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Problem In Grand Cayman/Websters/Bus-Driver Sonia

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We had a great cruise this last week on the Valor Western. Great ship! We enjoyed it all. Loved Cave tubing in Belize the most but our adult kids enjoyed the doplhin swim in Cozumel also.

Our only problem was in the G.Caymans. We were standing outside where the tenders dock and the taxi and tour drivers were competing with each other so we listened and then chose the one who offered us the best deal which was Sonia of Websters #2 Van/Bus. She offered what we thought was the best deal for the price. Anyway she took our group plus about 12 others on the bus to Hell and Turtle Farm and a short tour and told us about the low crime rates.. Now I consider what she did a crime to us. Well when we returned to dock and tried to pay her she denied the price and said that was not what she said and if we didn't pay she would call the police. Well of course I was mad by then and told her to go ahead and do it so she dialed the phone, well by then my husand was tired of the agruing and said not to let it ruin our cruise and so we paid her the extra(BUT NO TIP). Anyway Beware of the Websters/ Bus and driver Sonia . I learned a lesson from this , from now on when we do this I will ASK in front of everyone on the bus before we leave what the price is so ther is no mistake. We didn't let it ruin the rest of our cruise but I admit to being mad for awhile.

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all 12 people paid more for the tour then what was suggested?? I woulda told her to phone the police. WOW- thats truly sad.

What was the psoted price compare to what you actually paid?

This is something I wsa looking to do...Now I will be super careful

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I'm not sure if they are all like this. She was walking around with a sign that said 15.00 p/p but that for our group she would do it for $10.00 p/p because she wanted to fill up her bus so we agreed. I asked her what it included and She said it would be about 2- 2 1/2 hrs. to all the places we wanted to go. Apparently she didn't give the same to the other group. Anyway from now on I will make sure it is understood loud and clear before we leave with anyone.

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This is our favorite thing to do, is take independent tours, but we have learned to listen and express ourselves very clearly. you also have to have in mind exactly what you liked to see and do. we've had ok ,good, great and bad tours this way. We had lunch with a 24yo cabbie/tour guide at roatan that shared so much info on the life of the roatans and hondruas. He showed us reasonable property to buy, and showed us things i'm sure he didn't take others to.

Here's a tip a fellow cruiser gave us one time, when you first get in a cab/tour. have them stop right away at a grocery/market buy, drinks for everyone, especially the cabbie. then offer early on in the tour to buy them lunch if they take you to the best place to eat on the island! it's always a local flare, untouched by tourist with the best food!! of course, becasue they will be eating it too!

we tried this in bahamas and couldn't get the cabbie/guide to stop for nothing, oh well his loss. and the tour was okay, but we've had better.


we also got screwed big time in Grenada. paid way to much, and he didn't take us anywhere exciting, directly to the falls, and then the beach and he called it an island tour Ha! he was trying to make as many trips possible that day.


in St Kitts we had one of the more memorable guides, it was a political year and we sipped a soda and listened to him talk/discuss the status of the island with other cabbies. It was very humaninizing. He also took us to some of his favorite haunts where everybody knew his name and didn't charge us for drinks!! it was great! He stopped by his home and dropped off some milk after we stopped by the market by our request for drinks. he asked if would be ok. since we were close! we will never forget, his modest but, comfortable home.

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She was walking around with a sign that said 15.00 p/p but that for our group she would do it for $10.00 p/p because she wanted to fill up her bus so we agreed.


I'm confused- you're angry because she charged you the stated price?


You were willing to take this particular tour because it sounded like a bargain.... but when the price turned out to be exactly what was advertised, you get upset? I think your anger is misdirected here.


Had you called the police, what do you think would have happened? The tour guide would have said "This is my price. See, here's my signboard. I don't know why those people are trying to steal from me. This is my stated price." and then where would you have been?


Yor husband was right- pay the fair, stated price, and get over it.

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I'm confused- you're angry because she charged you the stated price?



Yor husband was right- pay the fair, stated price, and get over it.


So when you go to buy a used car from a dealer, you pay the stated price or do you negotiate?


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She was walking around with a sign that said 15.00 p/p but that for our group she would do it for $10.00 p/p because she wanted to fill up her bus so we agreed.


I'm confused- you're angry because she charged you the stated price?


You were willing to take this particular tour because it sounded like a bargain.... but when the price turned out to be exactly what was advertised, you get upset? I think your anger is misdirected here.


Had you called the police, what do you think would have happened? The tour guide would have said "This is my price. See, here's my signboard. I don't know why those people are trying to steal from me. This is my stated price." and then where would you have been?


Yor husband was right- pay the fair, stated price, and get over it.

