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Oreo's awesome breeze review 3/10 to 3/16


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Now that's what i'm talking about!!! My kind of cruise breakfast! Although,my hubby never joins me:rolleyes: Great Review!!

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So last night when I was writing this my five year old got really jealous and was like, "why are you still obsessing over that stupid website. The cruise is over! You need to tend to your man!"


I looked him straight in the eye and said, "you're not going to make me choose between you and my family."


Then he rolls his eyes and says, "What are you doing, anyway?"


I say, "I'm writing a review of our cruise from my point of view."


He goes, "Well, you better not be on there talking about me and calling me a five year old."




Then he says in his creepy, "Carrie" movie voice, "They're all gonna laugh at you."


And wouldn't you know it I was thinking to myself all night long that people were going to read my review and be like, who is this Oreo person that beats children, verbally abuses her husband, and uses coarse language? Release the hounds!!!!!:eek:


But then I woke up, came to work, signed on, found my post and I saw all these nice comments. Whew!! You do like me!! Thanks, family!!:D


Why am I awake at 2:30 am reading you r review, instead of sleeping so I can get up to go to work in about 4 hours?! No worries, I can nap at work. That's what office doors are for :rolleyes:.



I am absolutely loving your review!!!! You are hilarious!


Your human is beautiful. I am a mother to 3 little humans myself, there is a 3 1/2 year age difference between the oldest and youngest. So I have the stairsteps as they are known to the general public. Gotta love 'em.


My five year old says the same exact thing when he has nothing to do and I am doing something that he doesn't understand. Although he does understand that I get a lot of information on these boards for our cruises. As a matter of fact, the only time he is demanding that I "tend to my man" is when he has a question that I don't know the answer to then he says, "Go ask your peeps on the boards." LOL.



Anywho, please keep it coming. One of the funniest and best written reviews I have read in a long time.

Edited by Kingisacruiser
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That top flight security guard comment will go over a lot of heads, but I got it. :D


"Top Flight Security of the World, Craig"




To edit my previous post: The only time that he is NOT demanding that I "tend to my man"

Edited by Kingisacruiser
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So last night when I was writing this my five year old got really jealous and was like, "why are you still obsessing over that stupid website. The cruise is over! You need to tend to your man!"


I looked him straight in the eye and said, "you're not going to make me choose between you and my family."


Then he rolls his eyes and says, "What are you doing, anyway?"


I say, "I'm writing a review of our cruise from my point of view."


He goes, "Well, you better not be on there talking about me and calling me a five year old."




Then he says in his creepy, "Carrie" movie voice, "They're all gonna laugh at you."


And wouldn't you know it I was thinking to myself all night long that people were going to read my review and be like, who is this Oreo person that beats children, verbally abuses her husband, and uses coarse language? Release the hounds!!!!!:eek:


But then I woke up, came to work, signed on, found my post and I saw all these nice comments. Whew!! You do like me!! Thanks, family!!:D


Kids, need I say more!!!!


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I got the refererence, as well. Excellent Review. My husband and I have been reading your post, but never reponded. So is that stalking???? Keep it coming.


Thanks for the compliment, I really appreciate it. I'm having a lot of fun doing it! And for the record, its only stalking if you don't tell anybody, LOL!

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Enjoying your sense of humor and your pics. We are on the Breeze 4/27 the 8 day one. Can't wait to have me a Guy's Burger. Have been on the Magic so I am familiar with the Ocean Plaza and all the extra 'room' but the Breeze's decor is just beautiful. :)



Thanks for reading. We will be doing the 8 day itin next too if I'm lucky (or sneaky enough).

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You are hilarious. I laughed out loud several times. Cant wait for the rest of your review.


Your little human is adorable :)


Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad everyone can appreciate my sense of humor!

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Why am I awake at 2:30 am reading you r review, instead of sleeping so I can get up to go to work in about 4 hours?! No worries, I can nap at work. That's what office doors are for :rolleyes:.



I am absolutely loving your review!!!! You are hilarious!


Your human is beautiful. I am a mother to 3 little humans myself, there is a 3 1/2 year age difference between the oldest and youngest. So I have the stairsteps as they are known to the general public. Gotta love 'em.


