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Questions for Travel Scoot owners.


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I get a "GATE CHECK" tag from the agent at the gate who attaches it to the scoot. I ride my scoot down the jetway to the door of the plane, get off with my cane and one wheeled carryon.


DH removes the battery and puts it in the 'little travel bag', and hands off the scoot to the baggage guy who puts it with the strollers.


I put the battery bag under the seat in front of me to make SURE it is safe and not knocked out of the overhead bin!:eek:


We do NOT disassemble the Scoot in any way, and even leave the seatback in place.


We have NEVER had a problem. I've been doing this since 2009, 3 or 4 round trip flights a year.


I am CERTAIN that Katsdale's golf bag is used for checking the scoot as luggage...not gate checking it....and she uses an airport wheelchair and pusher to get to the door of the plane.


When the plane lands DH goes ahead of me with the battery bag and both carryons, asks the flight attendants to alert me when the scoot arrives. When it shows up, usually while the plane is still disembarking passengers, he puts the battery on it, I get on, and ask whoever is there from the plane...flight attendant, baggage guy, waiting wheelchair pushers...to hold the passengers back for me while the jetway clears so I can get a running start and need not fear having to stop and then a smal shove from DH if it is really steep and away I go!


It is not a difficult process at all.

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I am happy to hear you leave your seat back on! I am taking my first plane ride in Feb with my Travelscoot. I am traveling alone and that has been one of my questions because I really need the seat back. I am planning on driving it down the jetway and taking the battery into the plane. Thank you for the information on putting it under the front seat. I sure would hate to have that fall on someones head. I also am planning on being one of the last ones off the plane so I will have a good running start. Do you call the airline ahead of time to tell them you are traveling with the Travelscoot as suggested? Or have they finally gotten used to all of us?

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RLM77~ Wow thank you for all your insight !

I am so afraid not to protect that Scooter I do realize they door check the baby strollers and car seats and they always arrive in good shape for the families as they deplane ! It makes me wonder IF they stick all these gate/door checked items in a different hold than the regular luggage for safe keeping.

So You are saying you just get off the Scoot and take off the Battery and pass your Scoot off to the handlers ! Do you use the Protective cover they provided that goes over the gears and handle bars that came with the Scoot or the Battery bag or do you just not even mess with that either ?

Wow! That would certainly streamline things soooo much for everyone but especially DH. I guess I just need to get one round trip under my belt so I can see that the airlines will bring me back my Travel Scoot and it won't be in 50 pieces.... LOL


Humm then I just might not go out and buy a hard golf bag for mine. Perhaps if I was checking it for an overseas flight I might still condider the golf bag.

Thanks again for all the details .....I love details :-)


Everyone is always so helpful on this board .....I hope someday I can pay it forward.

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RLM77~ Wow thank you for all your insight !

I am so afraid not to protect that Scooter I do realize they door check the baby strollers and car seats and they always arrive in good shape for the families as they deplane ! It makes me wonder IF they stick all these gate/door checked items in a different hold than the regular luggage for safe keeping.

So You are saying you just get off the Scoot and take off the Battery and pass your Scoot off to the handlers ! Do you use the Protective cover they provided that goes over the gears and handle bars that came with the Scoot or the Battery bag or do you just not even mess with that either ?

Wow! That would certainly streamline things soooo much for everyone but especially DH. I guess I just need to get one round trip under my belt so I can see that the airlines will bring me back my Travel Scoot and it won't be in 50 pieces.... LOL


Humm then I just might not go out and buy a hard golf bag for mine. Perhaps if I was checking it for an overseas flight I might still condider the golf bag.

Thanks again for all the details .....I love details :-)


Everyone is always so helpful on this board .....I hope someday I can pay it forward.

Good feelings! WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER! Vicki

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I gate check my Travelscoot, too. I get the gate check tag from the gate clerk. Southwest is the biggest pain with this, cause they freak at the Li-on battery (even with documentation). Last time I used Southwest, the clerk read up on the battery in her manual, then called her supervisor. When she was done, she issued TWO tags, one for the scooter, and a different one for the battery bag. I, too, place the battery bag on the floor in front of me.


I am generally the first person down the jetway. I remove the battery, place it in the bag, and lower the handle bars to the lowest position. I also lock the brakes so they will carry the Travelscoot and not ride it or roll it. When I turn it over to a baggage handler on the ramp, I show him how to lift it by the frame if he is interested.



