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HAL pricing is HIGH

General Max

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Ooooh ... goody ... let's rush right out and book! :)

I paid that much for my new car 3 weeks ago.


And, yes, I expect to -- some day, when I'm no longer working -- book a world cruise for a price something like that. Gosh, that will be great! It may take me 5 or 6 years to save up for it, but I think it will be worth it. Perhaps I should start saving now? Hmmm ... I retire in about 25 years; so, if I save about $1000 a year, in addition to all my others savings between now and then, I should be able to go.


Was not boasting or trying to show off when I posted those rates ..Was not even suggesting that we were going to book it..Just did not understand the price differences in the AB, F, & H cat..:confused:

Happy cruising everyone

P.S. Paid less than that for my new Hyundai Sonata (which I Love)!

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complaining about fares being too LOW during the aftermath of the 9/11 occurance and they were. Cruiselines are simply charging what they can due to 'suppy & demand' - seems to me that is 'business' - correct? They lost $ for yrs and are only now starting to show a decent profit and yes are maybe even making extra profits. A downturn in the economy cld see them return to barely making expenses so those extra profits wld then be used to keep sailing till 'things' improved. Surely we aren't going to condem them for what all businesses do are we? Either pay it or stay home but plse don't complain - NO - I am not connected with the cruiselines or travel in any way and while the fares seem high they aren't - look at air, hotel or resort fares for example. Besides, this is the 'glory' of computers - we can compare prices, etc easily. Cruise companies have to post higher fares or wldn't get any TAs to cooperate with them? Cruising is a relatively inexpensive and delightful way to 'see' many places - in my opinion! Hi Revneal - I also travel single and never complain - I get the WHOLE thing to myself & u pay for that - why shld the cruiseline lose $ to give any of us more convenience & comfort - don't like the supp. fees - so save them & share the space instead but better u than me. I am grateful that on a lot of 'lines I only pay 150% of the full fare - thats a bargain..again in my opinion anyway! Happy cruisin' all!



I don't have the figures, perhaps you do, but can you document that Carnival Corp. "lost $ for years"? I do remember seeing Carnival stock increasing and seeing stories on how successful Carnival Corp. is.


Some lines went belly up, such as Renaissance and other small lines. But how much did Carnival Corp. lose?

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Ooooh ... goody ... let's rush right out and book! :)

I paid that much for my new car 3 weeks ago.

Oh goody, an apples to apples comparison! Let's see, for the same price I can:


A. Spend 2520 hours (105 days) going from exotic place to exotic place on the luxurious and well-maintained Prinsendam, while dining, dancing, being entertained and educated, lounging in a teak deck chair, snoozing on a HAL mattress, and not having to do a lick of work; or


B. Spend 2520 hours (one hour a day for 6.9 years) commuting to and from the office, the supermarket and the mall in my car (which is new for the first month), while eating fast food and sipping cokes (extra charge) while stopped in traffic. Ooops, I forget to factor in registration, gas, repairs, new tires, car washes, parking, tolls and insurance. Plus cleanup time in case the dog gets carsick.


What to do???

(Rats, I made the same mistake as you and bought a car.) :(

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That's the first time I've ever seen Rev Neal get worked up - although he did get on my case once because I used the word "debarked" instead of "disembarked". Hey, I was only trying to become Americanized. This is all done tongue in cheek and is not to be taken seriously by anyone okay - I'm just trying to inject a little humor here:D


Okay, the reason I chimed in is because I, too, got that letter from Steine Kruse re: the World Cruise and I was wondering why on earth the Verandah fare (cat. AB) would be $3,400.00 less than Outside fare (cat.F). With the Verandah fare you get complimentary first class air upgrade and $500.00 per person onboard spending credit whereas with the Outside fare (cat.F) you get no air upgrade and only $250.00 per person onboard spending credit.


I say we tie up the HAL website by all rushing to book those unbelievably bargain basement Verandah fares. What do you think?:)

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Was not boasting or trying to show off when I posted those rates ..Was not even suggesting that we were going to book it..Just did not understand the price differences in the AB, F, & H cat..


