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Allure of the Seas - Feb 17: Review with some pics

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Great Review & Pictures !!


We are cruising on Allure in May and now considering Lago Mar over the Hyatt. How far was your cab ride from airport and/or port ?


Thank You !!


We really liked the Lago Mar, but it wasn't within walking distance to any restaurants or stores. You could walk the beach which I think outweighs the other. It was less than a 5 minute ride to the pier, and about a 15 minute ride (at most from the airport)...we were too tired to remember this. But it was close. If you stay longer than a day or two, you should rent a car. We were there 3 nights (2 full days) and we were ok with taxis, but it would have been nice to have a car. Loved seeing the ships leave port on Saturday!

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Thanks for posting such a great review! I love hearing reviews from a family perspective. I feel like I know everyone in your family by now! I had to laugh at your situation in the Windjammer not finding each other and losing your table. We've had that happen before to us and it's so irritating. It's funny because there are always so many eyes watching you that you can't really say (yell) what's truly on your mind, lol. We will be on the Allure next month and can hardly wait. I look forward to following your review until the end. Thanks for taking the time to include so many details and pictures.

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Loving your review and photos! Your view from Lago Mar was beautiful; I'll put that place on my wish list.


My husband was laid off right before our Oasis cruise a year ago. Since it was already paid for, we decided to go anyway. He was still our of work in September and decided that he really wanted to get away. What could I find for $2k. I found a 10-day Explorer cruise in December out of NJ, an easy drive for us. He was finally offered a full-time position (he had been temping beginning in October) and started in Feb. He's 62, too, and it gets really hard at that age to find something new.


No next cruise planned yet, and we're both suffering from no-cruise-depression. So you're review and pics of our favorite ship, Allure, is just what we need!!


Looking forward to more!

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Thursday - St. Martin


We decided to sleep a little late today since we didn't have any excursions planned. We were going to take a taxi to Orient Beach. We were in the Windjammer by 9am. While we finished breakfast, DH went to grab some towels. Then we decided to go back to the room to get a few things we forgot. We finally got off the ship and it was beautiful outside (of course I knew that since I spent quite a bit of time on the balcony waiting for the others to get ready). It's a long walk down the pier and to the taxi stand, but we enjoyed the walk on this beautiful sunny day. I was leading the way to the taxi stand (as the proud expert!) and DS said "Hey mom...the taxis are this way". But I was the expert since I was there just 3 weeks ago so I knew I was right. Well, I wasn't. DS was looking at the signs and I using my bad memory. But actually, it did look like they were doing some construction all over the place near the taxi stands. Perhaps, they moved them since I was here a few weeks ago :-)


Last time I was here, the taxi stand was a crazy mob of people. This time there were about 15 of us there. Clear sign that we were running later than last time. But it was a relaxing beach day so no worries. We got in the taxi with another family and we were off. This was the first time that my kids had been on a caribbean island (well, except for the bahamas) and they were very interested to see the homes. They thought it was funny that most homes had a few old, beat-up, junk cars in the yards. Nassau wasn't hilly like St. Maarten is, so they got a kick out of the hills we needed to go, and then back down right away. Soon we were at the beach. A guy (from one of the beach places) came right up to us and the other family as we got out of the taxi. He said "I've got some nice chairs and an umbrella for you". The other family took them up on it. He also said "You need to book your taxi home now cause there won't be any taxis later". They also reserved their taxi home. My family looked at me like I was crazy when they said "Mom, we need a taxi and we should go with the beach guy". Nope, they soon saw that when we got on the beach, there were tons of places that all kept begging you to rent their chairs. Last time I was here, we spent the day at Orange Fever. I really liked it and I thought we'd go there again. But we were later in the day today so all the front row loungers were taken. We decided to walk around and see what we liked. Last time we'd noticed that the loungers at the Kon Tiki had lots of space between them (not scrunched one next to another) and they also only had one row of loungers. So we went there and got 4 loungers and 2 umbrellas.




DS read his Harry Potter book and DH read some murder book. Both of them were almost done by now. DD put on her ipod headphones and I people watched. The guy came out and gave us menus and we ordered drinks (pina coladas, strawberry daquaris, and beer..good stuff!). DD and I went for a walk pretty far down to the left (when facing the water). Then we all decided it was time to get in that beautiful water. The waves were quite powerful. I let them go in the water first so I could take a picture. But when I got my camera I yelled to them to turn around and I saw confusion and DD was yelling at me. It seems she had worn her sunglasses (on top of her head) in the water and a wave came by and knocked them off her head. They were gone! She was soooo unhappy.


