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"Never again in the Haven"


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Overall we had a very pleasant experience in the haven, although I've only had one so far. My DH and SS were the ones that utilized since I can't really be in the sun.

There was a really sweet family that was in there most of the time with their kids that we could see. We joked that the kids were going to be prunes by the end of the cruise.

There was just one time when my DH and SS saw that the hot tub was available so they ran into the room, put on their swim trunks and headed out to the haven. A short while later, my DH came back in. I asked why he was back so soon and he said, "Oh the kids were looking at us because they wanted to use the hot tub so we just got out."

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Why should I be forced to give up a tranquil Haven because parents do not make their children behave? I purchased a vacation product that was clearly labelled, promoted and promised. Until NCL changes their concept and advertising to include," well kids you get a pool close by", I will expect NCL to follow through with a tranquil Haven.





I will still allow my children in the pool. Our family always travels in the haven and while we have a beautiful pool in our backyard, the novelty of an indoor pool and hot tub steps from our room, never seems to wear off.


It seems that some won't be happy until the Haven is turned into an adult only area. This won't happen. It is surrounded by Family Suites.


There will always be the glares from the adults who are trying to sleep on a lounger as I walk through the door with my children even before my children take off their bathing suit covers. Sorry but the pool is shared. Don't they have a lovely room to sleep in? A private balcony for peace and quiet?


I understand that you had some children who were unsupervised, rude and loud. For every 20 children, you will find at least 4 were not raised to your liking. This is the world we live in.


I see you have already booked another suite in a haven that is even larger than the GEM. Odds are you will be unhappy as there will be twice the amount of children in the Breakaway Haven.


I hope you enjoy your future in the Haven and that the children behave properly in your presence.


My family follows rules and our children do their best to behave like ladies in public. I NEVER expect anyone else to. Unless someone physically harms someone in my family, I don't care what anyone else does or even how loud they are. If it ever becomes unbearable, I walk away.

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When I booked the Haven a couple years ago for my family, the cruise adviser specifically recommended it as a chance to have a pool close by for my kids. So it was indeed marketed to me as a family space. (No, I don't allow my kids to run around unsupervised. I encourage them not to yell and scream. But they do have fun, they do "play" in the pool).


So why should I be forced to give up my family fun Haven because a couple of people want to take naps in loungers?


For people who want true peace and tranquility, there are indeed options. Children aren't allowed in the spa. You can always choose your balcony over the Haven.


Again, I'm not suggesting that the Haven should be a "free for all." Children should be respectful, whether in the Haven, or whether in the main pool, or anyplace else in the ship.


I do agree there is some dichotomy -- The Haven is largely surrounded by family suites -- 2 bedroom suites, etc. The cruise advisers often market it towards families, and it certainly is nicely designed for families. But *most* of the online NCL marketing for the Haven Courtyard does try to give the impression of luxurious tranquility. So there is some disconnect. I think the marketing material needs to be a bit more straightforward.


Instead of guaranteeing privacy and tranquility, more straightforward would say, "An exclusive area set aside solely for our Haven suite guests, where our passengers can relax, dine and swim, away from the hustle and bustle of the main pool and lounges."


Or something like that.


I don wonder whether with the bigger ships... Epic, now Breakaway, whether the Haven has gotten too big, with too many guests, sharing too tight of a space.


When I did the Courtyard (before it was even called the Haven) on the Gem, it was pretty empty most days. There was 1 afternoon where some teenagers were taking up all the space. They weren't terribly misbehaving, but they were playing in the small pool, making it hard for anybody else to use. Mostly just a limit on the actual space. But aside from that, it was pretty empty most of the time. Now where you have 20-40 "Haven" suites, as opposed to 10-12.... I wonder if it's just too many guests for a limited area.



As a parent it is my responsibility to teach my children that there is always a time and a place. My children were on this cruise with us and understood that the Haven was not a playground. They have a kid's club, the main pool, the slides and the organized activities to be children and play.


If I take my children to a 5 star restaurant, they will behave accordingly and not as if they are in the play area at McDonald's. I took them to the Suite party at the Haven they observed decorum, and then went to the kids club and ran and played.


Family suites beside the Haven are suites for families inside the Haven complex. The mere existence of these suites in no way redefines the Haven concept. Promotional material, advertisements and information provided on the official NCL website clearly define the Haven courtyard area. I expect NCL to protect this area until the time it is officially redefined.