Oh, I'm sorry ... I knew you were not boasting! I'm sorry if I didn't make my humor clear enough. :) I JEALOUS ... I wish I could go now!!!! :D


P.S. Paid less than that for my new Hyundai Sonata (which I Love)!


My old car was a Mercury with 242,870 miles on it; it was time to trade, so I bought my first-ever new car: a Chevy Monte Carlo. Mom thinks I'm going through mid-life crisis. Perhaps I am? ;)

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Oh goody, an apples to apples comparison! Let's see, for the same price I can:


A. Spend 2520 hours (105 days) going from exotic place to exotic place on the luxurious and well-maintained Prinsendam, while dining, dancing, being entertained and educated, lounging in a teak deck chair, snoozing on a HAL mattress, and not having to do a lick of work; or


B. Spend 2520 hours (one hour a day for 6.9 years) commuting to and from the office, the supermarket and the mall in my car (which is new for the first month), while eating fast food and sipping cokes (extra charge) while stopped in traffic. Ooops, I forget to factor in registration, gas, repairs, new tires, car washes, parking, tolls and insurance. Plus cleanup time in case the dog gets carsick.


What to do???

(Rats, I made the same mistake as you and bought a car.)


SIGH ... yes, indeed. Sadly, since I'm not as rich as Bill Gates, don't own a horse, I must have a car to drive to church, make pastoral calls at the hospital, at shut-ins homes, go to District meetings and conferences and seminars, go to the store, etc..


One of these days, however ... one of these days! It may be 25 years from now, but eventually I will do it.

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That's the first time I've ever seen Rev Neal get worked up - although he did get on my case once because I used the word "debarked" instead of "disembarked". Hey, I was only trying to become Americanized. This is all done tongue in cheek and is not to be taken seriously by anyone okay - I'm just trying to inject a little humor here


:) Just as my linguistic remarks on debark/disembark were intended to be "tongue firmly planted into cheek" remarks, so also were my remarks above supposed to be a cross between humor and flippancy. Sadly, there are several of us with raw nerves. And ... I need a vacation; sadly, I won't get one for 4 months and 6 days.

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Oh, I'm sorry ... I knew you were not boasting! I'm sorry if I didn't make my humor clear enough. :) I JEALOUS ... I wish I could go now!!!! :D




My old car was a Mercury with 242,870 miles on it; it was time to trade, so I bought my first-ever new car: a Chevy Monte Carlo. Mom thinks I'm going through mid-life crisis. Perhaps I am? ;)


Hey Rev Neal...I got my Monte Carlo a couple of years ago..traded in a Buick with over 225,000 miles. Got a great deal, LOVE it! Been stopped once for speeding, no ticket, told the FHP that it didn't "like to be driven under 80". He just shook his head, smiled and let me go...:)


Happy cruising to all!

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Oh, I'm sorry ... I knew you were not boasting! I'm sorry if I didn't make my humor clear enough. :) I JEALOUS ... I wish I could go now!!!! :D




My old car was a Mercury with 242,870 miles on it; it was time to trade, so I bought my first-ever new car: a Chevy Monte Carlo. Mom thinks I'm going through mid-life crisis. Perhaps I am? ;)


Me too JEALOUS! Just think about not having to cook or clean for over a hundred days!:D Enjoy your new Monte Carlo Revneal..A friend's daughter just came yesterday with her new RED one..It's so pretty..:)

Happy cruising everyone!

P.S. It's ok to go thru a mid life crisis! I'm going thru one now & I'm WELL OVER mid Life..

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I weaned myself for the need of "warm fuzzies" several years ago. I do my own research and then book. No problems so far requiring any TA attention.


That's pretty much how I do it, General. I have a TA that I do enjoy working with, but that hasn't kept me from going with an on-line broker who has a really good deal.

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complaining about fares being too LOW during the aftermath of the 9/11 occurance and they were. Cruiselines are simply charging what they can due to 'suppy & demand' - seems to me that is 'business' - correct? They lost $ for yrs and are only now starting to show a decent profit and yes are maybe even making extra profits.

