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Total cruise Cost


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I wonder if the OP stayed within her budget.


When I started to look at going this August I wanted to keep it under $3,500 for husband and I , so far so good at $3300 this includes everything I can think of from airfare from the east coast flying 3 one way flights ( one way with miles),trip insurance, fee for seats, fee for luggage, cruise cabin OBV, 2 transfers , 2 hotel stays plus 1-excursion at each port for each of us, I am up to $3250 still need to add cruise tips, souvenirs, meal at Anchorage and sightseeing we may do there $ less than $50 since we will only be there part of a day most likely will be closer to the $4k cost when it is all said and done.

I just signed up for the Princess CC to acrue some cash back for any expenses while on the ship and for a future cruise.:p

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Im stunned by the amounts people are spending, especially for just a 7 day cruise. We are doing 14 day back to back on Sapphire this year then 6 nights in Vegas at the end, plus 2 nights in Vancouver prior to the cruise. So total of 22 nights away.


Cruise: $3300 [total for two Inside cabin mid ship, high deck]


Flights $1200 [includes one way to Vegas from LA.


Hotel $600 [for 8 nights, 2 in Vancouver and 6 in Vegas]


Two Excursions $400 [one through ship and one through private]


So total of $5500 for just over a 3 week holiday. Obviously this is not factoring spending money but we dont spend much on board, mostly drinks and meals.


Not bad for a 3 week trip I thought. Though we are lucky in that we get more holiday time and are able to travel a bit more and can spread holiday ideas around so we dont have to cram as much in to a short space of time.


Still stunned at some of the figures being quoted though!:D

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Im stunned by the amounts people are spending, especially for just a 7 day cruise. We are doing 14 day back to back on Sapphire this year then 6 nights in Vegas at the end, plus 2 nights in Vancouver prior to the cruise. So total of 22 nights away.


Cruise: $3300 [total for two Inside cabin mid ship, high deck]


Flights $1200 [includes one way to Vegas from LA.


Hotel $600 [for 8 nights, 2 in Vancouver and 6 in Vegas]


Two Excursions $400 [one through ship and one through private]


So total of $5500 for just over a 3 week holiday. Obviously this is not factoring spending money but we dont spend much on board, mostly drinks and meals.


Not bad for a 3 week trip I thought. Though we are lucky in that we get more holiday time and are able to travel a bit more and can spread holiday ideas around so we dont have to cram as much in to a short space of time.


Still stunned at some of the figures being quoted though!:D


To each his own. There's no way I could handle an inside cabin. I can't stand Vegas either for that matter - total waste of money and time - but again, to each his own.

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Im stunned by the amounts people are spending, especially for just a 7 day cruise. We are doing 14 day back to back on Sapphire this year then 6 nights in Vegas at the end, plus 2 nights in Vancouver prior to the cruise. So total of 22 nights away.


Cruise: $3300 [total for two Inside cabin mid ship, high deck]


Flights $1200 [includes one way to Vegas from LA.


Hotel $600 [for 8 nights, 2 in Vancouver and 6 in Vegas]


Two Excursions $400 [one through ship and one through private]


So total of $5500 for just over a 3 week holiday. Obviously this is not factoring spending money but we dont spend much on board, mostly drinks and meals.


Not bad for a 3 week trip I thought. Though we are lucky in that we get more holiday time and are able to travel a bit more and can spread holiday ideas around so we dont have to cram as much in to a short space of time.


Still stunned at some of the figures being quoted though!:D


It all depends on when you book too.. so here's my take on your costs.

You done good! but if you take half of your cruise cost for 7 nites it's

$1650 for an inside a bit more than my Obstructed Ocean view for $1392

Our flights for the two of us with one way free with miles was $997, from the East coast ! We too stop at Las Vegas on the way home and we have been there a few times so it wasn't something I wanted to spend $ on again and yes you can even get your room for free depending on how much you spend in the casino.

Alaska tours seem to be very pricey so for us we chose to keep it under $600 for 3 tours for each of us, Whale Watching, Yukon Summit Pass to Emerald Lake, Duck Tour and various entry/bus fees to other on our own plan at Anchorage & Ketchikan. So a bit less than your 2 tours for $400.

One of my hotels was with points and $50 supplement and the other is at a B&B in Anchorage which we don't even stay overnight paying 1/2

I have some coupons for transfer from Whittier to Anchorage that saved me $49 and for sightseeing in Anch too.

