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NCL freestyle dining vs. traditional dining?


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This is what confuses me about traditional. Just because I had iced tea yesterday, is in no way whatsoever, an indication that I'll have it again this cruise.


The idea that someone would be so presumptuous, is galling.






Ha that's so true. Someone else mentioned that they would have a cocktail waiting for them when they got to diner. Ha is that real? What happens if you are sick or are going somewhere else for dinner? or you are late? what happens to this poor server when they have gotten you this cocktail? Does their manager come down on them?


Who eats at 6pm every night any ways or whatever time every night. My great grand mother would probably say she's does but she's not on a cruise and doing excursions every day either. She's sitting at home just waiting for dinner.

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Last summer we got the best of both freestyle and traditional dining when we did My Time Dining on Royal Caribbean. On the first night we arrived at the dining room a little after 6 PM. We were sat at a table for only our family. Dinner was served promptly and attentively. Royal Caribbean had their My Time Dining area in one half of the upper level of the dining room. The next afternoon we got a call from the dining room asking if would like to continue with about the same time and with the same dining staff. We agreed and for the next 13 days (B2B) we had the same table and staff. Plus we had flexibility in our arrival time; our table was waiting for us any time between 6 and 6:30 PM. On the nights we wanted to eat somewhere else we just let the dining room know we were not coming. They also accommodated our DS with a quick meal to get to camp, because about 6:50 the Adventure Ocean staff would arrive at the door of the dining room where you could check in your kid to camp and then go back to having dessert.


Our wait staff would not put out any food or drink before we arrived, but once we arrived they asked if we wanted the same drinks as before. Royal Caribbean offers per-purchased wine packages where you could choose which wines you wanted from a list throughout the cruise (not per-determined). We had a wine package of mixed reds and whites and the staff would pair our wines with our entrees. The wait staff also remembered our favorite food items. So there were two desserts p/p most nights and on the second weeks lobster night I had the enjoyment of eating 3 lobsters and 15 shrimp! :p


I think what keeps the staff more attentive on Royal Caribbean is how they divide up the gratuities. If you choose My Time Dining you pre-pay your gratuities, but the money doesn't disappear in a co-mingled account shared by all of the staff like NCL. Instead just prior to the last night of the cruise a few sheets of paper and envelopes arrives in your cabin. The paper has the titles of the staff members you usually interact with on the cruise (waiter, asst waiter, steward,etc.) and a statement that the gratuities are pre-paid. So just like traditional dining on the last night you hand those staff members envelopes with the slips of paper. Why the staff is more attentive is that they know if they provide exceptional service that the passenger can add in some cash along with the pre-pay slip of paper.


We are going back to NCL soon and will able to compare My Time Dining to Freestyle. We are curious to see if NCL has not gotten rid of the dining room waits and harried staff during full capacity cruise weeks (school breaks) that we must cruise. From what we experienced last summer Royal Caribbean has taken the best of NCL Freestyle and made it better with My Time Dining.

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Would like to compliment you on the way you've handled the negative posts that seemed to be directed towards you. Very classy!!!! :)


Are you suggesting my post was negative and directed at the poster? It wasn't intended that way at all.

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I totally agree with you. We had traditional dining on our first 4 cruises. The first 3 we were with friends and family so we were seated with them. The 4th we had the oddest combination at our table. We were a family of 4 with DD 9 and DS 12. We were seated with a young couple on their honeymoon and an older retired couple. Talk about not having much in common.


Our 5th cruise we had our first taste of freestyle. We loved it. Having the flexibility of when, where and who we were eating with was definately a plus for us. Our next cruise was back to traditional dining but DH was adament that we try our best to get a 4 top, which we did. Better than eating with strangers, but we found the set time to be a struggle with the intensive port schedule we were on. Since then it has only been anytime and freestyle for us. I can't see us ever going back to traditional....it's just not our style.

