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Carnival imagination-carnival victory "back-to-back" review (pics) 4-12-2013


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Well we got the aforementioned ship on a stick and the goodies (which I did not expect at ALL--I am not one of those with my hand out; just wanted to be Platinum since that's what their webpage states).


So I guess I'm now platinum. My card was platinum and now my luggage tags for our next cruise in October show "priority", so I think it's now done and settled.


I didn't see where you mentioned the goodied and I still don't when I look back at the previous posts. I was wondering if they behaved a little better after you contacted John. Was an apology forthcoming?

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So back to the saga of making sure I turned Platinum. I heard from the Brilliant Mischelle on John's FB page and she assured me that she wrote the people in Guest Services and to check back in 1/2 hr. So we came back at least an hour later. Got the same rigamarole--they don't do that anymore, blah blah blah.


I said, "Look, I was told by John Heald that there is an email here somewhere explaining YOUR PROGRAM." He eventually went back and talked with the supervisor or some such and he brought a platinum card to me with my name on it. YAY. FINALLY. I kept offering to login and show them my page where it specifically says this on their own webpages.


We got back to our room and found this:




With a note from Goose and John. I didn't really feel it was necessary as the issue was fixed, but wow our first ship on a stick!

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I didn't see where you mentioned the goodied and I still don't when I look back at the previous posts. I was wondering if they behaved a little better after you contacted John. Was an apology forthcoming?


I went back to my file tab and found that I had not posted the picture with what I was talking about and just now posted it; my apologies on that...


To answer your question, though, we didn't get an apology. We kept at the guy at guest services (not the one that said he didn't know (or care) who John Heald was) and he FINALLY went back and talked to someone who must've found the email from John's assistant, Brilliant Mischelle... because then he came out with a new card for me that was Platinum. It was about an hour or so after that time that we went back to our room and found this tray of stuff so I am not sure when it was put there.


The NEXT DAY we got a call from a woman at guest services who seemed concerned: "We got an email from John Heald... is everything ok?" So SHE seemed to know who he was! Barry said that there was a problem, but it seemed to have been sorted out the day prior. He said she sounded relieved.

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I just love those Trophies. Our Group won Trivia on Valor and were so proud walking around with our bounty.


Keep the review coming... more pictures. I have seen these two ships so many times while in ports.



Kevin Reid

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I didn't see where you mentioned the goodied and I still don't when I look back at the previous posts. I was wondering if they behaved a little better after you contacted John. Was an apology forthcoming?


I went back to my file tab and found that I had not posted the picture with what I was talking about and just now posted it; my apologies on that...


To answer your question, though, we didn't get an apology. We kept at the guy at guest services (not the one that said he didn't know (or care) who John Heald was) and he FINALLY went back and talked to someone who must've found the email from John's assistant, Brilliant Mischelle... because then he came out with a new card for me that was Platinum. It was about an hour or so after that time that we went back to our room and found this tray of stuff so I am not sure when it was put there.


The NEXT DAY we got a call from a woman at guest services who seemed concerned: "We got an email from John Heald... is everything ok?" So SHE seemed to know who he was! Barry said that there was a problem, but it seemed to have been sorted out the day prior. He said she sounded relieved.

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I seemed to have mentioned that I won $50 in the spa raffle and made my appointment for 9:00 a.m. Since we had already been to Nassau, I figured it could wait a bit to get off the ship. This was my 2nd visit to a spa on a Carnival ship and it was a MUCH better experience than my first.


To explain: A couple years ago on Carnival Valor, I decided to try the Ionithermy (sp) to see if I would lose a few inches. If you don't know, when you are finished in the spa, they always recommend some products that they use in the spa. I would love to someday try some of them, but they are expensive. The girl that did my treatment said that I needed to have follow up treatment to continue with the inch loss and it would be $3700. Would I like to put that on my S&S card? I nearly laughed out loud and said, UM NO.


So THIS time the girl (she was very sweet) asked me if I'd ever been to the spa and I told her about this encounter. Her eyebrows went up to the stratosphere and said "It should NEVER be that much!" So I don't know what was up with that, but that made me feel a bit better about my spa experience. NO WAY would I ever spend $3700 for a follow up treatment... that's laughable. But I wonder what that other girls' motive was. Hmmm.


