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Celebration sun beds

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Off on the Dream soon.......my main concern is the sunbed situation, I dont want to spend another sea day sitting on an upturned bucket behind the toilet doors


Why cant Thoms remove the sports deck and make way for more sundeck?


The sports deck on the Dream is huge, enough space to play 5 a side football.....has anyone ever played 5 a side football in there? I have never seen more than one child aimlessly kicking a ball around in that cavernous space while sunbathers are crammed into each others armpits the other side of the net


OK...I guess Thoms will want to advertise as many facilities as possible in the brochure to make it look good....but 5 a side football?!


a small badminton/volley ball court would suffice....put it on that little used bit at the back? no-one will hardly ever use it to play badminton.... so smokers can still use the ashtrays there


some people reserve one sunbed in the sun and another in the shade for later, some even reserve tables and chairs by leaving their sunglasses or books on them.......what would you do? Would you move them if they had been gone for a hour or so? Would you?


its not just the sea day either, it happens in the afternoons when the tours are arriving back (especially in Caribbean) sun beds are packed with towels and books


Rant over:o

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Off on the Dream soon.......my main concern is the sunbed situation, I dont want to spend another sea day sitting on an upturned bucket behind the toilet doors


Why cant Thoms remove the sports deck and make way for more sundeck?


The sports deck on the Dream is huge, enough space to play 5 a side football.....has anyone ever played 5 a side football in there? I have never seen more than one child aimlessly kicking a ball around in that cavernous space while sunbathers are crammed into each others armpits the other side of the net


OK...I guess Thoms will want to advertise as many facilities as possible in the brochure to make it look good....but 5 a side football?!


a small badminton/volley ball court would suffice....put it on that little used bit at the back? no-one will hardly ever use it to play badminton.... so smokers can still use the ashtrays there


some people reserve one sunbed in the sun and another in the shade for later, some even reserve tables and chairs by leaving their sunglasses or books on them.......what would you do? Would you move them if they had been gone for a hour or so? Would you?


its not just the sea day either, it happens in the afternoons when the tours are arriving back (especially in Caribbean) sun beds are packed with towels and books


Rant over:o


I totally agree with you - sunbeds is my only "gripe" with Thomson - it was definitely worse this year than before and in the height of the summer, I didn't see anyone using the sports deck - I think Thomson should re-look at it and use the sports deck for sunbathing. Fraser Ellacot did answer my query re Sunbeds - not sure if you saw it or not?



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I totally agree with you - sunbeds is my only "gripe" with Thomson - it was definitely worse this year than before and in the height of the summer, I didn't see anyone using the sports deck - I think Thomson should re-look at it and use the sports deck for sunbathing. Fraser Ellacot did answer my query re Sunbeds - not sure if you saw it or not?




they could replace a lot of sunbeds with chairs as you can get more in the same space. Chairs are better for the expected demographic/body profile anyway as it is tedious having to wait your turn for the block and tackle to be hoisted off the bed. :D

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Fraser Ellacot did answer my query re Sunbeds - not sure if you saw it or not?




yep I did see that and I'm glad you put that Q to them...bit vague on the answer tho??


(while I can't tell you exactly what the solution will be, I can reassure you that we are going to do something about it.)


What sort of solution can there be??


I agree with you that the problem does seem to be getting worse....especially in Caribbean....to look up and see all that space netted off and unavailable just rubs more salt in:mad:

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Just a thought .... although FE said there will be another Q&A at some point in the future and that staff look at the forum on a regular basis etc etc its a shame that as they are being so co-operatve with us and do seem to want to try and help that we cant set up a small committee that does a round up of the top ten gripes every 3 months or so and has some way of getting these to FE for some up to date answers.

Would also be nice to see how things are going with all the topics we were promised would be sorted in some way. save all the speculation when things are possibly being remedied.

If this was just one person or a small group with one spokes person and it stayed sensible i think it would be a real benefit if Thomsons would agree to it ?????

