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RSVP Feb 9-16, 2013 - Eurodam


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Hi Guys,


My partner and I will be celebrating our 10 year anniversary and a big 40th. Birthday in FEB, 2013. So we have alot to celebrate on this cruise. We are both avid cruisers but have never done an all gay charter cruise before.


We've been wanting to do us this for long time, but just couldn't get the nerve up to do it. My partner is a much more reserved than I am and he is fearful it will be "too gay" (if that's possible) with drugs and sex at every corner. Where as I really don't care either way. But we are both looking for a very unique all gay experience that we will never forget.


At this point, we just can't decide which ship to sail on... RSVP or Atlantis ?? I'm leaning more towards RSVP, because I get the feeling from reading post here that the gentlemen on the Eurodam will be more in line with our ages, which might make my partner feel more comfortable. But I also understand there will be guys of all ages regardless of which ship we go on, right? I'm 39 and my partner will be turning 40 while on the cruise so I'm thinking we should fit right in regarless...


Bottom line, we really want to me meet some new people and have a great time. We both love to drink and dance but are far...far... from circuit boys!


Please help us decide! I'm frustrated... Thanks so much.



Philadelphia, PA.




Hi Rod, welcome to Cruise Critic.


There is nothing to get frustrated about :)


I am biased towards RSVP having sailed with them 7 times (but I ave been on an Atlantis land vacation though different thing altogether).


You will not see drugs and sex at every corner on an RSVP cruise (and I bet neither would you see it on an Atlantis cruise). Are there people that do drugs? I am sure there are. I have smelled wiffs of pot on the odd occasion while on our balcony but have never seen anyone snort or pop other substances in public (as I have seen at dance parties on land). As for sex: if you go looking for it you could find it but there are no orgies around the pool. :)


You can add another dimension to your celebratory cruise by spending Valentine's day on the Eurodam.

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Hi Guys,


My partner and I will be celebrating our 10 year anniversary and a big 40th. Birthday in FEB, 2013. So we have alot to celebrate on this cruise. We are both avid cruisers but have never done an all gay charter cruise before.


We've been wanting to do us this for long time, but just couldn't get the nerve up to do it. My partner is a much more reserved than I am and he is fearful it will be "too gay" (if that's possible) with drugs and sex at every corner. Where as I really don't care either way. But we are both looking for a very unique all gay experience that we will never forget.


At this point, we just can't decide which ship to sail on... RSVP or Atlantis ?? I'm leaning more towards RSVP, because I get the feeling from reading post here that the gentlemen on the Eurodam will be more in line with our ages, which might make my partner feel more comfortable. But I also understand there will be guys of all ages regardless of which ship we go on, right? I'm 39 and my partner will be turning 40 while on the cruise so I'm thinking we should fit right in regarless...


Bottom line, we really want to me meet some new people and have a great time. We both love to drink and dance but are far...far... from circuit boys!


Please help us decide! I'm frustrated... Thanks so much.



Philadelphia, PA.




Hi Rod


I have been on both cruises, on Atlantis to the Mexican Riviera, and RSVP to Alaska and the Caribbean several times. One of the RSVP cruises I took was the same itinerary as the February cruise - it was one of the best vacations I ever had. Carnival in Curacao was a blast, and Aruba is a great place for water-related activities.


As far as the differences are concerned, most (but not all) of the Atlantis trips are on larger ships, sometimes the biggest available. RSVP usually uses Holland America Lines, which are mid-sized ships with about 2,000 gay cruisers on board, more or less. I personally like the HAL ships, big enough for great dining and entertainment, but small enough that you will encounter others more than once.


The average age is about equal on both companies, with a slight edge toward younger cruisers on the Atlantis outings. And I do mean a slight edge. You'll fall smack-dab in the middle on either.


If you like the on-board activities like High Tea, then RSVP is the way to go, Atlantis does not do those. I'm not a late party type (I just can't turn it on and off for a week), so I really enjoy those day-time activities.


The parties are similar, there are evening Theme parties and afternoon T-Dances. One big difference is the the Theme at RSVP parties is provided 100% by the guests - whatever they are wearing is the Theme. Many cruisers go to great expense and effort to provide elaborate costumes for the Theme parties. On Atlantis, the costumes are not as big an element, and the party areas are decorated in a way that supports the Theme, by far my preference.