Soooooo, this time I had the top to toe special... facial, full body massage, scalp, hand and foot massage and a special eye treatment. I have never in my life had a massage and it was AWESOME. I can't wait to do it again! It was worth every penny. The follow up treatment they recommended this time was under $300. I didn't get it, but would like to someday. If you get a chance to go, treat yourself. I would love to go twice--once in the beginning and once in the end.


NOTE: DO NOT BOOK YOUR SPA APPOINTMENTS BEFORE YOU GET ON THE SHIP. They *always* have specials and you can get them for a discounted price if you wait.



Our second cruise brought us right back to the Bahamas. This time we decided to just check out the Queen's Staircase, Fort Fincastle and whatever else we saw whilst walking around.




The day was beautiful. Nice with a tradewind so it never felt like we were baking. This was our first cruise in the spring and it was nice. The water was cooler than what we've experienced in September/October/November, but once we got used to it, we were fine. (Water temperatures, btw, were about 85 degrees F.)




When we found the Queen's staircase, there was a gentleman there who said he was a custodian there and sort of "made" us listen to the speech. I found it interesting, but he then boldly asked for a tip. Sooo, if you don't want to get cornered when you go to the Queen's staircase, just continue on. It was interesting, yes, but I figured it was going to end up costing us something then.






After the Queen's staircase, we were right by Fort Fincastle so we sauntered over there as well. We didn't go in but you can for the small admission of $1.00.




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This was the view from the fort area.



For what it's worth, you don't have to do excursions through the ship in Nassau. It's relatively safe, no one bothers you, they take American money dollar-for-dollar, speak English, etc. So our most expensive jaunt was to Ardastra Gardens with admission $16 each. We are glad we did it and I would do it again.


Walking up the Queen's Staircase was nice to see and learn the history of it and seeing the fort. We will visit some of the other forts should we go back there again. We really don't want to pay the big bucks to go to Atlantis.


If you're a shopper, the shopping on Bay Street is very nice. I did NOT like the Straw Market. Tons of stuff crammed in this place and everyone "hawking" at you to buy the same stuff from them. I didn't like it. AT. ALL.


After we did our jaunting around, we came back to the ship and hung out at the back pool. We never did ever find a seat at the Serenity deck on Victory... it was cram-packed every time we tried.


Oh, and even though there are signs posted about not chair hogging, NO ONE enforced it. Once I saw a couple come and visit their chairs every 40 minutes, shuffle around their sun hat or book and leave. THEY NEVER SAT IN THE CHAIRS. Just HOGGED THEM. Now that we like to sit by the pool, I totally understand the frustration of that.

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Before we "leave" the Bahamas, I wanted to show a picture... there were a LOT of ships in port that day:





It was formal night after we got done at the Bahamas. It was also the night we got to meet the Captain. We'd never done that before, so that was fun to do.



We also ran into Goose a LOT on this trip. I don't know if he knew we were the Platinum people (our issues with that) or if it was coincidental, but he was very attentive. One night, he bought Barry and I drinks as we listened to Life Line out on the Promenade, even! (THEY WERE DELICIOUS TOO)




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Did you fly out of BWI or SBY


SBY. We prefer it if the miles are the same since then we don't have to drive when we get home.


In October, we have to overnight in Philly for a 5:30 a.m. flight, but we'll be in Fort Lauderdale at EARLY O' Clock! So we'll have the day to enjoy before embarkation the next morning.

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Formal night also meant lobster, which means pictures:





I loved the shots they offered after dinner, too...

This was a "blue eyed blonde"



This was a buttery nipple (my favorite shot!):






What can you say about Half Moon Cay. Paradise. Completely. Say Half Moon Cay to my husband and his face lights up. Others, too, understand its appeal. It is a special place in paradise for sure.


The first time we went there, we got a Cabana, but there were 4 of us. This time we opted not to get one and thought they would be all sold out. They were NOT. I wish I would have gotten one, despite the $200-plus price tag.


If you snooze on the clam shells, you'll lose. Get one if you don't want a cabana. They are $15 for the day. Floatees were about $20 for the day and we got them and LOVED them (again). The sand is like velvet there. Even softer than Grand Turk. How I love Half Moon Cay.


The day started off with some clouds and then a few sprinkles but it did get sunny and warm and there were no complaints from the Groh family.





The "condos" as they are called, are nestled in and amongst the cabanas:


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I just realized that I didn't take a picture of the lunch pavilion. :(


Basically the menu is hamburgers, hot dogs, jerk chicken. Salads, and easy desserts (like cookies, spice cake and such). It's good easy food for people to transport to a picnic table.


