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Freedom of the Seas April 14th Review

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That looks like a really nice resort and a great way to spend the day. Your Mom looks so happy!





This is Mom :D This place was awesome for me! I could be a "normal" person in that pool with the seats in the pool at the swim up bar. The view of the ocean was incredible. And the buffet veggie & seafood were just awesome while being healthy food. Great day!


And she is right - Dolphin Day! So so so wonderful!

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So finally the day for the long awaited dolphins had arrived. The line for breakfast in the MDR was too long if were we going to get to our tour on time. So we were forced into the WJ. I remembered why I hate the WJ. The crowd was ridiculous. I wish I had thought of Sorrento’s as an option, but I didn’t. We got breakfast though and survived it.


We then got off the ship and got to the tour spot and checked in right at the recommended time of 9:15. They directed us to wait in the shade of the fence. We then waited around in the heat for at least 45 minutes. When we finally did get under way, there was one guy with a sign trying to lead way too many people. But eventually we made it to the taxi stand, and the tour leader got us a taxi and made it to the park.


Dolphins, wonderful dolphins. I don’t have words for great this experience was, but for $119 I have lots of great pictures for how it was. We almost didn’t get the photos because we thought they said $190 for them. So we were very happy when it turned out to be $119.














Coming up - Cozumel Part 2 (more dolphin pics, I'm posting most all of the good ones just because I like them so much.)

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Last of the dolphin photos








The one thing I will say is that both mom and I were very glad we had rented the wet suits with our OBC from booking onboard. The water that the dolphins were in was rather cool for us. We were just barely comfortable with the wet suits on. I saw kids whose teeth were chattering, and we are cold sensitive so I was glad for the wet suits. It was well worth the $40 for the week, even though mom really only used hers that one day.


After the dolphins, we got a short interaction with a manatee. It was interesting how they were both slimy from the stuff growing on them, but then rough as they are actually closely related to elephants.


Coming up - Cozumel Part 5 (Sea lion show, tour, and rest of day)

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We then got changed and went to the sea lion show. It was fun to see.








I have a short video from the show too.


Before the show, a photographer went around and asked about pictures with the sea lion. It was only $15 for two people. The sea lion only kisses one person for the photo though. So whenever we go back at some point, we’ll go two single photos for $10 each instead. It was a physical photo for this, and I haven't taken the time to scan it yet.


After the sea lion photo time, they offered us a tour of the dolphin area. We mostly took it for the opportunity to see the 3 baby dolphins they currently have. The baby dolphins were adorable. One of them was actually feeding from his mother when we went by. It was sooo cool. The rest of the tour was okay, but was mostly stuff we had already seen as part of our dolphin experience.


We missed our scheduled return time by 15 minutes with waiting for the sea lion photo so the next one was 45 minutes away. But I begged my way with another RCI tour operator into returning with some of her people. We got back on the ship and had a sorrento’s snack. I loved the pizza, and returned to enjoy it a number of other times after this. They a vegetable panini (sp? – a grilled sandwich thing) that they made special for mom without the cheese.


We looked at the schedule then and realized we had time to make it to a ribbon to a rose crafts class. This was actually a very hard thing to do. Mine was actually really made by class leader. But I did help make mom’s. It was fun to do though. We wore them in our hair to dinner.


We had an early dinner this night due to a plethora of available activities for this night. Mom had the chilled honeydew soup and loved it. I had the crab cake and absolutely loved it. Mom got a barely cooked salmon (as she wanted it). Some number of nights before this, Florentina had started bringing mom the menu for the next night at the end of each meal. Mom could then make any special requests then so it would work for her eating plan. I had the beef duo and loved it. No dessert for mom this night, and I had a sugar free red berry thing, which was pretty good.


We then went to watch The Croods in 3D. It was a lot of fun. We then raced to see the ice show for our 9:00 reservations. Mom really enjoyed it, and I liked it. There was a decent amount of ship movement this night, and it was really impressive that they mostly landed their jumps with those movements happening.


We ended the night with another snack at Sorrento’s for me, and a snack from Café Promende for mom. Plus we got room service for hot tea for mom, and hot chocolate and chocolate chip cookies for me. And of course the towel animal, a snake tonight.



The picture doesn't do this justice. He actually had a tongue that stuck out and everything.


Coming up - Last Day (Sea Day)

Edited by DM_KidAtHeart
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I woke up early once again with final flowrider plans. I went for a first breakfast at the WJ. I then went to the Flowrider. I had to watch for a while until the advanced stand-up surfing time was done. There were about 5 guys this morning, very different from the almost private time I got sharing it with just one other guy on the morning of my birthday. By the time the advanced time was over, 2 other non-advanced guys had joined. It was fun, although I never got one as good I had gotten that first morning.


