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Using airport shuttle NO CAR SEAT???


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Thanks. Not sure what to do... We aren't flying, therefore we wont have a car seat with us. We will only be doing Cruise ship excursions, all on motor coaches.


Then you will be fine. You can't take a car seat on a bus. Years ago on an excursion bus we weren't sure what the excursion was using so we had the car seat and we had to stow the car seat under the bus. So if you know if advance that you are using all buses - you can leave your car seat at home. :)


We had to become experts at trying to figure out which tour company was using which *type* of transportation. If the excursion was using a bus - then we knew to leave the car seats in the cabin's closet. We also booked excursions using ferry/boats that allowed us to leave the car seats in the cabin. But it took a little bit of planning. I asked a lot of questions on the port of call boards and tracked down the vendors in advance.


It certainly does get easier if you know they are using a bus. And booking cruise line transfers from airport to port - they always seem to use a bus.


We always had to bring car seats because we were always hopping in a taxi in one Florida port or another. And once in Miami - the taxi desk asked me where my car seat was before they would call a taxi for us - luckily I had it strapped to my back so I just turned around and said "Got it!" And they motioned for a taxi for us ;)

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Then you will be fine. You can't take a car seat on a bus. Years ago on an excursion bus we weren't sure what the excursion was using so we had the car seat and we had to stow the car seat under the bus. So if you know if advance that you are using all buses - you can leave your car seat at home. :)


We had to become experts at trying to figure out which tour company was using which *type* of transportation. If the excursion was using a bus - then we knew to leave the car seats in the cabin's closet. We also booked excursions using ferry/boats that allowed us to leave the car seats in the cabin. But it took a little bit of planning. I asked a lot of questions on the port of call boards and tracked down the vendors in advance.


It certainly does get easier if you know they are using a bus. And booking cruise line transfers from airport to port - they always seem to use a bus.


We always had to bring car seats because we were always hopping in a taxi in one Florida port or another. And once in Miami - the taxi desk asked me where my car seat was before they would call a taxi for us - luckily I had it strapped to my back so I just turned around and said "Got it!" And they motioned for a taxi for us ;)



Thank you so much. The Princess excursion site does tell you the mode of transportation, which is very nice@

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NO, we will not be using one on the plane! DS is traveling as a "lap infant". I know I'm not the only parent who has had to deal with this. And I know there are scads of board debates on the car seat/no car seat issue. Obviously some people think EVERYONE takes their kids seats! I'd like to see a family with 4+ kids managing all the seats HAHA, or even better a single parent with multiple kids...yeah right!


My kids are 6, 4, and 2. All 3 ride in carseats on the plane, and any vehicles we travel in. DD (6) travels in a Frontier, DS (4) in a Maestro, and DD2 in a Radian or an Evenflo Triumph Advance.


The laws of physics don't stop applying just because you are on vacation.

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Does anyone know if motorcoaches in Alaska allow for car seats?


Some do. When we took a school group to Florida last year, our bus had seatbelts for every seat. My children rode in carseats on the charter bus.

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Some do. When we took a school group to Florida last year, our bus had seatbelts for every seat. My children rode in carseats on the charter bus.


Really - a full sized bus? I have seen those little mini charter buses that Disney uses but never a full sized 55 passenger bus.


Nice to see they are adding the upgrades. Thanks for the update!

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Really - a full sized bus? I have seen those little mini charter buses that Disney uses but never a full sized 55 passenger bus.


Nice to see they are adding the upgrades. Thanks for the update!


Seat belts have been available through the companies that make motorcoach seats for the US/Canadian market (American, Freedman, USSC, Kiel) for a couple of decades, few buyers have included them in the order until fairly recently as they are not legally required. They start at only $14 per seat for a 60" belt, $15 for a 90" belt. That's for a lap belt only with no retractor, extenders are $7 each.


It's illegal to sell a cutaway or body-on-chassis (that's what the mini buses that various shuttle use) without seat belts in the US. A seat belt option is required and the manufacturers will reject the order if one isn't chosen, even if the bus is for export.

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It's not the crash you need to worry about, it's the turbulence. During bad turbulence your little bundle of joy becomes a missile that could break someone else's neck. Frankly I don't really care about your kid, but I sure do upset thinking that someone's unrestrained kid could injure me in a plane because the parents were selfish.



Exactly how often has that occurred in real life? Ever? If you're honestly worried about infants becoming projectiles, have you noticed how many unsecured items there are on an aircraft?


