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Here ya go.....another Legend review, another perspective

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Wonderful review... I am enjoying your ventures with hubby and your children. We leave on the Legend in 16 days. We will also be going to Paradise Beach and doing the Victor Bodden tour in Roatan (zip lining and beach) my boys are a bit older than your children. Thanks for all of the great pictures and wonderful details. I am really getting psyched!!!! I also have gall bladder problems... too much drink effects mine:(



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We were on the cruise with you :)


We also went to Paradise beach.....we spent most of the time in the pool.

We weren't so fond of the cruise director :(

Thanks for posting your review.....I hope I can start working on one this weekend!

Edited by wmac
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We were on the cruise with you :)


We also went to Paradise beach.....we spent most of the time in the pool.

We weren't so fond of the cruise director :(

Thanks for posting your review.....I hope I can start working on one this weekend!



Cool! I can't wait to read about your experience, too. I wasn't crazy about the cruise director either, and I'm getting ready to talk about why in just a bit.

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Wonderful review... I am enjoying your ventures with hubby and your children. We leave on the Legend in 16 days. We will also be going to Paradise Beach and doing the Victor Bodden tour in Roatan (zip lining and beach) my boys are a bit older than your children. Thanks for all of the great pictures and wonderful details. I am really getting psyched!!!! I also have gall bladder problems... too much drink effects mine:(




Thanks Meg! You are going to have a great time! I wish I were going all over again. And grumpy gall bladders suck! I'm a little nervous but ready to get rid of mine, especially if it means no more of those horrible attacks!

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Thank you so much for writing this review. I'm enjoying your writing style and loving your pictures.:D


You have a beautiful family. Why would you put makeup on your lovely face. You all looked so nice.


We cruise in October on the Legend so I'm loving your details of the ports. We are also beach people and can't wait to check out Roatan and Belize. Never been to those 2 islands. We can't wait:D


You are the sweetest and you just made my night! Thank you for the compliments. You will love both of those spots...just beautiful!

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Okay...the "near perfect" came because of two things. First, while on the tour our guide told us that Roatan has very low crime rates. He joked that it was because "there's nowhere to go!" It's a small island. But when we get to the beach, here's the first thing we see...




Now, DS, whose obsession is weaponry (or WWII or a combination), loved that there were military-looking guys with guns (big guns that he recognized immediately) on the beach. Mom, on the other hand.....not so thrilled. Then we saw a boat full of men just like this with a big gun on a tripod. And they were just trolling back and forth just beyond the swim line. Then we saw other armed guards. Apparently it is pretty common for the hotels and restaurants to have these guards right on the beach.


Now, there was one standing right next to where we sat, and I have to say he was actually very helpful for a number of reasons. At one point DH was in the ocean with the kids and I went about 12 feet away from our stuff to read the menu at the grill. I turned around to see this one guard (with his 9mm strapped to his waist) standing right over our stuff and looking down at it. I thought for a minute he was going to take my camera or something (like maybe I wasn't supposed to take pictures of the guards). I watched him, and he looked at me quite a bit (and looked at my stuff). When I began to walk back, he just calmly stepped back but stayed nearby. So, I figured he was just standing over our stuff to make sure no one picked anything up. I'm guessing petty theft from tourists who walk away from their stuff on the beach is fairly common?


He was also helpful with the second problem with the beach...people trying to sell stuff. It was constant....and I mean CONSTANT. At least once a minute someone was asking me did I want to buy sunglasses, bracelets, carvings, hammocks, sunscreen, water, a coconut, something (chicken?) out of a cooler they were carrying around, and so on or if I wanted to have my hair braided or DD's or did we want to go parasailing or snorkeling or get a massage...it was endless. For the vast majority of them, saying "no thanks" sent them on their way, but there were two separate ones - an older guy and a young kid - who were relentless. Both times, the guard told them to move on after they didn't listen to our increasingly firm "no". I'd love to go back to Roatan one day for a longer stay, but I will have to research a LOT and find a more peaceful setting.


All too soon, it was time to leave the beach. We headed back to Mahogany Bay. I wanted to go over to the beach, but the kids were too tired, so we just took a few pictures. Oh, and got our passports stamped. The people set up to stamp it were asking for a donation to the schools, so we were happy to do that.


These poor guys were out in the morning and still there in the afternoon, playing their songs in the heat (at least they had shade)!




around the port









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I am glad that youm entioned something about the armed guards. I actually have been reading government warnings all day about Hondoras, both from Cananda -High alert, and the United States-Be wary, and I posted a question on the Caribbean Roatan thread regarding this too.

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Then it was back to the ship.




getting back on was quick and easy




We showered (DS ran out for pizza), and then watched some fun action while leaving the port (way too early, by the way! The Roatan stop was remarkably brief).


First we saw some guys working on the life boats; that was kind of fun.




