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Are we being snobs?? :)


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I had never heard of MIO, but it sounds like a great idea. Do they make any without artificial sweeteners? Just can't get used to that after taste. I like water that is slightly flavored with a slice of lemon or lime. If I get iced tea, I ask them to give me half water and half tea. My husband says that my iced tea is just colored water. :-) Personally, I find absolutely nothing wrong with adding a few drops of flavoring to your water at dinner and I can't think of any reason why you would offer it to others at the table. Much healthier than drinking sodas.

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I don't think it's tacky at all. Tacky is going to a restaurant and ordering ice water, then asking for a bowl of lemon wedges to make your own lemonade--particularly when they have lemonade on the menu.


I see adding the Mio about the same as bringing your own sugar or salt substitute. If the cruise line offered Mio flavored water then it would be tacky. They don't, so it's not.


I don't think it would be tacky even then. What if they don't offer the flavors someone prefers or if someone wanted to use more or less flavor? Mio is added to water, it's not a packaged drink, so there is definitely personal preference in flavors and strength.


It would be no different from people who bring their preferred tea, soda, or water. It would be no different from people who, when allowed by the cruise line, bring their preferred wines. The cruise lines offer tea, soda, water, and wine. Yet, they don't necessarily carry the items that everyone wants or needs.


Adding flavor to water at any venue would be not tacky, IMO.



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I don't know why you would care. This does not seem very offensive to me.


Perhaps she was on a low calorie, low carb diet and that's what she could drink. Why would you expect her to "share" this? When someone orders a bottle of wine at dinner that they pay for, would you expect them to share it with everyone at the table?


I'm with you on this. I have to watch my sugar intake and so take diet flavored ice tea options with me.

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First of all, we are very thrifty (our kids say 'cheap'!:)), we do alot to save money to go on a cruise-- and to save money while we are on the cruise....but we have never seen this before: While eating in the MDR of a Princess ship, at the table near us-- the lady pulled from her purse MIO drops to flavor her water! It was bright red-- and she did not offer to any of the others sitting at their table. I just thought it was kind of tacky... to each their own, I guess... I can see at the buffet or in their room-- or in their own cups by the pool-- but to bring to dinner... even on formal night... the waitress, I believe from Slovenia or the Ukraine- asked her what it was-- as she had never seen anything like that... am I being a cruise snob? :)


I totally understand her doing this.


I can't drink coffee, tea, lemonade, ice tea etc. No caffeine, no high sugar. I don't mind plain ice water, but some people can't tolerate it. Adding a bit of flavor using Propel or Mio is a great way to have something to drink with a meal. I don't see it as tacky at all nor do I see a reason for her to offer to share. We always bring powdered Propel with us, but I use it in our cabin. It's hard to be on a ship and have nothing that I can drink, so I come prepared. Maybe this person was doing the same.

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I had never heard of MIO, but it sounds like a great idea. Do they make any without artificial sweeteners? Just can't get used to that after taste. I like water that is slightly flavored with a slice of lemon or lime. If I get iced tea, I ask them to give me half water and half tea. My husband says that my iced tea is just colored water. :-) Personally, I find absolutely nothing wrong with adding a few drops of flavoring to your water at dinner and I can't think of any reason why you would offer it to others at the table. Much healthier than drinking sodas.


I think they are all artificial sweeteners. Here's their website:




Update: From their FAQ page: MiO is sweetened with acesulfame potassium and sucralose, a calorie-free, artificial sweetener that is 600 times sweeter than sugar.

Edited by MilliesMom
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This is not strange to me. Not one bit. :confused:


Did you stop to think that maybe she LIKES Mio?


Like someone else said, it's no difference than adding a slice of lemon to her water, except for the fact that she supplied the mio herself.

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Wow! Hadn't checked back in several days.... Thought this one had died! As someone mentioned... I guess you had to be there.:) we wouldn't have noticed it or cared if she wasn't so loud and proud about it-- and saying the drinks just cost too much etc. I use the water bottle packet things too-- but I would not bring them to a formal dinner. In the buffet etc--- fine.... I would certainly understand if there was a diabetic issue--- however, in the loud conversation that was never heard.:) As I said to each their own! Was not that big of deal.... Just had never seen it before... I guess I should have asked, "Has anyone else seen this before?". We have been on various cruise lines... And generally Princess is as bit more formal at dinner... And it surprised us... Along with the "announcement" she made each night that she brought them, as she wasn't going to spend so much on drinks....that is all! Thanks! Happy cruising!

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Very weird thread. Why is it snobby to have concern about MIO? How can MIO in any way be weird or inferior? To be concerned about being concerned about it is weird. Sorry OP, but I truly think you'd be happier w/ a more live and let live attitude.


