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A First Time Cruiser's Review: Carnival Paradise 7/14/12-7/19/12 (LOTS of Pics)


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Day 4 - Cozumel


The area where they do the dolphin swim was located in front of the pool and restaurant.






We enjoyed the pool while sis and her family waited for their time to swim with the dolphins.




We also noticed a bunch of people kayaking out in the water:



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Day 4 - Cozumel


The scheduled time for the dolphin swim was 1pm local time, but it was delayed until 1:30pm since the previous group was behind schedule. Sis and her family went to the 15 min instructional course where they teach you how to interact with the dolphins, then they finally headed for the water.




Here's a video (not that you can see much at this distance):




The beach and snorkeling area is located a short walk from where the pool and dolphin area were. There are many statues and structures under the water that are marked by buoys. I never did get to try snorkeling, but my mom said it was fun. Lots of reefs and beautiful fish.





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Day 4 - Cozumel


After sis and her family turned in their life jackets and changed out of their swimsuits, we all headed for the nature trail where they have the Mayan replicas.











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Day 4 - Cozumel Cont.


I think I heard DH ask sis if she wanted to jump in the well to see how deep it was. He was joking, of course, and she knew it.




They have a stone building shaped like an igloo that people can use for steam and aromatherapy sessions... for a charge.




DH acting crazy:




I'm not quite sure what this guy is suppose to be doing:



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Day 4 - Cozumel Cont.


By the time we got done walking the trail, it was 4:30pm ship time and we were hungry. We caught a cab back to the port for $22 for 7 people (mom and her BF had left earlier) and made our way to Fat Tuesdays.





We could see the ships at the pier from where we were sitting:






I decided on the cheese quesadillas (I had already eaten two when I took the pic)






And a small margarita






24oz for $11 by the way







DH had the Mexican Plate, DD had the chicken fingers and they each had a soda. Our total was $55 and we tipped $10.

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Day 4 - Cozumel Cont.


After we ate, we walked around for a bit and did some shopping.





I stopped by a vendor that had some sugar skulls for sale (you can see the cart behind and to the right of the donkey). They were made from clay and not the resin we had seen at other shops. The vendor was asking $25, but we talked him down to $15. Since I didn't want to worry about change, I told him that if he lowered the price on something else to $5, I would just give him a $20. He asked me my favorite color, I said green and he dropped to his knees and put an ankle bracelet on me. I could have made the same thing at home, but I liked it, so I told him he had a deal.


We continued to walk around and I saw a shop that looked interesting. I think it was called Cozumel Fleamarket or something, but I couldn't be too sure since, thanks to the margarita, I had "dain bramage". I know it had the word "fleamarket" in the name. They had cheaper sugar skulls than the one we had bought, but ours looked better and didn't feel as fragile. I loved all the colors in the shop:








Now... a word of warning about this shop that we did not find out until we were in there (and DD was happy to point out to us)... there are sexually explicit items EVERYWHERE. Right there on the shelf next to us was a huge... well, what every guy wishes to have. Sis rushed her family out of the store, but we looked around at some other stuff. I found a very nice statuette of the faces of a man and a woman that was only $3, so DD and I walked to the register to pay. Umm... there were little keychains with men and woman in odd positions hanging on the wall there. We quickly paid, received some free charms and left the shop.


We had walked a few feet when we saw this guy doing fabulous artwork... with spraypaint. The guy was asking $20 each, but since we wanted 3 (1 for DH, one for DD and 1 for niece), we were able to talk him down to $35 for all 3. Sometime during our haggling, sis and her DH had wandered into the duty free liquor store that was giving out free shots and we had been left with all the kids. We located them a few minutes (and 5 shots each) later. They bought their bottle of liquor and we headed back to the ship by way of the duty-free shop.






We were directed to the back entrance of the ship and I didn't spill anything on the security equipment this time. Sis was told to take her bottle to the table, but I guess she didn't hear him because she walked right by it... and no one stopped her. The table wasn't marked and just had one person sitting there... probably due to the fact that we were at the back entrance which looked like the ship's storage area. The employees at the front entrance were probably a lot more diligent. I laughed to myself until we were a floor up from security, then told my sis what she got away with. Anyways, we headed up to our rooms to drop off our souvenirs and agreed to meet at 7:30pm in the Queen Mary Lounge to watch some karaoke.


