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Glory Review 6/4/05 (Western)


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Before I start, I know everyone likes to know who is writing the review! My name is Jeannette, and I am 31 years old. I travelled with my DH (32), DS (8), and DS (3). There were many others in our group. Other than us, the ages were 15-60. About half of the group was first time cruisers. I have been on a few cruises before.


Fresh off the Glory today! Tropical storm couldn’t stop our fun! WE LOVED OUR CRUISE! Just a warning . . . I like details, so this review WILL be long! I will separate the paragraphs by days, so you can skim if you like!



Embarkation -


First of all, we live in Orlando, so we didn’t have a far commute to Canaveral. I knew (by reading these boards) that you can board earlier than the time on your ticket, and thank goodness I knew that! The whole embarkation process wasn’t bad at all. That is, once you are actually out of your car! I think once we made it thru that horrific car line, we were on the ship within 30 minutes. We arrived at the port around 11am and were on the boat by 12:15-12:30ish. Really pretty painless. No extra tips or pointers here. Just definitely arrive before the 1:30 time that is printed on your ticket! The line inside was getting really long when were getting on the ship.



“Smuggling” in liquor was really not a problem at all. No one in our group had anything taken away. It was all packed in our luggage, and really, no one brought too much. I think each person packed one bottle of liquor, and one mixer. Nothing really major, but I have to say, we really didn’t drink that much in our rooms. Too much of a hassle. Much easier to order from the bar! And I totally didn’t think that we would mind it. We just wanted to save some money, but once we were there, it is kind of “who cares!”.



First day on the ship –


I had organized a big family group. There were 20 of us. Probably half of them were first time cruisers, so they had plenty of e-mail tips from me ahead of time! But I wanted to do a little something extra, so I made up beach bags for each cabin. Nothing much special in them, just for the thought of it! And I also went to the party store beforehand and bought large flat yellow fish. I put each cabin’s names on it and a little magnet strip on the back. I made sure I was the first one on the ship (from our group) and ran around like a crazy woman trying to get the bags and fish up in their rooms. They really loved the bright fish idea. Helps remember who’s cabins are where! In our group, there were 5 cabins on the Riviera Deck (oceanview), 2 on the Upper Deck (balcony), and 1 on the Empress Deck (balcony suite). I got to peak into each of the rooms, and they were all very nice! We had the 2 balcony rooms opened up to make one large balcony, and that worked out great for them.



The life boat drill was the usual. Pain in the butt and HOT! Packed in like sardines, but we made the best of it. My younger son thought it was really cool. That is, until they started pushing us further and further back. He was crunched in, and just wanted to be held. But try holding a 3 year old wearing a big bulky life jacket while you are wearing one! Pretty tough I tell you! But I did feel for him, just think of what HE was being scrunched in (waist level!)! Pretty smelly for him, I imagine!



Dining Room –


We had late seating (8pm) in the Platinum upper dining room. Perfect location! Three tables in the very back of the restaurant (great rear view!). I really thought that I was going to have to do some serious tipping to the Maitre de to get the tables all together. But I was pleasantly surprised to see that they had already taken care of it. We had 3 tables all in a row. So, between all of us, we rotated ourselves every night. Our waiters were wonderful and really didn’t seem to mind at all!



Day 2 (Key West) –


Now being Florida natives, we have been there, done that, for Key West. But we were still excited to go, because it has been a few years since our last trip there. We didn’t book any tours. Kind of funny, because I was explaining something about one of the buildings to DH and there was a group standing behind us. They asked me a question, and when I looked at them funny, they said that they assumed I was their tour guide. I pointed to where the rest of their group was, but told them that for a small fee, I would be happy to be their tour guide! It was so beastly hot out, and my kids got tired out and bored after a couple of hours. So, I took them back to the ship and we spent the rest of the afternoon at the pool. The pools are kind of small, and I really think that there should be another pool. I don’t know where they would put it, but I just think a ship of this size should have more pools. We quickly found that the aft pool was the best. Not too many kids (not that I am anti-kids, I brought two of them with me!). But on this day, we were in the ones in the middle of the ship. My oldest son waited in line and did the big slide. He loved it, but the line was too long for me!