I have a compilation video here on Youtube:


On this video compilation, I left the recording I ended up with of one guy who really good at it. Just so everyone could see what actually good on this looks like.


After around 5 tries, the line had gotten somewhat long and I was done. It was fun though. I was glad I had rented the wetsuit for doing this. The water temperature was not the issue. I just was more comfortable knowing that all my body parts were staying covered. I saw a number of butts that day.


I then went for a second breakfast at MDR. I ordered my usual classic breakfast, but also got the yummy leftover crab cake egg benedict. I just ate the crab cake with the yolk on it, and left the rest there. I almost ordered a 2nd one though, just because I liked that crab cake so much.


I then met up with mom in the room, and we went and hung in the cantilevered hot tubs with our Kindles one last time. We followed that up with lunch in the MDR, and got done just in time to wander the promenade and see a little of the Freedom Fest celebration.


We then took our C&A books to the casino to redeem the coupons there. I actually won a free keychain with my free pull. It’s an unusual RCI keychain and I rather like it. We were going to do the match coupons at the roulette (one on red, one on black thing), but neither of the roulette tables were open, which is a supposedly almost sure way to walk away a little better than even. I played a dollar on a slot machine, just for fun.


We then went to the jewelry making class. The cost was only $10 for a set that will make a necklace, bracelet and earrings.



The easiest of the 3 options (it did include earrings and a bracelet not shown).



The second hardest (which did also include earrings not shown)



The hardest of the three along with the class teacher (same guy who we did the ribbon to flower class with on the previous day)


If you do this, unless you choose the simplest of the 3 sets, there is no way to finish in the allowed time for the class. I did pick the hardest, and mom picked the 2nd hardest. Mom almost finished her necklace in the allowed time. I got almost a 3rd of mine done, and then dropped most of my work on the floor by accident. He helped me to clean it up, and I can re-do the work.


I had hopes and plans of maybe doing the ice skating and the wall climb on this day, but I just ran out of time. I was just minutes too late for last wall climb. I then had to rush to return the wet suits to the dive shop closing time.


Coming up - Last Sea Day Part 2 (the rest of the day)

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We then watched the Move it Move it parade again from deck 8. This time from the other end than I had seen it that first night. We then went to the WJ so Mom could have a sushi snack in Jade.


We also had issues this night with forgetting things in the room. I had 6+ return trips to room for various forgotten things. This is a good time to mention the room steward for the rooms up the hall from ours. She was so nice. I liked our own, and he was very helpful. I just didn’t see him all that often. The steward next to ours, I saw her all the time. She always had a smile for us. And as I made at least 6 trips back to the room in an hour and a half (seeing her almost every time), she never openly laughed at me, just a nice happy greeting.


Dinner started with the cold soup for mom (another one she liked), and the French onion soup for me (it was okay). Mom had a special order turkey and veggies, and I had the fried fish and seafood plate as well as the lamb plate for me. Both of them were great.



The only picture I got of our wonderful waiting team.


We both skipped dessert. I was too full, plus we had free cupcakes in room. We had gotten a call earlier that day asking if we liked the cupcake class. Mom said yes, and they asked if we’d like free cupcakes. Does anyone say no to that question?


The farewell show was that night, of course. Before the show, one of CD staff said we was having a prize competition for the first 3 people over 18 on the stage. I saw a hat in his hands, and I was on the first row. So I climbed/rolled onto the stage. I got quite a laugh for my moves to get up there. The competition was to make a paper airplane to fly the farthest. I did not win.




My plane few pretty much straight up and straight down. Quite funny and amusing, but definitely not the winner. The other two guys’ planes went almost to the first level back row and to just past the back row of the first level. So I left with the standard RCI keychain, but it was fun.


The actual show was a mish-mash of various things: Richard Spacey’s summary of dance (available on Youtube according to him, and absolutely hilarious), another aerial show, a juggling comedian, and the singers along with the usual representation of all staff.


We then went back to the room and quickly packed up everything in time to put the bags out by 11 pm. And while I was sad somewhat that the cruise was ending, my feet had actually had all they could take.


After putting the bags in the hall, I went to Sorrento's in my PJ's for a final couple of slices of pizza. Mom ordered her tea from room service as I didn't want to walk all the way to Cafe Promenade in my PJ's. And we enjoyed our cupcakes (there was a nice note with them).






And there was, of course, a final towel animal that night, a stingray (a little hard to see on the white bed).