And we saw some guys fishing (probably for lobster, based on what the guide told us earlier and how he described the methods for lobster fishing).




And finally, we noticed a boat coming mighty close to the ship.....




It got closer and closer...


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and we realized it was trying to pull up to the door. Uh-oh! Somebody missed the boat in Roatan! :eek: They were right next to the ship, out of sight, for a few minutes, and then they turned around and were on their way back! Fun to watch.




I got a few more pictures of the fishing boats on the way out. They were just so pretty (and still in the same spot).




and other spots



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After all this, DH decided he wanted a nap; he doesn't handle that getting up early stuff very well. Neither do I, but I wanted to go to the gold/platinum/diamond party; it was scheduled for 4 pm that day, which was fine since we set sail at 2:30. We got the invitations the night before. DD has a red card, despite having had a gold one last time, since she has not yet cruised 25 days. So, she didn't get an invitation, but I decided to take her anyway. I know that may make some of you unhappy, but I couldn't bear to tell her that she couldn't go to a party (her favorite word - Lord help me when she is 16!) with her brother and me, and DH wanted peace, and I knew she wouldn't drink or eat (well, she did end up eating a few of the meatballs made of chicken!), so I took her with me. DS and I gave them our invites, and no one mentioned her.


We met the captain (but I only got a blurry picture :()




This is where I had my very first interaction with our cruise director, Jamie Dunn. Yep, nearly 5 days passed without me seeing or hearing from the CD, but I'm aware that is mostly my fault, considering the things we had chosen to do so far. He spoke a bit and found out who had cruised the most (the couple from Tampa we had met earlier); then he introduced the new video (DD loved it; talking towel animals - that's all I'll say); then he introduced the captain and led a question / answer session. When he was all done, I approached him and asked him to wish my DS a happy birthday (you will recall it was THAT day). He told me to call in during the afternoon show at 5:30 and he would then. Not really what I was looking for, but whatever.


DS left (a party full of strangers eating food he won't touch = not his thing). I enjoyed a few free drinks and snacks (they had little square pizza-like things with prosciutto, the chicken meatballs, and little bowls of what tasted like cheesy potatoes with a piece of beef in the middle...all good enough)




and DD did what she loves to do......she danced







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she's so entertaining...to me, at least.




yep, that's my girl!




A few pics around the Firebird Lounge (where the party was held)






After that, we went to the Lido deck to get DD some ice cream. It was very uncrowded.




and, thanks to the DJ, she got to dance some more!



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I have to tell you that the four regular elevators beside the glass elevators provided us with a great deal of entertainment all week. That's because of DD's reaction to the artwork in them. We never could remember which elevator had which picture, but DD had two favorites (she said they were princesses)


I'm guessing this one is Ophelia, but I'm not sure; regardless, it was DD's very favorite




and then this one.




She did NOT like this one. She said the guy was not nice because he was almost naked.




We made a game out of pushing the button and trying to guess which one we would get.


Still lots to tell you about Thursday. We've got my call-in to the CD (and how he rubbed me the wrong way :rolleyes:), the birthday dinner, and another visit from chef Panda and another special request (that caused us to rub someone else the wrong way!) all still this very evening. But you'll have to wait, because I'm going to bed! See you tomorrow!

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Good information about the care that should be taken when interacting with the monkeys. Something that I have never seen written about though, and which has always been a concern to me, is the possibility of getting hair lice from the monkeys. We encountered the little spider monkeys in St. Kitts and while other people were paying to hold them and interact with them, I was THAT mom who wouldn't let her kids near them for fear of hair lice. Isn't that what the monkeys are picking at when they groom each other or am I just crazy?? I read so much about people interacting with the monkeys at Victor Bodden's home, and I have never heard another person mention the possibility of hair lice, so maybe it's just me.:eek:

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I am thoroughly enjoying your interesting review and amazing photos of the ship, your excursions and your lovely family! We also plan to visit Paradise Beach when we dock in Cozumel, so I appreciated seeing your photos and hearing about your experience there. The last time we were at Paradise Beach was in 2007--before they added the pool--so it will be interesting to see Paradise Beach with the new changes. Thanks for the warning about the monkeys in Roaten. Although we have not booked a tour with Victor Bodden, we do plan on visting the monkey stop when we are there.


Looking forward to the rest of your review. Thank you for taking the time to share your perspective. Our cruise is fast approaching and any review I can read about the Legend just adds to our excitement!

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I am loving your review and the pictures are fabulous! One of our friends got bit by the monkeys too. on his ear lobe!


Thanks so much! And, they really should warn people about the monkeys. I know it's common sense, but at the time, you just get so wrapped up in the wonder of it all, you don't think straight. Crazy...in the US, I'd never put my kids in a monkey cage at a zoo or anything, but put me in the Caribbean and I lose my mind :rolleyes:

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Well' date=' I'm heading to bed after answering a question or two. Tomorrow I'll relive Belize :) and I'll tell you why I think even those who feel a bit threatened by the poverty in Belize should get off the ship while in port...and, if you know me, you know it involves a great beach!


