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Taking kids out of school ?


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Wow! Interesting board! I forget what the OP was asking!

Oh yeah, Have I pulled my kid out of school for vacation? Yes.

Did the school give me a hard time? No.

Are we doing it for a week this fall to go on a family vacation for my parents' 50th wedding anniversary? You bet!

My son will be in 4th grade and I will give the teacher plenty of notice. They sometimes send work home or he most likely will just make up the work when we get back. He is a smart kid, never have any problems. I think it is harder as they get older and the workload is heavier and they have extra curricular activities and such.

Inquire at your school their policy. And you know your kid the best.

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We leave in 45 days and 1st grade started today. We will be missing 5 days of school. Our school requires a form be submitted and explain what is educational about the trip- our 3 days off for WDW last January was approved.


This trip is Canada/new England which the teacher told me will be great for their lessons on the United States this year. I am also having him make a video to share with the class. Our district does not allow work be given before the trip. We have to make up everything when we get back


It is Worth it to me. I do think that by middle/high school it will not be feasible to pull them out. Our youngest is 4 so only have 1 to worry about at the moment.

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We leave in 45 days and 1st grade started today. We will be missing 5 days of school. Our school requires a form be submitted and explain what is educational about the trip- our 3 days off for WDW last January was approved.


This trip is Canada/new England which the teacher told me will be great for their lessons on the United States this year. I am also having him make a video to share with the class. Our district does not allow work be given before the trip. We have to make up everything when we get back


It is Worth it to me. I do think that by middle/high school it will not be feasible to pull them out. Our youngest is 4 so only have 1 to worry about at the moment.


Have fun on your cruise. I did the New England- Canada one too and it was fantastic.

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I had one child with all AP (in our district this stands for "Attitude Plus" and believe me, this one has it in spades) classes!

No worries that this one was switched at birth -- sounds like she is a regular "chip off the old block":D

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You are a riot. :-)




Well he certainly is something. In Florida all that matters is passing the fcat test. A diploma will be handed to you as long as you can pass that test.


Rugrats can insult private school and my kids and me all he/she want but not every public school system or set of public school teachers are the same.


No child left behind is mostly a joke to bad it wasn't "no teacher left behind" or school system left behind.

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I hate no child left behind. The only reason I mentioned it here and spelled it out here is because that is the nationwide change that has put limitations on taking kids out of school for vacations. I am certainly not a proponent.


The no child left behind has many unintended consequences. Another one is that schools don't want to appear to have disciplinary problems so they hardly ever suspend students anymore. As a consequence there is more bullying in school because the bullies don't have any consequences.


My son was bullied twice and I made sure to go the the principal and the matter was resolved- however my son says that it is so routine at his school to get hit, pinched and bullied- that I did consider taking him out of school. However, he knows that I am a pit bull now and that makes him feel better because he knows if it happens and he tried to talk to the kid and it doesn't stop- I'll make it stop.


So there are problems with public school at the middle school level that I am not enjoying and we probably are switching over to private in 9th grade.

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Rugrats can insult private school and my kids and me all he/she want [sic] but not every public school system or set of public school teachers are the same.


No child left behind is mostly a joke [;] to [sic] bad it wasn't "no teacher left behind" or school system left behind.


The OP simply asked if anyone had taken their child out of school to cruise. No one asked for lectures about "no child left behind" or other topics which arose here. 6rugrats wasn't insulting anyone; I'm sure her intent was to lighten up the mood after all the lectures posted. A sense of humor and ability to laugh at yourself can make life much more pleasant. :)

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Keep in mind in the US the no child left behind policy really cracks down on truancy. So it is illegal to take your child out of school now for anything other than a death in the family or illness. If you write a note saying that your child was absent because you were out of town- you'll get a letter from the school board. This is not a legitimate absence in US public schools.


So most parents tell their kids to lie and say they were sick. I have trouble with that. I did take my son on a cruise over President's weekend because I wanted to do a winter getaway and in the future I won't do this. It isn't worth the anxiety and I don't like to lie. I think it sends two bad messages- the rules don't apply to you and that school isn't really that important.

Its not illegal they will just recieve unexcused absences.

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To answer the op ? yes I have taken my child out of school for a cruise. It ws this past March I took her out for a week. I told the teachers the truth and even told the attendance. Where she goes they are allowed 10 unexcused misses a yr. She had none untill the cruise after she had 5. Who cares I saved well over $1000 going that week instead of Spring Break and she is still an honor student.