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I will still allow my children in the pool. Our family always travels in the haven and while we have a beautiful pool in our backyard, the novelty of an indoor pool and hot tub steps from our room, never seems to wear off.


It seems that some won't be happy until the Haven is turned into an adult only area. This won't happen. It is surrounded by Family Suites.


There will always be the glares from the adults who are trying to sleep on a lounger as I walk through the door with my children even before my children take off their bathing suit covers. Sorry but the pool is shared. Don't they have a lovely room to sleep in? A private balcony for peace and quiet?


I understand that you had some children who were unsupervised, rude and loud. For every 20 children, you will find at least 4 were not raised to your liking. This is the world we live in.


I see you have already booked another suite in a haven that is even larger than the GEM. Odds are you will be unhappy as there will be twice the amount of children in the Breakaway Haven.


I hope you enjoy your future in the Haven and that the children behave properly in your presence.


My family follows rules and our children do their best to behave like ladies in public. I NEVER expect anyone else to. Unless someone physically harms someone in my family, I don't care what anyone else does or even how loud they are. If it ever becomes unbearable, I walk away.


I allowed my children in the pool as well. They were reminded not to splash as well as to use their inside voices.


I am not sure if you read this thread in it's entirety, but I never wished to have children banned.


What I want and the purpose of this thread was for NCL to establish a protocol for dealing with the extreme behavior previously discussed in this thread.



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these types will snap back at you in the nastiest of ways and you can't suggest anything to them because they know it all.


Came across one of these "new age gangsters" when bringing my kid to college....he was the father of another student and the man was a total brute..bully..etc....he knew everything and everyone else was stupid.


They do what they want and that is it. They grew up in a police state.


They blend in...so they fly under the radar and know how to avoid the law and have scripted answers for everything and will lie and cheat. if you called ncl security, these types would be able to convince them that you are the nut and their kids are angels.


Until you actually have the misfortune to speak to one of them, you might think they are typical middle class folks with families and jobs. They are dangerous and best kept away from.


This is not the same type of gangster that is always portrayed in the movies.....different region altogether.


Very well read myself and have lived in NYC for the past 24 years.


Your posts are a clear example of age not denoting wisdom. You have clearly been watching way too much television. I'd love to sit at your table for dinner sometime, if not anything else but for the entertainment value alone. Then again, I may end up rolling my eyes so far back into my head, I'd likely strain myself.

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I allowed my children in the pool as well. They were reminded not to splash as well as to use their inside voices.


I am not sure if you read this thread in it's entirety, but I never wished to have children banned.


What I want and the purpose of this thread was for NCL to establish a protocol for dealing with the extreme behavior previously discussed in this thread.





Yes I have been following the thread. I have not felt the need to comment until today. Your comment that caught my eye specifically was: "Until NCL changes their concept and advertising to include," well kids you get a pool close by", I will expect NCL to follow through with a tranquil Haven."



I still feel for you that you didn't enjoy your Haven Experience.



Kids and a pool will never equal tranquil.



I have always enjoyed my Haven experience. I travel on school breaks and summers. There are always plenty of children in the Haven. The only time I ever felt the need to complain, were about toddlers with swim diapers in the pool.


There have been loud kids, quiet kids, kids with water guns, supervised kids, unsupervised kids. I truly only care about MY kids. If my family is not having the experience we expected, we move on to other activities.


Perhaps if you would have scolded the offending children on day one as opposed to day 6, you would have enjoyed yourself. It seemed to work then.



I do truly hope that you enjoy the haven in the future. I know regardless of others, I will.

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I wonder if they banned kids would they actually lose money or would adults without kids take up the rooms.


I think ncl is too family friendly for that to happen. I think that if they do post rules it only works if they enforce them, which will be very very difficult to do. So I think the only option is to declare the haven a family place and not the tranquil place they advertise.

So I think my days on ncl will be coming to an end.

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Kids and a pool will never equal tranquil.


To some extent, bingo.


I think much of this discussion and "debate" is about different expectations. Many of us would agree that some level of child use and play is acceptable. And we would agree that totally boisterous loud behavior is not acceptable.


The real friction is between those who get bothered by even well behaved children... By the fact that kids may play in the pool instead of swimming Olympic laps.... That kids may talk instead of whispering.

And those who feel they have paid for the Haven, and therefore the kids can treat it as if they are in their own backyard.