What does everyone else think ??

Small group being Geomagot and Sailaway perhaps ....... ;);)

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In principle it sounds like a fab idea.... summarise all the hot trending topics every now and then (gripes and positives alike....I think it is important that we let them know what they are doing well also) (sez I who's been griping all day?):o and then somehow to send this summary to the company for their (straight from the horses mouth) comments


it would be mutually beneficial from their point of view too, they are always looking for good accurate feedback from their clients....its like gold dust to big companies


Unfortunately it's v difficult, because members of the industry are not allowed to post on these boards without permission from the moderators, I guess we could send by private message but TBO that would just be circumventing the rules


It’s a shame really….because Thoms have no option to be able to respond to our discussions here however much they may like to

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I have noticed that they have began to start issuing more tickets onto sunbeds, warning people about reserving sunbeds, but I have yet to see the rule of removing belongings be enforced..


I saw it in June this year, and the attendant walked up and placed a ticket on the sun bed, and then came back looked at the ticket, there was still no sign of anyone and they had taken 4 sun loungers, and then on about the third time round, out came this basket all the belongings were packed into this basket i have to be honest amid others cheering and clapping and then it was removed to reception.


Of course other people got on the beds and then about 4 hours later up comes the original "sun bed hoggers" and of course they were rather perplexed as to why these people were in "their sun loungers" and where had their towels and books ect gone, it did get quite heated at times, but eventually the attendent came round and told them that all their stuff was in reception, they were quite cross and outraged as well.


Serves them right me thinks :D

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Yep perhaps they should have someone on deck putting timers on the beds....trouble is the original hoggers will eventually come back and may cause a scene.....not what you want when you are trying to relax


I have to admit DD's have removed peoples stuff in the past and sat themselves down....when the hoggers came back, the girls just smiled sweetly (in their teen butter wouldn’t melt way) and said 'Honestly, there wasn’t anyone here when we sat down'...but my girls have got the neck, they are experts at staying one step ahead of the adults, and they love a good debacle anyway....they will film it and put it on utube

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In principle it sounds like a fab idea.... summarise all the hot trending topics every now and then (gripes and positives alike....I think it is important that we let them know what they are doing well also) (sez I who's been griping all day?):o and then somehow to send this summary to the company for their (straight from the horses mouth) comments


it would be mutually beneficial from their point of view too, they are always looking for good accurate feedback from their clients....its like gold dust to big companies


Unfortunately it's v difficult, because members of the industry are not allowed to post on these boards without permission from the moderators, I guess we could send by private message but TBO that would just be circumventing the rules


It’s a shame really….because Thoms have no option to be able to respond to our discussions here however much they may like to


Ah, shame, if you do think of a way around it let us all know . Thought id hit on a good one there, never mind :D

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yep I did see that and I'm glad you put that Q to them...bit vague on the answer tho??


(while I can't tell you exactly what the solution will be, I can reassure you that we are going to do something about it.)


What sort of solution can there be??


I agree with you that the problem does seem to be getting worse....especially in Caribbean....to look up and see all that space netted off and unavailable just rubs more salt in:mad:


Maybe, just maybe they are going to un-net the sports decks & put more beds out there - I read somewhere (can't remember if it was here or elsewhere) of someone who has just returned from one of the ships and said that the sports deck was blocked off and they were unable to use it.....

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Perhaps Thoms should put up some/plenty of, large/obvious notices warning people that their stuff will be removed after 1hour/45 mins/30 mins?


We are off on the Dream soon....with 6 consecutive sea days......I guess the sunbed issue will be on hell of a debacle for 6 days in a row - or is itthat the Atlantic weather is not so good for sunbathing? anyone know?

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Perhaps Thoms should put up some/plenty of, large/obvious notices warning people that their stuff will be removed after 1hour/45 mins/30 mins?

We are off on the Dream soon....with 6 consecutive sea days......I guess the sunbed issue will be on hell of a debacle for 6 days in a row - or is itthat the Atlantic weather is not so good for sunbathing? anyone know?


