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Stewards had a clipboard on cart clearly showing who had not paid tips


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not on carnival. there is NO pooling.*








* does not apply to ytd. i haven't figured that one out yet.



Are you 100% sure about Carnival and tip pooling?


There is no pooling after the Auto tip amount is reached. this is my understanding.


Of course your individual tipped steward may choose to keep the tip and tell nobody even if the Auto tip amount is not reached.



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I get it. I've been a server for years. But I would assume at the higher end establishments that I worked at that if I wrote on my book, how much each table tipped and allowed other tables to see it, I would at least get reprimanded if not fired. If the back of my book says "table 4 tipped $6" and we know the check was $100, and it's obvious to everyone who table 4 is...is just unprofessonal. If the person in front of me checking out at Cracker Barrel leaves $2, and I see them checking out, fine. Who cares. But if I can see at my restarurant at the Hyatt that the server has written down that the table stiffed her and I can SEE it written on her book out in the open, I would seriously wonder about the establishment. I picture people getting out of the cab at the pier in Miami and the cab driver getting out, getting their bags, and letting everyone standing around them know that THESE people tipped $1. The bartender specifically saying that you have not tipped above the auto grat the entire cruise out loud in front of other people. Getting off your expensive shore excursion at the first stop and the bus driver saying in front of everyone that Jane, Joe, and Jimmy haven't tipped the driver yet.


Get over yourself already. Restaurant server and cruiseship steward...2 completely different concepts. Unless you work on the ship, you have no idea why this list exists, what they may be using it for. I'm certain it's not just to embarass the non-tipper. I take it you don't tip, might explain why you're all riled up about it. Why don't you ask them next time you are aboard so you can have some facts before you flip out.

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Get over yourself already. Restaurant server and cruiseship steward...2 completely different concepts. Unless you work on the ship, you have no idea why this list exists, what they may be using it for. I'm certain it's not just to embarass the non-tipper. I take it you don't tip, might explain why you're all riled up about it. Why don't you ask them next time you are aboard so you can have some facts before you flip out.



Get over myself? Cause I am bragging about being a server?? I'm riled up about a list being in plain sight of other passengers and the idea that some people have that they would change their service based on this. I never said it was to embarrass a non tipper and I certainly NEVER said that I wouldn't tip. I am shocked that me saying I am a server and questioning how innapropriate it is to have this list out in the open would lead you to believe I don't tip...speaking of having facts before flipping out.....

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Not in the us when on a cruise.. Its not a american flagged ship SO your point of violating privacy laws is shot down..



A: I didn't say I would call a lawyer so take it down a notch

B: It was said that it DIDN'T have anything to do with privacy cause only room, name, and tips were on it. And it doesn't have address and SSN. I'm saying that that doesn't mean it doesn't violate privacy laws. In fact, if you read my post talking about it, I never said they DID violate privacy laws...just that I would ask about it.

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Picklebongo is correct. A few cruises ago we fond out that our steward thanked us for our auto tip on our cruise. I tipped him extra on the 3rd day and he said but you have already tipped me, thank-you. Folks they must know who removes their tips. We always keep our autotips in place, even for our 4 yr old when she cruises with us. I just wish CCL would make the tips a mandatory service charge.

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Carnival couldn't register their ships in the U.S. if the wanted to. The ships have to be built here in the U.S. to be registered here.



In 2002, NCL purchased the half-complete hull at the time under construction at Ingalls in Pascagoula, MS which was towed to Germany to be completed at Lloyd Werft. NCL acquired the rights to move two ships built entirely outside the United States under the US flag.


So no, the ships do not have to built here in the USA in order to be registered here.


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Get over myself? Cause I am bragging about being a server?? I'm riled up about a list being in plain sight of other passengers and the idea that some people have that they would change their service based on this. I never said it was to embarrass a non tipper and I certainly NEVER said that I wouldn't tip. I am shocked that me saying I am a server and questioning how innapropriate it is to have this list out in the open would lead you to believe I don't tip...speaking of having facts before flipping out.....

You're riled up because a single person with a history of volatile tipping posts is reporting that they saw such a list on a hallway cart.

