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I keep wondering whether Schettino is feeling awful guilt (and accompamying suicidal thoughts), or maintaining his arrogance. Nothing that I've seen lately clarifies this, but it does learn toward the latter. Of course he's trying to save his sorry butt, but couldn't he at least pretend to have some remorse?

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Or allows people to prejudice a Trial ?


Hi Sidari, you are a very interesting person, but hard to figure. Almost seems like you are on Schettino, Costa or Carnival's side but I don't think that's the case. I feel you're playing devils advocate or just playin a legal defense for the afore mentioned.

I feel that I am entitled to "pre judge" a trial. I roll my eyes as attorneys use every thing they can to convince a jury that the plaintiff did'nt do something right or they did'nt prove the case beyond a "shadow: of a doubt" or there was a technicality procedure error or their client was temporarily unable to perform or was insane at the time. I also am very in terested to see if they find a jury to believe that with all the bad luck the good arrogant Capt Schettino had that evening, he was able to turn that bad luck around 180* and with all the passengers that could not fight their way into a life boat, he got so lucky, to fall right into one. Wow, God loves him.

Here in America , I am entitled to my opinion, I'm not a court of law but to in my opinion he made a big mistake and drove the ship wrecklessly risking 4000 passengers, but he was a wuss and coward, when he lost control of the ship and realized he was a nobody who just ruined his and his families life, he realized he really was no where near qualified to be the Captain or most responsible person on the ship even though he wrecked it and ruined 4000 vacations and 33 lives , he was "outa there".

I'm not a court of law, so I am entitled to my opinion but I've seen worse than this get aquitted here in America. I'll be watching if Italian attorneys can find a sympathetic jury for him. Maybe so, someone in Italy must have felt he should'nt have to sit at his house under home arrest all bored and worried, so maybe they feel he's had his punishment already.

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Hi Sidari, you are a very interesting person, but hard to figure. Almost seems like you are on Schettino, Costa or Carnival's side but I don't think that's the case. I feel you're playing devils advocate or just playin a legal defense for the afore mentioned.

I feel that I am entitled to "pre judge" a trial. I roll my eyes as attorneys use every thing they can to convince a jury that the plaintiff did'nt do something right or they did'nt prove the case beyond a "shadow: of a doubt" or there was a technicality procedure error or their client was temporarily unable to perform or was insane at the time. I also am very in terested to see if they find a jury to believe that with all the bad luck the good arrogant Capt Schettino had that evening, he was able to turn that bad luck around 180* and with all the passengers that could not fight their way into a life boat, he got so lucky, to fall right into one. Wow, God loves him.

Here in America , I am entitled to my opinion, I'm not a court of law but to in my opinion he made a big mistake and drove the ship wrecklessly risking 4000 passengers, but he was a wuss and coward, when he lost control of the ship and realized he was a nobody who just ruined his and his families life, he realized he really was no where near qualified to be the Captain or most responsible person on the ship even though he wrecked it and ruined 4000 vacations and 33 lives , he was "outa there".

I'm not a court of law, so I am entitled to my opinion but I've seen worse than this get aquitted here in America. I'll be watching if Italian attorneys can find a sympathetic jury for him. Maybe so, someone in Italy must have felt he should'nt have to sit at his house under home arrest all bored and worried, so maybe they feel he's had his punishment already.


"Fell in a life boat", that is such a pathetic defense, did he have any injuries? any witnesses? It must be hard to find an attorney who can keep a straight face while telling this story.

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I feel that I am entitled to "pre judge" a trial.


Yes of course you can as a private person. This is no different here in UK. What seems to be different, and I find this puzziling is that in USA the media can publish opinions of guilt or presumably innocence as well, pre and during trial.


It is not difficult to see how this is certain to distort the jury process.


Here we would say that the right of free speech has in this case to be suspended so to ensure a fair trial.



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Yes of course you can as a private person. This is no different here in UK. What seems to be different, and I find this puzziling is that in USA the media can publish opinions of guilt or presumably innocence as well, pre and during trial.


It is not difficult to see how this is certain to distort the jury process.


Here we would say that the right of free speech has in this case to be suspended so to ensure a fair trial.




You put your finger on an inherent problem with the Brit system. Since your constitution is unwritten, rights can change with the winds of the moment.


The fallacy of the postition presented by yourself and Sidari is that you believe in the cessation of the right of free speech for all because of the possiblity that it might taint a jury's ability to be impartial.


