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Cruise is book for Dec, now to loose...


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Hello all - I'm booked on NCL Pearl, sailing Dec 8 - I have a lot of weight to loose between now and then... I changed my life style (eating habits) a little less than a year ago and have lost 43 lbs so far. I'm feeling very motivated since booking our cruise (my 1st). I'm doing my own thing as far as eating/exercising - taking a bit from my years of ww, now logging everything I eat/drink and exercise on Sparkspeople etc.


To stay motivated...


As much as I would love to say I'm "walking to the pier", it would mean 5 miles a day (from W.PA to Miami) - My wonderful hubby says if I walk to Columbia, SC he will pick me up! 2 miles a day. He's a great cheerleader! So I'm logging my miles when I get off the treadmill and am enjoying my "virtual" walk to SC.


I am currently looking for a "poster" of a cruise ship to hang on the wall in front of my treadmill so I can walk the ship every time! Because we booked online, I don't feel comfortable asking a travel agent, I may email NCL and ask? or just print (thinking out loud)..


My goal is to loose at least 45 more lbs (would like more)... My real goal is to continue to feel proud of myself!!!


Please join me, I will be active on here and look forward to receiving AND giving encouragement to all!

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in the last couple of days I've walked a total of 8 miles... getting stronger every walk. as this is my first cruise, I'm not sure how to handle the eating aspect - do I hopefully NOT fool myself into thinking I'm going to try and NOT gain while on board, or do I actually work out while on board and actually if not totally stay the same, but at least lessen the "gain"?


Anyone else? Do you work out while cruising? Or do you just say, I'm on vacation, come what may?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I accept the fact that I will most likely gain. However, I try to minimize my gains. I gained 3/12 lbs on my last cruise (as opposed to 7 the year before).


I too need to lose weight and have booked a cruise for next January. Hopefully, I will lose some by then.


I try to control my eating but not to the point of not having a good time or enjoying the food. I don't stuff myself and I stay away from the frothy high calorie high sugar drinks (maybe i'll have one the entire cruise) and stick to wine and cocktails. I do go to the gym once or twice on the cruise or walk the jogging track. Also, I walk around the town when we get to port or take excursions with lots of walking.


Good luck


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HI KIM, we have some things in common. I am booked on the Epic in Dec and have started the weight loss. I live in Wilm. Delaware. Since I hit my 40's I am having hormonal issues and a thyroid problem. I will survive!!!


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I just cruised last month and did not exercise. I lost weight on the cruise. I made sure to eat lots of veggies but we walked alot. I don't think you have to go spend time in the gym but take some morning or night walks on deck. It is so pretty it doesn't feel like you are working out.

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Guest Host Cheryl

Hi, Kim!


You are going to love cruising. With it being your first cruise, you'll be walking a lot just exploring everything on the ship. :-) They do have a track on the top deck and many walk or jog the track in the mornings. With excursions, you'll most likely get plenty of exercise. Do you like to dance? They have several clubs on the ship and most of them have dance floors they also have a few nights where they have fun active activities on deck. Things like Congo lines. While losing weight to feel good about laying out on deck is always a thought in the minds of us females, don't worry too much as you'll find all shapes and sizes of folks laying out on the deck. Have you looked at any of the member photos? You might just find one to place in front of the treadmill.

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DH, DD, and I are booked to cruise November 2nd out of Puerto Rico. I am wanting to lose 20. I don't care if I am ever "skinny", just want my clothes to fit well. I fiind I am usually active enough on vacation that I don't gain weight. I don't eat till I am stuffed but I do eat pretty much whatever I want.

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Well, I reached a milestone yesterday - I've lost 50 lbs so far... in one year.. slow and steady... eating correctly and exercising. I've recently hit a plateau, from beginning of Nov up til 2 or 3 weeks ago, nothing lost, nothing gained.. then 2 weeks ago, I recalculated my calories/exercise to the level where I should loose 2 pounds a week - and succeeded in busting off the plateau!


I still have a long way to go - and as this is a total lifestyle change for me, I'm not concerned so much on how I look on the cruise, I'll be a better me than I am today and and feel soooo much better.


Spring is trying to come to PA., so I'll soon get to go outside and get some fresh air and natural Vit D!


:) thanks everyone for the support and information on eating and exercising on the cruise. I am going to enjoy the cruise, eat what feels right, and if I gain, oh well, I'll get it off eventually...

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Well, I reached a milestone yesterday - I've lost 50 lbs so far... in one year.. slow and steady... eating correctly and exercising. I've recently hit a plateau, from beginning of Nov up til 2 or 3 weeks ago, nothing lost, nothing gained.. then 2 weeks ago, I recalculated my calories/exercise to the level where I should loose 2 pounds a week - and succeeded in busting off the plateau!