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some people may want to personally give the cash tip, maybe with a thank you. some people may not want it on their credit card.


to me it does not matter. to each their own. however each person wants to do it, it should be their choice.


however, a list of people who have not paid their tips circulating is, in my opinion, rude and very unprofessional. hmm, it sounds like its the "whose toothbrush can we clean the toilet with today? list".


CCL SHOULD NOT be providing a list to these people during the cruise. If I choose to leave a cash tip as opposed to one charged on my credit card, that should be my option. I should not receive inferior service because i have not tipped BEFORE my service. That's not how tipping is suppose to work

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You're riled up because a single person with a history of volatile tipping posts is reporting that they saw such a list on a hallway cart.



And I said that if they saw that list, it would be innapropriate and unprofessional for them to have that out in the open like that.

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A: I didn't say I would call a lawyer so take it down a notch

B: It was said that it DIDN'T have anything to do with privacy cause only room, name, and tips were on it. And it doesn't have address and SSN. I'm saying that that doesn't mean it doesn't violate privacy laws. In fact, if you read my post talking about it, I never said they DID violate privacy laws...just that I would ask about it.


There are plenty of lists floating around the ship.

1) List of all Platinum and Milestone is given to Dept heads and the Casino

2) List of children broken down by age given to the various kid venues

3) List of dining rooms that the guest are dining at. (electronic version sent from Miami)

4) Casino has a list of VIP's of its casino club that are given certain gifts or casino cash.

5) List of passengers for embarkation stations.

6) List of passengers who exceed a certain dollar amount in the gift shops forwarded to Customs.

7) List of passengers assigned to room steward


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Get over yourself already. Restaurant server and cruiseship steward...2 completely different concepts. Unless you work on the ship, you have no idea why this list exists, what they may be using it for. I'm certain it's not just to embarass the non-tipper. I take it you don't tip, might explain why you're all riled up about it. Why don't you ask them next time you are aboard so you can have some facts before you flip out.



I agree,it is not there in anyway to embarrass or treat the auto tip remover any differently from any other cruiser although many would love to think this!


Some ships pin up a list in staff quarters,this I would assume is for their benefit only. If a high percentage of people remove auto tips then there must be a problem with service or attitude in some departments.


If everyone just tipped regardless of service then some staff could become complacent


Keep your Auto tips in place and visit the pursers desk,fill out an "over & above service card" for those you thought were exceptional, and those exceptional staff (if consistent) will be given time off ashore at ports.



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This is the wrong way to look at it.

When people remove their tips, the crew get reprimanded for it.

If some cheapazz got me reprimaded, I'd want to know who it was. It's only fair to the steward to know who removed tips.

If you go to to CS desk to do this, they will ask you why you are removing them. If I was the cabin steward I'd want to know who and why as well.

Put yourself in the position of the worker...would you be able to just accept that a certain number of people took away some of your income without wondering who and why??


If people think you aren't doing your job properly, this enables you to do it better...or if you are doing your job properly and someone just 'doesn't believe in tipping', at least you know that you are doing oK and it was just their choice and was no refelction on you.


Also, some of the crew like to thank people at the end of the cruise, how embarassing would it be to thank people who removed the tips?


I don't understand why people don't at least try to put themselves in someone else's shoes before making judgements.


Oh and Firefly, I'd have looked too....it would be too tempting not to.

I'm not saying it's right, but I'm admitting being human and curious....


well, since technically, TIPPING SHOULD OCCUR AFTER THE SERVICE, normally this would not be the situation. Most people you tip after their service, therefore there should be no list, no need for reprimands and no need for employees wondering, questioning, creating lists etc.


I have never ever tipped a server before he took my order or brought me my food. I have never tipped a hairdresser before she did my hair, i have never tipped a manicurist before she did my nails, I have never tipped the pizza delivery person before I received my pizza. i shouldn't be tipping onboard before I received my services either. But I do. I even left the stupid ridiculous entertainment tip on there even though I saw ZERO shows the entire cruise.

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Get over myself? Cause I am bragging about being a server?? I'm riled up about a list being in plain sight of other passengers and the idea that some people have that they would change their service based on this. I never said it was to embarrass a non tipper and I certainly NEVER said that I wouldn't tip. I am shocked that me saying I am a server and questioning how innapropriate it is to have this list out in the open would lead you to believe I don't tip...speaking of having facts before flipping out.....