Day 3 (At Sea)


I slept in and enjoyed a nice quiet room service breakfast. I enjoyed some bingo in the Amber Lounge. Didn’t win anything, but my sister won $120! Adds some excitement when someone you know wins. Not as much as if I won, but the next best thing! And we had some general laying around outside, swimming, drinking, and exploring of the ship.



Unfortunately there was a medical issue with one of the passengers on the ship this day. My DH had to step in and help out with a RN that he works with (he is a paramedic/firefighter). Didn’t realize that this was going to be a working vacation!



This was our first formal night for dinner. Delish! Lobster dinner usually is! I was very disappointed, because the dress that I had bought for this night was left at home along with the dress that I was bringing for my sister! I still can’t believe that happened. I was mad at myself, because it was so stupid to forget that of all things! But I made due with what I had brought. Every night I had planned dresses anyway, but this night I just accessorized more! I did fit in. The dress is very varied. Some people dress nice casual, and some people dress formal full length beaded dresses. So, I didn’t feel out of place at all, just wasn’t what I had wanted to wear!



Day 4 (Belize) –


We booked ahead with Banana Bank Lodge for a horseback riding thru the rainforest excursion. On this excursion, it was me, DH, my 8 yo DS, and my 3 yo DS. They picked us up from the dock. And it was only us and two others from a RCL ship. A/C van took us about an hour out of town to the lodge. Very lush grounds, and the horses looked as if they were very well taken care of. They did push a little to have my 3 yo ride by himself (with his horse tied to the guide's horse). I had (thought I had) made myself very clear when booking that I didn't want to do that. The little one was nervous enough, and I sure as heck didn't want him to get spooked or get hurt on the horse! They dropped it, and let him ride with me (like originally agreed to). It was a great ride of about 1 and 1/2 hours. The other two in the van went with another guide. I think so they could go faster. The guide didn't talk much with us, which was a little disappointing. But after the ride, he apologized for his lack of voice and said that he had lost it that morning! So, hollering back to us was hurting his throat! Won't hold him resposible there!


After the ride, we had a delicious home cooked lunch. Empanadas, black beans and rice, and watermelon. I, of course, was concerned about making it back to the ship in time. They left it up to us when we were ready to head back. There was a little river boat tour, and a little tour of the grounds. We opted to skip the river boat tour, as we were running short of time. The tour of the grounds included seeing a monkey, a jaguar, and some birds. I am not one for seeing animals caged up, so this part really didn't appeal to me. It was kind of like a miniature zoo.


It seemed like a very laid back place, that isn't used to the cruisers yet. We kept asking for our bill, and they brought it out to us at the very end of the tour. That wouldn't have been bad, but they had to walk it all the way back to somewhere and process the payment and then walk all of the way back out to us. Nothing moves very quickly!


The driver drove back like a bat out of he!!. I thought for sure we were going to crash! Then, he actually stopped for gas about 5 minutes from the port. That bugged us. Unless he was literally on fumes (which he shouldn't have been), he could have waited until after we were dropped off.


The last tender to our ship was at 4:15. We got in the tender line at 4:10. A little close for my liking, but we made it! There were many people behind us, and it was really raining hard by then. So the boat didn’t leave quite on time. All in all, it was a good tour, and I would do it again. I do recommend it, but make sure you are wearing a watch, and keep on them about the time!



When on board, I was walking around by myself, and I felt the boat slow down. I looked over, and there was a police boat riding along side. One of the Red Sail waiters asked what I was looking at. I told him, and he said that it was probably someone who missed the boat. Sure enough, a tender boat pulled up within a couple of minutes, and there was a family somehow getting from the tender to the ship. The waiter told me that when you hear them on the PA call for people before they leave, they are seeing if they somehow got on. Then after they sail, you hear names being paged again. That is the family (or the traveling companions) of the people that missed the boat! He said that there is always at least one or two who miss the boat in Belize, and even more in Cozumel!