If the driver told me it was $10 pp I would believe him and expect to pay that same amount... she told them it would be $10 pp ..the OP is not wrong in being upset, I would be too. I believe for some (drivers) it is the NORM to lie and get a way wiht it if they know they will make a buck.

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She was walking around with a sign that said 15.00 p/p but that for our group she would do it for $10.00 p/p because she wanted to fill up her bus so we agreed.


I'm confused- you're angry because she charged you the stated price?


You were willing to take this particular tour because it sounded like a bargain.... but when the price turned out to be exactly what was advertised, you get upset? I think your anger is misdirected here.


Had you called the police, what do you think would have happened? The tour guide would have said "This is my price. See, here's my signboard. I don't know why those people are trying to steal from me. This is my stated price." and then where would you have been?


Yor husband was right- pay the fair, stated price, and get over it.


What difference does it make what the sign said? She was told she would reduce her usual price to $10 per person. The tour lady was trying to cheat her, plain and simple. And unfortunately she succeeded.

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Actually, I still see it as someone trying to "get over."


I just bought two used cars in the last month. We paid the dealer's price for both of them. The dealer's price was reasonable, and there was no need to negotiate because (1) I had done the research and determined it was a fair price, and (2) the price was comparable to similar offerings in the area (and I got a better service plan).


People deserve a fair wage for a fair job. If you need to feel that you're getting over, that's on you. There are more important things in the world to get worked up over as far as I'm concerned. I still don't see a rip-off anywhere. The traveler paid the going price. That should be expected.


It makes a LOT of difference what the sign said. The sign is in writing, and it's public. The original poster only relayed to us what she claims she heard. I put more credence in a written agreement- the signboard said $15, and the poster took the tour. Sounds like a simple contract to me. There is absolutely nothing to back the original poster other than her claim that the tour guide (supposedly) said it would be $10.... but there is a posted, written, public, announced price.


Did the original poster get less of a tour than the people who agreed to pay the posted price? Not if she was on the same tour. So she's pissed off about not being able to get over, not scamming a better tdeal than the other 12 people who paid the posted price. That's pretty darn sad.


People deserve a far wage for a fair job. Pay the written price.

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Elaineof6....just keep letting people "get over on you". People pay what they are told to pay, not always what the sign says. If the car dealer would have told you that those two cars that you bought were $1000 cheaper would you have said NO I am paying what the sign (sticker) says. I think not;)

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Okay Elaine, let's look at it from the other side.... so it's okay for the driver to make a deal with people and then renege on her word? There is no way you can justify the drivers behavior. (at least within the boundries of any value system I've ever seen)

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Actually, I still see it as someone trying to "get over."


I just bought two used cars in the last month. We paid the dealer's price for both of them. The dealer's price was reasonable, and there was no need to negotiate because (1) I had done the research and determined it was a fair price, and (2) the price was comparable to similar offerings in the area (and I got a better service plan).


People deserve a fair wage for a fair job. If you need to feel that you're getting over, that's on you. There are more important things in the world to get worked up over as far as I'm concerned. I still don't see a rip-off anywhere. The traveler paid the going price. That should be expected.


It makes a LOT of difference what the sign said. The sign is in writing, and it's public. The original poster only relayed to us what she claims she heard. I put more credence in a written agreement- the signboard said $15, and the poster took the tour. Sounds like a simple contract to me. There is absolutely nothing to back the original poster other than her claim that the tour guide (supposedly) said it would be $10.... but there is a posted, written, public, announced price.


Did the original poster get less of a tour than the people who agreed to pay the posted price? Not if she was on the same tour. So she's pissed off about not being able to get over, not scamming a better tdeal than the other 12 people who paid the posted price. That's pretty darn sad.


People deserve a far wage for a fair job. Pay the written price.


The driver of the tour offered the excursion at a reduced rate. If I were told this then I would expect the price to be as discussed. If the driver felt that $10.00 were fair enough then she obviously is getting a fare wage. Some of us stand up for what we believe in, others just take whatever is thrown at them. I see where you stand.

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Elaine, you seem to know a lot about contract law. When did you graduate from law school? I graduated in 2002. You must have had a very good professor based on the analysis you provided. :rolleyes:


There is a first for everything I guess. You are the first person I have ever seen actually brag about paying sticker price on a used vehicle. I was just joking with my wife the other day about some of the questions/answers on this board, but your response takes the cake.


Btw, the price you paid was similar to other "sticker" prices in the area right? Since you didn't negotiate, you have no idea what the actual market price is of the vehicle. Why does it give you satisfaction that I or any Joe Blow could have bought that same car for 10-20% less? lol, that dealer probably couldn't wait to show you where to sign.