I dont think the list is supposed to be in the open and seen by cruisers but that of course doesn't stop individual staff leaving it in plain view of a non tipper in the hope of embarrassing them into leaving a tip before they disembark.


There seems to be some competition between members who think some are cheap because they choose not to tip extra or dont leave enough extra tip,this is all in their own minds.


Auto tips are a fair tipping system that ensures a consistent service,those tipped over and above may well perform over and above,those who do not tip over and above receive the required standard of service as do those who remove auto tips.


If Auto tips are constantly removed then there must be a reason, usually a staff problem in a certain area not just skint flint cruisers.




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on each of my most recent cruises, disney, princess and 2 carnival...it was added daily, and I still have the print out showing the charges from my 2011 cruise on the Glory...11.00 per person added each day...


i find that hard to believe, being tips were only $10 a day at that time.

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My wish is that the cruiselines would eliminate the words " tips" or "gratuity", and , as someone has already suggested, just add the equivalent amount to the cost of the cruise tickets. If someone would still wish to tip extra, as many of us do, so be it. I guess the cruiselines must like this current system, but it seems to me to be a headache for whomever has to keep track of who pays ands who dont...and who gets how much, etc. I would still be paying the same $$$ for my cruise, and my guess is the cruiseline would spend less $$$ on keeping track of things. Now I know this system would anger some folks, for they would no longer be able to deduct the cost of the tips... for a ligitimate reason or not. If they had an issue that was important enough to complain about, they could take it up with management. I know others would say that without the extra incentive of receiving possible tips, the service staff may not perform as well. Maybe so, maybe not...and this would fall into the cruiselines laps as to correcting the issues. My guess is the management would want to keep things running smoothly for the guest/pasengers, or they would pay for it in the long run. If a person couldnt afford to pay the cost of the cruise...with the extra tip expense on top...then do without. My guess is a huge percent of cruisers always pay at least the standard amount, with a lot of folks also paying extra...as we usually do...so maybe it would all even out. This might be an unrealistic concept...but at least it might help eliminate the CC bickering every time a tipping post goes up. It might weed out some cheapskate cruisers, but I'd bet everyone else would eventually settle in and accept it. And the hard working service staff would get what they deserve!!! I'd sure hate to trade places with them! Just my thoughts!:)

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This continual business about the stupid $2 going to the "other fully paid personnel" has been asked and answered on here time and again. This $2 goes to personnel who do jobs outside of the ones they are salaried for. My brother was a musician for several years on cruise ships out of Los Angeles and he played in an orchestra nightly at the shows but he was not allowed to laze around some fancy pool the rest of the time on the ship, he did other duties which were assigned to him by other departments, i.e. handling luggage delivered at debarkation and embarkation, setting tables in the mdr before meals, etc. the tip is collected for these services not for playing his clarinet in the orchestra each night.

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I think Carnival should raise cruise prices by $100 pp, pay their staff fairly and let me tip who went "above and beyond" for me.



I agree, the purpose of a tip is to acknowledge those that went above and beyond and should not be considered the standard. If Carnival decides to take away the option to tip-out yourself and enforce auto-tips, then I agree, they should just raise the cruise price and pay a higher rate to their employees. Not everyone agrees in the process or ideology of "tipping". I tip, but I like to hand my money over to those I choose to tip and thank them personally for going above and beyond, instead of trusting that this mega-corporation is passing those auto-tip funds along as they say.

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I do not like the whole concept of tipping being a the main source of income for any workers.


However, no one has ever asked me what I think about tipping.


Concerning a list.

I don't care.

I leave my auto tips on because it is easy and I am lazy.

I never liked counting out cash and putting it into envelopes.

It made me uncomfortable actually.


My dad has his tips taken off and tips in person.

He has a math sort of brain and he likes doing it the old way.

Who cares?

I know I don't.


If they gave me a list of who had already tipped and those who had not, I would not read it.

I don't know those people.

And I certainly would not be using my valuable vacation time to worry about who did what.


And such a list would mean nothing.

If my dad's name is on there it is because he is making up his envelopes to hand out.

So what.

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