Thanks to those of you who complimented my appearance :). That's very kind of you. I'd like to say my refusal to wear makeup (ever....even at work) and fix up my hair is because I'm some kind of hippie type who believes in being all natural, but while that is true to some small degree, it really boils down to laziness.


Good night, friends![/quote']


I'm a natural girl too, and I think you look fine without the makeup. Nice review and I have an austic cousin who's 16 yo going on 17 yo ( I believe his b'day is today) not good with remembering b'days anymore. I love the interaction you have with both of your kids. :)

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I am enjoying your review and pictures so much. I am booked on the Magic for Sept but I love seeing the pics of the ship and ports. Gets me thru the next few months. I can live vicariously thru you for now.


And don't worry about not wearing makeup. You looked quite lovely as you are. If i can't put it on within 5 mins it just doesn't get done. Saves lots of time and money (better used on a cruise anyway).

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oops! I posted the wrong "fun" picture. Here's the right one...




Also' date=' I think I forgot to mention, the kayaks are "glass bottom" so DS was really thrilled to be able to see the fish swimming under him. And the water is clear enough to see fish even from above the water. I got a picture of a fish underwater from the dock.




Now, for those of you who are a little unnerved by or not very impressed with Belize, let me suggest (if you can stand the tender ride) that you visit Rendezvous Cay instead of staying on the ship. This was really a fantastic way to spend the day. Beautiful beach, snacks available, wonderful water...really, just perfect.[/quote']


Um...I am at my comp freaking out cause that person in the background looks exactly like me!!!! OMG. I'm here tilting my computer every which way to get a better look. weird and scary.

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All right, all right.....since you asked! Let's see....I left off really enjoying some one-on-one time with DD. She gets ignored sometimes, so when we get some time together, I just fall in love with her all over again and cherish every minute!


She took a picture of me at the party, and I'm sharing it because it's kinda neat to see myself how she sees me...a mom so madly in love with her that I'm willing to wear mardi gras beads, sit in the middle of the dance floor, let her pull my wild, uncombed hair over my shoulder, and smile hugely at my littlest...




Soon after, our hang out time was done. We headed back to the room to call into the show. I wasn't going to do it. Honestly (you're gonna think I'm crazy), I have a phone phobia type thing. I avoid talking on the phone at all costs, usually. I won't even order a pizza if I can't order it online. It's pitiful, I know. For my DS, though, I decided to put on my big girl pants and call in. When I got through, in front of Lord-only-knows how many were listening, I told the CD about my DS's birthday.


Jamie asked me DS's name (Jadon - it's in my signature, so it's no secret) and then asked how to spell it (not sure why....although he wrote it down, it never came up again as far as I know)...and then things went a little awry. DS's name is one of those fairly common but newer names that can be and is spelled in several different ways. When Jamie started spelling it out, he assumed it was spelled a certain way, and I corrected him. He said something like "leave it to you to spell it in a crazy way" (okay, first....he doesn't know me). So, I said, "no, I spell it the right way, because that is how it is spelled in the Bible." And he picked on me for my accent - for how I say "Bible"!!! In front of everybody!!! See, it happens I have a very thick Southern accent, of which I am normally proud (I think it's quite lovely). At worse, I use it to tease the teens I teach (you'll sound just like me one day!). However, I do realize that sometimes people have the impression that I do not sound very smart (think Mater's voice in Cars), even though I'm a highly educated person. So, I'm not a fan of people who don't know me at all telling me in front of hundreds of people potentially that A/ I spell my kid's name crazy and B/ that I pronounce the Bible in a funny way.


Usually I don't get very worked up about this stuff (I'm very thick skinned) but it was my final interaction with the man. The next (and final) time I saw him was two days later when he was at the pastry counter with other Carnival employees ignoring the passengers all around him. So.....I just wasn't very impressed. I am wary of judging people on one or two interactions, so I won't say anything about his character. I will say he very much reminded me of the high school seniors I teach, so maybe my perception was shaded. Nonetheless, no CD will make or break my cruise, especially as it has gone so well so far! :)


Tonight was the second elegant night, so after the party and ice cream, we went back to the room and I changed clothes. DH got dressed as well, and both kids were less than excited to dress up too much, so I let them go as they were. Hope we didn't ruin any experiences!


I ordered the mushroom soup for an appetizer, and DH ordered chicken noodle soup. I forgot to take pictures, but both were really good.


For dinner, I ordered martini briased basa fillet. They claimed it was award-winning, so I decided to try it.




DH ordered the chateaubriand.




We ended up trading, because although it was good, the fish had a little too much tomato on it. Both of us ended up liking the traded dish better anyway, unless DH was just being chivalrous and telling me that :rolleyes:

Edited by summercruisin'
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