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Skinny In Italy!


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Well, I am down 1 pound this week.

Not sure I deserve it since I didn't exercise very much (unless shopping counts)

I did put on a lot of miles running around shopping malls, ha ha.

My eating was good though. I didn't go above my calorie allotment at all.



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Good Morning and Happy Friday!


I lost 2 lbs. this week. :)

Between work and going to the gym, I logged

20,153 steps on my pedometer steps yesterday.

yesterday. Although I have a gym membership,

I hadn't gone for at least 2 months; no really

good excuse except for dealing with heavy traffic

afterwards. I prefer to go to the gym right after

work because if I go home first, I know I won't

make it to the gym. Besides, my work week bedtime

is around 8:00 PM.


Way to go Wendy, Cindy, and Charlene on your

weight-loss! Good luck to the ladies who haven't

posted yet.


Have a nice day and week-end!



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I am down 2 pounds today.


I only count my weight on Fridays so anything prior to today, I don't count.


I believe this is a grand total of 9 pounds but I don't know exactly because my beginning figures and written weekly weigh-ins are at home. I messed-up MFP by changing my weight there so it doesn't show me as losing any weight. :(


I'm just glad I'm still slowly losing. I truly believe in my myself now.


Congratulations to everyone for weighing-in today. It was great to read. Keeps us all accountable. :):):)

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Charlene - shopping is my favorite form of exercise ;)! Congrats on loss!


Donna - WTG on the loss!

Ann - any loss is a good one....take them where you can.


I agree that eating out adds the water weight - huge weight gains in a week are often water weight...and come off just as quickly.


Kay - way to keep trucking girl!


I was a bit bummed about my gain but also ate leftover chinese egg drop soup three days AND grazed without tracking. Back on track today - did elliptical at level 5. I will get back below 160 by 2/1/13!


Enjoy the weekend ladies!


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maybe we should all get together and ponder this whole weight loss thing.

We could drink water, eat lettuce and go for brisk walks.

I vote to go to ashley's place in oahu.

Anybody else?

Ashley - you okay with this?





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Maybe we should all get together and ponder this whole weight loss thing.

We could drink water, eat lettuce and go for brisk walks.

I vote to go to Ashley's place in Oahu.

Anybody else?

Ashley - you okay with this?




LOL!! Sounds like a plan, haha.


Congrats on the losses this week ladies!! I forgot to weigh this morning before breakfast so I'm not sure where I am, but I have been up all week so who knows.


I am just going to keep exercising like I have been and hopefully it starts to work. My body might be rebelling to the frequent workouts right now, who knows.


Hope everyone has a great weekend!! And good luck :)

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well down a half pound but the clothes are feeling better.....some of the "cheese" is going away too....so the weight doesn't really have to move but with 5 of the last 7 days working out hard is helping......


Have a great weekend :)

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Does anyone know if the cruise ships have a scale somewhere we can use early in the morning?? Anyone know about Carnival Legend, specifically???


I realize that's a terrible question but we will literally be on vacation for 3 solids weeks - 12 nights on the ship alone. I have decided I'm not working this hard to lose the weight and then going totally "crazy-crazy" on vacation (well, maybe not :o). I'm going to weigh myself embarkation day and keep weighing every day so I can keep myself on track while on vacation ~ I might STILL have all the gelato, fish & chips, warm chocolate melting cake, Italian pizza, and etc I want but if I see my weight creeping-up, I might remember to grab a banana instead of the cheesecake.... well... MAYBE. :o


PS ~ I had an AMAZING workout this morning ~ It's warm and sunny here today!!! YAY!!!

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Kay - I would also guess in the gym somewhere, but I'm not positive.


And its probably a good idea, and even if you have that cheesecake, maybe it would encourage you to keep using the stairs and stay away from the elevators :)


Went for a nice long hike/jog today then shared a burger with my husband.


Salad for dinner :)


Hope everyone elses weekend is going well!!

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Hi, my name's Susanne and I'd like to join your group. I also want to be skinny in Italy. I am going on a Greek isles cruise from Rome on May 12. I'm 5'4 and 156. I'm 37. I have been stuck in the 150s for several years, but would like to get back to 130. I'm good at maintaining my weight and have such a struggle to lose. I need some help to stay accountable and away from those evening snacks that I sabotage myself with. I am suse33 on my fitness pal, feel free to add me.



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Kay - I would also guess in the gym somewhere, but I'm not positive.


