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My Cuba Cruise

Balloon Man

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Those arriving at Havana this week may have to share the Sierra Maestra cruise ship terminal with the Russian surveillance ship, Viktor Leonov. News item says the ship is paying a courtesy call on Cuba and is moored at the same terminal as used by the Louis Cristal.

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Those arriving at Havana this week may have to share the Sierra Maestra cruise ship terminal with the Russian surveillance ship, Viktor Leonov. News item says the ship is paying a courtesy call on Cuba and is moored at the same terminal as used by the Louis Cristal.


The Russians will probably be easy to spot in port. :D




LOL. They remind me of Grumpy Cat.



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Hi all!


I don't know what's going on with the occupancy figures but for the Havana cruise departure burm & Kerri are on the figure went from 75 available on Monday to 81 today!:confused: Mine is either 48 or 49 so should be crowded compared to last year!


I called the Cuba Tourist Board in Toronto & they had emailed me but I never got the message. They only have a map of Cuba & said I could get a map of Havana at the airport. There's a nice one in the back of "Lonely Planet Cuba" that I have from the library but I don't think they'd appreciate me detaching it.;) I think we'll probably do the HOHO bus so if anybody did it please let me know where you picked it up & how it was please.


Ron ~ seems to me last year there were 3 2 for 1 offers during the day. I'd like to know when they are too.


zebraprintsky ~ I wanted to play Bingo on the cruise too since it was only $7 & I had time but we never got the required 10 people so I went to the casino & turned my $20 into $100!


burm ~ nice pictures, they made me LOL.:D


Have a good day.


~ Jo ~ :)

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Or over at the TABARISH


I think I will pass on that one. :)




Havana Unique offers /TaBARish


New Bar in Miramar, Havana.


Russian private Bar ,with Russian food and Russian drinks just open in 20 street, e/ 5th & 7th avenues , Miramar.


Bar TaBARish.

- See more at: http://www.havanaunique.com/havana-unique-offers-tabarish/#sthash.KQ4Ws8Hu.dpuf

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Here two Spanish with desire of knowing Cuba on March 16. :)


Already almost we have everything organized, we were lacking tourist visa, which from yesterday already OK, certainly those who they embark in Havana, need 2 ¡¡¡ :mad: , and this it consults the Cuban authorities, one was sealed in the airport of the Havanan and other one in Cienfuegos's port. :o


Already we will read 77 pages, to see some current importance, while a cordial greeting ;)

Edited by manueljose
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Here two Spanish with desire of knowing Cuba on March 16. :)


Already almost we have everything organized, we were lacking tourist visa, which from yesterday already OK, certainly those who they embark in Havana, need 2 ¡¡¡ :mad: , and this it consults the Cuban authorities, one was sealed in the airport of the Havanan and other one in Cienfuegos's port. :o


Already we will read 77 pages, to see some current importance, while a cordial greeting ;)


Hello manueljose.


Will you be spending extra time in Cuba? We are looking forward to spending 10 extra nights in Havana, at two different Casas Particulares, to get to know the city a little better.


We leave home in 18 days, but I still have not started to pack. Each year I leave it a little later. Maybe one day I will be packing like DH, only hours before we go out the door. Nah. That would not leave me time to replace outgrown clothes from last summer. :rolleyes:


Kerri, what about you - started packing yet?


The other day I downloaded some novels by popular Cuban writer Leonardo Padura . After reading the first page of Havana Red, I was very glad that we will not be visiting Havana in summer. HIs description of the oppressive heat (along with his writing style) had me feeling practically suicidal. Our Man in Havana and Havana Best Friends were much easier reads.


The heat is a malign plague invading everything. The heat descends like a tight, stretchy cloak of red silk, wrapping itself around bodies, trees, and things, to inject there the dark poison of despair and a slower, certain death. It is a punishment without appeal or relief that seems ready to ravage the visible universe, thought it's lethal vortex must fall on a heretic city, on a district condemned to hell. It tortures mangy, forlorn street dogs searching for a lake in the desert; old men dragging sticks that are more exhausted than their own legs, as they advance against the summer solstice in their daily struggle for survival; once majestic trees, now bent double by the fury of spiralling temperatures; dead dust piled against the sidewalks, longing for a rain that never comes or an indulgent wind, presences able to upset their becalmed fate and transform them into mud, abrasive clouds, storms, or cataclysms. The heat crushes everything, tyrannizes the world, corrodes what could be saved and arouses only the most infernal wrath, rancours, envies, hatreds, as if it intended to provoke the end of time, history, humanity and memory....But how the f*** can it be so hot?


There you go, folks, some nice light, fun travel reading.

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Hi again!


manueljose ~ welcome to the thread!:DWhat an interesting place you come from. I've read a couple of books & saw 2 films about "The Way".