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"The original poster only relayed to us what she claims she heard. I put more credence in a written agreement"



Ummm, well, technically we also only have the original posters word on what the sign said ...soooooooooo ......... LOL!

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Actually, I still see it as someone trying to "get over."


I just bought two used cars in the last month. We paid the dealer's price for both of them. The dealer's price was reasonable, and there was no need to negotiate because (1) I had done the research and determined it was a fair price, and (2) the price was comparable to similar offerings in the area (and I got a better service plan).

Wow, if all my customers were like you I'd still be selling cars! You're what's known as a "lay down" in the business.;) (At least that's what we called them in the 80's.) It was always nice to get a lay down once in awhile. The salesman had to do little work and made a huge commission.


The OP is correct in being upset.

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Since you didn't negotiate, you have no idea what the actual market price is of the vehicle. Why does it give you satisfaction that I or any Joe Blow could have bought that same car for 10-20% less? lol, that dealer probably couldn't wait to show you where to sign.


It is doubtful that your described fantasy would come true. I did my homework and I know that I paid a fair price for the vehicles. It's no longer valid to assume that all used cars are automatically priced a certain point above their value.


I don't live my life assuming that others are trying to get over on me. Life is to short to be that cynical. If that's how you choose to be, okay for you. Sad, but okay.

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I'm sorry...but if I spoke to someone and she told me and my 12 friends/relatives that "this is her price for all 12 of us..."..she'd better honor it or call the police at the end. I love a challenge. :) I think she would have made a fool of herself with me and my "11" witnesses. Obviously, anyone getting off a cruise ship is looking for the best deal. Most tour guides would be thrilled to get 12 passengers at once! She offered a great deal then renigned on it. The group could have just went with any other Tom, Dick..or Harry....for the same price. I then would have reported here to the GC travel/tour department for her unfair practices.


a very honest gal here....$60 bucks..is still $60 bucks...

Esmerelda :)

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I would like to make one thing clear in my statement first I did not say I would call the police, the tour lady said she would so I told her to go ahead. Second if you have ever visited any of the island you may notice that most people carry a sign stating what they charge but most are willing to negoiate which is what our group did. Third it wasn't just me she told it was OUR group so it was more than one person who heard her. Personally it sound to me like Elaine has more of an issue about it than I did. All I wanted to do was to let people know that this happened and to be aware of it, not have someone make such an issue about it. It's not like I was asking to be ttreated any differently than her other group and yes I do shop for bargins. I like to get more for my money that way I can do more, who wouldn't? By the way ELAINE my husband is a car dealer so if you ever need another car let me know. We also live in Virginia. I'll see that he gives you a good deal!! Now I think you need to get over it. I have.

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It is doubtful that your described fantasy would come true. I did my homework and I know that I paid a fair price for the vehicles. It's no longer valid to assume that all used cars are automatically priced a certain point above their value.




Hey Ltvscout, not only is she a "lay down", but I think she enjoys doing it! :p

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Hey Ltvscout, not only is she a "lay down", but I think she enjoys doing it! :p

Hehehe. It's ironic that as it turns out that the OP's husband is in the business as well. I'm sure her husband would love for Elaine to buy her next used car from him. Paying list on a late model used car would just about bankroll another cruise for them! ;)

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So all of this is over $10. If you deduct the non-paid tip, it's even less. I agree that the OP has a valid argument. I would be upset too. But obviously, she is still upset today, which means she was upset during the remainder of her cruise. Was it worth the aggravation? I don't think so.

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For the record, I did not let this one problem ruin my cruise as the above poster is suggesting, as I said in my post we had a great cruise. How did you come up with the idea that it ruined the rest of my cruise? Not by my original post all I said was I was mad at the time but did NOT let it ruin the rest of our cruise. As a matter of fact it was never even thought of anymore after it happened and the only reason I posted it here was because before I cruise I constantly read this board to get an idea of things to expect especially if we are going to a new port for us, so I just thought that when we got back I would do the same but apparently there are others out there who think otherwise. Anyway I do appreciate the positive feedback it makes me feel that some people understand the whole concept of what can happen. :confused: Confused over the negative here.

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Good point, yogimax.


I appreciate where you're coming from, elaineof6. But people like you, who don't mind paying full price for their goods, make it possible for people like me to buy things at a discount. ;) Keep up the good work!

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I don't think the OP is upset - she seems to have gotten over it. It appears she posted to pass the word to unsuspecting travelers - as I would do. It sounds like she could have easily gotten a better deal then the $15 from another driver - since she had a large group. I agree that the driver used some unfair practices knowing that the cruisers would pay rather than deal with the local authorities and she had the sign to back it up. Vendors give deals every day - it doesn't mean they have the right to go back on it just because they have it written on a sign.

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