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If I have to connect (I hate to connect but it happens) with a short time between flights (less than 1.5 hours) I put my scoot into the golf bag and check it with our luggage and then let the airline take me to the gate. I always take the batteries with me into the plane. With a short time between planes I prefer to take the wheelchair between gates as the assistant usually knows how to get to the next gate without getting lost. I have a golf guard carrier bought about 4 years ago. The way we found out the scooter would fit was we took it to the sports store and tried a couple of carriers. We bought the one that it fit the best. For safety sake we put velcro strips around the carrier.

Other times, usually straight flights within the US, I drive the scoot to the plane door and put the handles down. It is then put into the hold. So far my luck is holding in that I have always gotten my scoot back on time and undamaged. I always worry about it but so far so good.

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Do you call the airline ahead of time to tell them you are traveling with the Travelscoot as suggested? Or have they finally gotten used to all of us?


On the forms you fill out on the internet when you reseve your airline tickets and identify those flying, we fill in the box which asks about special needs/requests/other that I will have a mobility scooter. We don't call however.


RLM77~ So You are saying you just get off the Scoot and take off the Battery and pass your Scoot off to the handlers ! Do you use the Protective cover they provided that goes over the gears and handle bars that came with the Scoot or the Battery bag or do you just not even mess with that either ?




When we bought our scoot, the protective cover for the 'gears and handlebars, was a small bag you inverted over the detached and dangling handlebars. We dutifuly did this until the day the scoot was returned with the "protective bag" off the dangling handlebars and loose in the attached canvas-carry-thing :eek:. Never 'protected' (messed with) them again.


Many folks drop the steering column down to its lowest level. We no longer do this either as I operate the scoot with the handlebars at a low enough level that my upper arms are next to my body, it is already almost at its lowest. I find it much less tiring, although I no longer look "Easy Rider" cool.:rolleyes: If yours is higher and you choose to lower it, mark where it meets the lock on the column so that it is easy to lock it back in the correct spot on the jetway!:D


Always double check the parking brakes before you head up the jetway....speaking from experience.:rolleyes:



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Go to http://www.travelscoot.com for more information on the scooter. I think the scooter costs about $1600 with a sealed lead acid battery and $2200 for one with the lithium ion battery. This is what I would call pricey BUT it has been worth every penny for me. I love being able to go places at home and also to travel again. It is so light I can even put it into the car by myself if I am going somewhere without my husband. At the website above you can get the phone number for the company and they will put you in touch with someone in your area who is willing to show you the scooter. I have done this about 6 times now. The scooter was chosen by I think four of those people. It is a good choice for many people but not everyone. You have to be able to transfer onto the seat and also able to use your feet to push backwards if you need to turn around.

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I get a "GATE CHECK" tag from the agent at the gate who attaches it to the scoot. I ride my scoot down the jetway to the door of the plane, get off with my cane and one wheeled carryon.


DH removes the battery and puts it in the 'little travel bag', and hands off the scoot to the baggage guy who puts it with the strollers.


I put the battery bag under the seat in front of me to make SURE it is safe and not knocked out of the overhead bin!:eek:


We do NOT disassemble the Scoot in any way, and even leave the seatback in place.


We have NEVER had a problem. I've been doing this since 2009, 3 or 4 round trip flights a year..


Like Marlee I've had my Scoot since 2009 and I treat mine like she does, alway gate check and take the battery onboard with me in the bag. It has flown to Europe and to a number of cruises vacations (12 flights so far) and we've been on 12 cruises (sometimes we drive) and I just LOVE it. Be sure to be ready to answer a lot of questions because everyone is impressed with the Travelscoot when they see you scooting around! :)

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It is the drive belt. After 4 years of regular use mine broke in the middle of Times Square in NYC this past July. Instead of a fine scooter I had a fine sit and wait. Because we had a belt with us my husband was able to replace the belt and I could continue to scoot. The scooter comes with a tool kit (small and easy to pack which we put in the carry on) which was needed to make the repair. When we got home we ordered another belt.

I've never used or seen a Tzora and cannot comment on it.

Edited by katisdale
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Which would be better to purchase Travelscoot or Tzora? I saw some complaints on the web about the Tzora? Why would I want to buy an extra belt for the Travelscoot and what is it used for?