The notices would be an excellent idea but IMO would only work if their stuff was actually removed by someone with the specific authority to do so. Why should people on holiday, supposedly relaxing, have the stress of removing articles and then worrying about the consequences when their owners return? :eek:

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I think there are two aspects to this - 1. providing more sunbeds especially at peak times and 2. ensuring those that are available aren't 'hogged' for hours by absent passengers.


One solution which has already been suggested is to use the sports area which at best only provides a facility for a very small number of passengers for short periods of time but as an extra sundeck especially at peak times could perhaps provide a facility for an extra 100+? passengers (depending on the capacity of the sun deck area). This is a good idea but a shame that even the few youngsters who might want the sports deck don't have that available to them. But in the absence of any other solution is perhaps the best idea to date in terms finding extra space.


But this could be totally unnecessary if the 'hogging' issue was resolved for once and all.


So, this might sound very controversial but I think a 'Zero tolerance' policy of saving sunbeds is the way forward i.e. it's not acceptable at all. Except - a toilet break would be fine when a partner/neighbouring cruiser could verify to Thomson 'deck patrols' (designated sunbed wardens! :D ) that you've literally only gone for 10 minutes or so and the warden puts a sticker on the lounger with the time on it.


But apart from that, lunch breaks or anything similar you should vacate the bed and take everything with you. If everyone did this there would be plenty of beds available so when you come back there would be another bed to choose from - granted perhaps not in your absolutely favourite area but at least there would be something. You only need to walk the deck to see 50/60/70% of beds at certain times are unoccupied but with towels on so there isn't actually a shortage of beds - just beds that aren't being saved.


If you want to sun all day you could choose your spot for the morning, go have lunch then find somewhere else for the afternoon. If you want to do something else, go off the ship, go to a lecture whatever - then that's your choice for that moment in the day's schedule and you can't reasonably expect to be 'holding' a facility when you're not using it or have any intention of doing so (how can you if you're off the ship - but it happens!). It's selfishness in the extreme.


This issue doesn't actually affect me much as I can't sit in the sun a lot - if I want to have half an hour and find all beds have towels or are occupied, I just remove the towel on one (where there is obviously not a partner in attendance) and stay as long as i want and if anyone returned, I'd give up the bed to them (not wanting to cause a problem) but for me that works ok as I'm usually happy enough to move off after an hour or so anyway. Incidentally I've never had to give the bed up when I've done this because the 'hogger' has never turned up in the period I was 'borrowing' the bed!! So that says a lot!


Just a thought from someone who hasn't got much of an agenda with this one as it doesn't affect me a lot - but I nevertheless have a heightened sense of fairness and get very indignant when I think people are being inconsiderate at the least or totally selfish and anti-social at worst.


So, do you think that could work?

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You should see the trouble solos have. no toilet break with someone saving your place for you :(


beds should be hi tek with slots for your cruise card. Any bed without a card in the slot is free even if someone is occupying it. cards in unoccupied beds can be removed and disposed of. A charge of £20 is applied to get a new card. people with balconies will find the beds reject their cards, go sit on your balcony :D


the only way to stop this nonsense is for a more proactive response from everyone. If people just moved stuff and sat down the perpetrators would soon get the message. The agro would be fun to watch as well :eek:


On majesty port days they could open the focsle deck, no safety issues there.

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I think there are two aspects to this - 1. providing more sunbeds especially at peak times and 2. ensuring those that are available aren't 'hogged' for hours by absent passengers.


One solution which has already been suggested is to use the sports area which at best only provides a facility for a very small number of passengers for short periods of time but as an extra sundeck especially at peak times could perhaps provide a facility for an extra 100+? passengers (depending on the capacity of the sun deck area). This is a good idea but a shame that even the few youngsters who might want the sports deck don't have that available to them. But in the absence of any other solution is perhaps the best idea to date in terms finding extra space.