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Last summer we got the best of both freestyle and traditional dining when we did My Time Dining on Royal Caribbean. On the first night we arrived at the dining room a little after 6 PM. We were sat at a table for only our family. Dinner was served promptly and attentively. Royal Caribbean had their My Time Dining area in one half of the upper level of the dining room. The next afternoon we got a call from the dining room asking if would like to continue with about the same time and with the same dining staff. We agreed and for the next 13 days (B2B) we had the same table and staff. Plus we had flexibility in our arrival time; our table was waiting for us any time between 6 and 6:30 PM. On the nights we wanted to eat somewhere else we just let the dining room know we were not coming. They also accommodated our DS with a quick meal to get to camp, because about 6:50 the Adventure Ocean staff would arrive at the door of the dining room where you could check in your kid to camp and then go back to having dessert.


Our wait staff would not put out any food or drink before we arrived, but onceM we arrived they asked if we wanted the same drinks as before. Royal Caribbean offers per-purchased wine packages where you could choose which wines you wanted from a list throughout the cruise (not per-determined). We had a wine package of mixed reds and whites and the staff would pair our wines with our entrees. The wait staff also remembered our favorite food items. So there were two desserts p/p most nights and on the second weeks lobster night I had the enjoyment of eating 3 lobsters and 15 shrimp! :p


I think what keeps the staff more attentive on Royal Caribbean is how they divide up the gratuities. If you choose My Time Dining you pre-pay your gratuities, but the money doesn't disappear in a co-mingled account shared by all of the staff like NCL. Instead just prior to the last night of the cruise a few sheets of paper and envelopes arrives in your cabin. The paper has the titles of the staff members you usually interact with on the cruise (waiter, asst waiter, steward,etc.) and a statement that the gratuities are pre-paid. So just like traditional dining on the last night you hand those staff members envelopes with the slips of paper. Why the staff is more attentive is that they know if they provide exceptional service that the passenger can add in some cash along with the pre-pay slip of paper.


We are going back to NCL soon and will able to compare My Time Dining to Freestyle. We are curious to see if NCL has not gotten rid of the dining room waits and harried staff during full capacity cruise weeks (school breaks) that we must cruise. From what we experienced last summer Royal Caribbean has taken the best of NCL Freestyle and made it better with My Time Dining.


It sounds like you had a great cruise! I don't think it sounds anything like Freestyle, though. You have a 15 minute window on Traditional dining, and it sounds like the extended it to a half hour.


We eat at 7:00 some nights and 9:00 others, so that would feel too restrictive.


Glad you enjoyed it, that's the most important thing.


A note about the gratuiities, NCL can't do the voucher thing because you can easily be in 7 different restaurants on 7 nights, so you couldn't track down all of your servers. They could do it for your cabin steward, though.

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The reasons I like traditional dining are:


* I want to know when it is that I am going to be eating. The whole concept of showing up in the dining room before 6pm and getting handed a pager so I can now wait on a table isn't what I want to do on vacation. Having a set dining time is like having a reservation. They know you are coming and they are ready and waiting on you. Standing around with 200 other people holding pagers isn't fun. Even for 10 minutes I find that unacceptable. I would think for the enormous amount of anti-social cruisers this would be even less fun.


I like a relaxed dinner but not a 2.5 hour dinner. If NCL could manage the dining process in such a way that it flows smoothly without long, long waits in-between the courses I might think differently.


About the waiters.....it's not about making a new waiter friend! It's about someone ready and waiting for you, as if they are expecting you and waiting to help you have a great meal. You sit down and someone knows your name. You sit down and someone knows that you like to start your meal with ice tea and sweet-n-low instead of Splenda, it's having someone with a smile ready for YOU. It's personalized attention. That's what we like about assigned dining times... some minimal level of personalized attention.


I like to see the shows in the evening. If my dinner takes 2.5 hours and I'm in the dining room at 5:45 pm I think it's reasonable to think I could make the 8pm show in plenty of time to get a seat. Not on NCL, you can't expect to eat dinner and then make the early show. You might be able to just eek in at 8pm but too bad, by then all the seats in the theater are taken.


