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Some Suggestions for Polite Crusing


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Please refrain from bringing your small children to the Hot Tubs so that they can splash and swim, especially with Diapers on!!! Hot Tubs can be dangerous for those under 10 and personally I think they should be for Adults Only!!

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In an effort to keep this thread helpful, I have summarized the Polite Suggestions so far (please forgive if I paraphrased your suggestion incorrectly).



#1(a): If you take children on board, they are your responsibility for the entire trip. If the child is a baby, please understand that your fellow passengers are on vacation and may not appreciate a crying baby at the dinner table next to them or in the theater. Plan your activities around the baby's tolerence levels and do not expect the baby to adjust to an adult level of activity. If the child is an adolecent, please understand that your fellow passengers may not enjoy them playing in the elevators or running around the ship (unsupervised). If you do not enjoy being around your kids for the entire trip (or have them in ship sponsored care), why would you think your fellow passengers would enjoy their vacations with your unsupervised children around? Either make it a family trip or leave the kids at home. Once they are grown up and out of the house, you can go on all of the cruises and do all of the "adult" cruise activities you want.


#1(b): Yes, to taking screaming, unhappy children out of the dining room. Room service is available or take your plate and your child to your room or outside somewhere.


#2: Don't be a chair or hammock hog!


#3: Please be polite and smile and of course don't sweat the small stuff. Life and cruising is not perfect.


#4: (paraphrased) If there is a line, wait your turn, even if turn-waiting is not the custom in your home country (or your home for that matter).


#5: Don't be pompous. Don't use your motorized chair to run over people's feet and at least say excuse me if you do.


#6: Don't take children out of school to go on a cruise. There are more than enough holidays during the year.


or, conversely,


#7: Take the kids out of school and have fun. Don't worry about stuffy other passagngers. It's your family vacation too.


#8: (paraphrased) If you are drunk, be a "quiet" drunk in your own cabin.


#9: When on the private island, please pick up your napkin, etc. instead of watching it fly away in the breeze.


#10: Please don't try to get away with smoking in a non-smoking area.


#11: When at the buffet...remember to use the utensils that are there rather than your hands. If you touch food, take it. I don't care whether you eat it or not. Also, make sure your children do the same.


#12: Please don't carry on complete conversations during the show in the theater, either in person or via walkie-talkie.


#13: When you are walking the cabin passageways late at night, remember that people may be sleeping. Please don't yell and slam doors, etc. if you can help it . Your neighbors are close .


#14: Please don't eat your food off your plate as you are proceeding down the buffet line filling your plate with more food.


#15: If you go in the pool in the spa, please keep in mind that it is a lap pool--ie, a pool in which to do laps--and if there is someone there trying to do exactly that, PLEASE don't don't hang around in bunches by the ladders, don't hang onto the side with your legs outstretched towards the center of the pool.


#16: Please refrain from bringing your small children to the Hot Tubs so that they can splash and swim, especially with Diapers on!!! Hot Tubs can be dangerous for those under 10 and personally I think they should be for Adults Only!!


#17: (from our Host) Be polite and don't compare what you paid for your cruise with what others paid. I think it's tacky to ask and then feel upset if you paid more.

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Take the kids out of school and have fun. Don't worry about stuffy other passagngers. It's your family vacation too.


I respectfully suggest that perhaps the truancy advocates share the same motives as their "stuffy" critics. We are both seeking an idyllic cruise away from other people's kids?

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My crystal ball is telling me that this thread is about to get very nasty.
There's no need for this thread to get nasty. So far everyone has been quite respectful of what other people are saying. It is OK for people to disagree and it is OK to disagree without being nasty. So far, people have understood that.


In my opinion, please be polite and don't compare what you paid for your cruise with what others paid. I think it's tacky to ask and then feel upset if you paid more. Only my opinion and I'm sure people will still do it.

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I am sure this is going to be a hot topic! But here goes...


