yard arms.


Your post begs these questions:


1. What is the benefit and enjoyment for the pasengers to change course and sail by Gilglio less than a mile off shore at night time?


The passingers would most likely get a great kick out of the sail by......close inshore, watching the village go by.....people waving back and forth


2. Is there an inherent difference between a cruise ship and a cargo ship?


Not by my seagoing mind........passingers are the same as another other cargo...excpet they talk back to you!:rolleyes:


3. If you're taking a bus to work and the driver decided to take a short detour to drive by a recently retired bus driver's home and wave hello, what is your opinion?


4. If you're on a 24 passenger commuter plane and the pilot decided to buzz his girl friend's house with a wing wag, what is your opinion?


5. If you're on a hotel shuttle bus and the driver took a detour to drive by his pal's new restaurant and give him a congratulatory horn beep, what is your opinion?


But in the Concordia case, the bus company, airline, shuttle management were aware of drivers/pilots route and plans.

These cases are extreme..........how about the bus driver/ shuttle driver just pulled to the side of the road at a some attraction (island) and waved?

Just a little devils advocating here for the discussion!



Edited by Tonka's Skipper
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That sounds just alot of lawyer talk....to get attention and get the public upset' date=' for his suit......nothing more.........




You keep beating me to it and I agree 100%!


That is nothing more than posturing, showboating, grandstanding or whatever you want to call it.

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Originally Posted by Tonka's Skipper

That sounds just alot of lawyer talk....to get attention and get the public upset, for his suit......nothing more.........





You keep beating me to it and I agree 100%!


That is nothing more than posturing, showboating, grandstanding or whatever you want to call it.


I'm well award of the animus some have toward lawyers, sometimes including myself. I tell some of the best lawyer jokes you've never heard.


But, the concept of attacking the speaker rather than debating the ideas is rather juvenille. In logic it's called the "ad hominum" defense and has been rejected as irrational since Plato and Aristotle.


As long as we're debating issues involving water, I'm reminded of the old Wyoming attorney who was approached by a rancher client. The rancher complained that his upstream neighbor's cattle were drinking the creek bed dry. He asked, who owns the water rights? The lawyer replied: "the guy with the most Winchesters."


The moral of the story is: If you did away with all the lawyers, you'd better pray you still have your second amendment rights.

Edited by Uniall
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When asked by the National Leader of my union what a likely outcome would be in a certain case against our employers the Barristers answer was " on the one hand it might be this, or on the other hand it might be something else" ... :eek:


Clearly they are not prepared to give a definitive answer despite the massive amount of money they earn!

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I'm well award of the animus some have toward lawyers, sometimes including myself. I tell some of the best lawyer jokes you've never heard.


But, the concept of attacking the speaker rather than debating the ideas is rather juvenille. In logic it's called the "ad hominum" defense and has been rejected as irrational since Plato and Aristotle.


As long as we're debating issues involving water, I'm reminded of the old Wyoming attorney who was approached by a rancher client. The rancher complained that his upstream neighbor's cattle were drinking the creek bed dry. He asked, who owns the water rights? The lawyer replied: "the guy with the most Winchesters."


The moral of the story is: If you did away with all the lawyers, you'd better pray you still have your second amendment rights.



*I bow to your points Uniall*, but you have to admitt, today these suits are in the public eye big time and that opinion counts!



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I'm well award of the animus some have toward lawyers, sometimes including myself. I tell some of the best lawyer jokes you've never heard.


But, the concept of attacking the speaker rather than debating the ideas is rather juvenille. In logic it's called the "ad hominum" defense and has been rejected as irrational since Plato and Aristotle.


As long as we're debating issues involving water, I'm reminded of the old Wyoming attorney who was approached by a rancher client. The rancher complained that his upstream neighbor's cattle were drinking the creek bed dry. He asked, who owns the water rights? The lawyer replied: "the guy with the most Winchesters."


The moral of the story is: If you did away with all the lawyers, you'd better pray you still have your second amendment rights.


I always make the statement "everybody hates lawyers until they need one".


Don't take my comments as bashing all lawyers but rather the one in this case who is doing nothing constructive. He is trying to turn public opinion against the big bad cruise line or even the cruise industry as a whole. From the way he talks you would think that half the cruise ships in the world are rusty buckets that are about to sink at any moment and that the cruise industry doesn't care at all about safety.


As for attacking the speaker, isn't that the exact thing that happens in many legal cases? One side makes the other look bad or at least look worse than the themselves.

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I'm well award of the animus some have toward lawyers, sometimes including myself. I tell some of the best lawyer jokes you've never heard.


But, the concept of attacking the speaker rather than debating the ideas is rather juvenille. In logic it's called the "ad hominum" defense and has been rejected as irrational since Plato and Aristotle.