Cuba will be a great place for you to go since you know the language.


burm ~ you'll know Havana inside out with 10 days there!;)

That's a very descriptive paragraph, sounded terrible!

We went once in July & didn't find it that hot!


~ Jo ~ :)

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We would appreciate being advised by anyone who had recently disembarked the Cristal whether the ship has been maintaining the "Two:)For:)One" Cocktail hour prior to dinner. If so, at what specified hour? Thanks.


Arrived in Florida late yesterday so just getting around to answering some questions now. There was a 2 for 1 cocktail hour, but I can't remember the exact time and our programs are still at home in Ontario! It was written in very small print and we missed it until the last night so didn't make use of it. Sorry I can't be more specific.

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HI all!


csnow ~ thanks for coming back with your thoughts & excursion info. Wow you have been busy!:eek: Sounds like you had a good time on the cruise. Which 3 excursions did you do & how did you like them please?

Did you go to the steak house?


Kerri ~ good point. It does sound like they just joined CC to slam the cruise. I really liked the decor, decals & all. The store was nice too & everything's so close, just one floor down from us, easy peasy.


burm ~ I've ordered that book from the library but have 3 others to get through 1st!!


Ron ~ glad you cleared that up about the Jamaicans that boarded as that sounded bad!:eek: I never noticed a dignitary table last year, I'll have to look out for that.


Have a nice evening.


~ Jo ~ :)


We did Cuba Life, Panoramic Santiago, and Trinidad. Enjoyed the Cuba Life. It was our first tour, so everything was new. Loved the bus trip-it was interesting to look at the countryside and view life in Cuba. I agree with zebraprintsky about the Indian dance, not what I was expecting, but ok. Same with the nature park where Christopher Columbus landed. Our lunch was very good, and then they drove us to Guardalacava where we had time to visit the market and the beach which were both very enjoyable.


We did Panoramic Santiago and that was good. Liked all of this tour, but especially the mojito at a restaurant off the square! Wish I could remember the name of the place, but the best mojito I have ever had! We tried to walk around after, but so many people were asking for money or soap or lotion that we headed back to the ship without seeing anything. This wasn't the only place where people were asking for things, but the only place we were bothered enough to just head back to the ship.


Our last trip was to Trinidad. It was a long ride and we loved seeing the countryside on the trip there and back. Lunch was very good. It was a buffet style and had many choices and included a drink. Next we went to a pottery studio. Only one or two people bought from here that I noticed. It wasn't something I felt I needed or wanted to spend time at, but it was fine. Our guide took us to a Museum which was interesting and then a little walk around tour before going for a drink at a bar. After that we had time to wander around on our own before heading back. There wasn't time to see anything of Cienfuegos when we returned, and I almost wish we had spent our time here. It looked like there was enough in the town to keep busy for a while.


We didn't go to the steakhouse. We live in a rural area and get our beef from my brother-in-law's brother. I don't think you can find better beef anywhere so didn't bother spending money on it! We usually find the food at the main restaurants on all of the ships more than adequate for us.

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Kerri, what about you - started packing yet?


The other day I downloaded some novels by popular Cuban writer Leonardo Padura . After reading the first page of Havana Red, I was very glad that we will not be visiting Havana in summer. His description of the oppressive heat (along with his writing style) had me feeling practically suicidal. Our Man in Havana and Havana Best Friends were much easier reads.

I have started making piles of clothes and getting together the small necessities.

I did buy myself one new top for a dinner and my MIL gave me a new one for Christmas, but everything else is my usual summer wear.

Trying to take less, mix and match and do double duty. I have good intentions. :rolleyes:


I may be reading Havana Bay by Martin Cruz Smith on the cruise. It is the fourth novel about the main character of inspector Arkady Renko in Gorky Park.

Trying to finish Gorky Park now, finding it interesting but slow, so I may not read them in order.


I bought cardboard flowers to decorate our cabin door at a Party City store today because they reminded me of the ship decorations. I wasn't going to bother this trip, but they make it easy to find the cabin.


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I bought cardboard flowers to decorate our cabin door at a Party City store today because they reminded me of the ship decorations. I wasn't going to bother this trip, but they make it easy to find the cabin.


You will really blend in well with the ship's décor. :)

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Heading out today for Havana. Boarding the ship Monday! So excited. Grabbed the SI and looking forward to a busy time in Havana and a big relax on a big deck!


This thread has been invaluable! Been following it for about a year and could not have planned our trip without it. Do not anticipate being on line while gone, but will post when I get back Feb.3rd. But you never know...bringing the ipad....


Thanks everyone!

