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Curves - Weight Loss


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We have 13 machines with a recovery station between...we are supposed to go around 2 times and are recommended to come 3 times a week for results.

Ours is open 6 a.m. - 7 p.m. M-Thursday 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday and I have no clue on Sat. as I don't go on Sat. :)
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I'm not sure exactly how many machines we have...nine or ten...it takes 30 mins to go around three times. Ours is open 6 am to 7 pm Mon. through Fri. and 8 am to 10 am on Sat. I wish they were open a little longer on Sat. I still like to sleep in (better do it while I don't have kids) and would prob. go about 10 or 10:30 if they were open. Ours also has a tanning bed and you can tan for $20 for a month unlimted, which is not a bad deal.

I've already been twice this week (went on my lunch hour today) and I'm weighing in at WW tonite, so we'll see. Hope I don't gain a lot next week. My sister and I are going to try to work out at least on the sea days.
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We have 11 machines and we are limited to going around 2 1/2 times. Our hrs are M-F 6 am to 7 pm, Sat 8 am-12 noon, closed Sun and holidays. No tanning bed though!

I aim for at least 3x/week and it usually isn't a problem if I go right after work. I was going more often..4-5x week...losing inches but not as much weight as I would like. I find that aspect frustrating even though I see other positive changes. I've made some but not alot of dietary changes so I guess that is the next step!
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We have 13 machines also - Our hours are something like 6:00 AM - 8:00 PM Monday and Wednesday. Tuesday, Thursday,and Friday - 6:00 AM - 1:00 PM; 3-8 PM, and 8-1PM on Saturday.

They also have all sorts of games like Bingo and trivia to win tickets for a Curves T shirt or Curves bag.

I also try to go at least 3 times a week
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Can anyone tell me about how much $ curves is costing you? Is there an initial fee and then a monthly fee? If it is like Weight Watchers then it is expensive! They are about $60 a month. Of course it is hard to put a $ limit on losing weight and being healthier. I go on first cruise in March and would love to lose 30 or more lbs. Have a curves nearby but unsure if i can committ.
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I'm not sure but I think the fees vary from location due to varying overhead. But ours is $79 for the one-time initiation fee and then the monthly fee varies depending on what kind of commitment you make. If you just join (paying the $79) then go "month to month" it is $40 per month. If you sign a 1 yr contract and they autodraft from your checking acct it is something like $30 per month and if you pay for the full yr in advance then it is something like $25 or $28 per month.
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I just saw the 'Curves Opening Soon' sign last week in my area. I'm really excited about it! Thanks to everyone for all the wonderful information. I think the sign said it was going to open Sept. 27th, so that gives me 6 months to lose weight and inches before my cruise!!
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Our Curves had a special promo...bring in a [u]full[/u] bag of groceries and the initial assessment fee was waived. The monthly rate works out to $41.00/mo (Cdn) with a one year sign-up. No other incentives were offered to reduce that monthly fee. After the 1 year is up you may go month-to-month as desired but I'm not sure if that it at the same rate or not.
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We have payment options for pay in advance or monthly automatic checking withdraws. I pay $29 per month. I signed up during a special were they waved my original signing fee.

Our hours were changed from 7-7 and are not open at 6:30am. On saturday they are open til 12noon. I have went on a few Saturdays. Very few people have been there. I am thinking about going in at 6:30am as I am having trouble getting there after work as I have something to do just about every day. I haven't made it there once this week. I keep bringing my clothes, but something always comes up. Today it was taking the dogs to the vets. Yesterday was heading to the camp ground to reserve a site. Tomorrow we will be heading up to the site. Needless to say I don't think I will make it this week.

Keep up the good work everyone!
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Island Dreamer..

I started back to work this week and decided to go in the mornings..it was really nice..not too many people..got through quickly and my evenings have been a little freer to do those many errands we all seem to have. It seems to work out better than dragging my heels to get there after work...give it a try..
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Where is everyone? No posts since Thursday. I did not make it to Curves any last week but hope this week is better. I did get plenty of exercise though. I was in a golf tournament over weekend so I spent my "exercise time" last week playing/practicing to get ready for the tournament. I lost 3 lbs. doing that so I guess that isn't too bad. I hope to make it back to my Curves routine this week though. They will probably have a short week though due to the holiday weekend. I would love to go in the mornings before work but they don't open until 7 (M,W,F) or 8:30 (on T,T,S) and that is too late for me to go and still get to work. They had said they were going to do M,W,F at 6:00 but when they moved it up from 8:30 they just moved it to 7 which doesn't help me. Have a great week everyone. Let's all try to go at least 3 times.
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Hi....I haven't posted in a while on this thread because I'm too embarrassed.....I haven't been to Curves in 2 weeks. I'm terrible. But, like you said, Skiiergirl, I've been very active. I've done a lot of walking and a lot of physical work around the house, etc. But, I've also been eating terrible. I went to the fair and ate all of the bad "fair food", and then went to an amusement park the next day....and had a birthday in between with ice cream cake and mexican dinner....and margaritas....I give up. I had originally lost 26 pounds from Jan 1st to May 1st....by dieting and going to Curves faithfully. Between May 1st and today I've gained back 6 pounds. But, I'm still wearing a size 12, (down from my usual size 16 or 18). So, I still think I'm doing o.k. I just wish I could lose the 6 pounds I gained back....and then another 5 or 10 pounds.