Day 5 (Cozumel) –


We were going to have a beach bum day at Chankanaab for most of the day today. It is a very nice beach. $10 per cab to get from port to park, and then $12 per adult and I think $6 per child to get into the park. They have beautiful beaches, lots of beach lounge chairs, and a little beach lagoon area for the kids (where the water really doesn’t get very deep). My little one really didn’t like the beach. Had nothing at all to do with the location. He just was over tired, hot, and just not feeling quite himself. Well, we had a dolphin encounter scheduled for the late afternoon. I made such a novice mistake. I was in the wrong time zone! I ASSUMED that it was the same time zone as Belize, and it isn’t! So, I showed up an hour late for my excursion! They said that it wasn’t a problem, and they could get us in. If they would have given us a refund, I most definitely would have cancelled then. My little one just wasn’t in the mood for it at all! But no refunds, so we attempted it. The nice part, is that they allow everyone in the park to watch. So our family was up there watching us. Came in very handy when my little guy was scared to death and crying in the water! I finally gave up and let him go with DH and my other son and I participated. I don’t know if it was just because I was having a rough time with my younger one, but I really didn’t enjoy the excursion. I felt that it was extremely overpriced for what you got. I figured that it would be more individual. But there was probably 20 people all in our “pool” and basically the dolphin would swim past all of us and we had our hands out to pet it. Then we each got to kiss the dolphin (and pose for their picture!) and then shake it’s fin. The whole thing lasted 30 minutes, but if it was just my group, it would have been under 5 minutes. I don’t think I would do this excursion again. Too expensive for a photo op, in my opinion!



When we got back to the ship, I laid down with my little guy, and he took a nap. He woke up with a little fever and sore throat. So, I stayed in with him and ordered room service for dinner. He felt much better the next morning, so he probably was just going to hard for too many days in a row! Poor little guy just needed a break!



Day 6 (Progresso) –


Still worried about over-doing it with our DS, we opted to not do an excursion at this stop. I really wanted to go to the ruins, but also really didn’t want to sit on a bus for 2 ½ hours each way with two kids! Others in our group went and couldn’t say enough great things about it. “Gorgeous; amazing; so glad they went; felt fortunate to have had that experience, etc.”. They took some beautiful pictures too! It is a shame that they are taking it off the itinerary for the rest of the year. I asked while on board why they decided to do that. I was told because of the weather patterns in Progresso, it has been very hard to get out on time. And they are hoping that in a few months, when the “weather pattern” changes, they will be able to go back.



We got off the boat and went into Progresso. There was a very long line for the shuttle, so we opted for a $6 cab. So worth it! Where they drop you off is at a little outdoor market. Kind of like a vendor fare/flea market. We had so much fun there! The boys bought many souvenirs, as did I! I like to bargain/haggle, so it was fun for me! Torture for my mom, because she hates to haggle! My 8 yo was absolutely hilarious! He had his own money to spend for the trip, and I didn’t want him to spend too much. So I told him that he needed to grab my hand and squeeze when he really wanted something, so I could get the price for him. He wanted to try this on his own though. He asked one of the vendors, “how much for this?” He looked at DS and said, “For you, $12.” DS said, “$12? That is a lot. We are talking double digits here! I don’t spend that much on one thing!” Totally confused the guy, and I had to take him and leave so I could laugh! Another guy said, “come here boy, I have cheap!” DS said, “inexpensive, or cheaply made?” LOL! That was a conversation that DS and I had weeks ago at the dollar store, and it made me laugh when he remembered it and used it!


After shopping, we went back to the boat and went to the pool. Very nice day!



This was also our second formal night. I thought it was going to be our at sea days, but I guess I was wrong! I was given a heads up from one of the camp carnival counselors. She told me to give the boys Dramamine with dinner, because it was going to be a rough night. Why, I asked? She said that they are trying to beat a tropical storm, and we will cross the path in the night. They didn’t mention anything over the PA, and I really think they should. That was the first that we had heard that there was a tropical system out there! We spread the word about the Dramamine to our group, so we all took it with dinner. One in our group even went to the purser’s desk and asked about the storm, and they said that they knew nothing about a storm. I didn’t think that was right. I can understand wanting people not to panic, but you can still inform! Well, we were very thankful that we took it, because when we woke up, we were really rocking and rolling!



Day 7 (At sea) –


The boat was rocking so bad for most of the day. They had all of the decks closed off. You could walk across the Lido deck to get food, but that was it. Everything else was roped off. We tried to walk across the deck, and really got blown around, so it was best that they did rope it off. You know SOMEONE would have gotten too close to the edge if they didn’t! They had “barf bags” taped up at each elevator, and that made me laugh too! Probably because I didn’t need to use one! Wouldn’t have been quite as funny if I did! Not exactly how I wanted to end my cruise, but there are things that just can’t be controlled!