I do find there are "adults" who appear upset whenever they see a child enter the room. Those who are annoyed by normal child's laughter. Who would expect the Courtyard to have the ambiance of a spa. But the reality is --- Put kids near a pool, and it is NOT a 5 star restaurant. They are not going to use their library-voices. It doesn't give them permission to act totally crazy. But you can't expect the tranquility of an exclusive spa either.

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How many people are we talking about that can potentially be in The Haven at once on the Breakaway?



I believe there are 86 Haven Suites on the Breakaway.


Minimum amount of haven passengers: 172

Maximum can be up to 344 :eek:


I took a tour of the breakaway haven. The swimming area of the pool is the same size as the GEM class.

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I believe there are 86 Haven Suites on the Breakaway.


Minimum amount of haven passengers: 172

Maximum can be up to 344 :eek:


I took a tour of the breakaway haven. The swimming area of the pool is the same size as the GEM class.


That's crazy. I thought the Haven pool on Epic was small - this one is even smaller from what I understand.

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That's crazy. I thought the Haven pool on Epic was small - this one is even smaller from what I understand.

Yes that is one tiny flaw (IMHO) of the Breakaway. There is wasted pool space in the Haven. If you remove those 6 lounge chairs from the water, NCL could have had quite a nice large Haven pool for the hundreds of Haven guests. Instead they have the standard Jewel class sized haven pool. It makes no sense since 50x more Haven guests will be using it on Breakaway compared to Jewel class ships.

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Yes that is one tiny flaw (IMHO) of the Breakaway. There is wasted pool space in the Haven. If you remove those 6 lounge chairs from the water, NCL could have had quite a nice large Haven pool for the hundreds of Haven guests. Instead they have the standard Jewel class sized haven pool. It makes no sense since 50x more Haven guests will be using it on Breakaway compared to Jewel class ships.


Jewel sized pool, are you kidding? I wouldn't call that a swimming pool.

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Meant to say Jewel sized Haven pool (not pool deck pool).

The Haven pool on Breakaway is much smaller than the haven pool on Epic


The Haven pool that was on the Jewel is one of those small one man training pools that Michael Phelps advertises. Unless there was a hidden pool somewhere that I totally missed.

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As someone who's going to be cruising with my 4 yo DD, I can say that she will *not* be spending time making use of the Haven pool/lounge area 'amenities'. With the possible (and completely probably) exception of when I take her there simply to *show* it to her, there's no way that it is an appropriate place for her.


She's 4 years old, never been near a real pool (we live in an apartment and don't have access to swimming facilities), cannot swim...and she's FOUR.


She's going to be far too excited by all the new stuff, she's been talking about going swimming almost non-stop since a trip we took to Texas in April where the hotel pool wasn't yet open (she was crushed and I'm still trying to get over my heartbreak on that one), and is completely unaccustomed to that sort of environment. If she was older, knew how to swim or was at least used to being in that sort of situation, I might think about it but the moment she got 'rowdy', she'd be shown the error of her ways.


That's not only about being a good parent, that's also about being respectful of your fellow human beings. Because there are just as many adults who behave that way as there are kids and it makes me wish I could legally slap people upside the head (on a regular basis) for being stupid.


I plan on showing her as much of the ship (and the ports) as I can just in the hopes that she retains some memory of this trip. But that's going to be the extent of her exposure to "The Haven" (except maybe the complimentary breakfast and/or lunch at Cagney's). I know my child well enough (and have enough respect for my fellow pax) to know that it's a situation that will be ripe with potential conflict.


I mean sheesh, I even plan on knocking on my neighbors' doors once we're settled in just to let them know we have a 4 yr old in the suite and, while we'll attempt to make sure she isn't too much of a disturbance, there may be times when they'll hear her running around or giving out a momentary shriek here and there. We've lived in our current apartment since before she was born and every time we get a new neighbor (either next to or below us), they receive a customary knock on the door and are informed of the possibility of noise but are assured we do what we can to make sure that she doesn't get too loud or for too long. That's just common decency. Something that seems to be sadly lacking these days, from parties on both ends of the 'debate'....

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As someone who's going to be cruising with my 4 yo DD, I can say that she will *not* be spending time making use of the Haven pool/lounge area 'amenities'. With the possible (and completely probably) exception of when I take her there simply to *show* it to her, there's no way that it is an appropriate place for her.