Do you know how many infants have actually been seriously injured or seriously injured another person because they were not in a carseat on an airplane? An FAA study in 1990 found exactly one death in twelve years of flights. Meanwhile, many infants died in car accidents and would have been perfectly safe had they flown to their destination on mom's lap.



If you say that only one is enough...then no one should ever leave their home with their children in the car because that is vastly more dangerous. I assume your children at least wear crash helmets in the car. I don't know how they'll get to school, between the dangers of your car, the seatbelt-less bus, and walking to school across roads. There are always dangers in everything. We are all constantly required to evaluate the likelihood of danger and the sacrifices involved in avoiding the danger. Let's not condemn each other for choices that are all within reason.

Edited by KatieCharlotte
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We've decided to not take my 22mo old DS's car seat on our 9-21-13 cruise.


If the hotel shuttle is a mini bus, I know it won't be a problem, but if it's a "van" will we be denied a transfer to our hotel?


Anyone else in the same boat? :D (lol) Any suggestions? This is our only concern, as we have booked a shuttle service (with car seats) to the port.


I'd book a car/shuttle service from the airport to the hotel just to be sure.


I had this same problem a couple of months ago when we took our 20 month old on a cruise out of San Juan. Where we live there's a car seat exemption for cabs and limos so to and from our airport was no problem, but I looked up Puerto Rico and they have no such exception. So rather than try my luck at the taxi stand at the San Juan airport I decided to bite the bullet and pay a bit extra for a private shuttle. The big shuttle companies all have car seats available for request.


Having it taken care of and not a worry was worth the extra $$

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If you have already decided "not to take it" then why come here for any "reassurance".


I'm not coming here asking for advice on IF we should take it! Yes, I've already decided to not take it because we will not need it at any of the ports during the cruise. We've booked a shuttle that provides car seats for our transfer to the Port and back to the airport. The only thing I wanted to hear about was anyone who had used an airport-hotel shuttle and what their experience was when they didn't bring one. If the hotel shuttle won't provide us service (and I'm sure you're hoping they don't :rolleyes:) then I'll need to have our reserved shuttle company pick us up at the airport too. BIG WHOOP!


I can't wait till I'm back and write my review with tips for all the parents who DON'T bring seats! :p And I appreciate the advice I've gotten so far! Those of you who do bring seats?...AWESOME! You can provide tips too! Obviously, this topic takes up a lot of parents time on CC.

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This response was great! Can't wait to read your review. I had no idea the car seat debate was so divided...as bad as the smoking threads here. I have no children and find the rules about car seats nonsensical so have not followed this apparently highly controversial topic.


Sent from my Motorola Electrify using Tapatalk 2

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This response was great! Can't wait to read your review. I had no idea the car seat debate was so divided...as bad as the smoking threads here. I have no children and find the rules about car seats nonsensical so have not followed this apparently highly controversial topic.


Sent from my Motorola Electrify using Tapatalk 2



LOL! ;) Just watch for my review titled:


Carnival Liberty 9/2013: Two irresponsible, bad, cheap, uncaring parents and their choice to NOT take a car seat.

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omg this thread makes me want to scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

some people are so unbelievably rude... you're acting like she's planning on tying her child to a freakin roof rack or to the front of a bus where they put bicycles!

i'm angry for you!!! lol :p love your review title too hahahaha

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My kids are 6, 4, and 2. All 3 ride in carseats on the plane, and any vehicles we travel in. DD (6) travels in a Frontier, DS (4) in a Maestro, and DD2 in a Radian or an Evenflo Triumph Advance.


The laws of physics don't stop applying just because you are on vacation.

And as ever, nor do the laws of probability.


You're right, of course, if you travel with a child in a car the child's chances of death increase. With a child seat it's about 1 in 100 million chance of death per trip, without one you're probably more than doubling the risk - 1 in 30 million, say.


But bear in mind, there are risks involved in carrying and fitting three child seats. An unrestrained child in the back seat of a stationary car is safer than a child standing by the side of the road.


I would be genuinely interested to know - I'm not trying to make a snide point here - what exactly is the procedure for fitting three child seats in a vehicle while keeping full control of three young children?

Edited by dsrdsrdsr
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I have not read all the responses but I will just share what we have done in the past. You could rent a car from the airport with a car seat for the time you need. Drive to the port. Just make sure you look into companies that allow you to return to a different location than the one you take it from plus one available at the port. Costs a little bit extra but you will have the safety you need without lugging a car seat around. Has worked great for us in the past.

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omg this thread makes me want to scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

some people are so unbelievably rude... you're acting like she's planning on tying her child to a freakin roof rack or to the front of a bus where they put bicycles!

i'm angry for you!!! lol :p love your review title too hahahaha


I have to agree with you.