The US holds the right of free speech in the highest regard because without it, the people are enslaved by the despot. Also, there are less intrusive ways to gaurantee a fair trial and the ultimate protection by providing a new trial if the jury is tainted. That's also the reason for voire dire (questioning potential jurors).


It's interesting that the Brit system once provided the right to remain silent without it being used against the defendant (just like the US) but your Paliament abolished it a decade or so ago. Now silence can be used to infer guilt in GB.

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. Since your constitution is unwritten,


Ah, of course your written constitution enacted when? 200 odd years ago, including "the right to bear arms"


Homicide rate London - 1.8


Washington D C 21.9


or if you prefer-


U K - 1.2


USA - 5


Go figure.



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Just posted on YouTube is Schettino's entire interview on channel 5 uninterrupted by commercials.




Reaction in Italy after Schettino's interview. (Google translate)

From this morning's La Stampa:


The chief prosecutor of Grosseto, Francis Verusio, has condemned "the lies told: he knows the Indeed, because the documents lodged by the investigating magistrate, are also in his hands. Testimonials, recording what happened on the bridge: all shows what are its responsibility. And it's all his knowledge. And then, come on, the aftermath of the arrest he admitted "that he had screwed up" and now portrays itself as the perfect commander did not regret anything. Believe it or not. " The prosecutor loses its natural poise so much so "shocked and embarrassed." Not to mention the anger and frustration among relatives of the Indian Russell Rebello and Sicilian Maria Grazia Tricarichi, the two victims of which was not even yet recovered the body from the Costa Concordia, which sank almost six months ago




From this morning's Corrierre de la Sera (a rough translation from Google translate but what's important to note here is that the captain was indeed at the bridge and fully in charge at the time of the incident):


"At 21:39 and 14 seconds on January 13, captain Francesco Schettino, after pronouncing the sentence required to take over the helm, "I take the conn," orders "to hand steering." It is at this moment that begins the tragic sequence that will bring the Costa Concordia against the rocks of Scole: The collision that will cause 32 deaths occur at 21.45 and 7 seconds. The time off the autopilot (the 21:39 and 15 seconds) is the on-board radar and everything that happens on the bridge, and audio equipment, is recorded by the VDR, which has ceased to work at 23:36. Res I have finished transcribing the contents of the 'black box' (WATCH) , an evidence envelope that is part of the incident taking place at Grosseto and that was due to end July 21: it takes time to answer the 52 questions posed by judges.


Hand steering

"steering hand" means that from now on orders of manual operation gives you the captain leaving the set course and electronically with the deviation close to the Concordia Giglio. On-board radar superimposed on the electronic chart listing the two routes. The point of no return Schettino joined him at 21:42 when a sharp turn also could not avoid the "tailless" against the rock. The transcript of Ris not always identify the voice of Schettino: indicates Vocmas (male) speaker and the commander Comsche Schettino when the identification is certain. It is a few seconds before the collision on the bridge that you realize the inevitable: "We're right on its ass to the ground," says an officer, following an oath and the order "close the watertight doors in the stern," then a male voice whispers, "I feel guilty." After a few seconds Schettino: "But where we hit? '. Respond in two: "The rock", "On a rock at the water." A male voice: "It's the bow that he wanted" (but could also be "who wanted to" clear the Ris). At 21:46 and 41 seconds Schettino: "The important thing is that there is no water entry." At 21:38 Schettino had telephoned Terence Palombo, commander of the Costa Cruises on board, to warn him that he was going to pass close to Lily (and asks him, "but there is water in 0.3? ').

The phone

call Schettino When the first time at 21:56 and 19 seconds to Roberto Ferrarini, emergency unit of Costa Cruises in Genoa, said: "Roberto I screwed up! ... You hear a thing: I passed beneath the island of Giglio, here! He was the commander Palombo ... I said "go under go under." I moved in here, I took the stern with a shallow ... I am, look, I'm more '... no, I mean, I do not say anything. I'm Maronne to please, I have done this thing ... And I'm past that in the end there was this Scoglietto here. " The conversation concludes: "They just destroyed ... is why, why we took this blow on the breast, only on a bow. Palombo told me, I said: Come. "


At 22:21 and 40 seconds Schettino again urges a tug. Livorno asks: "There'm not injured? And the cause of the leak? ", A male voice answers:" No injuries, no injuries. Waiting for a tug to pull us down. " Livorno: "And the leak has occurred because of what." Male Voice: "A Piece due to a rock," another corrects him: "It is not yet identified. Falla, top left hole. "


On the bridge began to stress the order abandon ship because Schettino, at 22:28 minutes and 40 seconds Schettino says: "Go Buo ', goes Buo', j a ', let them go to ground ... It should bu o ', ok, ok, ok. " But at 22:29 and 47 seconds still takes time with someone who asks if it should start the process: "Yes, wait, let me ... Ferrarini call me for a moment. " The order was postponed until 22:51 when it's already started the evacuation."