Truly successful people should take things in stride and with charity. To be a snob is either to aspire to things one doesn't have, but one thinks one has. Or to have them and to be mean. I think the OP may likely be neither, but just posted an open, revealing, odd concern.


Here is from wikipedia: "A snob believes that some people are inherently inferior to him or her for any one of a variety of reasons, including real or supposed intellect, wealth, education, ancestry, class, taste, beauty, nationality, et cetera. Often the form of snobbery reflects the snob's personal attributes. For example, a common snobbery of the affluent is the belief that wealth is either the cause or result of superiority, or both."


Thus my belief that snobbery is to be mean, which I don't think the OP is. But to think MIO is tacky is just odd. Smoking where one shouldn't smoke is a real concern, texting while driving, etc. MIO?? I'm about to laugh an insane laugh that I even responded. Well, humans are a varied lot. Cheers to that.

Edited by Burpelson
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Wow! Hadn't checked back in several days.... Thought this one had died! As someone mentioned... I guess you had to be there.:) we wouldn't have noticed it or cared if she wasn't so loud and proud about it-- and saying the drinks just cost too much etc. I use the water bottle packet things too-- but I would not bring them to a formal dinner. In the buffet etc--- fine.... I would certainly understand if there was a diabetic issue--- however, in the loud conversation that was never heard.:) As I said to each their own! Was not that big of deal.... Just had never seen it before... I guess I should have asked, "Has anyone else seen this before?". We have been on various cruise lines... And generally Princess is as bit more formal at dinner... And it surprised us... Along with the "announcement" she made each night that she brought them, as she wasn't going to spend so much on drinks....that is all! Thanks! Happy cruising!


Again, I (and probably most here) still see you complaining that she "dared' to bring an additive to the dining table. Does it matter that she wasn't buying a drink? I didn't buy any drinks on the ship (between the Captain's Circle voucher, the wine we brought on board, the Mountain Dew we brought on board, bottles of wine and champagne that we were given...), but some others might or might not. Not my business. And whether someone brings MIO or Crystal Light to a MDR table, that's not my business, either. Good for them wanting to drink more water. I'm the same way, preferring flavoring in my water. I think you were focused in on her, so of course, you noticed her more.

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I think they are all artificial sweeteners.

Update: From their FAQ page: MiO is sweetened with acesulfame potassium and sucralose, a calorie-free, artificial sweetener that is 600 times sweeter than sugar.


Thanks Mary. That's too bad. Sounds like a really great way to flavor your water. Guess I'll just have to stick to lemons or a shot of iced tea.

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Wow! Hadn't checked back in several days.... Thought this one had died! As someone mentioned... I guess you had to be there.:) we wouldn't have noticed it or cared if she wasn't so loud and proud about it-- and saying the drinks just cost too much etc. I use the water bottle packet things too-- but I would not bring them to a formal dinner. In the buffet etc--- fine.... I would certainly understand if there was a diabetic issue--- however, in the loud conversation that was never heard.:) As I said to each their own! Was not that big of deal.... Just had never seen it before... I guess I should have asked, "Has anyone else seen this before?". We have been on various cruise lines... And generally Princess is as bit more formal at dinner... And it surprised us... Along with the "announcement" she made each night that she brought them, as she wasn't going to spend so much on drinks....that is all! Thanks! Happy cruising!

Iif you had to be there, I still don't understand why you would even care. Also, if it was not that big of a deal, why come here and post about it?Even asking, "has anyone seen this before?", IMO is strange. So what?


If she was announcing it in a loud voice, she was being a bore and just needed to be ignored.;)

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Thanks Mary. That's too bad. Sounds like a really great way to flavor your water. Guess I'll just have to stick to lemons or a shot of iced tea.


You are very welcome. I have food allergies, so always check ingredients. Is there any other "flavoring you can use" that would be easy to bring on board the ship? I like the sugar-free Torani and DaVinci Syrups, but again they have Sucralose in them. They come in different size bottles too and have a long shelf life even after open.


You might really like the true lemon or true lime. http://www.truelemon.com/

I just checked, the have NUMEROUS Flavors available. 100% Natural. I have tried the lemon and it is good. It is a powder that you dissolve in water. Hope this helps.


Update: The true lemon products such as Raspberry Lemonade contain Stevia (a natural sweetener). Lemon and Lime are 100% natural with no sweetener added. Their site tells locations to buy including where to find within that particular store (tells aisle etc) and which products they carry.