And its probably a good idea, and even if you have that cheesecake, maybe it would encourage you to keep using the stairs and stay away from the elevators


Went for a nice long hike/jog today then shared a burger with my husband.


Salad for dinner


Hope everyone elses weekend is going well!!

I am thinking I read a review one time that said they had a manual scale in the gym. There is no "IF" about me having cheesecake. :o:p The stairs up are a must for me, always. I don't do stairs down, however.


My husband & I share meals sometimes too ~ less calories and we get to eat something "better" that way!! :D Salad is good!! Sounds like you had a good day


Hi, my name's Susanne and I'd like to join your group. I also want to be skinny in Italy. I am going on a Greek isles cruise from Rome on May 12. I'm 5'4 and 156. I'm 37. I have been stuck in the 150s for several years, but would like to get back to 130. I'm good at maintaining my weight and have such a struggle to lose. I need some help to stay accountable and away from those evening snacks that I sabotage myself with. I am suse33 on my fitness pal, feel free to add me.



Welcome Aboard Susanne!! Anyone can join us!! We all weigh-in on Fridays - well, we post how much we have (or have not) lost every Friday. I think Ann from Texas posts on Saturdays. This is a great group of encouraging people and several of us are going on cruises in April/May so this is a perfect group for you, too!!


I'm planning walking my buns off - literally - in Venice for 4 days so I'm trying to just get in "decent" shape. I would LOVE to be stuck at 150 - but I realize everyone has different weights and priorities!! Evening snacks are a thing of the past for me... well... 26 days past. If I get hungry now at night I have a 25 calorie diet hot cocoa and a bag of 100 calorie popcorn. It fills me up quick!!

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My husband just called and told me that a guy where he works ate 6 corn dogs for dinner tonight. :eek:


I proceeded to add-up the calories (over 1600) and tell my husband to tell that guy I haven't had that many calories ALL-DAY-LONG in 26 days!! LOL :D

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Welcome Susanne, glad you can join us.

Yep - evening snacks are an issue. I use MyFitnessPal as well. I save some calories for a little snack in the evening. Sometimes it's a handful of almonds; sometimes a bowl of Special K; sometimes a piece of fruit. Knowing that I can have a snack really helps.



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Ummm... I have a question... :o


Am I truly the only "heavy" or "very overweight" person on this thread or on MFP?? I am not posting my weight because I don't even tell my husband what I weigh.


Most of my life, I have been in decent shape and "normal" size - I was never the fat girl in the room - until 2010 - I got married in September 2009 and quickly gained... and gained... and I spent all of 2010 and 2011 gaining 40+ pounds. I had already let 20ish pounds creep on between 2008 and 2009 (dating & wedding years). I'm just under 5'4" so I am round as an apple now and it's not pretty.


So, now I'm finally settled in with married life, the house, the job, the horrible monster-in-law, etc. I've "adapted" to all the changes in my life (Getting married late in life is a huge adjustment) and I'm happy now... and I just want to slowly lose this weight I've gained plus... I want to feel better, look decent in pictures (I'm a picture taker) and not be the "fat person" in the room - but I feel kinda terrible because before I gained any weight I was about all of your weights now. I always said I needed to lose 20 pounds but I rarely did... I would lose 10 and then gain 10 and etc.


Now, I am just wondering... am I going to meet some of you on the cruise and you are all skinny minis and I'm going to be SOOO PROUD of losing my 30 pounds by then (I WILL LOSE IT) and you are all going to think I'm still a fatty. Goodness. What terrible thoughts I am having. :confused::(

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Welcome Susanne!! I totally understand the being stuck in a place. My weight fluctuates a lot, but the 150's really are my real stuck place. A bad few months pushed me over 160, but I'm hoping not to stay here long. Our cruise is May 4th, so we are right there with you!!



Kay - 6 corn dogs!! Yikes. My stomach would hurt so bad, so greasy. Though I do love those mini corn dogs, they sell them at the movie theater here, but no way am I having them now.

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Ummm... I have a question... :o


Am I truly the only "heavy" or "very overweight" person on this thread or on MFP?? (


Quit having those thoughts miss Kay. Like you have said, everyone feels different about where they are. And you may see someone who is much smaller than you who feels like she is huge. And in that sense you should feel even more proud of the 30 pounds you lose.


Its all a mindset, and being overweight, but happy with where you are heading is much better than being a normal weight and feeling like you must lose so much weight.


And no you are not the only truly overweight person on MFP, I know that for sure. You just don't see them posting a lot on there, especially won't see any pictures.