Also I plan to do it again next March. Go for it and enjoy your family! Just tell them the truth. I stressed about it all yr only for it to be super easy.

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I hate no child left behind. The only reason I mentioned it here and spelled it out here is because that is the nationwide change that has put limitations on taking kids out of school for vacations. I am certainly not a proponent.


The no child left behind has many unintended consequences. Another one is that schools don't want to appear to have disciplinary problems so they hardly ever suspend students anymore. As a consequence there is more bullying in school because the bullies don't have any consequences.


My son was bullied twice and I made sure to go the the principal and the matter was resolved- however my son says that it is so routine at his school to get hit, pinched and bullied- that I did consider taking him out of school. However, he knows that I am a pit bull now and that makes him feel better because he knows if it happens and he tried to talk to the kid and it doesn't stop- I'll make it stop.


So there are problems with public school at the middle school level that I am not enjoying and we probably are switching over to private in 9th grade.


My mom, who is a teacher, was not a fan of NCLB. I don't know many people who were, except maybe people who had nothing to do with the educational system (i.e. don't work in the school system and don't have kids in school). It's one of those things that looks great on paper, but just doesn't work in the real world (at least, not as implemented).


And bullying...this had been a problem way before NCLB. I've been bullied, and teachers would get on to ME for tattling. And the one time I pushed someone back, I got in trouble (but it wasn't all that bad, I got to sit at the teacher's table and they had salt shakers!). And I wasn't bullied due to a lack of parent involvement...my mom was a teacher at that school (I actually had her as a teacher, that's a bit awkward). I can only imagine that others had it worse than I did. Regardless, just be aware that your child may not always tell you when he/she is being bullied...perhaps they got in trouble for telling mommy or daddy, and things get worse. What's the solution? I have absolutely no idea. Maybe let the kids know what you'd do if it happens again, and have it be a solution that would actually work (i.e., yank 'em out and enroll in a different school or home-school). Hopefully this won't be a big issue for us as our children grow up.

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We took our kids out last year for 4 days and will be taking them out for 5 this November. All we had to do was write down what experiences they would be having and get teacher and principal approval. They still made awesome grades and performed well on standardized tests. In my opinion, if my school district doesn't want me to take them out during the year, then they should approve the non-traditional year round school calendar.

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My kids are still babies so it doesnt apply for us but i just wanted to chime in and say that i was taken out of school for a week long vacation (florida and cruise) in the 3rd grade and in 12th grade. I never had a problem, not with teachers or with making up the work. Both times my teachers sent me with work and i did it all and never felt confused or behind once back in school.

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I would say it's okay for you to take your child(ren) out of school for a cruise (or any other reason you see fit) because . . .





wait for it . . .








they're YOUR kids!! (:eek: shocking, I know!)

End of discussion.



(p.s.) Have a great trip!!

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I plan to take DS (starting K this fall) out of school for a week a year. We get 10 days unexcused a year.


DH and I both have slow times Oct - Dec so it works for us as we can actually enjoy the time instead of worry what we've left behind at work. I figure DS has the rest of his life to be responsible, one week won't kill him.


Now when he's in high school or has sports team obligations I'll be singing another tune.

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School and work are different!


Schools has winter break 2 weeks, spring break 1 week, not to mention how many long weekend and you got summer. That is a lot of time to schedule your kids "vacation"


Interesting that between your work and probably 16-18 weeks of no school for kids working parents can't balance vacation.


Hey some people make choices, its very personal. Call me hard a$$ many do consider that including my kids. Others as I see have honor stuidents and others will soon chime in about their respective perfect kid that graduate. We just suck it up and pay the premium airfare, hotels and etc. to do vacation when everyone else wants to, it ain't a value for others is fine for me. It comes down to values and priorities... for some its "my" dollars and vacation over something else, that is fine... just my 2cents.





And this is the argument that I disagree with the most. The values and examples given to my kids are what we see in the real world:


At my work place, I let my boss know at least a couple of months in advance when I plan a family vacation and I follow our work policy when doing so. At my kids school, I let the school and the teachers know at least a couple of months in advance when I plan a family vacation where the kids will miss school days and I follow our school policy when doing so.


At my work place, I make sure I will not be vacationing during any time periods where I need to be at work (ie 1st 2 weeks of every month). At my kids school, I make sure my kids will not be absent during any final exams or other important testing.