She's 4 years old, never been near a real pool (we live in an apartment and don't have access to swimming facilities), cannot swim...and she's FOUR.


She's going to be far too excited by all the new stuff, she's been talking about going swimming almost non-stop since a trip we took to Texas in April where the hotel pool wasn't yet open (she was crushed and I'm still trying to get over my heartbreak on that one), and is completely unaccustomed to that sort of environment. If she was older, knew how to swim or was at least used to being in that sort of situation, I might think about it but the moment she got 'rowdy', she'd be shown the error of her ways.


That's not only about being a good parent, that's also about being respectful of your fellow human beings. Because there are just as many adults who behave that way as there are kids and it makes me wish I could legally slap people upside the head (on a regular basis) for being stupid.


I plan on showing her as much of the ship (and the ports) as I can just in the hopes that she retains some memory of this trip. But that's going to be the extent of her exposure to "The Haven" (except maybe the complimentary breakfast and/or lunch at Cagney's). I know my child well enough (and have enough respect for my fellow pax) to know that it's a situation that will be ripe with potential conflict.


I mean sheesh, I even plan on knocking on my neighbors' doors once we're settled in just to let them know we have a 4 yr old in the suite and, while we'll attempt to make sure she isn't too much of a disturbance, there may be times when they'll hear her running around or giving out a momentary shriek here and there. We've lived in our current apartment since before she was born and every time we get a new neighbor (either next to or below us), they receive a customary knock on the door and are informed of the possibility of noise but are assured we do what we can to make sure that she doesn't get too loud or for too long. That's just common decency. Something that seems to be sadly lacking these days, from parties on both ends of the 'debate'....


Can u post your cruise dates as I want to cruise with u!

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As someone who's going to be cruising with my 4 yo DD, I can say that she will *not* be spending time making use of the Haven pool/lounge area 'amenities'. With the possible (and completely probably) exception of when I take her there simply to *show* it to her, there's no way that it is an appropriate place for her.


She's 4 years old, never been near a real pool (we live in an apartment and don't have access to swimming facilities), cannot swim...and she's FOUR.


She's going to be far too excited by all the new stuff, she's been talking about going swimming almost non-stop since a trip we took to Texas in April where the hotel pool wasn't yet open (she was crushed and I'm still trying to get over my heartbreak on that one), and is completely unaccustomed to that sort of environment. If she was older, knew how to swim or was at least used to being in that sort of situation, I might think about it but the moment she got 'rowdy', she'd be shown the error of her ways.


That's not only about being a good parent, that's also about being respectful of your fellow human beings. Because there are just as many adults who behave that way as there are kids and it makes me wish I could legally slap people upside the head (on a regular basis) for being stupid.


I plan on showing her as much of the ship (and the ports) as I can just in the hopes that she retains some memory of this trip. But that's going to be the extent of her exposure to "The Haven" (except maybe the complimentary breakfast and/or lunch at Cagney's). I know my child well enough (and have enough respect for my fellow pax) to know that it's a situation that will be ripe with potential conflict.


I mean sheesh, I even plan on knocking on my neighbors' doors once we're settled in just to let them know we have a 4 yr old in the suite and, while we'll attempt to make sure she isn't too much of a disturbance, there may be times when they'll hear her running around or giving out a momentary shriek here and there. We've lived in our current apartment since before she was born and every time we get a new neighbor (either next to or below us), they receive a customary knock on the door and are informed of the possibility of noise but are assured we do what we can to make sure that she doesn't get too loud or for too long. That's just common decency. Something that seems to be sadly lacking these days, from parties on both ends of the 'debate'....


You're very sweet, and you obviously don't have that "it's all about me" mentality that is far too common these days. I can't imagine any kid would rather be in The Haven area than the regular pool, and those that are, are probably there because mom and dad won't take them to the regular pool deck :rolleyes: My DD is 16 now, and she's bringing a friend when we go on the Breakaway. I really doubt they will be in The Haven area much. She will have a ton of friends after the first night, and would much rather hang out with them by the regular pool then be stuck in The Haven area LOL


I doubt we will even use the pool area much. We will more than likely be utilizing that amazing balcony, and the upper level of The Haven area ... and, of course, the waterslides!!

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Very well read myself and have lived in NYC for the past 24 years.


Your posts are a clear example of age not denoting wisdom. You have clearly been watching way too much television. I'd love to sit at your table for dinner sometime, if not anything else but for the entertainment value alone. Then again, I may end up rolling my eyes so far back into my head, I'd likely strain myself.