You are on the right track and that is all that matters. No one is going to judge you in any way, just proud of the progress :) So only happy thoughts here on out!!

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Kay, don't worry about anyone else. You are losing weight now and staying on track. You will get to your goal weight if you stick with it. Everyone's goals are different - some have more to lose; some less. But the important thing is you are on your way and you should feel great about that.

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I ate desserts ever day on my cruise in November/December. I had lost 15 pounds before the cruise and knew I would gain some weight. My husband and I went to the gym and/or did the walking track most days of the 15 day cruise. We took the stairs as often as possible. We ate dessert and enjoyed the meals. I did gain about 6 pounds, but it disappeared within a week after getting back on track when we got home.


I don't know who wrote this - but it's relevant.


Someone will always be prettier.

They will always be smarter.

Their house will be bigger.

They will drive a better car.

Their children will do better in school.

And their husband will fix more things around the house.

So let it go,

and love you and your circumstances.

Think about it.

The prettiest woman in the world can have hell in her heart.

And the most highly favored

Woman on your job may be unable to have children.

And the richest woman you know,

she's got the car, the house, the clothes....might be lonely.

And the word says if "I have not Love, I am nothing."

So, again, love you.

Love who you are.

Look in the mirror in the morning and smile and say

"I am too blessed to be stressed and too anointed to be disappointed!"

"Winners make things happen.

Losers let things happen."

"To the world you might be one person,

but to one person you just might be the world".

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Hi there - I posted this same one on another thread - but thought it may be useful here as you are all such a motivated lovely group!


I generally maintain my weight at a normal range, but would from time to time gain a few pounds. I found they were harder to lose as I approached, then moved into my 40's (damn you, menopause!). This is how I maintain.


I wish there was a magic formula for weight loss. Even "experts" disagree on what works. For many years, I believed this formula is calories in < calories out, but one needs to add all the coefficients of metabolism, emotion, hormones, activity, etc. Those things actually matter.


That being said, I figured out what works for me when I want to lose weight. Recently, I gained 10 lb because we moved. I was being very social, which was fantastic - I was eating out at several new places and at new homes and wanting to try everything that was served. It was fun at the time, but then I didn't fit my pants, so I wanted to reel it in.


This is how I do it - it works every time.


I keep a very simple diet - it does not vary much from day to day and will consist of the same foods for a few weeks at a time. Boring, but it works and takes the psyche of food out of the equation - meaning, I am not thinking about what I am going to eat.


Breakfast - packet of oatmeal w/ scoop protein powder, a fruit, coffee with a splash of 2% milk


snack - fruit, sometimes 10-15 tiny twist pretzels, more coffee :D


lunch - veggie (usually spinach 2-3 cups), chicken (I make up chicken breasts w/ rock salt, rosemary and cracked pepper every few days so they are ready to take), 1/2 low fat yogurt


snack - a starchy veg - like 1c pumpkin, or 1/2 sweet potato, 1c butternut squash - no butter, flavored w/ cinnamon - this I make in the slow cooker every few days - a root vegetable with cinnamon on low for 4 hours.


dinner - a protein thing (small 4-5 oz steak, chicken, or salmon or 1 c beans), high water fruit like berries or melon, green veggie (usually spinach w/ aged balsalmic or broccolli w/ a tsp of japanese salad dressing)


lots of cucumber slices and grape tomatoes whenever


lots of water


a treat - either 2 oz of wine or a hershey's kiss or small square of dark chocolate


Once a week I either go out to dinner and have whatever, or allow a couple slices of pizza or some dessert splurge. Usually I do this in conjunction with "date night"


** fruit is a typical serving of fruit - whatever is in season at the farmer's market or on sale at the store. I will often get frozen berries in the winter; apples are always available


I usually lose about 1/2-3/4 lb per week on this diet - averaging 1300-1500 calories/day. It seems a bit OCD, I realize, however, it keeps me healthy, it is inexpensive, it has a lot of fresh, real food, it is easy, it works.


Hope this helps someone !!!

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Thanks for your tips worldtrekker.


I also do a repetitive diet for the most part - for breakfast and lunch anyway.

My breakfast - homemade oatmeal is the same everyday. For lunch, I have about 3 different ones that I rotate. I try some different low cal/fat ideas for dinner though since my family would get bored if I served the same thing. But I avoid heavy, fatty, cream laden meals. There are lots of ways to prepare chicken, ha ha.


I am also on 1300-1500 calories. I find this number keeps me from being hungry and that is very important to me.


Thanks again.



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