We all looked in the water for about 15 minutes and then we knew they were gone for good. I gave her my sunglasses for the rest of the day and told her we'd buy some more.


One of the annoying parts of Orient Beach are the vendors that keep hounding you. I told the kids to pretend they were asleep when they saw them coming. Once a lady came by with bracelets and asked DH if he wanted one. Instead of saying the usual "no", he said "maybe she'd like one" and pointed to my DD. Great! Now the lady was putting bracelets on my DD's wrist and ankles. Finally, DD said "no thank you" and she moved along. A sunglasses vendor came by and we did ask him if we could look (due to the wave/sunglasses fiasco). He had nothing that she liked so he politely moved on.


It was definately time to order lunch. The server guys didn't really come out much since they were waiting on people inside their restaurant area. We had to go get one to come out. We ordered the usual stuff for my family (Chicken Fingers for DS, pizza/salad for DD and a sandwich for DH). I had to find out what was gluten-free - I saw a roasted chicken with rice on the menu and he checked with the kitchen and it was gluten-free so I ordered that. It didn't take long to get lunch and we were famished. As soon as I started eating, a cute little dog came by to share my chicken. DS was scolding me again for feeding the dog, but he petted the dog and played with him the whole time. I think he liked this dog better.



While we were eating lunch a pretty blonde girl (in her early 20's) got a lounge chair near us. She moved her chair so it faced the sun and us. Then I saw her take her top off. She sat facing us about 10 feet away a little to the right. This was a little to close to me to feel comfortable, but I just didn't look in that direction much for the rest of the afternoon. Lucky DH! But I was a little worried about my 13-year old. I didn't mention it to him until later, but he told me that he didn't even notice her. Yeah, right!


We went back in the water (leaving all the sunglasses behind). The water was beautiful. I started walking out to the kids ...I'm always last. Then a wave came by and I knew I could handle it, but all of a sudden it hit me hard and I was knocked off my feet totally under the water. I came back up with a smile on my face and saw that my whole family was laughing...at my expense! Glad that I can entertain them. They always seem to be happiest when they are laughing about me. I stayed in for a while but since I was totally refreshed now by the big wave, I went back to the chair and watched them body surf for about 30 minutes.



The waves knocked down both my kids a few times too:





We went for another walk (this time with DS and DH) all the way down the beach...well, as far as Waikiki Beach. We wanted to go further, but DS got cranky so we headed back to our chairs.



After sitting in our loungers for a little longer and another swim by DH, we decided to pack it up. The beach was getting empty...most cruisers had started heading back to their ships. It was about 3:30 now and time to find a taxi. We headed back where we came from (right behind Orange Fever) and as we were walking by Orange Fever a taxi guy came running toward us, yelling "Do you need a taxi"? I asked how much and he responded $6 a person. We agreed and went in his taxi. He left us looking for more people to take, which upset my kids since they were hot and tired.


I told them that he will look for a few minutes and then take us if he can't find anyone. Soon another family of 3 joined us and we were on our way to the Allure. The family was very friendy and chatted with us the entire way back. The family was from New York, also on the Allure and headed to see the oceanaria at 4:30 since it was postponed to that time for them.


When we got back to the ship, I asked if anyone wanted to go with me to see oceanaria on the secret balcony. DS, my buddy, said he would. We wanted to see if they would dive from the high perches, while we were still docked (no rocking when you're docked!). I didn't remember my cruisecritic info very well. What floor were these balconies on? I've never actually gone to them, but only read about them. I thought we'd try floor 11. We went all the way to the aft and my DS was concerned that I didn't know what the heck I was doing. Found it! There were about 3 people already on the balcony, watching the show. I found this perspective very different than sitting in the regular aquatheatre seats. I would not want this view to be my only viewing of the show. I much preferred the aquatheatre seats since the performers were closer and you could see them better, and it was easier to focus on the performance too. But for the second viewing, I found this really cool. I loved seeing the scuba divers under the water and watching the divers from more of an eye-level (before the dove). It was also cool to see the lead-person (trampoline expert/comedy-guy) hanging around above, near one of the lower diving platforms. He had a long wait until he needed to perform again, and he sat on the ground, behind a large pole, chatting with a diver. Then they both got up and looked out to shore as we were pulling away from St. Maarten. They seemed to really like the beautiful view. We did find out that the divers did not jump off the high perch on this show either so it didn't have anything to do with the motion of the ship. This show did not contain dives from the highest platforms.


