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Cruising Feb 2014 - losing 100 pounds in the next 13 months!!


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Day 61

Weight 228.5

Daily weight change: -1.5

Total weight change: -13.0


Oh Happy Day!! This is such a good morning! I wanted to munch really badly last night. I ate dinner around 6pm and was up until 1:00am because I needed to give DH a wake up call. I normally go to bed around 11:00 and I guess it was because it had been so many hours since dinner, I really started wanting to eat anything in site. Fortunately my daughter had brought some kumquats home. These are really odd little Asian citrus fruits. They are about the size of a large grape but look like a tiny oval orange. You eat the entire thing- the peel is very sweet and the center is very tart. The contrast is quite amazing. They also leave your mouth very refreshed, kind of like an orange burst toothpaste or mouthwash. I was able to eat a couple of these and keep the munchies at bay. The scale was my reward this morning!!



Yesterday's menu



1 cup flax granola

1/2 cup Vanilla Coconut Silk



Green Smoothie w/ protein



4 oz Baked chicken breast

Saute'd kale, zucchini, onions & carrots

1/2 cup corn



4 vanilla wafers

5 kumquats



2 cups dandelion root tea, 2 cups coffee, 115 oz water

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Day 62

Weight: 227.5

Daily weight change: -1.0

Total weight change: -14.0


I am in shock! The scale dropped 2 days in a row! Totally unexpected but awesome, none the less. DH came home and wanted to take me to dinner and a movie. We went to eat sushi (which was a really good choice for me & my pre-diabetic DH) Afterwards, I just couldn't resist the popcorn at the movies. Although I knew that sushi and movie popcorn were both excessively high in sodium, I decided it was totally worth it and it would just be retained water from all of the salt. I was really surprised to see a loss this morning - I wonder if it will make me gain tomorrow???



2 boiled eggs



Pineapple Greek yogurt



1/2 cup Avocado chicken salad

Spinach & Arugula



Sushi & seaweed salad


Movie Snack:

Small popcorn



2 cups coffee, 1 dandelion root tea, 115 oz water

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Day 63 & 64

Weight: 228

Daily weight change: + .5

Total weight change: -13.5


I hate internet issues, mine has been down for 1 & 1/2 days! Happy to have it back this evening, I forget how much I rely on it until I don't have access to it. On a happy note, I went to the doctor today for my post surgical check up and was given approval for light exercise.


Praying for decent weather so I can go for longer walks with my dog. I am also going to try the workout recommended by AnitaLatte. I am going to start with 1 mile and 20 minute workouts with the plan to work up to 3 miles/45 minute workouts.


Yesterday's menu



Blueberry greek yogurt



Green smoothie & boiled egg



Peanut butter oatmeal bites



Chicken w/spicy apricot glaze

1/2 cup brown rice

green beans

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:mad:up +4 today


I think a mix of portion control and also slacked on my water the last 3 days. I need to get back on my exercise routine also been slacking.


other then that all is well I wore a dress that I have not worn in a wile to a hair show I had yesterday and it was bigger on me. I know I have lost quite a few inches though.

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It is such a nice feeling when you can see your weight loss reflected in the fit of your clothes. You are doing great, don't get discouraged. I am sure your 4# gain is fluid retention. Have you taken your measurements? Even if you didn't do it to begin with, you should take them now. Inches are more impressive than pounds any day!

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Day 65

Weight 230

Daily weight change: + 2.0

Total weight change: -11.5


Yuk! Up 2 pounds. I don't know what got into me yesterday. I had almost no protein and totally overloaded on carbs. I had my doctor's appt which took all morning and I was having a sinus headache in the afternoon. I almost gave in and ate a can of ravioli when I decided to boil a whole wheat pasta and mix in spicy tomatoes & okra. It was delicious & easy so ate it for lunch and dinner. It felt healthy at the time, but later I felt very bloated :(


Today is "Back on Track" day. Plenty of water, exercising, and making sure that I get enough protein without all of the excess carbs!

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Day 66

Weight 227.0

Daily weight change: -3.0

Total weight change: -14.5


Yipee!!! Soooooo happy! Back on track, paid off. Excess salt & carbs be gone.