At my work place, I make sure all the work I need to get done is done ahead of time or I have someone covering for me on the things that have to be done right then. At my kids school, I make sure they get all of their homework assignments done and completed in the time period required by their teachers. If they need notes they contact classmates to get whatever notes they need from them.


The example and values that I put forth to my kids are that they get all of their work done and they get it done in an accurate and timely manner. The example and values that I put forth to my kids is that they follow the school policies when taking time off from school. I do not promote breaking the rules. I do not promote slacking on their work. In my work place, when I go on a vacation, it usually takes extra time and effort on my part before and after I return to make up for my work missed. In my kids school, when they go on a vacation, it usually takes extra time and effort on their part before and after we return to make up for their work missed...my kids are going to have no problem fitting into the real world.

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School and work are different! And how many people on here stated that school was their kids "job":rolleyes:.


Schools has winter break 2 weeks, spring break 1 week, not to mention how many long weekend and you got summer. That is a lot of time to schedule your kids "vacation" But if those weeks don't jive with the parent's work schedule then that is not a lot of time to schedule a family's "vacation", believe me I have that personal experience multiple times.


Interesting that between your work and probably 16-18 weeks of no school for kids working parents can't balance vacation. We all don't have the same work schedules...even parents can have different schedules which make it hard on their own to schedule a vacation without adding the kid's schedule in there. No one is in any position to judge anyone elses decisions unless they are in their position.


Hey some people make choices, its very personal. Call me hard a$$ many do consider that including my kids. Others as I see have honor stuidents and others will soon chime in about their respective perfect kid that graduate. I have one of those kids and have stated it here. DS is starting college in a couple of weeks a semester ahead of most of his peers due to AP course credits and dual enrollment. He graduate in the top 10% of his class. Missing those days of school for vacation did not hurt his education and his sister is following closely in his footprints. The reason I post their achievements is to back up our decision to sometimes take our vacations during the school year as right for us. We just suck it up and pay the premium airfare, hotels and etc. to do vacation when everyone else wants to, it ain't a value for others is fine for me. It comes down to values and priorities... for some its "my" dollars and vacation over something else, that is fine... just my 2cents.


Values and Priorities...For us it includes family time (including vacations) and education. For some families, like us, it is not an either/or proposition. For some families, the kids can still get an excellant education while taking time out of their classes for some family vacation time...especially when they are younger and they are willing and able to make up the work. If they are not willing or they are not able or the school does not excuse vacations then parents need to think about their priorities because then they are clashing. But if the child is willing and able and the school excuses the absence then values and priorioties in terms of education are not being sacrificed.


Your opinion differs so you need to do what is right for you and your famiily. It is a personal decision...one that is best left with the parents who know their child and their school better than anyone else on this board. If the factors are right, sometimes values and priorities have absolutely nothing to do with this decision.


It really is an insult to be told you don't value your children's education when your childen do as well as mine have, doing exactly what you condemn, taking vacations during the school year. Just ask my kids and their teachers how much value I put on their education. Their answer will be much higher than your low opinions of my values...low opinions based solely on the fact that I have pulled my kids out of school for family vacations:rolleyes:.

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School and work are different!


Schools has winter break 2 weeks, spring break 1 week, not to mention how many long weekend and you got summer. That is a lot of time to schedule your kids "vacation"


Interesting that between your work and probably 16-18 weeks of no school for kids working parents can't balance vacation.


Hey some people make choices, its very personal. Call me hard a$$ many do consider that including my kids. Others as I see have honor stuidents and others will soon chime in about their respective perfect kid that graduate. We just suck it up and pay the premium airfare, hotels and etc. to do vacation when everyone else wants to, it ain't a value for others is fine for me. It comes down to values and priorities... for some its "my" dollars and vacation over something else, that is fine... just my 2cents.

that works for you, congrats. In my world, my kid does not have two weeks at christmas - six school days, and no spring break - good friday and the day after easter. Summer break is longer as a result, but DD has summer classes and work and other committments - my work is busiest during the summer. We plan carefully around my projects' schedules and my DDs school and work committments. Sometimes it means she misses a day or two of school. If your schedule allows you to take off whenever and your kids have that much free time, bravo -- not everyone has that luxury.
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I have not read the thread(yet) but I do take my 8 year old out of school, and will plan on taking my soon to be 3 year old out as well. I am an RN. My husband is an executive chef at a country club. I cannot get time off during the holidays. He cannot take time off during the summer.