My five year old says the same exact thing when he has nothing to do and I am doing something that he doesn't understand. Although he does understand that I get a lot of information on these boards for our cruises. As a matter of fact, the only time he is demanding that I "tend to my man" is when he has a question that I don't know the answer to then he says, "Go ask your peeps on the boards." LOL.



Anywho, please keep it coming. One of the funniest and best written reviews I have read in a long time.


Awww....you're too kind. Everybody seems to be getting a kick out of how I secretly refer to my husband's behavior as that of a five year old. Yep, its funny as hell to all of you guys but he's gonna be pissed when he reads this review!!! LOL Oh well, its worth it.:p

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Thanks for reading! Typing as fast as I can, lol!!!!


I would love to be on a cruise with you as you are truly a bundle of energy, but not as much as Bruce (CD). He would have me tired out for the whole trip. I love your review and look forward to reading more. Hubby and I are scheduled for the March 30th cruise out of New Orleans on the Carnival Sunshine next year. We are EXCITED and can't wait, but we have a full year to wait. Oh well! :(

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So I just have to tell you how absolutely amazing your review is. I've been laughing often.:D We are doing this same itinerary in July and I can't wait. Butch was CD on one of our Glory cruises and I have to agree with you, he rocks!:D Oh, and your little human is just too cute. Please carry on.


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After recovering from the funk otherwise known as “GRAND TURK UNPLANNED SEA DAY NUMBER 2”, we were really excited to get off the ship and onto land. We had a whole day of debauchery planned. Wait. Stop. No we didn’t. I just really like how that word sounds and so I decided that I would put it in this part of the review since technically speaking, if you WANT to get into all sorts of debauchery, Jamaica would definitely be the place. So, after getting a very good night’s sleep, it was time to get our excursion on. BRING THAT BAD BOY ON, CAPTAIN!! (Independence Day).

BTW, I’m a HUGE movie buff and frequently quote lines from my favorite movies not only in this review but in everyday normal life. This is quite irritating to my husband but I find it to be hilarious so I do it anyway.

Anywho, back to the review. So the night before we had pretty rough seas – either that or SHAMU – who I am convinced had been following our ship out of the port of Miami – was playing WHALE PINBALL with the bottom of the ship all night. A lot of folks were complaining about it but I had found it to be very soothing. Slept like a baby all night. At least until my husband came in at three o’clock from the Liquid Nightclub. Let’s stay here for a minute. So, let me tell you about my husband. Like most people, he eats three square meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with snacks (lots) in between. However, he also possesses a unique internal trait (this according to his own self diagnosis) that causes him to suffer from extreme bouts of hunger that only affects him between the hours of 2 and 4am. Which basically equates to this: if he is awake at this time of the morning, then he MUST eat a “fourth meal” at this time or he turns into the creature known as Gollum. So when he came in from the night club, he started walking around the cabin scrounging for food and saying things like, “where is the precious?” After I told him to get out and go find the pizza bar (and to bring me some) he quickly disappeared and I went back to sleep. When I woke up the next morning he was in the bed with a full head of hair and normal looking hands and feet so I guess it all turned out okay after he got his fix. Crisis averted!!