As long as we're debating issues involving water, I'm reminded of the old Wyoming attorney who was approached by a rancher client. The rancher complained that his upstream neighbor's cattle were drinking the creek bed dry. He asked, who owns the water rights? The lawyer replied: "the guy with the most Winchesters."


The moral of the story is: If you did away with all the lawyers, you'd better pray you still have your second amendment rights.


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animus legal definition of animus. animus synonyms by the ...

[Latin, Mind, soul, or intention.] A tendency or an inclination toward a definite, sometimes unavoidable, goal; an aim, objective, or purpose. When animus is used in ...



What animus mean - The Q&A wiki

It could mean the Jungian concept of the inner masculine self of a woman.


It could mean the Jungian concept of the inner masculine self of a woman.


But more correctly, Animus is a latin word for the soul in a man; in a more general sense it could also mean courage, vivacity, bravery, will and spirit.


An Animus was involved in the game 'Assasins Creed' and 'Assasins Creed II.'

In the game the animus was a machine built to experience your ancestors memories and control your ancestor. However, whatever you did differently in the animus would not change what happened in real life, it's not a time machine.


Anima and animus

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the album by The Creatures, see Anima Animus.

The anima and animus, in Carl Jung's school of analytical psychology, are the two primary anthropomorphic archetypes of the unconscious mind, as opposed to both the theriomorphic and inferior-function of the shadow archetypes, as well as the abstract symbol sets that formulate the archetype of the Self. The anima and animus are described by Jung as elements of his theory of the collective unconscious, a domain of the unconscious that transcends the personal psyche. In the unconscious of the male, it finds expression as a feminine inner personality: anima; equivalently, in the unconscious of the female it is expressed as a masculine inner personality: animus.


The anima (animus) can be identified as the totality of the unconscious feminine psychological qualities that a male possesses or the masculine ones possessed by the female. It is an archetype of the collective unconscious and not an aggregate of father or mother, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles or teachers, though these aspects of the personal unconscious can influence the person for good or ill.


Because a man's sensitivity must often be repressed, the anima is one of the most significant autonomous complexes of all. It is said to manifest itself by appearing in dreams. It also influences a man's interactions with women and his attitudes toward them and vice versa for females and the animus. Jung said that "the encounter with the shadow is the 'apprentice-piece' in the individual's development...that with the anima is the 'masterpiece'".[1] Jung viewed the anima process as being one of the sources of creative ability.


In the book The Invisible Partners it is said that the key to controlling one's anima (animus) is to recognize it when it manifests and exercise our ability to discern the anima (animus) from reality.

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animus legal definition of animus. animus synonyms by the ...

[Latin, Mind, soul, or intention.] A tendency or an inclination toward a definite, sometimes unavoidable, goal; an aim, objective, or purpose. When animus is used in ...



What animus mean - The Q&A wiki

It could mean the Jungian concept of the inner masculine self of a woman.


It could mean the Jungian concept of the inner masculine self of a woman.


But more correctly, Animus is a latin word for the soul in a man; in a more general sense it could also mean courage, vivacity, bravery, will and spirit.


An Animus was involved in the game 'Assasins Creed' and 'Assasins Creed II.'

In the game the animus was a machine built to experience your ancestors memories and control your ancestor. However, whatever you did differently in the animus would not change what happened in real life, it's not a time machine.


Anima and animus

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the album by The Creatures, see Anima Animus.

The anima and animus, in Carl Jung's school of analytical psychology, are the two primary anthropomorphic archetypes of the unconscious mind, as opposed to both the theriomorphic and inferior-function of the shadow archetypes, as well as the abstract symbol sets that formulate the archetype of the Self. The anima and animus are described by Jung as elements of his theory of the collective unconscious, a domain of the unconscious that transcends the personal psyche. In the unconscious of the male, it finds expression as a feminine inner personality: anima; equivalently, in the unconscious of the female it is expressed as a masculine inner personality: animus.


The anima (animus) can be identified as the totality of the unconscious feminine psychological qualities that a male possesses or the masculine ones possessed by the female. It is an archetype of the collective unconscious and not an aggregate of father or mother, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles or teachers, though these aspects of the personal unconscious can influence the person for good or ill.


Because a man's sensitivity must often be repressed, the anima is one of the most significant autonomous complexes of all. It is said to manifest itself by appearing in dreams. It also influences a man's interactions with women and his attitudes toward them and vice versa for females and the animus. Jung said that "the encounter with the shadow is the 'apprentice-piece' in the individual's development...that with the anima is the 'masterpiece'".[1] Jung viewed the anima process as being one of the sources of creative ability.


In the book The Invisible Partners it is said that the key to controlling one's anima (animus) is to recognize it when it manifests and exercise our ability to discern the anima (animus) from reality.




Good Job.....................LOL

Edited by Uniall
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Tonka .... They were supposed to remove the funnel/smoke stack this week but as you say it looks like work is happening inside the pool area of the ship, could be they are trying to remove floors down to the waterline for easier access.