I can't stand that my family orders dinner all together but my children's entire meal comes out before I have even finished my appetizer....much less my salad or soup or entree. My meal takes forever to serve but my kids have their food within 6 minutes of sitting down. Even if you say..."hey, please bring my kids food out when mine comes we like to eat together"...is that such a big request?....apparently it is because they can't do it! You eat in traditional dining and everyone's entree comes at the same time.... a darn miracle!


I don't care if I'm seated with strangers. I'm not anti-social. And this doesn't even have anything to do with freestyle. Even at the buffet occasionally it gets so over busy in there, the seating becomes an issue. Most NCL cruisers are very anti social and would be offended if someone asked to sit in the empty seats at their table, because on NCL with Freestyle you don't have to sit with strangers?!?. Not me. I'm not anti social. I like people, I like meeting people. I could care less if I eat dinner with a new couple or new family. Sometimes I run out of things to talk about with my husband. Sometimes chit chat and small talk is fun. On vacation I like it!


Mainly I don't ever want to be handed a pager and have to wait for a table. Even for 10 minutes, that's unacceptable to me when I know it can run better. I want the table waiting on ME, not me waiting on the table. And also a 2.5 hour meal is too long....especially when there are 200 people waiting outside the dining room holding pagers!!


NCL Freestyle has been around a good long time now. Its beyond time that they should have worked out these basic kinks. Nope. These kinks must be accepted as a big part of the Freestyle experience. I want a better run dining experience.


This has definately not been our experience with NCL and freestyle.


1. We were handed a pager once....along with coupons for free drinks at the bar. We were told it would be 30 minutes. It turned out to be 10. Just long enough to enjoy our free pre-dinner drinks.


2. I have absolutely never had a 2.5 hour meal and have always had plenty of time to get to what ever show we were planning to see.


3. My kids meals were always served at the same time as ours. But they always ordered appetizers too and had the same number of courses as the rest of us.


4. I personally prefer the flexibility of eating when and where I want over having a waiter know my preferences before I sit down.


I get it that you prefer traditional....but I have to say your reasons for not liking freestyle are far from what I have ever experienced with NCL or with anytime dining on CCL.

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Would like to compliment you on the way you've handled the negative posts that seemed to be directed towards you. Very classy!!!! :)


You're giving me credit I don't deserve (not on this thread anyway;))

Your post caused me to go back through the entire thread to look and see if I could find negative posts that I assumed I must have missed because I didnt' recall any...

I didn't recall any because there aren't any :D

This is just a discussion..it's a nice one too!! If you think this is negative in any way, you are in for a HUGE surprise if you hang around CC long enough.:eek:

Honey, this thread is candy.


Are you suggesting my post was negative and directed at the poster? It wasn't intended that way at all.


It's all good :)


Warm Breezes, I love and agree 100% with your post above.

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This thread is really weird to me. The OP started off by saying "they don't get people's obsessions with a set dining time" and that "If freestyle cruising is the reason you don't try NCL, then I feel sorry for you" ; followed by alot of the same question "why do people find freestyle so confusing?" The funny thing is, throughout the entire the thread I see only 1 post which indicates any confusion regarding freestyle dining. I see a lot of reasons given as to why people don't like it, but not really confusion. In fact the majority of the confusion, hate and labelling is directed towards those who enjoy traditional dining, starting with the OP's very first post.


- I don't get the obsession with fixed dining

- why would you want to sit with random or rude people

- people who like traditional dining don't like to think for themselves

- they like to be told what to do and when to do it

- they don't like to make their own decisions

- they are old fashioned

- stuck in their ways


I'm the opposite of a "routine loving person" which is why I like to try new things and intend to try new cruise lines. It is not because I am stuck in my ways and can't think for myself that I enjoyed traditional dining. In fact as pointed out several times, eating with strangers it is very different than the "norm" of every day life. People who enjoy traditional dining are not necessarily old fashioned, just as people who enjoy freestyle dining are not necessarily antisocial.