You have the same attitude as I do and I would LOVE to share that experience lol Let's find out when they sail!!


I still have people on my facebook friends list for the same reason. I friended them initially to play games and it turns out that they are so completely batpoop crazy that I can't delete them because it's sometimes the only giggle I get for the day!:rolleyes::D

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Can u post your cruise dates as I want to cruise with u!


Lol I'm planning on The Gem end of oct/beginning of nov haven't booked yet but really really itching to :P


You're very sweet, and you obviously don't have that "it's all about me" mentality that is far too common these days. I can't imagine any kid would rather be in The Haven area than the regular pool, and those that are, are probably there because mom and dad won't take them to the regular pool deck :rolleyes: My DD is 16 now, and she's bringing a friend when we go on the Breakaway. I really doubt they will be in The Haven area much. She will have a ton of friends after the first night, and would much rather hang out with them by the regular pool then be stuck in The Haven area LOL


I doubt we will even use the pool area much. We will more than likely be utilizing that amazing balcony, and the upper level of The Haven area ... and, of course, the waterslides!!



I've worked in retail far too long and seen the best and worst of humanity because of it. I really do wish it were legal for me to slap people, or at the very least hit them with a nerf bat, when they're being overtly stupid.


Retail has also afforded me the opportunity to see with just how much reverence people treat their children and the answer is usually unfortunate. People pay closer attention to their cell phones than they do their own offspring. You'd never think of just dropping your purse on the floor and walking away from it when you walk in the door of a store but you have no problem whatsoever losing complete track of your kid because you want to go see what toilet paper is on sale??? Why is your child worth less to you than something that you keep old pennies, dry ink pens and gum wrappers in??


I could go on and on...and kind of have...so I'll stop now :p:D

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Lol I'm planning on The Gem end of oct/beginning of nov haven't booked yet but really really itching to :P





I've worked in retail far too long and seen the best and worst of humanity because of it. I really do wish it were legal for me to slap people, or at the very least hit them with a nerf bat, when they're being overtly stupid.


Retail has also afforded me the opportunity to see with just how much reverence people treat their children and the answer is usually unfortunate. People pay closer attention to their cell phones than they do their own offspring. You'd never think of just dropping your purse on the floor and walking away from it when you walk in the door of a store but you have no problem whatsoever losing complete track of your kid because you want to go see what toilet paper is on sale??? Why is your child worth less to you than something that you keep old pennies, dry ink pens and gum wrappers in??


I could go on and on...and kind of have...so I'll stop now :p:D


I so hear you. My favorite line was always "these people wouldn't walk away from a $20 bill, but they leave their kid sitting there alone" - especially at a pool!!

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As someone who's going to be cruising with my 4 yo DD, I can say that she will *not* be spending time making use of the Haven pool/lounge area 'amenities'. With the possible (and completely probably) exception of when I take her there simply to *show* it to her, there's no way that it is an appropriate place for her.


She's 4 years old, never been near a real pool (we live in an apartment and don't have access to swimming facilities), cannot swim...and she's FOUR.


She's going to be far too excited by all the new stuff, she's been talking about going swimming almost non-stop since a trip we took to Texas in April where the hotel pool wasn't yet open (she was crushed and I'm still trying to get over my heartbreak on that one), and is completely unaccustomed to that sort of environment. If she was older, knew how to swim or was at least used to being in that sort of situation, I might think about it but the moment she got 'rowdy', she'd be shown the error of her ways.


That's not only about being a good parent, that's also about being respectful of your fellow human beings. Because there are just as many adults who behave that way as there are kids and it makes me wish I could legally slap people upside the head (on a regular basis) for being stupid.


I plan on showing her as much of the ship (and the ports) as I can just in the hopes that she retains some memory of this trip. But that's going to be the extent of her exposure to "The Haven" (except maybe the complimentary breakfast and/or lunch at Cagney's). I know my child well enough (and have enough respect for my fellow pax) to know that it's a situation that will be ripe with potential conflict.


I mean sheesh, I even plan on knocking on my neighbors' doors once we're settled in just to let them know we have a 4 yr old in the suite and, while we'll attempt to make sure she isn't too much of a disturbance, there may be times when they'll hear her running around or giving out a momentary shriek here and there. We've lived in our current apartment since before she was born and every time we get a new neighbor (either next to or below us), they receive a customary knock on the door and are informed of the possibility of noise but are assured we do what we can to make sure that she doesn't get too loud or for too long. That's just common decency. Something that seems to be sadly lacking these days, from parties on both ends of the 'debate'....