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The men are busy today. Saw men by the whitish structure near front of the ship, and several by the upper rails. The barge is moving back and forth too.


Yes, it seems as though the activity pattern has changed today. The spud barge is still out there, probably working on anchor points and the other craft with the crane is working close to the hulk.



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with all the lack of safety controls for costa and this ship. how culpable is the corporation (aka. carnival ) for such cost cutting that basic safety equipment is in dis-repair or out of date?




THE black box on the crashed Italian cruise ship the Costa Concordia was faulty, investigators have been quoted as saying in a new report.


The Italian ship, which crashed in January killing 32 people, was sailing with its sealed doors open, unapproved maps and faulty instruments, a newspaper reported yesterday, citing investigators.


The black box was also reportedly out of action at the time of the impact, meaning investigators have to rely on a computer that was switched off at 11.36pm and may never be able to piece together the exact events of that night.


"The Vdr (Voyage Data Recorder) has broken down for the umpteenth time... The situation is becoming unbearable," Costa Crociere's technical director Pierfrancesco Ferro is quoted as telling a repair firm in an email.


Costa Crociere, Europe's biggest cruise operator, defended itself against the charges telling Corriere della Sera: "The black box signalled only an error code which absolutely did not mean that the Vdr apparatus was not working."


"There is no law or international convention that means that in a situation like this the ship could not sail."


Some of the technical apparatus on board the Costa Concordia had been broken since January 9 - four days before the tragedy on the Italian island of Giglio, the Corriere della Sera said, citing leaked documents from the inquiry.


The report quoted a response from ship owner Costa Crociere saying that it was not aware the sealed doors were open, that the maps were the captain's responsibility and that the glitches did not stop the ship from sailing.


A court hearing is due on July 21 at which the full results of technical analysis will be revealed. Captain Francesco Schettino and eight others including three executives from Costa Crociere are under investigation.


The giant ship hit rocks off Giglio on the night of January 13 with 4229 people from dozens of countries on board. Cpt. Schettino is accused of delaying the evacuation and then abandoning ship before everyone had been rescued.


Emails cited by Corriere della Sera showed the ship had been due in for repairs on its technical instruments after it reached port on January 14.


An officer on board questioned by investigators also reportedly said sealed doors were open at the time of the impact as "this was a practice used during the navigation to ease the flow of people who were at work."


It also said that ensuring the ship was equipped with all the maps required for its route was Cpt. Schettino's responsibility after a cartographer questioned by investigators said that digital maps on board were not authorised.


"The ship should have never sailed so close to the coast," the company said.

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An officer on board questioned by investigators also reportedly said sealed doors were open at the time of the impact as "this was a practice used during the navigation to ease the flow of people who were at work."


One of the first things that should have happened after Concordia hit the rocks was that the "close all watertight doors" button on the bridge should have been pressed. This sounds an alarm at every watertight door, and a very short time later every wateright door will close. So even if watertight doors were being kept open - which definitely should not happen - they could and should have been quicky closed. Were they?


It also said that ensuring the ship was equipped with all the maps required for its route was Cpt. Schettino's responsibility after a cartographer questioned by investigators said that digital maps on board were not authorised.

Considering Concordia was a modern ship, I'm surprised by this. I've been on ships where electronic charts (digital maps) are considered the primary, licensed source of identifying the ship's position, and it wasn't a legal requirement that paper charts were on board. If Concordia was legally required to use paper charts, I'd love to know why....



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One of the first things that should have happened after Concordia hit the rocks was that the "close all watertight doors" button on the bridge should have been pressed. This sounds an alarm at every watertight door, and a very short time later every wateright door will close. So even if watertight doors were being kept open - which definitely should not happen - they could and should have been quicky closed. Were they?



Considering Concordia was a modern ship, I'm surprised by this. I've been on ships where electronic charts (digital maps) are considered the primary, licensed source of identifying the ship's position, and it wasn't a legal requirement that paper charts were on board. If Concordia was legally required to use paper charts, I'd love to know why....




First point: Yes, this should have happened, however with the amount of damage done at impact, I have doubts as to the ability to maintain watertight integrity. Recall, if you will, the level of the main deck in the Concordia class vessels. That is where the watertight bulkheads stop. If a ship is listing enough, water can go right over the top of them.


Second point: I have seen the bridge on the Carnival Splendor. This is pretty much identical to the Costa Concordia. Electronic charts are used and are the primary charts used. This is true on most cruise ships today. Only older ships that have not been retrofitted rely on paper charts. Soon, all ships at sea, except very small ones, will be required to use electronic charts. This will allow for better tracking of ships and should reduce collisions as even a fairly rudimentary GPS device can track other traffic using these systems.


Finally, the level of activity around the hulk continues to ramp up. I have noticed bright lights in place at night near the stern. I suspect some of the prep work is now taking place 24/7.



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