I have met really nice people at both venues - either way you'll have fun.


Personally, I'm going on the RSVP February Cruise, rather than Atlantis. My deciding factor was the ship - I love the HAL line and their staff is amazingly gracious. Plus it is not a large ship, the Independence of the Seas (which is the Atlantis ship for February) is twice the size, at over 4,000 passengers.

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The average age is about equal on both companies, with a slight edge toward younger cruisers on the Atlantis outings. And I do mean a slight edge. You'll fall smack-dab in the middle on either.


It is my understanding that Atlantis Caribbean cruises slant younger.


If you like the on-board activities like High Tea, then RSVP is the way to go, Atlantis does not do those.



The parties are similar, there are evening Theme parties and afternoon T-Dances.

I am a bit confused: what is the difference between High Tea and tea-dance?
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Rod, Don't be scared. RSVP cruises are more fun than you can imagine. My partner of 42 years and I love them. You will meet some great people of different age groups, do some dancing (if you want to) and enjoy a wonderful week. Book your cabin now before it sells out.


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I wouldn't wait to long to decide. Most of the better category cabins for the RSVP cruise look to be booked. It looks like it's down to only standard balcony cabins.


Oh, the horror! We always book a standard balcony! :D

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Hi Rod,


We did our first RSVP cruise a few years ago and, like your partner, we thought it might be a bit too 'over the top' for us. How wrong we were. The people we met were as normal as us. Let's face it, cruising (on the sea) is a vacation for folk who don't necessarily want to get high or drunk every night. And because the ship was all gay, we could kiss, cuddle and hold hands without worrying what the other guests thought.


I hear Amy & Freddy are on the Eurodam - they were excellent on our cruise. And the ship's entertainment staff also made an effort - I remember the 'Lady in Red' made an elegant descent down some stairs, only to be booted off the stage and replaced by a man to finish off the dance with his partner. And the bingo caller is extremely funny. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

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You will not see drugs and sex at every corner on an RSVP cruise (and I bet neither would you see it on an Atlantis cruise). Are there people that do drugs? I am sure there are. I have smelled wiffs of pot on the odd occasion while on our balcony but have never seen anyone snort or pop other substances in public (as I have seen at dance parties on land). As for sex: if you go looking for it you could find it but there are no orgies around the pool. :)


The above mentioned activities, just like in your neighborhood, are normally reserved for behind closed doors.


I was invited into another cabin in my single days, and was pretty amazed at what was going on. Needless to say, my stay was very brief.

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The latest member review of the Eurodam is kind of amusing in a disturbing way. He says he picked HAL because you can smoke on the balconies and then complains that his assisted breathing machine needed a 50 foot extension cord. I hope this isn't what the RSVP crowd is like. If I knew you could smoke on the balconies I might not have booked.

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It is my understanding that Atlantis Caribbean cruises slant younger.


Yes, I think we agree on that.


I am a bit confused: what is the difference between High Tea and tea-dance?


High Tea is an event that takes place in the Main Dining Room, usually around 2:30 or so. There is no dancing. It is tea plus sandwiches and sweet treats.


A tea-dance is an event that also occurs in the afternoon. There is no tea. There is dancing. It usually take place at the aft pool area.

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High Tea is an event that takes place in the Main Dining Room, usually around 2:30 or so. There is no dancing. It is tea plus sandwiches and sweet treats.


A tea-dance is an event that also occurs in the afternoon. There is no tea. There is dancing. It usually take place at the aft pool area.


Ah, what threw me is that I have heard tea-dances also referred to as High Tea (also Low and Middle Tea) - but maybe that is just in Fire Island Pines :)


You are talking about the Dutch and Indonesian teas in the afternoon. (An English High Tea is actually an early evening meal!)

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Ah, what threw me is that I have heard tea-dances also referred to as High Tea (also Low and Middle Tea) - but maybe that is just in Fire Island Pines :)


You are talking about the Dutch and Indonesian teas in the afternoon. (An English High Tea is actually an early evening meal!)


Ah, an interesting detail which I did not know - thank you!