The captain came on the PA and FINALLY updated us on the weather situation. He said that he had tried to speed up and alter course a little in hopes to beat the storm to the crossing point, but the storm changed coarse a little, so we were kind of traveling together! By dinner, it had cleared up so we could actually stand without being knocked over!



Disembarkation –


Another comedy of errors here! The storm delayed us by two hours. So, we all know how much fun it is to disembark normally, right?! Well, they didn’t tell us that we were delayed until we were all waiting to be called! I didn’t think to check if we arrived on time. My sister and her fiancé chose self assist because they had a long drive ahead of them. Well, they called maybe 3 floors for self-assist, and then they started calling colored tags. They were finally called about 10 minutes before us. Oh, almost forgot, after some people got off, they had to lock down the terminal! Fire alarm at the port. Now DH is a fireman, and he said that he could have cleared the terminal faster by himself than they did! It took over an hour to “check out the fire alarm”. And then because of the rain, they were only calling one color tag at a time. Why, who knows! You don’t pick up your luggage outside! So, we got off the boat about noon.



As soon as we cleared customs, we were going down the escalator to get our luggage, and my little one somehow got his leg caught in the escalator. Still don’t know exactly how it happened, because he was holding my hand the entire time! But something caught his leg. He screamed, and I picked him up. His leg had three long cuts on it, and it was covered in grease. Someone (who worked there) asked what happened, and I told her, and then went into the bathroom to clean him up. It really wasn’t anything major, just a freak accident. Then two men come into the bathroom (scared me to death!) to investigate the escalator incident! I told them that really, I just needed a little antibacterial spray/soap/something and some bandaids/bandage. Would you believe that no where in that port, do they have a first aid kit? That is kind of scary! Not one stinking bandaid! And those who have little ones can understand, once they get a bandaid, they start to feel better. We had to stop at the drug store on the way home! I had to fill out an accident form, and take more time than really necessary! Then try to find my DH was lots of fun too!



So it was a rough ending, to an overall wonderful week! The boys are already asking when the next cruise will be!



Misc info –


Cruise director was Marc Price


Asst cruise director was “wee” Jimmy



Our family was much more entertained by Jimmy than Marc. Marc did a fine job, but we just really loved Jimmy! As we were getting off the ship, we saw Jimmy, and I asked him if he minded if I stay on one more week with him. He told me, “sure you can stay in my room!” I told him that I had kids with me too. He said, “ no problem, you can bring them too. Just leave your husband!” DH said, “perfect! You got yourself a deal!”. Everytime we saw Jimmy, he made us laugh. We will miss “Wee Jimmy”!



Our cabin was 1268 and my boys (and MIL) was 1272. We were kind of forward midship. No problems at all with noise, except the days that they put out the gangway. That was loud for a few minutes, and then fine. We were right above the gangway. The steward was wonderful. Once he saw how much the boys enjoyed the towel animals, he made sure he had one waiting for them every night.



Our dining room was Platinum upper for late seating. The waiters were excellent. On top of everything. They remembered details about my boys and their likes. My oldest wanted to try new food, so he ordered off the adult menu every night. They made sure he really liked his food, and if they thought he might not really like it, they had a back up meal ready for him. The assistant Maitre’D was excellent! He stopped by and visited with us every night. He got a kick out my youngest, because he liked to dance. So, he would be close by when the music would start so he could watch him and cheer him on. The food was very good. My parents have been on several cruises, and they said that they were very pleasantly surprised with how good the food was. Best they have had in many cruises! Some of the diet desserts left a little something to be desired, but the flourless chocolate cake was amazing! I probably wouldn’t have even tried it, if I hadn’t read about it on here. DH and I were the only ones at our table who originally ordered it, then after picking off ours, they ordered their own! My one and only disappointment was no key lime pie! I totally would have gotten some in Key West, but thought that we would be having some on the ship. Our waiter said that there was a recent menu change, and key lime pie was taken off.