It was now about 5:15 and we needed to get ready for dinner. The kids were acting silly at dinner tonight so it was a fun evening. Our server, Dwight, was working hard since our assistant server was absolutely no where to be found. I ordered scallops for an appetizer and when they came out, DH noticed that they looked like they might have a crumb topping on them. Dwight agreed and he brought them back to the kitchen so they could re-make them for me. We were glad that no one dressed as casually as they did the first night. There must have been a lot of people that got their luggage late on that first day. A server from another table was spending a lot of time making a very intricate towel (napkin) animal. We all watched and when he was done, he showed it to the teenage girl at the table. All a sudden the animal jumped from where he was holding it toward the girl. It startled her and all of us so we were all laughing. This server (who wasn't ours) came over to our table and held the towel animal so DD could see...touching her arm. Then it jumped again...I think he also made a noise when he made it jump. It was really funny! So many of the servers looked like they were doing a terrific job on the Allure. We always try and talk to our servers and it always makes me sad to hear how they leave their families back home and only see them a few weeks a year.


Back to the room to change for the ice show.


I totally forgot to mention that on the rainy sea day, DS and I decided to go to the "How to train your Dragon" ice show. There were no reservations and it was during the day. There were only a handful of people in Studio B for this show. It was cute, especially for the really little ones. DD and I found it mildly entertaining. I think I liked it more than him, but I also nodded off once or twice during the show. I think it was because DD was out until 1am the night before and I was so worried about her.


Back to tonight's ice show.... Ice Games...

It was loosely based on the board game Monopoly. We got there early (of course) and we got front row, close to the middle seats. I love watching the skaters. The girl with the hula-hoops was the best part of the show. But all the skaters were great (especially for skating on a rocking rink). During one number, two skaters were skating together and then the guy skated right over to me and touched his cheek and made a kissy-mouth face. I was horrified. Did this performer want me to kiss him on the cheek? I just sat there. Then he pointed to his cheek again and puckered up again. OK. I guess I'll do my part so I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. He ran off and then his partner started fighting with him. Oh, I get it...they needed something to spark the fight. We all really liked the show and I thought it was interesting that DH loved it...and he really never watches ice skating on tv.


After the show, DS was tired and DH thought he take him back to the room. DD and I decided to walk around. After a few minutes, DD said she was going to head up to the teen club, but didn't expect that she would stay. I told her that I was going to try and catch the end of Moziac in the Amber theatre since I missed the last song the other night (running to oceanaria). I told her if she can't find anyone to hang out with to meet me in the back at the Amber Theatre.


So she went one way and I went the other. I was hoping that I wouldn't be sorry that I let her run off by herself. I went to the Amber Theatre and Moziac was only about 2 songs in (singing 'Take 5'). I stood in the back and kept looking for DD. I finally realized that I was standing in the balcony (5th floor) and she would have gone to the 4th floor. I got nervous that she might not have found friends and then didn't find me in the Amber Theatre and was back in the cabin, sad again. I left Moziac and went to the cabin. I found DS sound asleep and DD and DH no where in sight. Well, that's good for DD but not sure where DH was. I stayed for a little bit and then went back to see the end of Moziac. I was glad that I went back cause I got to hear 'Bohemian Rhapsody'. I love that song and they did a great job. After Mozaic was done, I went back to the cabin. I found out that DH went to get sparkling water from the soda machine. He heard Mozaic and went in. He was standing in the back on the left and standing in the back on the right. I stayed for a little while and then decided to head out to the casino. I asked DH if he wanted to roam and I would stay with DS, but he was fine watching a little TV. Before I left I looked out the window and saw 2 cruise ships which looked gorgeous, all lit up at night.


I went took the glass elevator to the casino, hoping to see DD walking around, but I didn't see her. I went over to my lucky slot machine (where I won $137 on the 2nd night) and there was a lady camped out on the machine. I went to the bar, got a soda and came back but she was still there. I went to another machine and lost $5 rather quickly so I knew I needed my lucky machine. So I left the casino.