We had a cute sting ray in our room this night:




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Day 4 - Cozumel Cont.


We met up with sis and her family to watch karaoke as planned. While they were looking at the books for a song for my niece to sing, I made the mistake of pointing out that they had the song that my sis liked to hear me sing (What's Up by 4 Non Blondes). OMG, I have never heard anyone beg so much as my sister did trying to get me to do karaoke. I finally gave in after she promised to pay for my martini tasting the next night. What did I get myself into?


Well, I stumbled my way up on stage and stood there trembling, being blinded by the lights, while I waited on the music to start. I guess I did okay, but I got messed up when the background singing came in. The song was almost over, so the karaoke host, Mike, took pity on me and ended the song at that point. I did get a lot of applause, but that could just be because I tried it. All my family said I did great and sis said that people had lighters in the air in the back, but family will say anything to make you feel good, so who knows.


My niece, Chloe, was two spots behind me and she did a great job. I personally saw people giving her a standing ovation.


We watched for a while longer, then DH and I headed to Lido for a smoke before we met up with the family again to watch "60 Seconds or Less"


The game show "60 Seconds or Less" was held in the Normandie Lounge on deck 8 forward. It was definitely a fun show to watch.






Here are a couple of videos of what I considered the best part of the show. It was hilarious and we were cracking up the whole time:


Part 1 -

Part 2 -


After enjoying the show, we went up to Lido where I tried out the Mocha Chocolate Meltaway. I didn't expect it to be a slushie type of drink, but it was great none the less. We spent a little while longer up on deck before heading to our room.


Once we got to the room, DH and DD decided that they were absolutely starving, so we ordered room service for the first time. DH had the Roast Beef sandwich (which he said looked raw, but declared delicious) and the Ham and Cheese sandwich while DD ordered 2 of the Ham and Cheese sandwiches. They ordered so much that I settled on their leftovers which consisted of 1/2 a ham and cheese and some chips. Room service was really quick and we tipped them a $1 per plate.


I set the sleep timer on the TV and we watched John Carter until we fell asleep.



Next up... Day 5 - 2nd Sea Day



*** I was trying to finish up tonight, but my fingers are tired from typing, so I promise I'll get the review finished tomorrow. ***

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* go to www dot turtle dot ky

* at the top of the page, go to "plan your trip" and click "pricing and booking" on the menu that drops down.

* the next page will show you the prices for the different tours. There's also a place to click to get the full descriptions. We did the "turtle adventure tour".

* when you decide on the tour, click the orange "book now" button.

* you will be redirected to their older website. Enter in the number of tickets you want under "enjoy the entire park" and click "add tickets to cart"

* the next page shows your total before the online booking discount is subtracted. Click "checkout now".

* on the next page, you will enter purchaser information, billing address and * payment information then click "continue checkout".

I forgot what comes after that and i can't check now without entering my info. It should have you confirm payment with the discounted price.


If you receive a security warning anywhere during the process, it's okay. I received it when i originally booked, but didn't just now.

I emailed them before i booked to inquire about it and was informed that they were working on the old site and their certificate had expired.

If you don't feel comfortable entering your info, they offered to email me a credit card form that i could fill out and fax back to them.

We made three ticket purchases online for our group of 9 and had no issues with security.


On the page where you select the number of tickets, you will see this:


This is the transportation that i referred to in the review. You will have to find where the people who booked with carnival are meeting to locate the driver.


I hope this helps.




thankyouuuuuuuu so much kim

you not only give great revieuw but also great info.

Keep it up!!!!

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Thanks for taking the time.


What a great review and photos.

Thank you for taking time to share your cruising experience.


Wonderful review and great photo's thanks for posting.


thankyouuuuuuuu so much kim

you not only give great revieuw but also great info.

Keep it up!!!!


Nice review!!! Loved the pics.


Outstanding photos! I am absolutely loving your review.