The shows we went to were all great. DH went to the comedy shows, and we both went to the “vegas style” ones. Very very good!



The places on the ship that we went to –


Cin-A-Bar - my sister loved it. It is kind of a sing a long piano bar. I went there once, and it was good. My sister went every night!


Ivory bar – cigar lounge. Too smoky for me. But DH will, on occasion, smoke a cigar. He really enjoyed hanging out in there.


Bar Blue – just went in for the kid’s talent show. So really, can’t comment on that! But, the kid talent show was great (especially my kid!)


On the Green – sports bar. Kind of boring, if you ask me. We didn’t stay too long.


Casino – well, it is a casino! We spent a little time there every night. Very enjoyable. More if you are winning!


Spa – overpriced! I didn’t go and utilize them. But several people in our group did. They said that it was very nice getting a pedicure looking out over the ocean. My uncle got a massage and said it was nice, but he likes them a little stronger.


Camp Carnival – I had two in the camp. One in the 2-5 ages, and the other in the 6-8. My younger one really enjoyed it. My older one could take it or leave it. And he was the one who really was looking forward to it. I think it was because at the 6-8 age range, they still have to stay in one room. The 9-11 group, were all over the ship doing different activities. He would have liked this much more I think, but they won’t “bump” you up.



Best thing about the cruise –


The staff (most of them) was excellent!


And, heck, it is a cruise! I loved most of it, and can’t really pick a favorite!



Worst thing –


Staff in the casino was pretty short most of the time. Not to mention, one of them actually looked up my sister’s cabin number (from her S&S card) and called her, and when she said that she wasn’t interested, he showed up at her door! Made her not want to go to the casino anymore!


Camp Carnival ages 6-8. I wish they weren’t as strict on their ages. My son is 8 ½, and would have had much more fun in the older group. I think that if they were aloud to have one year as a “gray area” that can have the choice of age group, that might work better.




After being stuck in the room for dinner one night, I wished they had more on the room service menu. Kind of a limited selection, and it took about an hour to get to me!



*whew* The end! If you have any questions, I'd be happy to try to answer!



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Jeanette - Excellent review!! I liked how you gave both positive and negative points!


We are sailing 7/2 and was looking forward to Chitzen Itza! Heard you could do it from Cozumel but would take approx 12 hrs!


Thanks for the info on the dolphin encounter. We'll probably skip it, seems costly for a short period of time.


Did you eat in the bistro? the deli?

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Jeanette - Excellent review!! I liked how you gave both positive and negative points!


We are sailing 7/2 and was looking forward to Chitzen Itza! Heard you could do it from Cozumel but would take approx 12 hrs!


Thanks for the info on the dolphin encounter. We'll probably skip it, seems costly for a short period of time.


Did you eat in the bistro? the deli?


I knew I'd forget something! Breakfast and lunch.


Breakfast -

A few days, I ordered in room service. They were always there about 5 minutes before I requested them, so that was perfect!

A couple of days, I ate on the Lido deck (Red Sail). I am not a big fan of waiting in line to get my own food. It was OK food, not great, but just fine. Now, DH and oldest DS loved eating breakfast there. Just about every morning they were there.

And the rest of the days, I ate in the dining room. I liked this best. That way you could sit and relax and get what you want brought to you.


Lunch -

Mostly it was done on Lido deck (Red Sail). Again, lines to wait for food, just doesn't do it for me. But the Deli was excellent! Usually, I got a salad (never had a line!) and a sandwich from the deli. We always ate upstairs at the Fish and Chips. Usually, we were the only ones up there! Between all of us, we tried all of the food! No one had any complaints.

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Did the ship seem crowded or congested? Im sailing the Glory on the 18th of june.


Only during meal times at the red sail! Otherwise, I really didn't feel too crowded or congested. Never really had to wait too long when I was being lazy and taking the elevator either.

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I'm traveling on the 18th of June as well and I'm freaking out that my room will stink of smoke.. I've read reviews of the ship being very smoky. Is that true?.. I just quit 2 years ago, gawd I hope it doesnt stink,, Our cabin has no windows either!

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Great detailed review. Sounds like you had a great attitude and a great time.