I do understand what is like to have young children, however I never felt I had any right to ask others to have tolerance for their behavior.


I raised three children, all grown up now. We limited their expose at young ages to what they could tolerate, including where we took them.


I always left the dining room with the child if they became disruptive to other's enjoyment, as well as left the grocery store if they also cut

up and threw a fit, etc. No one expects children to be mute but the kids we're talking about are largely ignored by their familes, are wailing away,

being very loud, getting in and out of their chairs, and overall are a total disruption to all BUT their parents.


We taught our childen that these activities were priviliges and if they wanted to participate they had to be on their best behavior. If they're too young to understand that, then perhaps it's not the best environment for them to be in.


I've sailed several cruises and seen many variations on this, from families so well behaved I had to comment on what a delightful and well behaved family they had, to the couple last week who ignored their child through dinner except to supply him with FOUR desserts.


That child was terribly disruptive and carried on each evening to the frustration of all in the dining room. The waiters took it upon themselves to try and occupy the child to quiet him down and interestingly, parents ignored their attempts. This also meant the waiters were taken away from their usual dining responsibilities so we all got a double whammy on that one.


It was horrible and the best night in that dining room was the night that family wasn't there. STAFF and Cruisers were thrilled!


Tinsel ~ I couldn't agree with you more!!! I, too, have taken my children out of restaurants, grocery stores and the like whenever they are being too disruptive and defiant. And, God help them if they ever throw food or run around or scream and yell! I was in a restaurant with my children, my parents, and several others for Mother's Day and my daughter began to act up. She got out of her chair and was headed toward the kitchen. Well, I yelled her name and the entire restaurant STOPPED! I was embarassed, but DD behaved from that point on. My post was referring to those who snear, ridicule, and criticize for children who are simply being children: crying, pouting, and defiantly saying, "NO!" And, for those who tell us parents to not bring our kids or stay home. :(


It absolutely drives me crazy when parents DON'T correct their children's behavior. We go out for meals frequently because we want our children to learn what is considered appropriate public behavior. So far, it's working. Our DS, who is 7, is NEVER a problem (that wasn't the case a few years ago ;) ).

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Please be respectful of all the staff/crew etc on the ship (and of course the other passengers!). Make eye contact and smile at them first. Teach your children to do the same and to treat everyone from the room steward to the captain with the same unyeilding respect.


If you are a slow mover in the buffett line let a few of the people behind you go ahead. Or don't complain if someone scoots around you as they head toward the veggies and fruit because you've stalled out in the meat or pasta section.


Invite a stranger or a couple to join you at your table, especially if all the others are full and just you and maybe one other are at your table.


Don't board the ship and start griping and complaining and looking for the little things that might be wrong with the ship. Don't get all weirded out if the weather isn't so good, or the ship or excusion time/arrival is 5 minutes to 30 minutes off.


Please acknowledge your children and correct them if they've gotten out of line...likewise praise them if they've been angels!


Don't forget to relax! The cruise should not be a type A pressure cooker.

The folks in the Caribbean tend to sit back and watch how stressed out and crabby many of us are. I asked a man I hired to be my guide in Roatan what the islanders thought of us. He said many of the people don't understand why we pay so much money to vacation on such a big beautiful ship and then travel to paradise and still we're upset, mad, angry and rushing all over and not enjoying ourselves.

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There's no need for this thread to get nasty. So far everyone has been quite respectful of what other people are saying. It is OK for people to disagree and it is OK to disagree without being nasty. So far, people have understood that.


In my opinion, please be polite and don't compare what you paid for your cruise with what others paid. I think it's tacky to ask and then feel upset if you paid more. Only my opinion and I'm sure people will still do it.

As Dear Abby once advised: "the best way to answer a tacky question is to respond by saying: "Why do you need that information?" I have always found that to disarm the questioner without making a scene;)

I wanted to add a note about kids using (screaming into) the walkies talkies, but y'all already know what that's about...