Why does any of this even need to be an arguement?


Some people prefer freestyle - Good for you, enjoy your cruises on NCL.

Some people prefer traditional - Good for you, enjoy your cruises on all the other lines.

Some people are adaptable and can easily enjoy both - Great for you! Enjoy your cruises on any line you so desire!

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This thread is really weird to me. The OP started off by saying "they don't get people's obsessions with a set dining time" and that "If freestyle cruising is the reason you don't try NCL, then I feel sorry for you" ; followed by alot of the same question "why do people find freestyle so confusing?" The funny thing is, throughout the entire the thread I see only 1 post which indicates any confusion regarding freestyle dining. I see a lot of reasons given as to why people don't like it, but not really confusion. In fact the majority of the confusion, hate and labelling is directed towards those who enjoy traditional dining, starting with the OP's very first post.


- I don't get the obsession with fixed dining

- why would you want to sit with random or rude people

- people who like traditional dining don't like to think for themselves

- they like to be told what to do and when to do it

- they don't like to make their own decisions

- they are old fashioned

- stuck in their ways


I'm the opposite of a "routine loving person" which is why I like to try new things and intend to try new cruise lines. It is not becasue I am stuck in my ways and can't think for myself that I enjoyed traditional dining. In fact as pointed out several times, eating with strangers it is very different than the "norm" of every day life.


Why does any of this even need to be an arguement?


Some people prefer freestyle - Good for you, enjoy your cruises on NCL.

Some people prefer traditional - Good for you, enjoy your cruises on all the other lines.

Some people are adaptable and can easily enjoy both - Great for you! Enjoy your cruises on any line yous so desire!


thank you!:)

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This thread is really weird to me. The OP started off by saying "they don't get people's obsessions with a set dining time" and that "If freestyle cruising is the reason you don't try NCL, then I feel sorry for you" ; followed by alot of the same question "why do people find freestyle so confusing?" The funny thing is, throughout the entire the thread I see only 1 post which indicates any confusion regarding freestyle dining. I see a lot of reasons given as to why people don't like it, but not really confusion. In fact the majority of the confusion, hate and labelling is directed towards those who enjoy traditional dining, starting with the OP's very first post.


- I don't get the obsession with fixed dining

- why would you want to sit with random or rude people

- people who like traditional dining don't like to think for themselves

- they like to be told what to do and when to do it

- they don't like to make their own decisions

- they are old fashioned

- stuck in their ways


I'm the opposite of a "routine loving person" which is why I like to try new things and intend to try new cruise lines. It is not becasue I am stuck in my ways and can't think for myself that I enjoyed traditional dining. In fact as pointed out several times, eating with strangers it is very different than the "norm" of every day life.


Why does any of this even need to be an arguement?


Some people prefer freestyle - Good for you, enjoy your cruises on NCL.

Some people prefer traditional - Good for you, enjoy your cruises on all the other lines.

Some people are adaptable and can easily enjoy both - Great for you! Enjoy your cruises on any line yous so desire!


Well I'm actually the one that started the branch off question of "why the confusion". I had stated in post #2 that I had asked a similar question a while back and some of the responses I got back then. So that statement came well before the other posters on this thread. No I have not seen the word "confusion" once in this post (I again say, I stated in post #2,that this was from a while ago), but as noted I did see "trying that dining style", which in turn I inprepret as confusion or not knowing what it is as explained above. But then again you "see a lot of reasons given as to why people don't like it, but not really confusion." is because that is the actual topic of the thread.


"Why does any of this even need to be an arguement?" Thats a million dollar question, sorry I can't help you find the answer. I've wrote numerous times on here, to each their own. May not be my thing but certainly shouldn't be yours. So please do not group my curiousity on what is confusing about freestyle dining with the haters and name callers.