OMG you sound like me. I love it. :) My hubby accuses me of being anti-social but I digress. I just can't stand inconsiderate, nasty people.:D


If my children ever acted badly in public, they knew they would never see the light of day until they could behave like people,not savages. Tons of my friends kids would act like savages in public--breaking things in stores,climbing walls,throwing food at people-- and I would turn to my kids and say "Do you see that? Do you think thats okay to behave that way ?" Thankfully, they always said no.:)


These kids are our future generations. :)


Whatever cruise you decide on, I hope you have a wonderful time.:)

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OMG you sound like me. I love it. :) My hubby accuses me of being anti-social but I digress. I just can't stand inconsiderate, nasty people.:D


If my children ever acted badly in public, they knew they would never see the light of day until they could behave like people,not savages. Tons of my friends kids would act like savages in public--breaking things in stores,climbing walls,throwing food at people-- and I would turn to my kids and say "Do you see that? Do you think thats okay to behave that way ?" Thankfully, they always said no.:)


These kids are our future generations. :)


Whatever cruise you decide on, I hope you have a wonderful time.:)


Thank you! And yes, it appears to be a lost art that people are slowly coming back around to...actually parenting their children :p lol


When we go to stores and things (probably mostly because of my own experience working there but also because of wanting to show her what's right and what's not), my daughter knows not to touch things. If she picks something up, she knows to put it back where she found it and if she picks something up without asking, she gets a very standard reaction from me 'Does that belong to you?'


'Are we supposed to touch things that don't belong to us?'


And then she puts it back lol I also always said that I would carry around a travel pack of windex wipes for if she put her little grubby hands on things and make sure she knew that was not ok and she'd be made to clean it off but so far that hasn't been a problem. She doesn't put her hands all over windows or mirrors or anything (except at home. I haven't been able to actually use my bathroom mirror in about 2 years lol)

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Can u post your cruise dates as I want to cruise with u!


Me too!


Psychomac, I think you are an outstanding parent and I applaud you. I had a whole lot more written here, but decided against it as I couldn't make it sound as diplomatic and respectful as I was trying.



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Me too!


Psychomac, I think you are an outstanding parent and I applaud you. I had a whole lot more written here, but decided against it as I couldn't make it sound as diplomatic and respectful as I was trying.




lol thanks...I think it's because we had her so late (I'm 41, DH is 45 with 2 grown DS's)...once you get to a certain point in life, you're incapable of dealing with ....BS...(I've already gotten a pm from the powers that be here about my potty mouth, I don't want to get in trouble again lol) and that gets incorporated into your parenting style :p lol


You'd never know it though to observe here at home vs in the wild. She charms the pants off of everyone she meets when we're out and about but at home....oh God she's a terror.


I had to take an unscheduled trip to Texas in April and took the opportunity to take her along. First time traveling with her, her first time on a plane, in a hotel, etc. (it wasn't a pleasure trip so stress level was high to begin with). Sitting in the terminal waiting for one of our flights and this girl came and sat next to her. Early to mid 20's, very 'upper crust' look about her, she had a Coach purse, expensive heels and a pair of sunglasses on her head that probably cost a month or 2 of rent for me. She sat down and immediately started to go into her phone. I'd been doing my best to get DD not to bother people too much, she's a very social child and will talk your ear off (apparently like me when I was her age) so I knew this was going to be a battle because the girl was very pretty and sat right next to DD. Of course, DD immediately said hello. The girl looked at her, said hi, and then went back to her phone.


DD looked at her, sort of cocked her head to the side and said 'I like your glasses.' The girl looked at her thoughtfully for a moment, said 'Thank you, would you like to try them on?' and proceeded to hand my 4 year old child (who's burning passion in life is to see how quickly she can take things apart) her very expensive Rayban foldie up glasses. The girl didn't look at her phone the rest of the 20 minutes we sat there, stayed completely engrossed in conversation with DD for the interim, and when I looked around, the other 4 or 5 people in the immediate area were all also focused on DD and the conversation that took place.


Then she gets home and a pod person takes over. Or maybe the pod person is the one who comes out in public....:rolleyes:

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