But this could be totally unnecessary if the 'hogging' issue was resolved for once and all.


So, this might sound very controversial but I think a 'Zero tolerance' policy of saving sunbeds is the way forward i.e. it's not acceptable at all. Except - a toilet break would be fine when a partner/neighbouring cruiser could verify to Thomson 'deck patrols' (designated sunbed wardens! :D ) that you've literally only gone for 10 minutes or so and the warden puts a sticker on the lounger with the time on it.


But apart from that, lunch breaks or anything similar you should vacate the bed and take everything with you. If everyone did this there would be plenty of beds available so when you come back there would be another bed to choose from - granted perhaps not in your absolutely favourite area but at least there would be something. You only need to walk the deck to see 50/60/70% of beds at certain times are unoccupied but with towels on so there isn't actually a shortage of beds - just beds that aren't being saved.


If you want to sun all day you could choose your spot for the morning, go have lunch then find somewhere else for the afternoon. If you want to do something else, go off the ship, go to a lecture whatever - then that's your choice for that moment in the day's schedule and you can't reasonably expect to be 'holding' a facility when you're not using it or have any intention of doing so (how can you if you're off the ship - but it happens!). It's selfishness in the extreme.


This issue doesn't actually affect me much as I can't sit in the sun a lot - if I want to have half an hour and find all beds have towels or are occupied, I just remove the towel on one (where there is obviously not a partner in attendance) and stay as long as i want and if anyone returned, I'd give up the bed to them (not wanting to cause a problem) but for me that works ok as I'm usually happy enough to move off after an hour or so anyway. Incidentally I've never had to give the bed up when I've done this because the 'hogger' has never turned up in the period I was 'borrowing' the bed!! So that says a lot!


Just a thought from someone who hasn't got much of an agenda with this one as it doesn't affect me a lot - but I nevertheless have a heightened sense of fairness and get very indignant when I think people are being inconsiderate at the least or totally selfish and anti-social at worst.


So, do you think that could work?


Kruzseeka...you have done it again.

It would work most of the time except in the case of solo travellers as Dave has pointed out.

Not sure if it would work when large groups of people travel together and make a circle of sunbeds.....I wouldn't feel brave enough to break into that. :eek:

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Kruzseeka...you have done it again.

It would work most of the time except in the case of solo travellers as Dave has pointed out.

Not sure if it would work when large groups of people travel together and make a circle of sunbeds.....I wouldn't feel brave enough to break into that. :eek:

You need a few people to successfully break into a circle of sun beds. Attacking at multiple points is the best tactic as this stops the defence concentrating on the critical sectors. If a successful break in is achieved you need reserves to pour through the gap and exploit the inevitable confusion amongst the defenders when they find they are outflanked. It is also a good idea for someone to assume an overview position and video the proceedings. this may prove useful in the court case ;)

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You should see the trouble solos have. no toilet break with someone saving your place for you :(


I don' t travel solo but I sunbathe solo so appreciate what you are saying.:)



beds should be hi tek with slots for your cruise card. Any bed without a card in the slot is free even if someone is occupying it. cards in unoccupied beds can be removed and disposed of. A charge of £20 is applied to get a new card. people with balconies will find the beds reject their cards, go sit on your balcony :D




the only way to stop this nonsense is for a more proactive response from everyone. If people just moved stuff and sat down the perpetrators would soon get the message. The agro would be fun to watch as well :eek:


I have seen that happen, but I am not brave enough to move the stuff and face the consequences without the back-up of a few friends. :D


On majesty port days they could open the focsle deck, no safety issues there.

Now that seems to be a very good idea, I think.


A proactive response is definitely needed, but from Thomsons. I wonder what they come up with and when.