Coming up - Debarkation and final thoughts

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Oh no!!:( Your cruise can't be over already!!! I have very much enjoyed reading this review!! What a wonderful mother/daughter trip this has been!! Thank you for sharing it!




I know. I wasn't entirely ready for it to be over, but the plaantar faciitis in my foot was more than ready. It has finally now, a week later, calmed down.

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We had #2 tags, so we could get off the ship almost at any point. We went and enjoyed a nice MDR breakfast with two Canadian couples. There were a ton of people in the MDR for breakfast this morning. We probably should have gone a little faster at breakfast, and I definitely didn’t need that last chocolate donut and chocolate milk (but I sure did like it). Anyway, there was quite a line to get off the ship by the time we were doing it. For some reason, there was less of a line if you had odd numbered luggage tags.



A final shot of the ship as we were waiting in line to get to the luggage.


Once we finally got to a porter, things moved along better. After we got our stuff, he took us over to the other side where the odd numbered tags were going through customs. Way, way, way shorter customs lines on that side.


I left mom with all the luggage and I went to get our rental car. I then picked up her and the luggage. It was a rainy day, so no loss on not getting a convertible for this leg. I dropped mom at the bus station and went to return the car. I was hoping to take the nice cheap bus back to the bus station, but I had apparently just missed the needed busses to make it back in time. So I had to take a taxi. We then got on the Megabus to Atanta.


After the cruise, when we had turned our phones back on, we got messages about my aunt. She had complications from what should have been routine gall bladder and hernia surgery. She had nearly died, and was now still in ICU. She lives in Augusta about 2.5 hours east of Atlanta. So we went to her after the Megabus, and one pre-arranged Atlanta hotel night. I left my mom in Augusta, and I had to return back home in order to work.


Overall it was really a great trip with some once-in-a-lifetime moments. The ending was rather a bummer to come back to that news. But I really have no major complaints, and feel so much happier and rested after this great vacation.


One other random thought on the cruise: I never understood on this trip the difference that a really great CD can make. Richard Spacey was great. So funny and fun. It just made the whole trip more fun in an unexpected way.


The eventual drive back home was even prettier as the mountain had finally begun to turn green again as well.





If there's one thing I love as much as the ocean, it is mountains.


I ended the trip with another Popeye’s meal and then got back to my eating plan the next day. It's a week later now, and I'm back to only 8 pounds above my previous low. Considering all I ate and enjoyed in that time, I have no complaints about that. It's one week a year, and I believe in enjoying it.


My aunt could still use any and all prayers. She seemed to be doing better for awhile and they took her off the respirator, but she's taken a turn for the worse now. She's having trouble breathing. They are considering putting her back on the respirator.


In summary, I loved the Freedom of the Seas and would sail on her again in a heartbeat.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to post such a detailed review with great pictures! Did you do your dolphin excursion thru the ship? or had you booked it independently? We are going on the Freedom in December on the same itenerary - my first time cruising Royal Caribbean! I've been on Norwegian, Carnival & Paul Gauguin - I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt - prayers going up!!

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Oh, I forgot - I wanted to ask you about the cupcake & jewelry classes - is that something you have to sign up for in advance? If so, can you tell me the procedure? Thanks again!


Cupcake class - yes. It's under specialty dining in the pre-cruise planner. You can also go to cupcake place once onboard to sign up, but the classes do fill up sometimes.


Jewelry, you just have to watch for it on the compass. Just show up and pay.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to post such a detailed review with great pictures! Did you do your dolphin excursion thru the ship? or had you booked it independently? We are going on the Freedom in December on the same itenerary - my first time cruising Royal Caribbean! I've been on Norwegian, Carnival & Paul Gauguin - I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt - prayers going up!!


I did book this excursion through the ship. The price difference was minimal when I looked and it was easier since the travel came with it. I know you can do it separate. And sometimes they offer specials like buy one get for half or free. But at the time I was wanting to pay, it just worked out easier to go with the ship one.

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Oh, I forgot - I wanted to ask you about the cupcake & jewelry classes - is that something you have to sign up for in advance? If so, can you tell me the procedure? Thanks again!


The cupcake class is for kids and adults. U can pre book online or go to cupcake cupboard on the promenade to sign up. It's around $20-25 for the class. I attended one of the sessions with my two grand daughters.

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Was on the same cruise as you two, thanks for memories!


BTW, think I heard them singing happy b-day to you in the MDR & I recall the rain clouds in Cayman. We luckily missed them but they looked scary as we were jet skiing on the other side of the island.


Oh and the crab cakes were awesome!

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