Okay, so back to Jamaica. We had scheduled a tour with PEAT TAYLOR tours, an independent tour operator that had very good reviews (and I am an avid researcher) on both trip advisor and on the CC boards. Since we had missed GRAND TURK the day before, the CAPITAN managed to secured an early port arrival for 8ish rather than the originally scheduled 11. Now, this created a quandary for us because as the tour operator was expecting us to arrive at 11, not 8:30. What to do what to do…??? We decided to go ahead and get off at 8:30 rather than risk showing up at 11 and he be gone. Our logic was that even if he didn’t show up at 8:30, that there would more than likely somebody out there looking to cash in on the fact that there was a ship in port with 4500 passengers and offer us a tour!! CHING CHING!! So we had scheduled the DUNN’S RIVER FALLS TOUR, the RIVER TUBING ADVENTURE, and a visit to the IRIE BLUE HOLE. When we arrived at the pier we had to wade through the hundreds of folks that had signed up for the CARNIVAL tours and finally over to where the buses were parked. Wouldn’t you know it, there were several Peat Taylor vans already there waiting. Yes!! After standing around for about five minutes, we finally spotted him and were shown where to board our bus. Now, this is where it gets interesting. As I mentioned, the tour operators weren’t expecting us in port until 11. How they found out that we were coming in at 11, I don’t know but the fact remains that everybody’s schedule was thrown off. There was a bit of confusion in trying to round up all the passengers and we quickly figured out that not everybody had followed our example and were just showing up and random times. So, inevitably and understandably, we had to wait around a few minutes to get a full bus before we set off. Peat assured us, however that we would amongst the first at the falls so that we didn’t have to worry about it being too crowded. Okay. Cool. I can live with that. We had eaten a pretty hearty breakfast before leaving the ship so I had a few hours before the five year old started throwing temper tantrums because he was hungry. So we sat back and people watched while waiting for the bust to get full. My husband did spot a cooler in the front of the bus and had a notion to go “investigate” but before he could, it was quickly removed and placed outside near where the bus drivers were milling around. So…that was my first indication that whatever was in there, was NOT complementary. We would later find out was full of RED STRIPE and they cost $4 per beer. That would be my sole complaint for the entire tour. Really felt like they should give us the beer free, NO PROBLEM!! So once we got a few more folk on the bus we departed immediately for Dunn’s River Fall’s. It was only about a 7-10 minute ride and the guide pointed out a few landmarks on the way.

Pics to follow...

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You know, what was surprising about this excursion was that my husband is usually a fraidy cat and doesn't like anything even remotely adventurous so I was taking a huge gamble. This is the same person who I took to Heavenly in Lake Tahoe and he jumped off the conveyor belt on the bunny slope because he said he felt his life was in danger.


Look at him now:



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The next stop on this journey was the IRIE BLUE HOLE. There's really no way to desribe it, so I'll just post a few pictures.




Its basically in the middle of the lush foliage and after about a twenty minute very rocky and scary drive up the mountain. For a second I thought about the movie PROOF OF LIFE and was wondering if we were being set up...:eek:


Once we got up there, we saw what all the fuss about and were in awe at the beautiful waterfall and perfectly calm turquoise water. Basically in order to get into the water (which by the way is about 80ft deep) you either have to climb down the side or jump off a 40 ft cliff like this guy...




We elected to climb down. There was still about a ten foot jump into the water which was very exilarating to say the least (and yes the hubby did it - yay!) but it made my heart beat really fast and I had to really swim to get back to the surface. Some of the other things to do were to rope swing and to -- check this out -- swim up under the water fall where there was a grotto. Really cool. A couple with a waterproof camera took some pictures of us and was supposed to email them to me but I never got them. They probably blew th epictures up to place on the mantle and admire them all day long. At any rate, we didn't hang out here for very long although I would have loved to spend some more time just enjoying the peace and quiet.





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Our driver for the IRIE BLUE HOLE portion of the tour was Peat's son, Ainsworth. He was so sweet. He dutifully answered every one of my husband's 3000 questions and gave us a lot of information about the culture, the island, the trade, as well as different customs on the island. He was really a sweetheart. We had mentioned that we were looking for some good prices on liquor and he took us to place where there was free RUM (and other liquor) tasting in order to get us the best price. We ended up picking up two bottles that were pretty cheap. Overproof something or another and Appleton reserve I believe is what they were called.


Okay, side note: I brought two cameras ont his trip. My trusty little Nikon Coolpix and another more expensive (though older) Canon camera. I got most of my long shots (and better shots) with that one but some sort of way -- and I suspect a certain five year old may be to blame since he was the one carying the backpack that had the camera inside and repeatedly slammed it down on the cement when putting it down -- it died the night before we returned to Miami. Now normally this would not be a problem because one could simply remove the memory card to upload the pictures, right? WRONG. When I put the memory card in my other camera, it was completely wiped. Empty. And I'm a tecky so I know what I'm doing. What I can't figure out is how it happened. So anyway I just wanted to let everyone know that I have about 400plus pictures that were lost which is why this "photo review" is so thin. I am doing my best. But I felt an explanation was necessary. Lets just say that someone better be getting a new camera for Christmas this year.:D:mad:

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