It is not only people wanting to sunbathe that are affected, there are plenty of people who want to lounge in the shade and enjoy a nap, listen to their iPod or read a book in the fresh air rather than lie in their cabin

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You need a few people to successfully break into a circle of sun beds. Attacking at multiple points is the best tactic as this stops the defence concentrating on the critical sectors. If a successful break in is achieved you need reserves to pour through the gap and exploit the inevitable confusion amongst the defenders when they find they are outflanked. It is also a good idea for someone to assume an overview position and video the proceedings. this may prove useful in the court case ;)


Brilliant! Really got me laughing. :D. Just got to show DH this. He will be amused as he had to resort to reading his book in the cabin because he would not fight for a seat outside.


Now going to put my walking boots on and go for a walk while the sun is shining...too blinking cold to lie in the sun. :eek:

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Thanks Jakanne - I know it seems a bit extreme but I have a feeling that's the only thing which will get through - so often these days it's a case of the rules applying to everyone else but me - so I think it needs something like this to break the cycle.


I take the point about solo cruisers which is why I suggested a partner/neighbouring cruiser to tell the 'warden' (like that idea - something obvious and official!!:D) that you'd just nipped off to the loo. (Much like on the beach when we look for Thomson towels(!) then appraoch the people, confirm they are off our ship and ask them to just keep an eye on our bags whilst we take a dip. Never found a problem finding some kind folk to comply - and we've returned the favour. I think as a solo if you were to ask the person on the next bed to just tell a warden you'd be back in a few minutes that would cover it - after all the one thing we do know about Thomson cruisers they are generally very friendly and I'm sure would help out in that situation.)


It certainly needs something fairly radical as relying on goodwill hasn't done the trick so far.

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Thinking hard on this one, :confused:



I could restore my superhuman powers that suddenly appeared prior to my last trip on the Dream dig out the trusty post it notes and don my disguise...liberating lonely towels and books (there must be a save the towel charity somewhere we can report this abuse to)....



Or I remove offending articles (kindly depositing at reception as lost property :)) and the when the offenders return my act begins.....the nervous tick, talking to my imaginary friend,asking if any one has seen my camel......this also works well on most Trains (unless the watercress conspiracy man on the Baisingstoke/Salisbury line has got there first) as well as Easyjet and RyanAir flights as somehow no one wants to sit with you, talk to you or make eye contact. :D


Now off to blow up the childrens inflatable crocodile as the river has broke its banks (again) and is only 10 meters from my door, so need suitable excape vessel. Good job i paid attention at life boat drill :)

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Now off to blow up the childrens inflatable crocodile as the river has broke its banks (again) and is only 10 meters from my door, so need suitable excape vessel. Good job i paid attention at life boat drill :)


Hopes you OK up there?? topsey


Oh how I wish I had an inflatable crocodile....justlike Geoff off Moneysupermarket:cool:


Trouble is, they've hatched down Salisbury so that the shops don’t flood (well and the historic cathedral close as well, I suppose) but now the water is backing up towards the (historic) outlying villages....water is currently in the river where it should be....hope it just keeps on rolling, rolling down……

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Hopes you OK up there?? topsey


Oh how I wish I had an inflatable crocodile....justlike Geoff off Moneysupermarket:cool:


Trouble is, they've hatched down Salisbury so that the shops don’t flood (well and the historic cathedral close as well, I suppose) but now the water is backing up towards the (historic) outlying villages....water is currently in the river where it should be....hope it just keeps on rolling, rolling down……


Oh i remember it well:), used to live just outside of, but work in Salisbury, used to be a mare to get out of at the best of times but great fun when the river was high (amphibious craft required).


We will be OK, unless idiot Chelsea farmer up the road opens his sluice (he dammed the river to make a nice pond !) have now inflated a lilo for the dogs.........No there's an idea, take inflatable lilo's with you on board, strategically place around empty loungers blocking all access :)

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Oh i remember it well:), used to live just outside of


I thinks.....I can probably make a half decent guess as to where that might probably be;) somewhere eitherside of the plain maybe??:cool: know it well...know it well....too well;):)


btw...still a mare....still no bypass

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