I'm sailing on the Voyager of the Seas in 6 days and it is too late to lose any weight before then. I'll have to get back on tract when I return....to hopefully lose a little weight before the next cruise.
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Well I'm embarassed to say that I did make it to Curves four times last week...sorry guys...but I didn't go today, just walked the rail trail for 2 1.2 miles. I got out of work late and didn't want to do nothing. A golf tournament? Awesome! My boys no longer ask me to golf with them..I think I'm an embarassment! So skiiergirl..Im proud of you and three pounds..way to go! And Adventure Girl, go on that cruise, enjoy yourself and then come home and get back on tract...we all have our days and there is no sense beating yourself up over it! Have a great time!! Hope to hear how awesome it was when you get back!
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Hi Everyone,

I haven't been around in a while. I'm still going to Curves. Not as frequently as I use to but now I'm back to 5 days a week. I was going about 2 days a week. I hit a major plateau (sp?). So I was a little discouraged. I started taking Chortislim and lost 13 lbs. the first week. Don't know how much I've lost since my Aug. weighin and I refuse to weigh myself until my Sept. date. Since Jan. 2003 I've lost 60 pounds and 70 inches total body. I've started using 2 lb weights with my workouts, and I'm trying to increase my cardio, need to burn more fat.

This week at our Curves is "thigh" week, we're learing different thigh exercises. My thighs are a little sore this week, but, I've not really lost any inches there so I welcome the burn I'm getting.

Keep up the good work ladies.
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Hi, I have been luring reading all the posts about Curves. I have been going to Curves since April but was never measured after my initial measurement. Finally, I asked when I would be due again and come to find out they had lost my original measurements and now I feel I am back to zero. I have no idean if I have lost any inches, lost no pounds. After reading all the posts, I am confused about just exactly what Curves program is. We were told to do three circuits in 30 min. It takes me about 40. I have not been doing as many reps. as set out in the chart posted by someone on this board. It seems that at my Curves, most of the women are socializing instead of working out. The person who is working there when I go does not take any interest in what we are doing, whether we are doing it right, etc. Most of the time she is on the phone. I am thinking about quitting Curves. At least the one I am going to now.
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What is chortislim? I don't think I've ever heard of it. Where do you get it. I also try to go to Curves 3x a week. The instructors are so friendly. We can go around as often as we like. There is no limit. We have 13 machines and recovery boards in between...Got to work extra hard these next two months [url="http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001"][img]http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/7/7_1_108.gif[/img][/url]
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seaside - Chortislim is a diet pill. Some say its just a fad, diet. I think it depends on each person. My Dr. is not crazy about me being on it, but as long as my blood pressure stays down and my weight she hasn't said anything. [url="http://www.cortislim.com"]http://www.cortislim.com[/url]