Also had some happy news at my reg doctor's office yesterday, the nurse pointed out that I am now down 20 pounds from my early December visit. Talk about encouraging!! It gave me the extra willpower to resist my sweet craving that hit at about 10 pm last night. OK, not actually resist, more like choose wisely. Instead of the ice cream or cookies & milk that I wanted, I roasted 2 marshmallows over the flame on my gas stove (50 calories for both) and was happily satisfied.


Yesterday's menu:



Pineapple greek yogurt



Salad - spinach, arugula, tomatoes, cucumber, mushrooms, red pepper

Sun dried tomato, basil vinegarette

Pear & feta cheese




Turkey burger, no bun (with zucchini, portabella mushrooms & onions blended in)

Same veggie salad as lunch w/vinegarette

fresh pineapple chunks



2 roasted marshmallows



115 oz water, 1 cup dandelion root tea, 2 cups coffee

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Day 66

Weight 227.0

Daily weight change: -3.0

Total weight change: -14.5


Yipee!!! Soooooo happy! Back on track, paid off. Excess salt & carbs be gone.

Also had some happy news at my reg doctor's office yesterday, the nurse pointed out that I am now down 20 pounds from my early December visit. Talk about encouraging!! It gave me the extra willpower to resist my sweet craving that hit at about 10 pm last night. OK, not actually resist, more like choose wisely. Instead of the ice cream or cookies & milk that I wanted, I roasted 2 marshmallows over the flame on my gas stove (50 calories for both) and was happily satisfied.


Yesterday's menu:



Pineapple greek yogurt



Salad - spinach, arugula, tomatoes, cucumber, mushrooms, red pepper

Sun dried tomato, basil vinegarette

Pear & feta cheese




Turkey burger, no bun (with zucchini, portabella mushrooms & onions blended in)

Same veggie salad as lunch w/vinegarette

fresh pineapple chunks



2 roasted marshmallows



115 oz water, 1 cup dandelion root tea, 2 cups coffee


Yea!!!!!!!!!! so happy for you:D I have been so bad this week it's unreal:eek: but so happy to see you are doing so well :) congrats

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Thanks Ashley, everyone has a bad week when things aren't going well for them. Don't beat yourself up over it. I don't know about you but when I go off of my plan, the longer I am off (1 day vs 2) the harder it is to get back on track. It seems that carbs are an especially difficult thing for me. Even though my total calories for the day were under 1500, I had substantial weight gain the next day. I also noticed that for the next 2 days I had unusually high sweet cravings. I have come to realize that I can have carbs but that I really need to limit my intake to 2 correctly sized portions per day.


You can do this! Try setting a non food reward for a mini goal. I have decided to reward myself with a mani/pedi when I hit 220.


I have also hung a really cute little black dress, (size 12) that I bought on clearance for less than $10, on my bathroom door so I see it as soon as I wake up every morning. This is my visual reminder to do well each day. I want to wear it on formal night with pink heels & pink pashmina!

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I just found this thread. Hubby and I are on going a RCI Oasis for our 20th anniversary in June. I started trying to lose weight at the end of January. I am down 16 pounds. I have been on a 1000 calorie diet and exercising. I need to lose 20 more pounds

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Day 67

Weight: 227

Daily weight change: -

Total weight change: -14.5


Happy Thursday!! No change this morning, but we can't win everyday. I have found that this list represents the worst things for me when it comes to the scale. These cause the scale to go up even when my calorie count is below 1200 for the day.


1. More than 3 servings of carbs in one day.

2. Not getting protein at every meal

3. Having more than 4 ounces of meat in a day.

4. Failing to drink all of my water

5. Including processed/restaurant meals heavy in sodium


Yesterday's menu:




1 egg scrambled with spinach



Leftover turkey burger from last night

1 cup pasta with tomatoes & okra



Almond croissant



Baked Salmon patty

Creamed peas

cooked cabbage

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I just found this thread. Hubby and I are on going a RCI Oasis for our 20th anniversary in June. I started trying to lose weight at the end of January. I am down 16 pounds. I have been on a 1000 calorie diet and exercising. I need to lose 20 more pounds


Welcome Peeker,


You are almost halfway there!! Way to go!!! Congrats on the 20th anniversary as well, in this day & age, that is a huge accomplishment. DH & I went on our first cruise for our 20th and it was our best vacation ever. I think it is because cell phones don't work and once we got to the departure city, we didn't have to drive anywhere. I believe staying in constant contact & driving in unfamiliar places creates more stress than we realize. Cruises are the most relaxing vacations of all!!