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I second True Lemon as a good choice. Both the Original Lemonade and Raspberry Lemonade have stevia, but it is a natural sweetener. Some people do not care for it and, I'm sure, some people can't tolerate it, but I've gotten quite used to it and the nice tartness of the lemon (oils and dehydrated juice) balances it nicely. It's pretty darn yummy and super easy to take traveling.



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Have been reading this thread just because it amazes me what will launch folks into "conversation" :D

Now am very glad to have kept reading and found out about truelemon! Began drinking a lot of Crystal Light lemonade after kidney stones and not too sure I should drink so much, considering all the stuff in it. Now can try something new and, hopefully, purer!

CC offers something for everyone!

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My urologist suggested that I drink a lot of lemonade to stave off more kidney stones, but I don't like sugary drinks or artificial flavors, so I use a lot of lemon juice in water. Haven't had one in seven years so maybe it's working. I prefer squeezing fresh lemons, but not always convenient. I like the Sicilia brand of lemon juice, but it does have to be refrigerated once it's open. The RealLemon brand just tastes "skunky" to me.

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You might really like the true lemon or true lime. http://www.truelemon.com/

I just checked, the have NUMEROUS Flavors available. 100% Natural. I have tried the lemon and it is good. It is a powder that you dissolve in water. Hope this helps.


Update: The true lemon products such as Raspberry Lemonade contain Stevia (a natural sweetener). Lemon and Lime are 100% natural with no sweetener added. Their site tells locations to buy including where to find within that particular store (tells aisle etc) and which products they carry.


Great info, thanks so much! I will give it a try. My husband tells me that it is my imagination, but I don't like the aftertasts of ANY artificial sweetener. I will try to get the Lemon and Lime with no sweetener added. I'm glad I slogged through all these posts to get this information. CC members are the best! :)

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I second True Lemon as a good choice. Both the Original Lemonade and Raspberry Lemonade have stevia, but it is a natural sweetener. Some people do not care for it and, I'm sure, some people can't tolerate it, but I've gotten quite used to it and the nice tartness of the lemon (oils and dehydrated juice) balances it nicely. It's pretty darn yummy and super easy to take traveling.




Often the sweetner is not just made of stevia-but has sugar alcohols that are added with it. It is more the sugar alcohols like isotol/maltitol and very little stevia, (stevia alone has an aftertaste) which many cannot tolerate. I cannot tolerate sugar alcohols-they turn me into "f*rtzilla." So like "Tru" brand which is stevia and sugar alcohol, that I cannot use. At least I can't and socalize with others anyway.


I do not like nutrasweet-too many bad side effects. I will use Splenda but I use it sparingly. It is a sugar alcohol also-but my system tolerates it-not sure why I can use splenda but not other sugar alcohols. I do use stevia some too-the one that is pure stevia that is-it does have an aftertaste, but nothing like "sweet and low". As far as taste-splenda tastes the most like sugar, but who knows what it does to your system. I use it some because sugar is a bigger "evil" for me.


However adding a bit of lemon juice to water is great-and it does not have to be sweetened-so the healthiest! I do that alot.

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Great info, thanks so much! I will give it a try. My husband tells me that it is my imagination, but I don't like the aftertasts of ANY artificial sweetener. I will try to get the Lemon and Lime with no sweetener added. I'm glad I slogged through all these posts to get this information. CC members are the best! :)


I use Splenda often especially with baking. It does have a different taste on fresh berries, but we don't mind it. Haven't noticed the same taste when used in baking. I make banana bread, cherry pies etc. Hubby is happy and likes them.


Often the sweetner is not just made of stevia-but has sugar alcohols that are added with it. It is more the sugar alcohols like isotol/maltitol and very little stevia, (stevia alone has an aftertaste) which many cannot tolerate. I cannot tolerate sugar alcohols-they turn me into "f*rtzilla." So like "Tru" brand which is stevia and sugar alcohol, that I cannot use. At least I can't and socalize with others anyway.


I do not like nutrasweet-too many bad side effects. I will use Splenda but I use it sparingly. It is a sugar alcohol also-but my system tolerates it-not sure why I can use splenda but not other sugar alcohols. I do use stevia some too-the one that is pure stevia that is-it does have an aftertaste, but nothing like "sweet and low". As far as taste-splenda tastes the most like sugar, but who knows what it does to your system. I use it some because sugar is a bigger "evil" for me.


However adding a bit of lemon juice to water is great-and it does not have to be sweetened-so the healthiest! I do that alot.