So it all depends on what you want to spend and can spend.. I am a bit more frugal than the next person but if money was no object in my life I too would spend more.:p

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So my husband and I are taking a cruise in June. I was doing the math today and so far we have already spend $3400...this includes the curise itself, flight and couple of excursions.


I am guessing we will be booking couple of more smaller excursion. But, in total looks like we will be spending about 4k.


Does this seem right? I feel like we are over spending.


How much has it cost you in the past?

Don't forget to add in insurance, gratuities, pre-cruise stay in hotel, shuttle /cabfees, tips for luggage handlers, pre-cruise foods, etc... Those little things seem to pile up fast.

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I think the cruise lines were offering some great buys this year, probably to offset the economy and the cost of air fare. I got several of the great e-mails from Princess, however, the ones in June were not possible due to my church obligations....however, when I got the one for the STAR Princess R/T Seattle July 29-August 05 (Tracy Arms...never been there, but to Glacier Bay five times) I had to give it great consideration. DH likes the mini suites...but this offered a balcony gty for $899.00 pp plus taxes. I checked and airfare was pricy...roundtrip Charlotte on non stop flights. We were not planning a trip this year due to some home projects...but with that price, I could hear Alaska calling my name. So we booked...$3578.56. We ended up with a BB balcony (now get this, C752...aft on Caribe...I thought that was pretty good!) This included the platinum insurance (which also covered the airfare as I used Princess air) and transfer to the ship. Air on my own would have beem a little cheaper, however, by the time purchased insurance to cover it, it would have been more costly. Air with one stop also would have been cheaper. DH has some health considerations, so the non stop is much easier. We do a town car service from the pier to the airport ($60.00). Two nights motel will also be included for around $100.00 each night. $834.00 excursions), $140.00 gratuities. Total will be something over $5,000.00. We are very frugal senior citizens. Our one "splurge is a cruise to Alaska" . Other destinations just do not really interest us. We have been to the Panama Canal, East Coast, and the Caribbean...but nothing can top Alaska....it truly is PRICELESS!

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To each his own. There's no way I could handle an inside cabin. I can't stand Vegas either for that matter - total waste of money and time - but again, to each his own.


I wasn't asking for your opinion on my holiday choice, but if thats what you want, I can't understand people who think that cruising is the be all and end all for holidays year in and year out.


All I said I was stunned at how much people are spending, thats not a criticism.

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We went to Alaska on the last Southbound cruise in September of 2009. We paid $1300.00 per person for 7 night cruise (inside cabin) and 5 night land tour. Our flights were $250 per person and our excursions came in at about $600.00 per person. We stayed in Seattle for 3 nights prior to our land tour starting. We did Seattle very frugally and stayed and a cheap motel that got good reviews online. So precruise expenses including room and rental car, food, gas etc. was about $250 per person. So after the cruise including all expenses we were probably between $5500 and $6000 for 2 adults. Other than not getting a balcony on the cruise (my parents went too and they did get a balcony...thus we took advantage of theirs at time) and keeping precruise expenses down we treated the land tour and cruise as a once in a lifetime trip and did want we wanted. Now I did my research ahead of time and made sure that what we did do, I was getting the best price possible. It was an awesome trip and don't regret spending what is to date our most expensive vacation.

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I wasn't asking for your opinion on my holiday choice, but if thats what you want, I can't understand people who think that cruising is the be all and end all for holidays year in and year out.


All I said I was stunned at how much people are spending, thats not a criticism.


I wasn't judging your holiday choice, although your post comes across as judging (condescending to) others for how much they choose to spend on a single cruise and on what emotional value they put on their Alaska trip. I was simply pointing out that everyone has their own personal tastes and what would be a great trip for you at whatever cost you paid, others might dislike. Whatever your limitations in spending aren't necessarily others limits. To each his own.

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I'm way too lazy to add it up, but we did a B2B (SouthNorth/North South) Alaska in an inside (eventually upgraded to OV for no additional cost) cabin. In Juno, we did city buses to the Alaska Brewing Co and a visit to Costco for gifts for crew. In Skagway, we did the hoho bus to the second to the last stop and walked to the grave yard and the water fall. As far as onboard expenses, we actually got a refund (had OBC from credit card and TA). We "splurged" and did two excursions and ate in one specialty restaurant. The cruise done this was was just as enjoyable as others and didn't cost more than the average cruise. Alaska was just as pretty.