mohendy - Don't give up on Curves it sounds like you're at a bad one. These are franchises, so each one is different. I'm not sure why it's taking you 40 minutes to go around 3 times unless you have more machines and boards, that the rest. This is possible, as our Curves is in the process at the request of the members to bring in 2 more machines which means 4 more rest boards, that would make sense. If your not doing to reps that was recommended, then you have to increase your reps. You shouldn't be resting even for a second on the machines it should be continuous reps. Does your Curves have a suggestion box? Does the owner come by? Have you talked to others about how they feel? You are right, if the other Curves members are socializing then they are definetely not getting the most out of their workout. Our trainer is always cutting off our conversations because we're not really working that hard. But that's what the trainer is there for to encourage, and to give you tips on the machines, remind you of how to use the machines correctly etc. If you have a Curves membership that allows you to go to other Curves maybe you should use your travel membership and go to others you will see a difference.
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I just joined Curves this week. I was planning on it anyway but now I need the extra help since I gained 4 pounds on my cruise last month and it won't budge. :mad: I wanted to sign up month to month for $39 but the initiation fee would have been $150 instead of $75 so I committed to the year. Lots of good info on this thread. Thanks.
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HI, I have recently started reading these messages and find myself drawn to comment. I joined Curves last October and TODAY I reached 120 visits within 11 months.(major goal for me, I have never stayed consistent in any workout plan for this long) I haven't had any of the great successes that I read about here, but I am certainly enjoying myself. I even changed my work schedule after 15 years to fit my morning workout into my schedule. I am set to sail on Sensation on October 2 and can't wait. I have never cruised before, I am really looking forward to my first (of many!!) cruise. It is my goal to be at Curves every day in September to maximize my weightloss prior to my cruise.
Thanks to all of you, I really feel like I can make this month count for something. I appreciate the tips about the # of reps on a machine. I find myself focusing on this more now than before. Who knows, maybe this was what I needed to make these workouts really work for me.
Keep the tips coming....Everyone needs to be reminded why we are doing what we do..
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mohendy....As previous posters said....Don't give up. I am sorry they lost your original measurements. Maybe it was a computer malfunction or something. When I started last yr all of our stuff was still "on paper". They hadn't gotten the computers yet so everything was "hard copy". Now that we are on computers I know they are having a few problems. Our location doesn't even tell us how many reps to do. They just say work your hardest on each machine. We do socialize a lot while there but we are also working very hard. If there are other people there chatting then I can do 4/5/6 rounds before I even realize it (and enjoy it). If I am the only one there or the place is crowded but no one talking, then I can barely make it 3 rounds. While my husband does call it my "social club" I do feel we get a good workout while there. Sorry if that is not the case at your location. Also, it does make a big difference on who the "employee" is while you are there. If there is another employee there at a different time maybe you could try it then. (I know the Curves limited hours is sometimes hard to work into our schedule though.) We have one "employee" that watches you to make sure you are doing things right and keeps us "pumped up" with conversation and "love and happiness". She says "hello & goodbye" to every person coming/going and gives everyone hugs unless she is busy with a new person or weight/measurements, etc. However, the others don't even bother to speak to you as you come/go, while you are there, etc. It makes a big difference in the enjoyment of the workout so I always try to go while the "happy" girl is there. As another poster said, try a different location. The ones in our area let us use there facilities if our location is closed for a holiday or something. I would hope that the ones in your area would let you try them out too. (Especially if they have the same owner.) Keep up the good work and I hope you begin to enjoy it as much as I do. As a matter of fact I am about to get dressed to head there now. Have a great day!
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[quote name='patwel1']HI, I have recently started reading these messages and find myself drawn to comment. I joined Curves last October and TODAY I reached 120 visits within 11 months.(major goal for me, I have never stayed consistent in any workout plan for this long) I haven't had any of the great successes that I read about here, but I am certainly enjoying myself. I even changed my work schedule after 15 years to fit my morning workout into my schedule. I am set to sail on Sensation on October 2 and can't wait. I have never cruised before, I am really looking forward to my first (of many!!) cruise. It is my goal to be at Curves every day in September to maximize my weightloss prior to my cruise.
Thanks to all of you, I really feel like I can make this month count for something. I appreciate the tips about the # of reps on a machine. I find myself focusing on this more now than before. Who knows, maybe this was what I needed to make these workouts really work for me.
Keep the tips coming....Everyone needs to be reminded why we are doing what we do..[/QUOTE]

Great job. I also haven't had great success with Curves as far as weight loss (I'm now doing WW). But I enjoy the workout and figure anything is better than sitting on the couch. Enjoy your first cruise. We just got back from an eight night adventure on Sensation (was supposed to be five but we got delayed by Frances). I'm planning on doing a review soon.
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Hi everyone,

I've been going to Curves since July. I go 3 times a week and with my curves the circuit is 3 times. I didn't start dieting until the second month, and I have had very good results. I started the Curves diet, low calorie version, which is still low carbs. Some of the meal suggestions are a little over the top, but it does give you a good idea of the right foods. I got a little bored with it though and am not just doing a low calorie low-fat diet. I like a little more variety with my meals.

Our curves doesn't have computers so everything is on paper. That would be very frustrating to have your stats lost! I have lost about 10 inches total and about 12 pounds. Went from a pushing 16 to a size 12. I love Curves and most importantly i [b]feel great![/b] A lot of ppl at our curves do socialize a lot, but I really try to concentrate on the workout though I do think I could step up my efforts on the machines.

I wish my Curves would sell stuff. They strictly use the tee shirts, etc. as incentatives.

I leave for my first cruise 10/02, on Century and It feels great to be sailing in a size 12. Now the trick will be whether or not I come back in a size 12. :D I am planning on using the track once a day at least and take the stairs as believe me I am going to eat, though I will try to be sensible. I should mention that the day we sail will also be my 50th birthday and thanks to Curves I think I look the best I have in years. I may have only lost 12 pounds, but I have definitely firmed up and shaped up!

Btw Karenh1127 - You should call your local Curves to see how much the fees are. When I joined they were having a special 1/2 off the registration fee, which you only pay one time and I paid for 6 months in advance. I think the total came to 200.00.

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