I have an intolerance to Sugar Alcohols too. Splenda is NOT a sugar alcohol tho. It is often paired with sugar alcohols tho which can cause so dire side effects. I remember going into Cold Stone Ice Cream and asking about their new Splenda ice cream. I told them I was allergic to sugar alcohols and was assured it only had Splenda. I just had this gut feeling (no pun intended) that the clerk was uninformed. I contacted corp. and sure enough it did use Splenda but also sugar alcohols. I'm so glad I didn't try it. A lot of low carb foods have sugar alcohols too.


We have become avid label readers. It is amazing that even medicines can contain sugar alcohols. We even found it in imitation crab.


Here's more about it from the Splenda site: (read the question about stomach problems)


No. SPLENDA® Brand Sweetener has no known side effects, including any stomach issues.1,8-10

However, some lower-calorie foods, such as sugar-free ice cream, contain sugar alcohols in addition to SPLENDA® Brand Sweetener. Sugar alcohols (such as mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol, lactitol, and maltitol) are sometimes a cause of bloating and diarrhea if too much is eaten. You should check the ingredient listing on the labels of the foods you eat if you get an upset stomach after eating. If your stomach gets upset after consuming a lower-calorie food that contains SPLENDA® Brand Sweetener, it is important to note what other ingredients the product contains.

Edited by MilliesMom
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Have been reading this thread just because it amazes me what will launch folks into "conversation" :D

Now am very glad to have kept reading and found out about truelemon! Began drinking a lot of Crystal Light lemonade after kidney stones and not too sure I should drink so much, considering all the stuff in it. Now can try something new and, hopefully, purer!

CC offers something for everyone!


I cannot stand the taste of aspartame, but of more concern is that my body can't stand it either. Splenda is not as bad, but I still don't like it much and I really don't like how it's made. Of course, much of it is personal taste. My beverage of choice is sparkling water (love, love, love our Soda Stream and RO water) and most often these days use either the Soda Stream pure flavorings (no sweetener of any kind, just oils and extracts) or a splash of pure juice such as black cherry or a squeeze of lemon or lime. More and more I'm finding that it's better to just have regular cane sugar in small quantities, so I have been using raw Maui sugar for my coffee and agave syrup for my tea. I have been using True lemonades for quick beverages when traveling or on the go if I don't want plain water.


Often the sweetner is not just made of stevia-but has sugar alcohols that are added with it. It is more the sugar alcohols like isotol/maltitol and very little stevia, (stevia alone has an aftertaste) which many cannot tolerate. I cannot tolerate sugar alcohols-they turn me into "f*rtzilla." So like "Tru" brand which is stevia and sugar alcohol, that I cannot use. At least I can't and socalize with others anyway.


I do not like nutrasweet-too many bad side effects. I will use Splenda but I use it sparingly. It is a sugar alcohol also-but my system tolerates it-not sure why I can use splenda but not other sugar alcohols. I do use stevia some too-the one that is pure stevia that is-it does have an aftertaste, but nothing like "sweet and low". As far as taste-splenda tastes the most like sugar, but who knows what it does to your system. I use it some because sugar is a bigger "evil" for me.


However adding a bit of lemon juice to water is great-and it does not have to be sweetened-so the healthiest! I do that alot.


Funny, isn't it how picky our bodies are and how different? My body cannot tolerate aspartame, especially coupled with caffeine, but is okay with Splenda, which I don't care for all that much. I think you're right that sometimes we have to go with whatever is "less bad" for us. I guess one good thing for me is that I've been off diet colas for quite a while now, so I'm not getting the phosphoric acid that can leach calcium from the bones. At my middle age, I need all the calcium my bones with absorb.


I just checked the True site and discovered that they've changed the lemonade formulas!:( I have a bunch I bought on sale a while back before the change. The ones I have contain stevia and evaporated cane juice for sweeteners, but no sugar alcohols, no refined sugar, and no color added. I do not like this new formula, so I'll probably be off True once I've finished what I have at home. Bummer. Also, I noticed that the plain True lemon now have cane juice, so they are no longer truly sugar free.


I am becoming a big fan of lightly juiced club soda as a good alternative for my body. Have you tried agave syrup? It dissolves easily and just a bit adds plenty of sweetness for my taste. I can have regular sugar as long as I pay attention to how much and how I combine it, so I do make old fashioned lemonade from fresh lemons and cane sugar sometimes. OTOH, we like our lemonade on the tart side, so it's not that much sugar per glass.



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I cannot stand the taste of aspartame, but of more concern is that my body can't stand it either. Splenda is not as bad, but I still don't like it much and I really don't like how it's made. Of course, much of it is personal taste. My beverage of choice is sparkling water (love, love, love our Soda Stream and RO water) and most often these days use either the Soda Stream pure flavorings (no sweetener of any kind, just oils and extracts) or a splash of pure juice such as black cherry or a squeeze of lemon or lime. More and more I'm finding that it's better to just have regular cane sugar in small quantities, so I have been using raw Maui sugar for my coffee and agave syrup for my tea. I have been using True lemonades for quick beverages when traveling or on the go if I don't want plain water.