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Spending money is where it's at. In every cruise we bring back collector art class stuff, and we average around $1500/trip. We research ahead of time and get the real stuff, not the tourist grade stuff. A single 18" totem carved by some 4th generation totem pole carver and an alabaster salmon with amazing detail ate much of the above budget this past June...


That, and excursions will make the biggest difference.

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We all have different priorities. For us it is the excursions. We book the cheap cabins, but Alaska is all about the excursions for us, and those are VERY COSTLY if you really want to get away from the port into the depths of the Alaska wilderness. I am one who really could not justify the cost of the flights to AK and the cost of the cruise, without including some great excursions. Walking around town or taking simple tours around port would not cut it for me. KNowing what I know after two trips to Alaska I would wait and save so I could do the trip right, rather than spend all that money and not really see the things that are important to me.

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Wow - ok I am feel both sick and relieved. We booked the Southbound Alaska on RCCL and a 4 day cruisetour for 6 - 3 balcony cabins (D1), flights from Austin to Fairbanks for 4 of us, and two from San Diego, airport parking and travel insurance for all the sickies in our group (me) and we are at $about $25,000. Makes me sick to think of the cost but it is a great experience. We are taking my parents for their 50th wedding anniversary and my BF's mom and her BF - as a thank you for all they have ever done for us.


I know it could be done cheaper but we wanted the balcony cabins and the cruise tour was a must with 2 days in Denali. We planned this out over a year in advance and I am glad we did - 1) the port side cabins on the level we wanted are almost sold out and 2) I can save the money for it over time.


Thanks for all the updates - I feel better about the money - now if only RCCL will have a sale and I can get some sort of discount on the cruise between now and then. I know - fat chance. But I can wish.

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The way I look at it--We deserve it! Our kids have always came first in our lives. They have all grown up now. Its our turn to be a little selfish. We as parents went without ALOT to make sure our kids were well taken care of. It's our turn! And I am not totalling up what this trip is costing me either. Sanity is worth a ton !!

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I completely agree with you about you deserving it. That is why I am taking my parents on this trip. They deserve it and I want it to be the best. Almost 2 years ago I had a kidney transplant and my parents were a massive support and I can never repay them for it. Also they have always made sure I had what I needed and I want to be able to give them what they WANT and cant afford themselves. Life is too short and I love them too much to not spoil them.

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I completely agree with you about you deserving it. That is why I am taking my parents on this trip. They deserve it and I want it to be the best. Almost 2 years ago I had a kidney transplant and my parents were a massive support and I can never repay them for it. Also they have always made sure I had what I needed and I want to be able to give them what they WANT and cant afford themselves. Life is too short and I love them too much to not spoil them.


i got a lump in my throat as I read your post. I hope your cruise experience is everything you have hoped & wished for!:)

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i got a lump in my throat as I read your post. I hope your cruise experience is everything you have hoped & wished for!:)


Thanks - I know we all have a great time. I'm just very greatful that I can do this for them.:D

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We too have spent quite a bit on this cruise coming up in 19 days. We thought we may have had to cancel our trip as our son had a surgery in June that didn't go so well (however we had got insurance and we are covered if we have to cancel), anyway everything is OK right now....so we will be taking the trip. We are doing the cruise tour starting in Fairbanks -land tour 5 nights and then the cruise for 7 nights ending in Vancouver. We used Princess to fly -we will fly from Detroit to Seatle -to Fairbanks and then on the way home we will go Vancouver to Toronto to Detroit. Although we live in Canada, the Detroit airpot is a lot closer than thae Toronto airport. It is also our first trip to Alaska and we booked this trip in May 2011. It is our 25th anniversary, so we thought we wanted it to be very special. Cost so far is $8834.60 for flights balcony, transfers, insurance, tip fees and taxes. We also have booked the anniversary small package - $149, trips - $700.00 and any other souvenirs, drinks, tours and tips we may incounter. I also guess we will have to purchase food on the land tour. We will be renting a car in Vancouver. Yes it is expensive, but it will be a trip of a lifetime for us and we are thoroughly going to enjoy every minute of it.

I thank everyone on this board for all their helpful tips!



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