It depends on your needs. If you need a reverse gear; a flat bottom floor to place your feet (and not the motor cycle like pegs on the TS) and would prefer a full "chair" type seat (which IS a more comfortable "sit", than the TS, the Tzora would be a better choice for you. I can recommend both as I own and like both....they each have their good points and negative points. Both are easy to fold up but the TS is much lighter. The BIG plus for the Travelscoot is it's extreme portability....but you do need some mobility to ride it. Riding the Travelscoot is like riding a tricycle and you need to have a sense of balance. If you are less mobile or a bit unsteady the Tzora would be better. I use my Travelscoot for travel and keep it in my car for shopping. I keep my Tzora at my office for getting around my very large office building in DC. I purchased the Tzora used from a friend who couldn't "drive it". It was like new and I've had it a year. My friend's disability made it hard for her to steer the scooter and she took a bad spill. I think she would have a problem doing that with ANY scooter on the market. IF I could only have one, I'd chose the Travelscoot for my needs.


I had my TS 3 1/2 years before I had to replace my belt....luckily someone noticed the crack in the belt before it broke on me.

Edited by nieciez
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On the forms you fill out on the internet when you reseve your airline tickets and identify those flying, we fill in the box which asks about special needs/requests/other that I will have a mobility scooter. We don't call however.





When we bought our scoot, the protective cover for the 'gears and handlebars, was a small bag you inverted over the detached and dangling handlebars. We dutifuly did this until the day the scoot was returned with the "protective bag" off the dangling handlebars and loose in the attached canvas-carry-thing :eek:. Never 'protected' (messed with) them again.


Many folks drop the steering column down to its lowest level. We no longer do this either as I operate the scoot with the handlebars at a low enough level that my upper arms are next to my body, it is already almost at its lowest. I find it much less tiring, although I no longer look "Easy Rider" cool.:rolleyes: If yours is higher and you choose to lower it, mark where it meets the lock on the column so that it is easy to lock it back in the correct spot on the jetway!:D


Always double check the parking brakes before you head up the jetway....speaking from experience.:rolleyes:




Hi Marlee...Marly here. Do you still have the card we gave you on the Coral Princess? We bought the scooter and I have a lot of questions for you. Email me please. If you don't have the address, respond here & hopefully I'll get a notification & will reply.

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Hi Marlee...Marly here. Do you still have the card we gave you on the Coral Princess? We bought the scooter and I have a lot of questions for you. Email me please. If you don't have the address, respond here & hopefully I'll get a notification & will reply.

Post your questions here so we can all benefit by the answers. There are many of us that are new to Travelscoot too. I got mine in May and will be taking my first flight in Feb.

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Oh my word, I am so glad you aren't seriously injured. This worries me as I am quite tall (6 ft 2 in) and noticed they stressed the possibility of the center of gravity being "off" in the owner's manual. Do you know what caused it and if yes, what should I avoid doing?

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This is a big fear I have. In the beginning of using my TS I would go around or walk it across something that looked "to me" dangerous. Now I have gotten braver and I lean as far as I can over the handle bar, which may look like I want to be Speed Racer, and give it a try. But I still am praying as I go over that I won't fall off. I know at some point I will probably take a spill but I pray I don't. I am so sorry this happen to anyone. Marla

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OUCH Jack, sorry to hear about the spill...and glad you are OK. Do you have your back rest on and tend to lean into it? I think that could cause a problem. I always lean foward into the handle bars when going uphill like other's have said. So far I have not tipped my TS but I did take a spill on my Tzora....made too sharp of a turn and stared tipping to the left....and as I did so I hit the throttle faster and it speeded up out from under me...I went flying off. Luckily the scooter stayed upright instead of landing on top of me. This was in my office. I was sore for weeks but luckily didn't break anything.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Mobilty Scooter Travelers !


Well I am on the countdown to my first trip with my Travel Scoot !


I think we have all the particulars worked out but I have one more question ....

Ok Maybe 2 :-)


#1~We can Not figure out how to Lock the wheels so that when we give it to the guy at the gate it won't roll all around in the Cargo hold ....Yikes ! DH says he has read the instructions several times ....squeeze the hand brakes and press the spring bolt in but that does not seem to work on my Scoot ......Any suggestions ? I wonder if we have something defective ? We may just call the TS guy in WA if we can't figure out how to lock it ?


#2~ Would there be any reason for us to take the TS Duffle bag the big one that the Travel Scoot fits in? I fear if we don't take it we will need it but it is sooo bulky what do ya'll do. I am of course taking the battery bag :-)


I will post my first time experiences with my little scoot when we get back sometime after the 7th of Jan.


Thanks again for all your help on this thread you all are Awesome !

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