Please keep posting so that we can all encourage each other.



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Day 70

Weight: 227

Daily weight change: 0

Total weight change: -14.5


I have stayed the same now for 3 days but I am exercising through this. I knew that I would either gain or stay the same until my body gets used to the new activity. I have been making sure to get all of my water in and to eat healthy.


I also had a big OMG moment this morning. About a year ago, I was looking in the mirror and noticed that along my lower jaw line that I have this drooping jowl that makes me look like my mother. Now don't get me wrong, I love my mother and she is an attractive woman. She isn't overweight but she has been a lifelong smoker which combined with her advancing age has created these droopy jowls. YUK!! Other than the 1 cigarette I tried at 14, I have never smoked. I hated this new look. I could push the skin gently towards my ear and I looked like the old me. Is this what aging looks like up close? Well I don't like it!


Today I was washing my face and I suddenly noticed that my jowls are fading fast. It was amazing! I don't know why I suddenly noticed it today but I am feeling better about not having greater weight loss. At 5'8", it generally takes 25 -30 pounds before it is readily noticeable. This was a wonderful moment!


Yesterday's menu:



Banana protein smoothie



6 vanilla wafers




Pasta w/tomatoes & okra

4 oz grilled chicken breast



4 oz baked tilapia

mango cucumber salsa

roasted broccoli & brussel sprouts

1 oz dark chocolate



2 cups dandelion root tea, 2 cups coffee, 115 oz water

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Happy April Fool's Day!!


Day 71

Weight: 226.5

Daily weight change: -.5

Total weight change: -15.0


Having a rough morning because I slept very poorly last night; I drank coffee too late in the afternoon yesterday. The scale was a pleasant surprise that helped to open my eyes this morning.


Upstate NY has said hello to April Showers (both snow and rain) for this week. We are not expecting sunshine until Thursday.:( I guess it is exercise videos for me this week. I can't wait until the ground dries out enough to go hiking without slip sliding around in the mud.


Lurkers: I know you are out there, I can see the number of views to this thread. Please post - are you trying to lose weight? have you already met your goal? whatever your situation, I would love to hear from you. I started this thread so that we could share information and encourage each other, mostly I feel like I am just talking to myself.


Yesterday's menu:



Pineapple greek yogurt

Broiled Grapefruit



Leftover tilapia & cucumber mango salsa

Roasted broccoli & brussel sprouts



Tofu sloppy joe with bun

cooked carrots & zucchini

salt free potato chips



Skim milk

3 Newtons fruit thin cookies



2 cups coffee, 2 cups dandelion root tea, 113 oz water

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Going to try to get back on track


I started-January 16, 2013 AT 256 Pounds:eek:

Today 75 Days later APRIL 1, 2013 I weigh 233 pounds:D

That is a 23 pound loss:eek:


Some thoughts: I have changed many things in my life not only in what I eat but planing meals drinking a potien shake every day as just a few examples. Not to say that I have not ate to much at times or made bad choices at times. But this has been a learning experience also now that I am gluten free. I have a long road ahead of me but with hard work and dedication I will get there.

Some goals I have set for myself is getting back on track with exercise and cut back on carbs a little. continue to not snack between meals.

other then that all is well I am happy with my loss up to today :)

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:DYour not talking to your self Im still here. I have been in a bit of a funk lately and kind of upset with myself when it comes to making good food choices and when I see you doing so well I think to my self I'm letting myself down. Im so proud of you just want you to know that it great having this thread to help me along the way. I read every post.

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Going to try to get back on track


I started-January 16, 2013 AT 256 Pounds:eek:

Today 75 Days later APRIL 1, 2013 I weigh 233 pounds:D

That is a 23 pound loss:eek:


Some thoughts: I have changed many things in my life not only in what I eat but planing meals drinking a potien shake every day as just a few examples. Not to say that I have not ate to much at times or made bad choices at times. But this has been a learning experience also now that I am gluten free. I have a long road ahead of me but with hard work and dedication I will get there.