I still have a long way to go - and as this is a total lifestyle change for me, I'm not concerned so much on how I look on the cruise, I'll be a better me than I am today and and feel soooo much better.


Spring is trying to come to PA., so I'll soon get to go outside and get some fresh air and natural Vit D!


:) thanks everyone for the support and information on eating and exercising on the cruise. I am going to enjoy the cruise, eat what feels right, and if I gain, oh well, I'll get it off eventually...

Omg Kim, that is wonderful. Congratulations on your great accomplishment.

I would like to say, that you are the first poster on the diet threads that makes any sense. I keep reading all of these crazy diets.

All one has to do to loose weight is to lessen their portions...put the potato chips in the garbage and exercise. It should become a "way of life". The portions that we as Americans eat is horrible.

When all of these people that are on these crazy diets reach their goal....then what? (and most of them don't and just give up)

Do they go back to eating the way they did? Of course they do...and this is why everyone gains all of the weight back.

Come on ladies....just start off by cutting your portions in half...put the cookies down...and go for a walk.

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Thank you Susie - Yes, I don't agree with the fad diets, never did. This really isn't easy, but not that hard either when you have the kind of support I do. I really enjoy learning and I'm actually learning this process as I go. Today I did my walk - 2 miles, improving my speed quite a bit - have to either go faster or longer to get the calories "burned" number up, when you don't weigh as much as you used to, you have to work harder! LOL...


Walking tomorrow with a friend outside!!! Not crazy about the time - we meet at 8 am, and with the "sping forward" that will be 7.. LOL we walk 4 miles every Sunday..


I'm aiming at another 50 off before the cruise, but realize it will more likely be 35(ish) due to summer vacations etc., I tend to enjoy the "frozen custards" a bit more than I should, but its all good!

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One more for Dec cruise. Just booked Noordam. Now I have to seriously "weigh" my options. Thought I'd ck CC and here it is. Simply cannot do the diet thing any more.Recent wellness issues including knee replacement by late May. So limited activity, but you have the magic answer! Write it all down.


Since I have to record other info 2 x day, all it takes is honesty. Tomorrow I start a new journal. I splurged for a bound one with magnetic closure that helps me remember this is a daily ongoing life plan. I have set 25# as the most to lose. The remaining time will be to keep steady.


Has anyone used the caloric computation scale? Several reviews say thy didn't work accurately.


Using my KIndle Fire to enter this. Very slow.


Thanks bunches for this forum. Blessings,



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Walk this morning went great - we did 5 miles - in about 90 mins... I'm doing my first 10K at the end of Oct and need to be able to finish it in 2 hours, 10K is 6.2 miles.. I should be ok. The weather was perfect - almost 50 degrees. I then went grocery shopping afterwards, claiming an upper body workout too - haa haa - all heavy veggies and fruit (yams, apples, grapefruit, onions) and a case of bottled water!! Felt great!


Gail - sorry to hear of your troubles with your knee - one thing - did you have the surgery yet or is it this May you are having it? Yes, I write everything down - actually online I enter it on Sparkpeople.com - entered my age, weight, how many pounds I wanted to loose a week (right now 2) - and they tell you how many calories, how many protiens, carbs, fat etc. The website is a little tricky but even to read the success stories is really a good motivator. Good luck!!!

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That is wonderful Kim..pulling for you every step of the way. You are on such a great path.


Hi Gail...good luck with your hip surgery. I am very glad to hear that your "diet" is going to be caloric intake instead of one of these other crazy diets people post. :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its been a couple of weeks, last weeks weigh in was as expected, stayed the same, which as I said, was expected. This week the scales show 1.5 lbs down. I'm only posting my numbers here as a reminder to myself that I am going in the right direction... that direction? STILL GOING


I seriously cannot believe I'm still doing this. Its a blast. My past experiences have all been for a few months, maybe 6 or 7, I've gone past a year and I'm still so active and "working it".


Gail - how are you doing? How are the knees?

Susie - ?? thank you so much for your encouragement!


I'm getting so excited for spring - IF it ever freaken gets here!!!! and am now looking at knitting patterns to make myself a lacy shawl to take on the cruise. Not sure if I'll need it, but figured it will be nice to have something around my shoulders.. besides my hubby's arm! LOL... :p

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Hi all! I am not cruising till march 2014 so I have a little longer to lose. My motto is "going on a brand new ship with a brand new me"! Kim, I love sparks people! Their recipes are the greatest. I use myfitnesspal app to log and also write it down. I watch calories and WW points. I also started a year ago but got off track so I only lost 18'pounds. Determined to do better this time. Good luck to all!