Thanks! We did have a good time. I really believe that a cruise is what you make it. If you get bogged down in details and nitty gritty things then you won't have as much fun. You make your own fun! And we did! :D

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Great review. Good thing you were told about the Dramamine.


Yep! I am glad too! My only concern is that a general announcement wasn't made. We found out because of the kids. I think that they should have said something to everyone. It really sucks to be sea sick (speaking from experience!). And it does help to have it in your system to begin with rather than after the fact.

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I'm traveling on the 18th of June as well and I'm freaking out that my room will stink of smoke.. I've read reviews of the ship being very smoky. Is that true?.. I just quit 2 years ago, gawd I hope it doesnt stink,, Our cabin has no windows either!


Well, parts of the ship definately does. Stay way far away from the Ivory bar. It is a cigar bar and really reeks! In my opinion, a bar not so open and in the middle would have made a better location for it! And, in the casino (again, an open space in the middle of the ship!) got pretty smoky. Other than that, I really didn't notice smoke. My little one is very sensitive to smoke, and he definately commented when we would pass by the casino (and out and out refused to walk by the Ivory bar one night!). But those really were the only places that I (and he) noticed smoke. My room didn't smell at all (and the other 7 rooms in our group as well). If someone was smoking before me in the room, they did a fabulous job of cleaning it out before we came on board. My sister though, is a smoker, and she was a few doors down. After the first day, her room stank! But it was her own fault!


You should do fine on the cruise! And on a little side note, my MIL used to be a smoker, and she says that it actually helps her stay smoke free to smell others smoke on occation. Strange as that sounds, she kind of gets her "fix" that way. Don't know!

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Thanks for the quick reply and honesty. I feel much better knowing the rooms didn't smell. I was getting a bit nervous about this cruise after reading many negative reviews, but yours seemed fair and honest. I basically want my kids (ages 11,13,15) to have a good time because if the kids are happy then the parents are happy.. :)

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Thanks for the quick reply and honesty. I feel much better knowing the rooms didn't smell. I was getting a bit nervous about this cruise after reading many negative reviews, but yours seemed fair and honest. I basically want my kids (ages 11,13,15) to have a good time because if the kids are happy then the parents are happy.. :)


You are welcome! I hope your room is great. If for some reason there is a problem, tell your steward. Ours was great and helped us whenever we needed it!


And your kids are at a great age for this ship. They will have a blast, just be prepared to not see them very much! The 3 teens that were with us (14 and two 16s) didn't want to get off the boat. They made new friends quickly, and always had something to do. They didn't do the camp carnival, but made friends on their own. Always ate meals with us, but then off again after dinner. Oh, I want to go back already!:(

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Thanks for "taking us along" cruising with you ... via ... your GREAT review! :D


Question on "Fish & Chips": In addition to the fish did they also have another fried seafood?


Thanks again! Happy Sailing! OCruisers :)

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Thanks for the great review! We can't wait to go. We were originally booked to go on your same cruise with you but had to change it to the 18th (This Sat.) We're really excited.


Oshunblue, you have an 11 year old who will be in the same group at Camp Carnival as our 9 year old son. Perhaps we can meet and introduce our kids. Is the 11 year old a boy or girl? Hoping to meet you on board!



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Thanks for "taking us along" cruising with you ... via ... your GREAT review! :D


Question on "Fish & Chips": In addition to the fish did they also have another fried seafood?


Thanks again! Happy Sailing! OCruisers :)

Other than sitting up there, we actually didn't get any food there. Don't know why, but never checked that out! So sorry!

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Thanks for the great review! We can't wait to go. We were originally booked to go on your same cruise with you but had to change it to the 18th (This Sat.) We're really excited.


Oshunblue, you have an 11 year old who will be in the same group at Camp Carnival as our 9 year old son. Perhaps we can meet and introduce our kids. Is the 11 year old a boy or girl? Hoping to meet you on board!




I was thinking about you! I tried to e-mail you a few days before the cruise. I hope everything is OK! Your DS should love it! The 9-11's really looked like they were having a great time. They did activities all over the ship. I really wish that they would have let Willie go in that group. He just got kind of bored staying in the same room playing games in his age group. He went for an hour or two in the morning, but then just hung out and kept himself busy the rest of the time. Have fun on your cruise, and e-mail me when you get back and tell me all about it!

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