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In my opinion, please be polite and don't compare what you paid for your cruise with what others paid. I think it's tacky to ask and then feel upset if you paid more. Only my opinion and I'm sure people will still do it.


WOW!!! I can't believe someone would do this, but I am sure worse things have happened. I agree with your 100%. Personally, I think it is tacky to ask someone what they paid for anything let alone a cruise.:rolleyes:

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I think too many people forget that they were once kids. Try to look at the world through there eyes once in a while. Most children are well behaved and not running around unsupervised.


If a child gets fussy at dinner it's not the end of the world.


They and their parents are just as entitled to full use of the ship as you.


Have fun and lighten up

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Smokers, please be aware of your surroundings. I was on the 10th floor AFT room and not only got cigarette smoke from the outside Garden Cafe, but ashes as well.


Also when your up there, please don't throw bread at the seagulls. The bread lands on the balcony and it's a mess!



Ally :)

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I think it would be repsectful of people to not use profanity in confined spaces...elevators....etc. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a prude and I've said my share of nasty things, but in confined spaces some get uncomfortable. And I think you should be considerate of the children that are around. I seen a gentleman once say a slew of obsenities and then when the child at the next table spouted one off he said to his wife "His parents must cuss at him frequently". My thought at the time was....well he might have just heard that one from YOU!!!

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My theory is that some people do not tolerate children very well because the children, by their very nature, are unpredictable. I have two young girls and the challenging part of any outing is to manage the unpredicable with predictable results.

Rude behavior...........remove them and take away a privledge.

Really runny diaper.........lots of wipes and a gas mask.

Excellent behavior.......praise and a return trip or outing.

If the children can respect the fact that there is a time and place for everything, usually it all works out. As with everything, you have to teach your children that and of course expose them to these things, sometimes with dire concequences and sometimes with profound enjoyment.

I can't wait to cruise with my two daughters.......in time! My youngest is still in diapers and I do not want to vacation with a poopy bum.

It is quite amazing how your perspective changes after you have children. I'm not so quick to judge anymore! In fact, it's more of a case of 'been there, done that'

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As Dear Abby once advised: "the best way to answer a tacky question is to respond by saying: "Why do you need that information?" I have always found that to disarm the questioner without making a scene;)

I wanted to add a note about kids using (screaming into) the walkies talkies' date=' but y'all already know what that's about...[/quote']


That is a great quote. Being a TA I always get "I bet (know) you go everywhere for free." They usually say this with a curled lip:rolleyes:


(BTW, I don`t, I usually pay full price).

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I think too many people forget that they were once kids. Try to look at the world through there eyes once in a while. Most children are well behaved and not running around unsupervised.


If a child gets fussy at dinner it's not the end of the world.


They and their parents are just as entitled to full use of the ship as you.


Have fun and lighten up


A question - If I should lighten up and bear a screaming child in the dining room while I am trying to enjoy my meal, will you likewise lighten up if I and two or three other people stand outside your cabin door at 3 am and carry on a conversation in full voice with possibly some very loud laughter. After all I have paid for the cruise and should be able to use the entire ship at all hours.

Answer please.

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#2 - Don't be a chair or hammock hog! You know who you are!!! :p



Princess has a policy, which should be adopted by the other lines, if a chaise goes unoccupied for more than 30 minutes, the towel is removed, and the chaise is up for grabs. They even have signs up to that effect. If there are personal belongings on it, it's a little more sensitive, because you really don't want to start messing with someone's stuff. Who knows what they might do to you. But with just a towel, I ask the person next to the seat how long it's been unoccupied, and take it if it's been longer than 30 min.



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Princess has a policy, which should be adopted by the other lines, if a chaise goes unoccupied for more than 30 minutes, the towel is removed, and the chaise is up for grabs. They even have signs up to that effect. If there are personal belongings on it, it's a little more sensitive, because you really don't want to start messing with someone's stuff. Who knows what they might do to you. But with just a towel, I ask the person next to the seat how long it's been unoccupied, and take it if it's been longer than 30 min.