Control freak that I am, I looked it up:


High tea (also known as meat tea[9]) is an early evening meal, typically eaten between 5pm and 7pm. It is now largely followed by a lighter meal later in the evening.[citation needed]

High tea typically consists of a hot dish such as fish and chips, shepherd's pie, or macaroni cheese, followed by cakes and bread, butter and jam. Occasionally there would be cold cuts of meat, such as ham salad. Traditionally high tea was eaten by middle to upper class children (whose parents would have a more formal dinner later) or by labourers, miners and the like when they came home from work. The term was first used around 1825 and high is used in the sense of well-advanced (like high noon, for example) to signify that it was taken later in the day.[10]

The term “high tea” was used as a way to distinguish it from afternoon tea. Though it is often stated that the words "low" and "high" refer to the height of the tables from which either meal was eaten, the term for the later meal actually relates to the usage of "high" as in the phrase "it's high time".[11] Afternoon tea was served in the garden where possible; otherwise it was usually taken in a day room, library or salon where low tables (like a coffee table) were placed near sofas or chairs generally (hence the fallacy about it being low tea).[12]

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Hooray!!! Just saw on Facebook that Amy & Freddy WILL be on the Feb. RSVP cruise and one other in 2013 to be determined. :)


Boston area cruisers who can't wait for February to see Amy and Freddy can see them Sunday Nov 4th at Club Cafe.

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Don't be surprised to see them suffer the same fate as Danny Williams someday.


It's just the way Atlantis does business.


I've been trying to find out what happened to Danny since the last cruise. No one at RSVP will give a straight answer. Anyone know just what that "fate" was? He was sorely missed - his replacement was just god-awful.

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I've been trying to find out what happened to Danny since the last cruise. No one at RSVP will give a straight answer. Anyone know just what that "fate" was? He was sorely missed - his replacement was just god-awful.


He was replaced by Nevins. Jeff takes his marching orders from Campbell. Jeff mentioned on the ship he had a talk with Danny and told him he was open to returning someday.


On Facebook, Danny mentioned he was never given any notice. Just not renewed for the cruise. He said Jeff never told him he was welcome to come back. He still seems bitter, obviously, he has cut his ties to RSVP.


Jeff will tell you what you want to hear. Double check the story and you will hear a different version.

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Amy Armstrong and Freddy Allen are a cabaret duo and have many devoted fans/groupies on RSVP cruises. Click here for a sample video.


Danny Williams was the cruise director for many cruises and hosted popular shows like Matchmaker Game and Newlywed Game.

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The owner sounds like a jerk.


The guy owns Atlantis events. Atlantis acquired RSVP several years ago, as Planet Out was on its way to sinking the business.


He is a loose cannon. At RSVP, the president Jeff Gunvaldsen, has to play hatchet man for him. Campbell pulls the strings, and the puppets at RSVP dance.


Hope that gave you some insight as to what goes on behind the scenes.

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The guy owns Atlantis events. Atlantis acquired RSVP several years ago, as Planet Out was on its way to sinking the business.


He is a loose cannon. At RSVP, the president Jeff Gunvaldsen, has to play hatchet man for him. Campbell pulls the strings, and the puppets at RSVP dance.


Hope that gave you some insight as to what goes on behind the scenes.


Wow! What's with all the hating? Just so other, newer readers to the group don't get the wrong idea, NO ONE speaks for the entire group of travelers, no matter how often, how nastily, or how rapidly they reply.


Jeff, in my own opinion, is an awesome individual and a great leader who tries very hard to provide a pleasant and rewarding experience for us all, with apparently very little appreciation from some.


I'm sorry you have so much bile directed towards both Atlantis and RSVP. You may be speaking for others as well, but you sure as hell are not speaking for me or anyone else that I travel with.

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I'm sorry you have so much bile directed towards both Atlantis and RSVP. You may be speaking for others as well, but you sure as hell are not speaking for me or anyone else that I travel with.


No hate intended. I like RSVP and the people that work there. Jeff tries his best.


In case you haven't figured it out yet, Campbell pulls all the strings.


It's expensive to operate two separate companies, don't be surprised if, at some point in the future, he folds the company into Atlantis in spite of his intent to keep them separate.

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