Funny, isn't it how picky our bodies are and how different? My body cannot tolerate aspartame, especially coupled with caffeine, but is okay with Splenda, which I don't care for all that much. I think you're right that sometimes we have to go with whatever is "less bad" for us. I guess one good thing for me is that I've been off diet colas for quite a while now, so I'm not getting the phosphoric acid that can leach calcium from the bones. At my middle age, I need all the calcium my bones with absorb.


I just checked the True site and discovered that they've changed the lemonade formulas!:( I have a bunch I bought on sale a while back before the change. The ones I have contain stevia and evaporated cane juice for sweeteners, but no sugar alcohols, no refined sugar, and no color added. I do not like this new formula, so I'll probably be off True once I've finished what I have at home. Bummer. Also, I noticed that the plain True lemon now have cane juice, so they are no longer truly sugar free.


I am becoming a big fan of lightly juiced club soda as a good alternative for my body. Have you tried agave syrup? It dissolves easily and just a bit adds plenty of sweetness for my taste. I can have regular sugar as long as I pay attention to how much and how I combine it, so I do make old fashioned lemonade from fresh lemons and cane sugar sometimes. OTOH, we like our lemonade on the tart side, so it's not that much sugar per glass.



I rarely drink carbonated drinks-the exception would be a rum and diet coke on a cruise. I will allow myself 3 max on a 7 day cruise.


When it comes to "sugar free ice cream" I am yet to find one that does not have sugar alcohol along with a tiny bit of splenda. (sugar alcohol is always listed way before splenda if you read ingredients)


However I will buy plain vanilla-a serving is 15- 17 grams of carbohydrates (depending on brand)-if you look at the no sugar added ice creams you are still getting 10 or 11 grams of carobhydrates as milk has sugar in it naturally.


It is not worth it ot me to turn into "f#rtzilla" just to save under 10 grams of carbohydrates. Many diabetics do not realize but 17 grams is equal to a slice of bread-so as long as you just eat ONE serving-you are not hurting yourself.



When on cruises I do allow myself some desserts-after all they are small portions in the main diningroom (specialty resaurants gives larger portions so a no-no for me)-I will take a 15 minute walk around ship after meals and my blood sugar stays great on cruises by doing that.

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I rarely drink carbonated drinks-the exception would be a rum and diet coke on a cruise. I will allow myself 3 max on a 7 day cruise.


When it comes to "sugar free ice cream" I am yet to find one that does not have sugar alcohol along with a tiny bit of splenda. (sugar alcohol is always listed way before splenda if you read ingredients)


However I will buy plain vanilla-a serving is 15- 17 grams of carbohydrates (depending on brand)-if you look at the no sugar added ice creams you are still getting 10 or 11 grams of carobhydrates as milk has sugar in it naturally.


It is not worth it ot me to turn into "f#rtzilla" just to save under 10 grams of carbohydrates. Many diabetics do not realize but 17 grams is equal to a slice of bread-so as long as you just eat ONE serving-you are not hurting yourself.



When on cruises I do allow myself some desserts-after all they are small portions in the main diningroom (specialty resaurants gives larger portions so a no-no for me)-I will take a 15 minute walk around ship after meals and my blood sugar stays great on cruises by doing that.

To control my blood sugar on a cruise for dinner I only eat 1 roll, an appetizer, 1/2 of my entree and 1/2 of my desert. DS always helps me out by finishing my other 1/2's ;). That is usually just the perfect amount of food for me anyway and I leave feeling just right and not over stuffed. Breakfast and lunch are typically smaller meals for me during the day and I rarely snack unless I feel I need something. That along with the extra walking and stairs that are not part of my daily routine at home, I often find myself losing a couple of pounds on our cruises.

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To control my blood sugar on a cruise for dinner I only eat 1 roll, an appetizer, 1/2 of my entree and 1/2 of my desert. DS always helps me out by finishing my other 1/2's ;). That is usually just the perfect amount of food for me anyway and I leave feeling just right and not over stuffed. Breakfast and lunch are typically smaller meals for me during the day and I rarely snack unless I feel I need something. That along with the extra walking and stairs that are not part of my daily routine at home, I often find myself losing a couple of pounds on our cruises.


I never lose weight but I do not gain weight either. I also take the stairs except if I am going more than 3 flights up

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