To us, spending time together as a family is very important. We both work nontraditional schedules and we simply don't get a lot of time to spend together. In my line of work, I see a lot of sick people. Some very sick, and some very young. I know that our time is limited, and while I would prefer to not pulls the kids from school, it is what works for us and our family.


We get the standard letter every year. We take school and education very seriously. So far his teachers(grade 1 and 2) have been very supportive of our decisions.

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Sure I've taken my kids out of school for vacation; elementary, middle school and high school. We will be taking my 6th grade daughter out of school in January for a cruise for my parent's 50th. We always tell the truth and let the teachers know ahead of time. We have never had any problem with the schools. Here (Oklahoma) they are allowed 18 missed day before it is an issue. Obviously it didn't adversely affect my two oldest as they have gone on to become responsible hard-working adults and I am willing to bet they know more about the world around them then a lot of adults I know. (Yes, including that girl I use to work with that didn't know if New York was East or West of Texas)

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FWIW from my personal observation and recent articles one can google about what are the democgraphics of people who most leverage the USAs stll best higher education.


It is a very sad state of affairs that I'm hiring like crazy PhDs in a business where we need really hard working people who like making stuff, you don't want to hear where all these people come from and how they were raised. Sadly few call USA as their place of birth, almost all want to stay here and raise their children. I'm probably a anomaly but when I look at the demographics and values there is stereotyping that I can make... No doubt I'm a minority opinion here, working 80 hours but liking vacation, can appreciate that vacation is a priority for all here too.


Any of you take a look at the demographics of the tier one school undergraduate and graduate programs, these aren't families or kids raised on vacation :D

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FWIW from my personal observation and recent articles one can google about what are the democgraphics of people who most leverage the USAs stll best higher education.


It is a very sad state of affairs that I'm hiring like crazy PhDs in a business where we need really hard working people who like making stuff, you don't want to hear where all these people come from and how they were raised. Sadly few call USA as their place of birth, almost all want to stay here and raise their children. I'm probably a anomaly but when I look at the demographics and values there is stereotyping that I can make... No doubt I'm a minority opinion here, working 80 hours but liking vacation, can appreciate that vacation is a priority for all here too.


Any of you take a look at the demographics of the tier one school undergraduate and graduate programs, these aren't families or kids raised on vacation :D

I don't know of anyone else here, but I don't raise my kids on vacations. I also don't live to work. Yes we do take one or two vacations a year. But take a look at the statistics of those who don't vacation...stress city/heart attack alley. Been there/done that and I'm not gong back. My kids don't need to go to a tier one school to be a success in life. Quite frankly I don't rank success by what college you go to or how much money you make. I rank success by how much you enjoy your job and love your family. I make a good living. Am I rich, no. But I enjoy my job and I have a fantastic family that I enjoy spending my time with. That is all I wish for in my kids. So far they are exceeding my expectations. I wouldn't want your life for anything....I will never put an 80 hour job over my family. I don't care how much money I could make. IMHO it's not worth it.

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Schools has winter break 2 weeks, spring break 1 week, not to mention how many long weekend and you got summer. That is a lot of time to schedule your kids "vacation"


Interesting that between your work and probably 16-18 weeks of no school for kids working parents can't balance vacation.

You are right, the kids do have a lot of time off.

Having said that, things don't always work out as easily as you seem to think they do.

In my case, I wanted a Hawaiian cruise. I would have loved to take one during summer vacation, but none of the lines offer these cruises then. I ended up settling for the Thanksgiving break, and the kids still miss 7 days of school because of the ships schedule.

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We will be taking DD who will be starting 4th grade out for about 2 weeks at the beginning of next school year to do a repo- transatlantic with her grandparents joining us that we don't get to spend time with often (they live in NM, we're in MA).


This is a once a year sailing, so that makes impossible to book any other time during the year. We'll get to spend some time in London before boarding the ship, and then in Ireland I'll be able to show her where her great grandmother grew up and introduce her to other extended family.


Our school district policy allows for vacations and requires that any work be made within 2 weeks of return, but given it's the start of the new year, it's also going to be a lot of review, too.


When she gets to High school, we'll need to stick to traditional school breaks, I'm sure, but for now, we consider what works best for our family's needs and how well she is doing with her grades.


Good luck with your decision, OP.

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