NCL has a policy, which they state quite clearly in the daily newsletter-- that here is no saving of loungechairs or seats in the theatre. Unfortunately a number of people don't follow the rule and NCL doesn't enforce it at all as far as I could tell. :(

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#4- Don't take children out of school to go on a cruise. There are more than enough holidays during the year.


I'll cruise when I want, with my kids, thank you. Perhaps you should follow the "don't be rude..." part of the thread.

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A question - If I should lighten up and bear a screaming child in the dining room while I am trying to enjoy my meal, will you likewise lighten up if I and two or three other people stand outside your cabin door at 3 am and carry on a conversation in full voice with possibly some very loud laughter. After all I have paid for the cruise and should be able to use the entire ship at all hours.

Answer please.


Do you forget what it's like to be a kid?

You sound like Mr Potter from its a wonderful life

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Aside for not answering my question, I am sorry to inform you that I am from the generation where children were to be seen and not heard. I was taught that one always stood when an older person entered the room and to always call older people by Mr. Mrs. or Miss. And when must pass by or between two people having a conversation to say excuse me.


My daughter was also taught that one did not disrupt other people's space with loud noise or crying. If she did have an outburst, she was immediately taken into the ladies room by my wife and it was explained to her from a very early age that such behavior was not correct and when she was ready to control herself she could return to the table or room. Always worked like a charm.


I can say that both I and my daughter enjoyed a very pleasant childhood knowing the rules and boundaries.


I just wish that parents of today would make the effort to do the same instead of expecting others to suick it in and tolerate bad behavior because everyone has "rights". Maybe if they did take the extra effort (my mother managed it with four boys) the world would be a better place.

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Another good rule:

Be polite to the the cruiseship staff. Do not scream at them when something is not to your liking. Calmly let them know what the problem is. if they cannot do something about it, ask to speak to the appropriate supervisory person and calmly and politely let that person know why you are unhappy.

And a corollorary: Tell your children that they are expected to be polite and respectful to cruiseship staff. If they have any problems with staff, they should let YOU know and YOU will deal with the situation (as per above).

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Respect other passengers....oh and other people on these boards! :eek:


As for taking kids out of school...that's up to the specific parent..not anyone else..I'm young..don't have children..don't plan on it..but if I did and I wanted to go on a cruise in Februray with my kids..thats my choice and not part of 'polite cruising'.

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We have 3 children and have opted not to take a cruise with them until now (6/18/05 NCL Spirit) On our last cruise it was the parents lack of control of their kids that made the dining experience difficult. The kids (8-10 yr) would play the drums using their silverware on the dining room tables all while the parents talked and ignored their kids.


Kids will be kids, children will be children and babies will be babies. It is that simple. I dont mind an infant having dinner next to me in the dinning room, but as soon as that baby (child) starts to fuss or cause problems, it is the PARENTS responsibility to all the others to remove the child from the room.


I don't think the members of this forum are the kind to let this kind of event to occur.


Just my 2 cents...



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Do you forget what it's like to be a kid?

You sound like Mr Potter from its a wonderful life


I will never forget what is was like being a kid during the great depression. We never went on a cruise but we also never missed school. Now we must observe the pampered generation being raised by the permissive "lighten up" generation.

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If you refuse to supervise your teen, at least have the decency not to brag about your poor parenting skills on cruise boards. Don't come here and post about how you "never saw your [12-18-year-old] onboard because they had so much fun running around the ship with their new buds!"


I know you're quite sure that your kids aren't the ones running up and down halls, making prank calls, knocking on doors, trying to get 21-year-olds to buy them drinks, shoving people out of the way as they tear across the decks or otherwise bugging the living daylights out of everyone else. But no other parent thinks those are their kids, either--and guess what, they're somebody's.

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