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"Why does any of this even need to be an arguement?" Thats a million dollar question, sorry I can't help you find the answer. I've wrote numerous times on here, to each their own. May not be my thing but certainly shouldn't be yours. So please do not group my curiousity on what is confusing about freestyle dining with the haters and name callers.


And thank you. I did not criticize those who like traditional dining, I only gave my point of view and said I was glad there was choice in the world. But for some reason, the open minded posts are not the ones that get the attention. :rolleyes:

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Well I'm actually the one that started the branch off question of "why the confusion". I had stated in post #2 that I had asked a similar question a while back and some of the responses I got back then. So that statement came well before the other posters on this thread. No I have not seen the word "confusion" once in this post (I again say, I stated in post #2,that this was from a while ago), but as noted I did see "trying that dining style", which in turn I inprepret as confusion or not knowing what it is as explained above. But then again you "see a lot of reasons given as to why people don't like it, but not really confusion." is because that is the actual topic of the thread.


"Why does any of this even need to be an arguement?" Thats a million dollar question, sorry I can't help you find the answer. I've wrote numerous times on here, to each their own. May not be my thing but certainly shouldn't be yours. So please do not group my curiousity on what is confusing about freestyle dining with the haters and name callers.



I realize that the responses you provided in post#2 were not your words exactly but rather things you've seen/read. My post is not directed towards you personally, I apologize if you took it that way. I was just trying to point out that traditional dining has a bigger stigma attached to it than does freestyle, IMHO based on what I am reading in this thread.


I agree with your statement "to each his own". 100%. I love CC and have learned soooo much. Quite frankly it's become a bit of an obsession. BUT, all the arguing on here drives me bananas. I think I need to stay away from any thread that has "vs" in the title.

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Last summer we got the best of both freestyle and traditional dining when we did My Time Dining on Royal Caribbean. On the first night we arrived at the dining room a little after 6 PM. We were sat at a table for only our family. Dinner was served promptly and attentively. Royal Caribbean had their My Time Dining area in one half of the upper level of the dining room. The next afternoon we got a call from the dining room asking if would like to continue with about the same time and with the same dining staff. We agreed and for the next 13 days (B2B) we had the same table and staff. Plus we had flexibility in our arrival time; our table was waiting for us any time between 6 and 6:30 PM. On the nights we wanted to eat somewhere else we just let the dining room know we were not coming. They also accommodated our DS with a quick meal to get to camp, because about 6:50 the Adventure Ocean staff would arrive at the door of the dining room where you could check in your kid to camp and then go back to having dessert.


Our wait staff would not put out any food or drink before we arrived, but once we arrived they asked if we wanted the same drinks as before. Royal Caribbean offers per-purchased wine packages where you could choose which wines you wanted from a list throughout the cruise (not per-determined). We had a wine package of mixed reds and whites and the staff would pair our wines with our entrees. The wait staff also remembered our favorite food items. So there were two desserts p/p most nights and on the second weeks lobster night I had the enjoyment of eating 3 lobsters and 15 shrimp! :p


I think what keeps the staff more attentive on Royal Caribbean is how they divide up the gratuities. If you choose My Time Dining you pre-pay your gratuities, but the money doesn't disappear in a co-mingled account shared by all of the staff like NCL. Instead just prior to the last night of the cruise a few sheets of paper and envelopes arrives in your cabin. The paper has the titles of the staff members you usually interact with on the cruise (waiter, asst waiter, steward,etc.) and a statement that the gratuities are pre-paid. So just like traditional dining on the last night you hand those staff members envelopes with the slips of paper. Why the staff is more attentive is that they know if they provide exceptional service that the passenger can add in some cash along with the pre-pay slip of paper.


We are going back to NCL soon and will able to compare My Time Dining to Freestyle. We are curious to see if NCL has not gotten rid of the dining room waits and harried staff during full capacity cruise weeks (school breaks) that we must cruise. From what we experienced last summer Royal Caribbean has taken the best of NCL Freestyle and made it better with My Time Dining.