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Heading out today for Havana. Boarding the ship Monday! So excited. Grabbed the SI and looking forward to a busy time in Havana and a big relax on a big deck!




This thread has been invaluable! Been following it for about a year and could not have planned our trip without it. Do not anticipate being on line while gone, but will post when I get back Feb.3rd. But you never know...bringing the ipad....




Thanks everyone!



Have a great trip Liz I hope there's a wonderful surprise for you around every corner.



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Hi all!


csnow ~ thanks so much for answering my questions. I thought the native

dance was hokey too but I joined in so I'd appear on the video. I'm never in the locations that are being filmed on cruises & often buy the tapes.:o


I remember people being pesky in Santiago while on a tour from our resort. The shopkeeper locked the door behind us so they couldn't come in!

I loved the Cuba Life tour as it gave such a good overview of the countryside with varied stops but there is quite a lot to see in Cienfuegos if one didn't want to do an excursion.


Liz54 ~ have a great time! Looking forward to hearing how you liked the cruise & what you did in the ports. Bon Voyage!


Kerri ~ lovely flowers, you will fit right in with the decor.;)


I'm wondering if the Church wasn't lit up because it's something they do around Christmas time. I'll have to see when Aaron went to see if that could be the reason zebraprintsky didn't see it.


Another sunny cold day here, come on February!


~ Jo ~ :)

Edited by retiring soon
needed to add something
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Had to chuckle at a comment made on line today by someone identified as THE AMERICAN BLOGGER who, after having read the piece about the now improved relations occurring between Cuba and the U.S., wrote;


I feel bad for the Canadian tourist, it had to end sometime. :)

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Had to chuckle at a comment made on line today by someone identified as THE AMERICAN BLOGGER who, after having read the piece about the now improved relations occurring between Cuba and the U.S., wrote;


I feel bad for the Canadian tourist, it had to end sometime. :)




Obama has inadvertently given Cuban's economy a real boost by encouraging Canadian tourists to visit this winter.


There are two types of tourists - one type says, "This place is wonderful - there is no Diamonds International. The second type says, "This place is positively primitive- there is no Diamonds International".

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:D:D:D There are two types of tourists - one type says, "This place is wonderful - there is no Diamonds International. The second type says, "This place is positively primitive- there is no Diamonds International".




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... Do not anticipate being on line while gone, but will post when I get back Feb.3rd. But you never know...bringing the ipad.... Thanks everyone!


Liz54, when you reach Jamaica there is a shopping area (almost abandoned) to the left of the terminal gate. Security will lead you to a small cafe where a lot of the crew congregate. They sell WiFi for $5 per hour should you be in need of or so inclined. FYI

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... They sell WiFi for $5 per hour should you be in need of or so inclined.FYI


There is a story that should be told about this venue. A member of the Greek crew found this locale. He sat in a booth and open his laptop across from him. He ordered lunch and then proceeded to contact home (Skype?) and had lunch with his beloved. On and on they went perhaps catching up on family news, all for the entire place to hear (but it was all Greek to us....). They were on for a very long time so I may be in error as to the length of time one gets for $5 but the signal was good... good enough to bring in Athens...

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Thank you very much for the warm welcome. I am not in the habit of taking part very much in cruise critic, though if I read many topics to re-use information. This year our gps I aim at the Caribe, and a point to Cuba....


BURN, we will be in the Habana 6 nights, in hotel, from where we will try to know Viñales,s zone and the beaches of the Habana. :cool:


RETIRING SOON, if I am lucky to live in a city with great history. Here many Americans visit us following the books of Martin Sheen and Shirley Mckley, but if you want others I recommend to you the Brazilian Paulo Coelho - " O Diario dun mago ", or of the German Hape Kerkeling - " I'm off have, losing and finding ". ;)


ONT-CA, the coffee wifi of Jamaica , what is his name?, i read that the wifi of the ship is not very good, and in Cuba they say that very slow where it is. :confused:


Good we are going to continue looking that to know about Cuba. we with the ship will do the excursion of Cuba life in Antilla and Negril beach in Montego Bay, with the rest we expect not to have problems with the language. :D


That you have a good day. Rainy regards from Compostela

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I have started making piles of clothes and getting together the small necessities.

I did buy myself one new top for a dinner and my MIL gave me a new one for Christmas, but everything else is my usual summer wear.

Trying to take less, mix and match and do double duty. I have good intentions. :rolleyes:


This may make it easier for you to pack. The dining room was very casual. I think we saw blue jeans on a few people every night. We brought dressier clothes for formal night, but I think fewer than 20% wore formal wear. I actually felt out of place. It was posted as a formal night but if I remember correctly it stated that it was only suggested. I don't really care and if I had known so few would dress up I would gladly have left our "good" clothes at home and had more room in our suitcases!

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