They serve sodas and water and such as well as the pirate ship bar has drinks and stuff there too.








All in all it was a fantastic day. The days on Half Moon Cay are never long enough. We went to leave about an hour before it was suggested we return and the line was ENORMOUS. In order to go when the line isn't long you give up time on the beach. That is one thing that is disappointing but we're so thankful when we get to visit HMC.


P.S., I heard someone ask a Carnival employee that since they had "Faster to the Fun" couldn't they have priority tendering BACK to the ship. That would be a NO. No one gets special anything to come back to the ship. Just so you know. :)

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Leaving Half Moon Cay



Tenders were packed like sardines:



Bye bye paradise... see you again





So evening came and it was time to get ready for dinner. We take pictures every night. I think it's fun. My husband is patient enough to comply. We don't buy every picture, but then we have a lot to choose from. This time I took a couple of snaps of him getting his photos taken:





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Great review and pictures! We are taking the Victory next week for the first time on her! If I wasn't already excited, this review & pictures are making it even harder to concentrate on my last few days of work!


We are travelling with our son (2.5) and wanted to just walk around Nassau and go to the queens staircase & the fort; do you remember how long the walk was and/or if there were sidewalks and safe to walk with a child and stroller?


Thanks & keep up the great review!



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Great review and pictures! We are taking the Victory next week for the first time on her! If I wasn't already excited, this review & pictures are making it even harder to concentrate on my last few days of work!


We are travelling with our son (2.5) and wanted to just walk around Nassau and go to the queens staircase & the fort; do you remember how long the walk was and/or if there were sidewalks and safe to walk with a child and stroller?


Thanks & keep up the great review!




Hi Kim! Thanks for the kind words!


I think for MOST of it you could do with a stroller. However, you would not be able to walk up the Queen's staircase with a child in a stroller. The climb is somewhat steep. We made it fine, but I heard others huffing and puffing when they got to the top. I would say it's about 1/2 mile or so from the ship, but it's all sidewalks. There is a hill to climb to get there (or the road inclines... however you want to describe it). You want to go down Bay Street to Elizabeth. We never saw it marked, but if you see a sign for the Hospital, it is situated literally right AT the hospital. You will also see buses that go up there as well.


When you get to the top of the Queen's Staircase, to the right is where you'll go to get to Fort Fincastle.


I hope this helps. I didn't feel it was a bad walk for us and thinking back, I think the only part you'd have to be careful about would be the stairs themselves simply because you wouldn't want to do that with a stroller any way. :)

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Hi Debra,


Loving your review! Thanks for posting it and your pictures.


Question: do you happen to have the Fun Times from the Imagination? If so, are you able to post them at the end of your review or email it? Thanks in advance.

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Hi Debra,


Loving your review! Thanks for posting it and your pictures.


Question: do you happen to have the Fun Times from the Imagination? If so, are you able to post them at the end of your review or email it? Thanks in advance.


I do have them. How are they normally posted?


I'd be happy to help...

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I am enjoying your review. 2 ships I haven't been on. Love love love your pictures. The full shot of the peacock was beautiful.


I'm so glad they got your platinum status straightened out!!!



Happy sails!!

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I do have them. How are they normally posted?


I'd be happy to help...


Yay! Thanks. Someone else was just looking for them on another thread I replied to.


Great question re: "how"! How are you posting your pictures? Are they hosted somewhere and then you copy the URL?

ETA: I see you are hosting your pictures on Photobucket. You can post them the same as your pics.


I typically use Google Docs or Facebook. In the past I scanned my Fun Times as a PDF, and since the files were smaller than the allowed max file size for a PDF (976KB) I used the paper clip icon to add them to my review as attachments) like this: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1072006


Otherwise.... My email is Lorena17x@gmail.com. I can then try to post them as a reply post?

Edited by fofita01
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Great review and pictures! We are taking the Victory next week for the first time on her! If I wasn't already excited, this review & pictures are making it even harder to concentrate on my last few days of work!


We are travelling with our son (2.5) and wanted to just walk around Nassau and go to the queens staircase & the fort; do you remember how long the walk was and/or if there were sidewalks and safe to walk with a child and stroller?


Thanks & keep up the great review!




There is a walking tour of Nassau online somewhere. I think I saw it mentioned on the Port of Call board for the Bahamas.

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