I headed to the Schooner bar and the piano bar was hopping. There were people sitting at the piano bar, singing along and totally drunk. There were having a great time. I sat down on one of the comfy chairs with my soda and listened to a few Billy Joel songs.


It was getting late and I knew that the Quest was tonight so I headed to Studio B to check it out. On the Oasis (3 weeks ago), my brother, sisters and I did the Quest. My younger sister was the girl team leader and my brother and I were always running out on the floor to do tasks. My brother ended up (after much coaxing) taking off his pants at one point. I wore his shirt once and we squeezed 21 people on a tiny towel. It was a blast! And we finished in 3rd place so my sister got a medal and a nice RCCL money pouch, which she gave to me for this trip and I used it all the time for

money and sea passes.


So tonight, I wanted to check out the Quest on the Allure. It had already started so I stood in back. I noticed that the floor was much more crowded. Last time we had 8 teams. Tonight there were 11 teams. I watched a few 'scavenger hunts' and everyone was having a great time. I decided to leave and head back to the casino to see if my favorite machine was available now. It was still taken by the same lady; she must have been having good luck. Her husband was sitting beside her encouraging her on.


It was after midnight so I went back to the cabin and waited for DD. I noticed that they had oceanaria running 24/7 on tv. Ken Rush started the show by saying that since all of the oceanarias were postponed earlier in the week, they wanted to show it on tv (in case some people couldn't go to the postponed show). It was a previous cast (not the one that we saw, but one that was a few months ago). I saw pleasantly surprised to see that this previous cast DID jump from high perches! Not sure why the new cast couldn't do it, but now I knew. I remember when watching it tonight and a few days ago that there was this pause in the show, near the end. I mentioned to DS that perhaps that is where the high dive goes. And when I saw it on tv, I was right.


DD rolled in around 2:05am. I guess she had a good time. Now, I can go to sleep...gotta get up early for those beach chairs.

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Heres something to talk to the kids about...you mentioned they noticed "junk cars" in peoples yards. This is a teachable moment. Those people are on an island, it's extremely expensive to get things onto the island, especially large things with motors (like cars) Its also extremely expensive to dispose of things on an island, especially hazardous stuff with motors. SO people who live on islands frequently keep their old cars because a) they can't afford to pay for salvage or junkyard off island and b) since new parts are expensive they do their own salvage for parts from the cars they have on their property. And not just for another car but for all sorts of things (a part to fix the washing machine, sheet metal to repair the wall etc)! It's pretty amazing if you think about it!:D


I thought the curfew was 1 AM. Did your daughter have trouble with security being out past the curfew? Or was she in the teen center or a friends cabin? My kids are stuck coming in early because I won't stay up that late;)

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Heres something to talk to the kids about...you mentioned they noticed "junk cars" in peoples yards. This is a teachable moment. Those people are on an island, it's extremely expensive to get things onto the island, especially large things with motors (like cars) Its also extremely expensive to dispose of things on an island, especially hazardous stuff with motors. SO people who live on islands frequently keep their old cars because a) they can't afford to pay for salvage or junkyard off island and b) since new parts are expensive they do their own salvage for parts from the cars they have on their property. And not just for another car but for all sorts of things (a part to fix the washing machine, sheet metal to repair the wall etc)! It's pretty amazing if you think about it!:D


I thought the curfew was 1 AM. Did your daughter have trouble with security being out past the curfew? Or was she in the teen center or a friends cabin? My kids are stuck coming in early because I won't stay up that late;)



Yes, this is a teachable moment...for me! I was wondering (not just the kids) why there were so many junk cars around. I hadn't thought of the expense of getting rid of them. I will pass this info to the kids. I know they will be interested. Thanks!



As far as the curfew....it could have been 1am. I know that there were some teen activities that went later than 1am so they were allowed out if they were in a late-night teen activity. When she was out until 2am, she was at the teen club until 1am and then went to two sisters' cabin with a group of kids. I told her she needed to stay with the group and then make sure she came straight back to the cabin. I met the girls she hung out with the next day and they seemed very, very nice. So I was a little relieved. Of course, I haven't posted Day 6 yet. And you will see there that I did go into panic-mode when she stays out even later. I think I got about 50 grey hairs the next night :(

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Thank you for taking the time to do the review. We are leaving in two weeks for the Allure !