Some goals I have set for myself is getting back on track with exercise and cut back on carbs a little. continue to not snack between meals.

other then that all is well I am happy with my loss up to today :)

Ashley....congrats are your weight loss...this is wonderful. I must ask you however, why are you eating gluten free foods. Do you have celiac disease? If not, you should know that MANY gluten free products are much higher in calories than non gluten free foods. They try to make up for taste by adding tons of sugar.

I think a lot of people are under the misconception of this....so unless you have celiac disease, stay away from these products.

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Ashley....congrats are your weight loss...this is wonderful. I must ask you however, why are you eating gluten free foods. Do you have celiac disease? If not, you should know that MANY gluten free products are much higher in calories than non gluten free foods. They try to make up for taste by adding tons of sugar.

I think a lot of people are under the misconception of this....so unless you have celiac disease, stay away from these products.


HI Im sorry I thought I had posted it a wile back. But yes I have a allergy intolerance to Glutin not celiac. It affects My skin more then anything If I consume anything with the slightest bit of gluten I get blisters all over my hands and feet.

I don't eat very many gluten free so to say foods meaning the carbohydrate form bread, cookies,chips,crackers,pasta,pizza. these foods are higher calerie foods any way you look at it. But something I go by is if the carbohydrate content is under a 10% I will consume it in moderation if it is over that I will not eat it. Many of the gluten free food choice I have made were much less calories then the glutenous ones.

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Lurkers: I know you are out there, I can see the number of views to this thread. Please post - are you trying to lose weight? have you already met your goal? whatever your situation, I would love to hear from you. I started this thread so that we could share information and encourage each other, mostly I feel like I am just talking to myself.


Ok, since you are speaking to me, I think I owe you a response. ;) I started reading from the very beginning and keep coming back. I think you are doing an absolutely amazing job! Your plan looks so healthy, balanced and sensible. Your steady weight loss is proof it is working, even with the minor fluctuations. Your motivation and will power is an inspiration. I wish you all the best as you move toward your goal, what a sweet anniversary it will be! :)

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:DYour not talking to your self Im still here. I have been in a bit of a funk lately and kind of upset with myself when it comes to making good food choices and when I see you doing so well I think to my self I'm letting myself down. Im so proud of you just want you to know that it great having this thread to help me along the way. I read every post.




Everyone gets in a funk now & then. The quicker you can pull yourself out of it, the faster it will be a thing of the past. Just so you know, YOU are very inspiring to me! You have had amazing weight loss so far and I just know that you can reach your goal.


The tofu is a product that looks like cooked ground beef and is usually sold in the produce dept of your grocery store. There are several different brands and most are sold in a 12oz vacuum pack wrapped in cardboard. I love them because it doesn't have to be cooked and keeps for over a month in the fridge. I try to keep at least one on hand all of the time because it makes for a fast dinner. I have used it for sloppy joes, tacos, chili, basically anywhere you would use cooked ground beef.



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Just found this thread, and am feeling reinspired after reading your journey on The Plan so far! I started TP on 3/15/13, and have had a few setbacks, but I am hanging in there. Just wanted to say hi, and thank you for posting and sharing your experiences!

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Everyone gets in a funk now & then. The quicker you can pull yourself out of it, the faster it will be a thing of the past. Just so you know, YOU are very inspiring to me! You have had amazing weight loss so far and I just know that you can reach your goal.


The tofu is a product that looks like cooked ground beef and is usually sold in the produce dept of your grocery store. There are several different brands and most are sold in a 12oz vacuum pack wrapped in cardboard. I love them because it doesn't have to be cooked and keeps for over a month in the fridge. I try to keep at least one on hand all of the time because it makes for a fast dinner. I have used it for sloppy joes, tacos, chili, basically anywhere you would use cooked ground beef.




Thx a bunch Carla so going to give this tofu a try this weekend .I am all about fast healthy dinners :o)

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Just found this thread, and am feeling reinspired after reading your journey on The Plan so far! I started TP on 3/15/13, and have had a few setbacks, but I am hanging in there. Just wanted to say hi, and thank you for posting and sharing your experiences!


:D Just wanted to say HI! and welcome. Try not to worry about the setbacks. put them in the past and keep pushing forward. It is normal to have some set backs not only are you trying to lose weight but your also teaching yourself a new health way of life. I wish you nothing but the best of luck in your weight loss :D one day at a time one pound at a time!

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