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Ah, of course your written constitution enacted when? 200 odd years ago, including "the right to bear arms"


Homicide rate London - 1.8


Washington D C 21.9


or if you prefer-


U K - 1.2


USA - 5


Go figure.



Go figure why the overall crime rate in the UK is much higher than in the US.



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You Can't Believe Everything You Read

July 6 - Earlier this week, European newspapers began reporting on a "leaked report" from the investigation into the sinking of Costa Concordia. The story spread not only from paper to paper in Europe, but also around the world. Many added their own embellishments.

The problem, according to Costa, is that it has no basis in truth.


Taken from cruisenewsdaily.com





Sid -

Not quite clear on the headline of your post and which leaked report you were referring to. Could you elaborate please? Thanks.

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Ah, of course your written constitution enacted when? 200 odd years ago, including "the right to bear arms"


Homicide rate London - 1.8


Washington D C 21.9


or if you prefer-


U K - 1.2


USA - 5


Go figure.




Our right to bear arms is what stands between us and the despot. It was your King George that taught us that lesson.


Like I've said before, I believe in a world that asks:

"what would John Wayne do?"


First, he'd stop the mob from lynching Captain Schitino.

Second, he'd insure the Captain Schitino got a fair trial.

Third, he'd give Captain Schitino life without parole.

Edited by Uniall
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Costa Concordia captain admits he was 'distracted' by phone call




via AP

Francesco Schettino is pictured during an interview broadcast on Italian television on Tuesday.




By Michelle Kosinski, NBC News Correspondent

GIGLIO, Italy - The captain of the cruise ship Costa Concordia has admitted he was distracted by a phone call at the time it capsized off Italy in January, killing 32 people - including two Americans.

Francesco Schettino gave his first interview on Tuesday night, after being released from house arrest by a judge.


He is accused of causing the accident by taking the liner too close to rocks near the island of Giglio, off Italy’s west coast – and of abandoning the liner while many passengers and crew were still aboard.

He told Italy’s Channel 5 he does not accept full blame for the wreck, but said: “I feel guilty for having been distracted.”

He was making a phone call to a man on shore – a retired captain he was in the process of saluting - when the accident happened, and that the navigation at that moment was under another officer's control.

Salvage plan for wrecked Costa Concordia unveiled in Rome

He apologized to his countrymen in the interview, saying: “It is normal that I should say sorry, that I should apologize.”

He said he thought about the victims a lot, and became emotional when reminded of five-year-old Daiana Arlotti, the youngest to die. “This question devastates me, it is terrible... Let's leave it-- please.”

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Yes of course you can as a private person. This is no different here in UK. What seems to be different, and I find this puzziling is that in USA the media can publish opinions of guilt or presumably innocence as well, pre and during trial.


It is not difficult to see how this is certain to distort the jury process.


Here we would say that the right of free speech has in this case to be suspended so to ensure a fair trial.




There is alot more news coming from Europe than there is in Colorado, US and none

of it seems very rosy for Schettino , well except the girl that said they probably would have had sex that night if the dumb old rock hadn't gotten in the way.

Id say there are alot of people here in the states that know very little about the Concordia.

His lawyer will dismiss all potential jurors that know much about ships or cruising or visit those forums, except for the girl, I haven't heard anyone say any thing good about him. It'll be interesting to see if Italy just slaps him on the wrist.

Is there any thing to read into why the courts figured he doesn't deserve any more "house arrest" ?

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There is alot more news coming from Europe than there is in Colorado, US and none

of it seems very rosy for Schettino , well except the girl that said they probably would have had sex that night if the dumb old rock hadn't gotten in the way.

Id say there are alot of people here in the states that know very little about the Concordia.

His lawyer will dismiss all potential jurors that know much about ships or cruising or visit those forums, except for the girl, I haven't heard anyone say any thing good about him. It'll be interesting to see if Italy just slaps him on the wrist.

Is there any thing to read into why the courts figured he doesn't deserve any more "house arrest" ?