Just curious...do you still need to adhere to the dress code for that particular evening? In other words, if it's "formal night" in the main dining room, is it "formal night" for the my time dining guests?


Also, what happens if you change your mind? You mention that you made the decision to dine using the my time dining method for the duration of your cruise. Say I want to go to one of the specialty restaurants or the buffet for a couple nights...would I need to cancel the standing reservation in the other dining room?

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IMy post is not directed towards you personally, I apologize if you took it that way. I was just trying to point out that traditional dining has a bigger stigma attached to it than does freestyle, IMHO based on what I am reading in this thread.


I agree with your statement "to each his own". 100%. I love CC and have learned soooo much. Quite frankly it's become a bit of an obsession. BUT, all the arguing on here drives me bananas. I think I need to stay away from any thread that has "vs" in the title.


Thank you. Actually if peruse over to traditional lines, type in "freestyle" you will find on those threads it's freestyle that gets the short end of the stick.


Welcome to CC :D :D. Oh, I've come to the concusion just about any topic can be debated on here, even if 99% of the people agree on the same point. This actually is quite a calm thread. If you don't like the debating, I would suggest staying away from the 'hot topics' threads :eek:. Many posters have their passion of choice. But for the most part even though a lot of posters debate back and forth there are only a couple that I have had issues with. But there are a lot of great people on here that are very knowledgable and in the last year since I have been 'brave' enough to post, I have gotten a lot of good info, advice and learned a lot.

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Thank you. Actually if peruse over to traditional lines, type in "freestyle" you will find on those threads it's freestyle that gets the short end of the stick.


Welcome to CC :D :D. Oh, I've come to the concusion just about any topic can be debated on here, even if 99% of the people agree on the same point. This actually is quite a calm thread. If you don't like the debating, I would suggest staying away from the 'hot topics' threads :eek:. Many posters have their passion of choice. But for the most part even though a lot of posters debate back and forth there are only a couple that I have had issues with. But there are a lot of great people on here that are very knowledgable and in the last year since I have been 'brave' enough to post, I have gotten a lot of good info, advice and learned a lot.


That makes sense. I guess it's hard for people not to defend someting that they so thoroughly enjoyed, on both sides of the arguement.


Thank you!!:D You are so right... I've ventured into some of those "hot topic" threads and I found it very stressful! On the other hand, I have had the pleasure of talking to some really great people and have had my questions answered and have learned A LOT. I am going into this next cruise much better informed than my first.


... and now I've officially taken this thread way off topic!:p

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NCL has a program for outstanding staff - at least they did on the Epic - there are cards on the ship where you can write a note about someone that has done an outstanding job for you - for us it was the waiter in one of the dining rooms that brought out mashed potatoes along with sweet potatoes for my Mom (without our asking!) because she said that she likes mashed potatoes with turkey:) She was bowled over!


The lady tending bar in Fat Cats (sorry, can't remember her name, but she was wonderful!) who remembered what drinks we liked, and always asked which I wanted first;)


Our terrific and hard working cabin stewards - they always get a thumbs up:)


We gave a big thanks to the Fat Cats server and she mentioned that NCL gave prizes or something to any staff members that stand out for outstanding service to guests. I made sure to write a nice card for her, the waiter, and our cabin stewards - popped them in the box at guest relations and hoped they got a little something extra for being fantastic.


And the thing that gets me about NCL service is that you get excellent service from EVERYONE, even if you don't see them every night.


I think it is more of a personality thing for Freestyle or not - personally, if the ship is going where I want to go, I will be glad to take either dining option.

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I'm going on my first cruise next week, and I chose NCL specifically BECAUSE of FreeStyle Dining. I don't eat at the same time every night at home. I don't eat at the same time every night on land-vacations. I rarely eat as early as 8:00 in either scenario.