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Still watching you Kim and pulling for you. The shawl sounds great. YES....you will need it. The dining room and some of the shows can get quite chilly. What color are you knitting?


Congrats on your 1.5 weight loss....:o:o:o


Susie: I'm looking at multi-color wool so it can be mixed and matched... I made one for a friend (my walking buddy) with different "blues" in it. I may do the same for me.


My walking buddy and I walked our 4.2 miles this morning - felt great - a bit chilly - started at 22 degrees, warmed up to 32 in 90 mins., now I'm tired and have to clean my house! lol...


Cindy - welcome aboard (pun INTENDED!)... good luck to you with your eating plan - remember its about food and exercise and lifestyle... you can do it as well... heck, if I can anybody can!!!

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Happy Easter Cruisers... started my Sunday with my 4 mile walk.. feels great - actually 2 Sunday's in a row!!! Starting to feel like spring out there finally!!! We've seen the start of the daffodils for a couple of weeks now, but today they are showing "buds". Last year at this time they were almost 'finished"... looking forward to next Sunday hopefully will see them in bloom.


Lost another pound again this week.. moved my marble, added a paperclip...


Enjoying a nice visit with my step-daughter and two grandkids (ages 7 and 9). We don't get to see them very often, they live 7 hours away - but the kids are now on their spring break so they are here for a couple of days before they go to other relatives..


How are you all doing?

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Great going Kim! You are so wise to celebrate each and every effort and achievement. Haven't been keeping up with my intentions yet I'm not too discouraged. First I found out a medicine I've just stopped taking has a weight gain side effect. This may explain why the rapid increase even though I was watching pretty carefully. Second, the knee problem severely limits activity. However I will have time after surgery. So far it's set for May 23rd. I do check in to see if anything earlier is available.


My P.T. is ramping up but I'm out of commission the rest of the day. Results of cardiac tests may answer some fatigue questions. Is this an organ recital or what ! :)



Anyway one great success.....I managed to switch the Kindle keyboard back to English. Somehow it opened in Japanese! Ah so!


Today I decided not wait until I lost ten pounds, I got a very gentle perm and style. No longer look like Dagwood. New grey hair were sticking straight out from post chemo limp

pasta strands. Somehow one seems thinner when they smile back at the mirror.


My next "cruise project" is learning how to do eye makeup again.


I appreciate all the welcome comments. Many thanks. Blessings, Gail

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My goodness Gail... sounds like you have been thru the mill AND back!!!! Love your sense of humor!!! I've been very fortunate to not go thru chemo, I can only guess your sense of humor helped you thru it! Glad to meet you and your smiling hair!! lol


Good luck with the weight, the surgery etc.


Lots of prayers and happiness to you!



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Hey Kim, I'm doing a December cruise too! It'll be my first solo, so I really want to lose some weight to feel a bit more confident being by myself.:o


Well, I reached a milestone yesterday - I've lost 50 lbs so far... in one year.. slow and steady... eating correctly and exercising.
Congratulations! That's great!
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Hi Kim and a welcome note to Barlee! Believe it! One is a whole number (no matter what size) I can add this because I bet I am more than twice as old as you :).


My good news, all is OK on tests. Found out one of my meds is considered a "weight gain" pill. Doc had already decided to discontinue it and use new one. This may explain why trying seemed to get nowhere and in fact I was gaining. So far seem stabilized and perhaps a pound down. I need a new scale that records in tenths of pounds rather than half pound weights.


BTW surgery upped to April 30th. More recovery and better weight loss time. Yippee! ( a Texas expression of great joy).


Am back on my laptop, so this post is longer. Am diligently going to keep up the written food record. There are several on line programs I've heard about, but I like the journal....perhaps its just habit.


Kim, my sense of humor really kicks in when I can celebrate.....and you are a celebration!




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Hi Kim and a welcome note to Barlee! Believe it! One is a whole number (no matter what size) I can add this because I bet I am more than twice as old as you :).


My good news, all is OK on tests. Found out one of my meds is considered a "weight gain" pill. Doc had already decided to discontinue it and use new one. This may explain why trying seemed to get nowhere and in fact I was gaining. So far seem stabilized and perhaps a pound down. I need a new scale that records in tenths of pounds rather than half pound weights.


BTW surgery upped to April 30th. More recovery and better weight loss time. Yippee! ( a Texas expression of great joy).


Am back on my laptop, so this post is longer. Am diligently going to keep up the written food record. There are several on line programs I've heard about, but I like the journal....perhaps its just habit.


Kim, my sense of humor really kicks in when I can celebrate.....and you are a celebration!




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