One possiblity (LOL) for the relaxation of house arrest, is the fact that his wife was hawking him every minute 60/24/7 and he could sneak off to visit a mistress. :eek:


Don't forget that this is Italy and that's considered a fate worse than the death penalty. ;)

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the ship’s captain put a call into one of his superiors: “Roberto, I f–ked up!” he said, according to a black box transcript published by an Italian newspaper. “Look, I’m dying here, don’t tell me anything.”



Can't disagree with that comment.

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Finally got the chance to post .... :)


CT ... Only a small number of people joined concordia in Civitavecchia not Thousands.


Max49 ... Sorry to dissapoint you but i am not on anybodys side and nor do i subscribe to the Hanging Judge and Posse mentality shown by many.

With regard to falling into a lifeboat go and read what he said actually happened and don`t just believe how the media puts it across, it is possible that it could have happened but non of us will ever know.


Uni, Uni .... where have i ever said i want to supress Free Speech ?


"The fallacy of the postition presented by yourself and Sidari is that you believe in the cessation of the right of free speech for all because of the possiblity that it might taint a jury's ability to be impartial"


What i do believe is if you tell people loud enough someone is guilty then they are more likely to believe it! as they say S**t sticks! that is not telling people they cannot have Free Speech.


You only have to read replies in National newspapers to their stories to know that some people cannot see the Wood for the Trees.


CT ... The Transcript is hard to follow due to the way it is changed from Italian to English and appears to not make sense in parts. The Leaked report story came from another cruise forum which i believe may be based in America ... cruisenewsdaily.com.

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Originally posted by Sidari


Uni, Uni .... where have i ever said i want to supress Free Speech ?

"Origianlly postd by Unial

The fallacy of the postition presented by yourself and Sidari is that you believe in the cessation of the right of free speech for all because of the possiblity that it might taint a jury's ability to be impartial"

What i do believe is if you tell people loud enough someone is guilty then they are more likely to believe it! as they say S**t sticks! that is not telling people they cannot have Free Speech.




Your never said you wanted to surpress Free Speech. Only a fool would do that. Sidari, you may be many things but you are not a fool.


But the cessation of Freech Speech is a natural consequence of your regimine to guarantee a fair and impartial trial. As the old adage says, "there's more than one way to skin a cat".


In this case there are many ways to gaurantee a fair and impartial trial without resorting to curtailment of free speech. For you, curtailment of Free Speech is your one and only remedy to protect a fair and impartial trial. That seems over reaching, at best, and tyranical, at worst, to those of us in a society where the populaion has never been called "subjects".

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But the cessation of Freech Speech is a natural consequence of your regimine to guarantee a fair and impartial trial. As the old adage says, "there's more than one way to skin a cat".


My Regime! ... wow did not know i was running a Regime ... :D must find an Island now to run it on and treat the Subjects like Slaves though they will have to be All colours and Creeds and not just Black ... :) Political correctness and all that, what what.

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Finally got the chance to post .... :)


CT ... Only a small number of people joined concordia in Civitavecchia not Thousands.


CT ... The Transcript is hard to follow due to the way it is changed from Italian to English and appears to not make sense in parts. The Leaked report story came from another cruise forum which i believe may be based in America ... cruisenewsdaily.com.




When I wrote thousands I was referring to the number of people on board the ship the night of the disaster and NOT how many extra people boarded in Civitavecchia (Rome) that night. There were over 4,000 passengers on the ship that night - does it really matter who got on where? :confused:


Still not clear on which leaked report you are referring to. Please post a link.

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CT ... Sorry for the misunderstanding re passengers, i think the report they were referring to was the one that is currently being touted around the Media.


Sadly cruisenewsdaily only post partial stories so cannot give you any more details unless of course you can find someone who is a member ? so far i have not found anyone.

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But the cessation of Freech Speech is a natural consequence of your regimine to guarantee a fair and impartial trial. As the old adage says, "there's more than one way to skin a cat".


My Regime! ... wow did not know i was running a Regime ... :D must find an Island now to run it on and treat the Subjects like Slaves though they will have to be All colours and Creeds and not just Black ... :) Political correctness and all that, what what.


I used the word "regimine" term pronounced (in the American language) Reg-i-min, meaning a plan or course of conduct. I did not use the word "regime" pronounced (in the American language) Ree-geem, meaning despotic or tyrannical government. Both words had the same latin root and tied together but have evolved to mean different things.


The fact remains that GB does not hold free speech inviolate as in the USA. Moreover, all individual rights in GB can be curtailed or abolished by Parliament because they are deemed civil rights granted by the crown, unlike America where they are constitutional rights granted by the "Creator".

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