Going freestyle allows me to enjoy the MDR without having to worry about inconveniencing ANYONE else when I decide on a whimto go to dinner at a different time - or at a different place. I go on vacation to be freed from having to jump through time-restricted hoops or having to inform someone of my plans (I get enough of that at work!)


I suspect it's just a difference in perspective and personality that fuels these disagreements - I know if it wasn't for me finding FreeStyle dining, I would have NEVER even considered a cruise as a vacation choice.

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I'm going on my first cruise next week, and I chose NCL specifically BECAUSE of FreeStyle Dining. I don't eat at the same time every night at home. I don't eat at the same time every night on land-vacations. I rarely eat as early as 8:00 in either scenario.


Going freestyle allows me to enjoy the MDR without having to worry about inconveniencing ANYONE else when I decide on a whimto go to dinner at a different time - or at a different place. I go on vacation to be freed from having to jump through time-restricted hoops or having to inform someone of my plans (I get enough of that at work!)


I suspect it's just a difference in perspective and personality that fuels these disagreements - I know if it wasn't for me finding FreeStyle dining, I would have NEVER even considered a cruise as a vacation choice.


You are about to have a large time!

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Just curious...do you still need to adhere to the dress code for that particular evening? In other words, if it's "formal night" in the main dining room, is it "formal night" for the my time dining guests?


Also, what happens if you change your mind? You mention that you made the decision to dine using the my time dining method for the duration of your cruise. Say I want to go to one of the specialty restaurants or the buffet for a couple nights...would I need to cancel the standing reservation in the other dining room?


Royal Caribbean still has the formal/casual nights even in the my time dining area, but if our cruise was any indication what was acceptable to wear in the dining room on any night was more varied than on NCL. So even on the designated formal nights there were tuxes to t-shirts. Personally DW dressed as nicely as she always does on a cruise and I went to Goodwill and picked up a nice sport coat to wear with my usual Hawaiian shirts on formal nights.


What we were told by the dining room was that if we didn't show up at the my time dining area by about 6:30-40 they would sit someone else at the table. On the nights we decided to eat in a specialty or the buffet we just did it as a courtesy to the dining room to tell them we were eating somewhere else on any given evening; no cancellation needed.


Someone in an earlier post asked about the pre-paid gratuity. The majority of the gratuity went to staff you interacted with the most and listed on the slips of paper and envelopes (steward, waiter, etc.). A part of the gratuity went to others on the ship (specialty dining, buffet, etc). So just like NCL the gratuity was spread around, but the staff you interacted with the most knew that extra special service could get them a little extra in their envelopes.


With a kid who doesn't want to miss camp we usually eat early so having 30 minutes to flex our arrival is enough time freedom. After the first night on the Royal Caribbean cruise we could walk straight to our table by ourselves with just a hello to the staff at the door. Since we have to cruise during school breaks when the ships are packed we have found on NCL waits/pagers for the main dining room at the time we would like to eat. So to get our kid to camp on time we would need to eat in the buffet quite often on NCL. The NCL main dining rooms just don't seem to be able to handle the crush of a very full ship; like on our Epic cruise of 5200 passengers!

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Ok so i have been on 2 cruises now.


1 freestyle, 1 traditional. (well sort of)


I liked different aspects.


I liked freestyle because it mean i didn't have to stop what i was doing to go and eat when i wasn't even hungry.


How ever traditional was good too. It was just my mum and me, together 24 hours a day, doing the exact same thing as each toher for 7 days.I liked being put with strangers, it gave me someone different to talk to. We were then able to request to be sitting with them again . We actualyl became friends with 4 dinner guest. We even started to spend time with them off the ship and still email them now. I don't think i would have had as good a time if it hadn't been for the friends we made.


If anything i found my freestyle cruise lonely, which is a shame as i have just booked another one lol

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Are you suggesting my post was negative and directed at the poster? It wasn't intended that way at all.