Which one was your lucky machine in the casino?? I might visit it :)



Lucky slot machine-> It was in the aisle which had the line to the cashier. It was on the aft-side of the cashier-aisle...and the one closest to the blackjack area. You could bet 1 cent up to perhaps 25 cents. I always bet 2 cents. I really love the slot machines where you can bet only a few pennies and enjoy yourself for a long time and not lose too much money.


Good Luck!

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Hi Everyone,

I have been watching these boards for year but have never posted...but now we are booked on the Allure 05/26/2013 and I have lots of questions. ;) First off...traveling with a 17 year old and a 14 year old (both girls)...what do kids this age wear to their "nightclub" each evening?

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Hi Everyone,

I have been watching these boards for year but have never posted...but now we are booked on the Allure 05/26/2013 and I have lots of questions. ;) First off...traveling with a 17 year old and a 14 year old (both girls)...what do kids this age wear to their "nightclub" each evening?



I saw many of the teens and they didn't seem to get dressed up much for the teen club...they mostly wore shorts, or casual skirts. There were some nights where they were told to wear white for a dance party or some other color/outfit-style. My DD just wore casual clothes that she thought she looked good in. She wore really nice dresses to dinner and then would change for meeting up with her friends. I think it's a good idea to make sure they head up on the first night's meet and greet. DD didn't do that...it was fine though cause when she showed up the next night, everyone was very friendly towards her.


Have a great time...the Allure is fantastic!

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Okay...that helps a lot. Thanks!


Next question: Did the teens have their own schedule of events? Or was it just listed in the compass?



We got a teen compass in our room every night for the next day, along with the cruise compass. I'd never seen one before since this was the first time I cruised with my kids. It had a list of times and activities for the next day and night.

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Yes, this is a teachable moment...for me! I was wondering (not just the kids) why there were so many junk cars around. I hadn't thought of the expense of getting rid of them. I will pass this info to the kids. I know they will be interested. Thanks!



As far as the curfew....it could have been 1am. I know that there were some teen activities that went later than 1am so they were allowed out if they were in a late-night teen activity. When she was out until 2am, she was at the teen club until 1am and then went to two sisters' cabin with a group of kids. I told her she needed to stay with the group and then make sure she came straight back to the cabin. I met the girls she hung out with the next day and they seemed very, very nice. So I was a little relieved. Of course, I haven't posted Day 6 yet. And you will see there that I did go into panic-mode when she stays out even later. I think I got about 50 grey hairs the next night :(

Yikes! That is why we have our curfew, I know I can't sleep knowing they aren't back yet, it's silly really, my youngest is the same age as yours the other is 18, so she'll be off at college doing whatever she wants in 6 months:eek:


I was just wondering if the curfew had changed! They don't fuss about it really, the 18 gets too tired at night anyway and she's ready by midnight! And neither likes to be tired on a port day. Mine usually go together which is also very reassuring!


I had my moment on Jewel Dd2 wanted to go to a show with us, and DD1 wanted to hang. I let her go alone because she's was 171/2 and I know she's going to be on her own soon. I was jumping out of my skin at 5 past 12 when she hadn't checked in- I put on my shoes and headed into the hall to go look, when I saw her headed my way, clear eyed but worried. "sorry , mom. We just wanted to watch the guy change the date in the elevator".

I couldn't be upset, it was so sweet, and there was really no harm or danger other than my own panic- so I understand your worry! :o

This why we get grey hair ;)

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Heres something to talk to the kids about...you mentioned they noticed "junk cars" in peoples yards. This is a teachable moment. Those people are on an island, it's extremely expensive to get things onto the island, especially large things with motors (like cars) Its also extremely expensive to dispose of things on an island, especially hazardous stuff with motors. SO people who live on islands frequently keep their old cars because a) they can't afford to pay for salvage or junkyard off island and b) since new parts are expensive they do their own salvage for parts from the cars they have on their property. And not just for another car but for all sorts of things (a part to fix the washing machine, sheet metal to repair the wall etc)! It's pretty amazing if you think about


Love it! Now that's what I call recycling. Go Green!!!

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I just found all our teen compasses. I scanned one in so you could see. I thought I remembered the curfew time was 2am...cause I remember not being upset if she came in before 2am and I was worried like crazy when she was later than that. It is 2am on the Allure for 'Junior Cruisers'..


I wonder if the Oasis has a different curfew time? We didn't have kids on that cruise so I never got the teen compass.


The bottom line states the curfew time for teens:



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