Thank you all! I'm glad everyone is enjoying it. :)

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Day 5 - 2nd Sea Day


We woke up at about 8:30am, got ready and made are way up to the buffet for breakfast. We never did make it to the dining room for breakfast, but mom and sis said it was great. After eating, we made it to the pool area. Pool side was prime real estate today and chogs were out in full force. (Camera is fogged due to temp change)





Smoking section Lido starboard poolside (also directly above this area) for those who are interested:






We made our way up the stairs to the top deck and managed to find 3 chairs on the end closest to the stairs. Here's a view of the pool from the top:







Video of Sea Day 2 by the pool:



We sat there baking in the sun until about noon, then went back to our room to freshen up. We ate at the buffet again for lunch (no surprise there), then went up to the casino bar where they were doing 90's Trivia. I must have missed the first half of the 90's while I was in high school because I did awful at the trivia... only 7 out of 20.


After trivia they had more karaoke. DH had a headache, so he skipped the karaoke and headed to the room for a nap. DD and my oldest niece went to sis' room to goof off and order room service (we made sure they had ones to tip with). I stayed with sis to listen to the karaoke. My niece, Chloe, sang twice and got more standing ovations. I almost got talked into embarrassing myself again, but time ran out (whew).


Sis talked me into the casino again. I still had a $35 casino credit on my card, but opted not to play this time. Instead, I watched sis play for a bit and after she won a few bucks, we headed down to our rooms to get ready for dinner.

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Day 5 - 2nd Sea Day Cont.


We showed up at the Elation dining room at 5:45pm and walked right in. We got a window seat tonight.





I ordered 3 appetizers tonight :o. The Gratinated Onion soup was excellent IMO, the Crab Cake was very good and the Beefsteak Tomatoes with Mozzarella was okay. DD got the Sushi (which surprised me since she doesn't eat any seafood) and actually ate most of it.


No pic of the soup (I ate it too fast), but here are the other two:








As the main course, I had the Penne Marisco. I had never had calamari, but I tried a bite and didn't like it. Instead, I pushed it to the side and ate the shrimp, scallops and pasta. Here's a pic before I dug in:






For dessert, I just had the Lime Sherbet since I was so full. No one had the WMC tonight even though the kids loved it. I thought it was a bit sweet (duh), but very good. As we were about to get up to leave, the waiters can through with a farewell song and dance:




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Day 5 - 2nd Sea Day Cont.


After dinner we went the 7:30pm karaoke so that Chloe could sign up for the competition that was to take place at 10:30pm. We didn't stay, but instead chose to see the 7:30 comedy show which was hilarious. After the show, sis and I stayed behind at the Rotterdam Bar to do the Martini Tasting while everyone else headed to the rooms.


We sat down at the bar and waited for Vera (who was recommended on here by keystonemama) to get to us. It was right before the 8pm assigned dining, so a lot of diners were having a drink at the bar while they waited. Vera came down and took our order. We decided that sis would just drink some of the martinis that I got. I ordered (left to right in the pic below) the Melon Crush, Blueberry Bramble, Caribbean Sunset and the Spicy Chipotle.





We got the drinks and sis paid for them as promised. Vera told us that there was 2oz of vodka per drink plus the Blackberry Bramble had brandy in it as well, so I thought it was a good thing that we were sharing. I would have to say that my favorite was the Melon Crush with the Spicy Chipotle coming in 2nd, the Caribbean Sunset took 3rd place and the Blueberry Bramble was last.


After leaving the bar, we wobbled our way over to the casino where I cashed out the credit that I had, then went to our rooms to pack. Man, it was a mess in there:








And DD and my niece kept goofing off as I was trying to pack:








That IS the luggage mat by the way.


DD thought I was taking pictures, but I did a video too (haha):




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Day 5 - 2nd Sea Day Cont.


I snapped some more pics around the room, such as the upper bed in the down position (which I had forgot to do before) and our last towel creation, then I finished up the packing and set our luggage in the hallway.







We then headed down to the casino bar for the karaoke competition. Everyone sounded great! Chloe did not win, but she and the other 8 yr old girl that sang were the only ones, other than the winner, to received a ship on a stick for being brave enough to compete. Great Job Chloe!!


After karaoke, we went up to the Lido to chill out for a while before heading to our room for the night.



Up Next... Debarkation Day

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I and my husband are seriously considering going on this ship for our 2nd cruise. Sooo glad you had some pics to show what it looks like. We sailed out of Port Canaveral on our first cruise on the Ecstasy and he loved it! thanks for the snaps!



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