No, not you at all. You haven't come across negative from what I've read, only stating what YOU like. I have absolutely no problem with people stating what their preferences or likes are, or even making comparisons. Just seemed like some posts came across a little harsh when someone didn't agree. We all have different thoughts and opinions and we should feel free to express ourselves without people getting all worked up when it doesn't agree with them. Just saying...... :)

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Ok so i have been on 2 cruises now.


1 freestyle, 1 traditional. (well sort of)


I liked different aspects.


I liked freestyle because it mean i didn't have to stop what i was doing to go and eat when i wasn't even hungry.


How ever traditional was good too. It was just my mum and me, together 24 hours a day, doing the exact same thing as each toher for 7 days.I liked being put with strangers, it gave me someone different to talk to. We were then able to request to be sitting with them again . We actualyl became friends with 4 dinner guest. We even started to spend time with them off the ship and still email them now. I don't think i would have had as good a time if it hadn't been for the friends we made.


If anything i found my freestyle cruise lonely, which is a shame as i have just booked another one lol


On the Star this last fall, we spent the first night dining alone. The second night I mentioned to the hostess that I missed sitting with others, and don't they ever do that. The rest of the week we were asked if we cared to share and had tablemates whenever we went to the dining room for dinner, and sometimes we got tablemates for breakfast or lunch.


Sometimes we prefer some alone time, but we really do like the opportunity to sit with others more. Let the hostess know what you prefer if she doesn't ask.

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Ok so i have been on 2 cruises now.


1 freestyle, 1 traditional. (well sort of)


I liked different aspects.


I liked freestyle because it mean i didn't have to stop what i was doing to go and eat when i wasn't even hungry.


How ever traditional was good too. It was just my mum and me, together 24 hours a day, doing the exact same thing as each toher for 7 days.I liked being put with strangers, it gave me someone different to talk to. We were then able to request to be sitting with them again . We actualyl became friends with 4 dinner guest. We even started to spend time with them off the ship and still email them now. I don't think i would have had as good a time if it hadn't been for the friends we made.


If anything i found my freestyle cruise lonely, which is a shame as i have just booked another one lol


I would suggest joining the Roll Call for your cruise and attend the Meet and Greet (if there is one organized for your cruise). This is a great way to meet a whole bunch of people at once. Perhaps there will be a few that you will click with and from there can meet for drinks, share a dinner, share an excursion, etc.

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I'm a fan of freestyle dining. I avoid random people at all costs. Maybe I'm antisocial. I don't get people's obsessions with a set dining time. And sitting with random people? People choosing cruises because it has traditional dining? Do you sit with the same people at a restaurant on land? The only reasons cruise ships originally had dining like this was so that they could serve all the guests in the main dining rooms. Now with all the other options for dining, traditional seating seems very archaic.


Why do you want to get to know the waiters? Let's be realistic, you will probably never see them again and the oh so important "they remember my name" disappears as soon as the cruise is over.


I'm willing to bet that more people on traditional cruise lines have more trouble with the set dining time and table then people who actually enjoy it. Its a nightmare, sitting with random people with nothing in common. If they actually paired people with similar interests then that might be more interesting.


If freestyle cruising is the reason you don't try NCL, then I feel sorry for you.

I have cruised twice on NCL (Gem and Jade) as well as once on Celebrity (Infinity). Celebrity has three formal nights (wear suit or tux) out of a two week cruise. Also, most people eat at assigned tables at assigned times with the same waiters, etc.

DW and I found that we really liked both styles. Freestyle is the ultimate in freedom and flexibility, while the set tables, times and upscale attire does set a nice tone for a change. We really liked having the same waiters every night. They provided super service. I even gave our head waiter a twenty and assistant a ten on top of the standard service. Sometimes, in the MDR on NCL service can be spotty.


Further, we liked Celebrity's MDR food, which is as good as the NCL specialty restaurants. We still love the NCL specialty restaurants and it is great having French on night and Italian the next, then Mexican, but we also love Celebrity's system.


We generally book cruises based on the itinerary, with some consideration for price. We will likely continue to go with NCL and Celebrity, depending on those factors.

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