As far as transportation to the hotel, OP was looking for suggestions from others who might have been in the same position and there are a few options if the hotel shuttle ends up not being a possibility.


As for flying with a lap child---it's done everyday for kids up to 2. It isn't everyone's choice, but OP is doing what she feels is right for her & her family (lap child was great for us when DD was younger).

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The sanctimony of people who think they know everything about everything, and take every chance they can get to judge others, never ceases to amaze.


LOL! ;) Just watch for my review titled:


Carnival Liberty 9/2013: Two irresponsible, bad, cheap, uncaring parents and their choice to NOT take a car seat.


I will be looking for your review! With photos of your child in various dangerous situations, of course! :D


what exactly is the procedure for fitting three child seats in a vehicle while keeping full control of three young children?


Maybe it involves judicious use of duct tape? ;)

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I would be genuinely interested to know - I'm not trying to make a snide point here - what exactly is the procedure for fitting three child seats in a vehicle while keeping full control of three young children?


Double stroller. 4 year old is in the front of the double stroller. 2 year old is on my back in a BabyHawk Oh Snap. 6 year old walks. 2 car seats are in the back of the double stroller. Here is the rig from last time when we travelled. DH wore a Radian on his back (it comes with backpack straps). And yes, I can install carseats with DD on my back. Its not graceful, but I can do it, or DH does it. We are both carseat advocates, and he is as skilled as I am at installs.


This is in the Atlanta airport.



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Thank you! By the way, I saw your little cutie this morning when reviewing the boards. What an angel :)


I doubt EVERY family books a private shuttle from airport-hotel-port-airport, or rents a car, or has family in the area...etc. I'd love to see a family with 4+ kids trekking thru the airport with 4+ car seats. Forget TWINS! I'll check in with the hotels we're looking at.


i'll let you know the next time my daughter travels with her four (and yes, two are twins 4y/o's)....and YES, SHE DRAGS CARSEATS....SHE values their lives in ANY type of vehicle. They will always be strapped in properly.

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LOL! ;) Just watch for my review titled:


Carnival Liberty 9/2013: Two irresponsible, bad, cheap, uncaring parents and their choice to NOT take a car seat.


And that's unfortunate. Because your advice might not have an impact on YOUR child. And of course odds are stacked in your favor that you all will come home perfectly safe. But someone *reading* your review might say "Look, they did it. We don't need a car seat for our baby on our cruise." And then the odds start to multiply that THEY may be the ones who are in an accident while on vacation.


I see the balcony thread that some of the parents on this thread are "dreading a balcony" and NO baby EVER has ever fallen into the ocean on a ship. But they don't worry about a stranger in another country driving their baby around on a mountainous road where there aren't things like guide rails and animals are freely walk into the road and cars aren't inspected.


I am amazed that the first time cruisers are raising their pitch forks against the experienced cruisers and saying "NO car seats" but they are worrying about a baby launching themselves off of a balcony on another thread.


Don't take the experienced family cruisers advice. They have all lined up to give you advice and have been called "rude, judgmental and sanctimonious"


Listen to the people who:

A) Haven't stepped foot on a ship with a baby - ever

B) Just got off of one and now they are experts


And good luck with your review.

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And that's unfortunate. Because your advice might not have an impact on YOUR child. And of course odds are stacked in your favor that you all will come home perfectly safe. But someone *reading* your review might say "Look, they did it. We don't need a car seat for our baby on our cruise." And then the odds start to multiply that THEY may be the ones who are in an accident while on vacation.


I see the balcony thread that some of the parents on this thread are "dreading a balcony" and NO baby EVER has ever fallen into the ocean on a ship. But they don't worry about a stranger in another country driving their baby around on a mountainous road where there aren't things like guide rails and animals are freely walk into the road and cars aren't inspected.



Maybe I misread one of your earlier posts, where you reported going on excursions without car seats. Did the excursion company provide car seats for your children, or did they go without?

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Maybe I misread one of your earlier posts, where you reported going on excursions without car seats. Did the excursion company provide car seats for your children, or did they go without?


Yep - you misread. That wouldn't be me. My earlier post in this thread said that we brought car seats to a Disney excursion bus and they made us stow them underneath.


My reviews are full of how we get where with car seats in hand or if the mode of transport does not require a car seat (aka ferry/tender boat) then I describe THAT in detail.


My girls have been cruising since they were 7 months - the oldest is NOW 13. My reviews started here to tell cruisers how to go on excursions and cruises with their children (and gear)


My personal car seat days are now behind us as my youngest will be 9 on our next cruise.

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