I still say any cruise going out of a port other than one in Florida will cost more. I've priced cruises going out of New York and they all seem to cost more than if I just went out of Fort Lauderdale and paid for the airfare from Philadelphia.


Blue skies ...



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That's the first time I've ever seen Rev Neal get worked up - although he did get on my case once because I used the word "debarked" instead of "disembarked". Hey, I was only trying to become Americanized.



According to Websters Collegiate Dictionary: Debark is a derivative of the French debarque:

And the American Heritage Dictionary: de-bark (di-bark)v. de-barked, de-bark-ing, de-barks.v.tr. To unload, as from a ship or an airplane.v.intr. To disembark.[French debarquer : de-, from (from Old French de-. See DE- + barque, ship (from Old French. See BARK3)).]


But in this house we use disembark only because if we dare say "Debark" Brandy (our wire-haired Dacshund) hides..She can be loud!..If we use the wrong word, she thinks she's going to the Vet, for you know what..



Now on a more serious note, re HAL's Prices verses Travel Agents..My theory is it depends upon the ship, the date & the itinerary..Of course Cruise Lines are going to offer agents "bulk rates" on some cruises but not all...The airlines did it for years! We've received several fantastic deals offered to Fla. residents from HAL that we could not afford to pass up, & have received great deals with an agent that was much better than the Cruise Lines Fare, because it offered Air & transfers..



Yesterday I again checked ten on-line agents & none of them with the exception of one, could quote a price or book a cabin on the "Prinsendam" Amazon Explorer trip next April Round Trip FLL...The one on-line site that would accept a booking, was $982 more for the (Mariners fare) cabin that we have booked..(including port charges & taxes) ...That fare was quoted by one of the top search engines..


Happy cruising everyone..

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Hi Serendipity1499,


Hey, maybe I used the term "debark" subconsciously because I used to teach French? Anyway, I knew the the Rev was being facetious and took no offense at his linguistic remarks. I, a very long time ago, used to have a dog called Brandy but he was a Golden Retriever. I now have a Beagle who answers to the name "Hey Dawg" because that's how he is always called. He loves to ride in the car but if I should pull up to the Vet's then the look on his face is priceless (what's dog language for Traitor?):D


Hi RevNeal,


I used to have a Monte Carlo and loved it. You are going to have a lot of fun driving that neat car and Heaven knows you deserve a new car. I, too bought a new car instead of taking a couple of cruises. I now drive a Saturn Ion and since I have a history of keeping my cars forever (my old RX-7 was 21 years old) I splurged on an all-leather interior - something I had always wanted. I figure I'll probably be buried in that car so, like King Tut, I want some luxury along with me in the afterlife.


Have fun driving your new car around town, and here's to your next cruise I hope it's sensational.



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I purchased our Ryndam Christmas cruise direct based on Holiday flyer that came out several months ago. At that time I checked all (or at least a lot) of the online TA's and the prices HAL offered were a tad less than any of the others could come up with. I booked in April and have since been watching and continue to check prices. An interesting thing is happening on the HAL web site now, however. All the veranda cabins are "closed" and the prices they're showing are increased by over $1000 on the listing. I assume this is because they're "closed" that they've reverted to "brochure" prices instead of Mariner's prices. I thought of moving up to a Veranda when the cheapest veranda rooms became available but they wanted $1300 more (for 2) and then it increased to almost twice that!! I guess it's supply & demand but we'll keep our outside cabin thank you very much. My point is, for this particular cruise I haven't seen any real differences in prices from the HAL board to the on line TA's.

Happy Sails all.

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Hi Serendipity1499,


Hey, maybe I used the term "debark" subconsciously because I used to teach French? Anyway, I knew the the Rev was being facetious and took no offense at his linguistic remarks. I, a very long time ago, used to have a dog called Brandy but he was a Golden Retriever. I now have a Beagle who answers to the name "Hey Dawg" because that's how he is always called. He loves to ride in the car but if I should pull up to the Vet's then the look on his face is priceless (what's dog language for Traitor?):D


"Hey Dawg" What a great Name! Maybe "Hey Dawg: thinks you're going to "debarque" him;) ...LOL ..Brandy gets the same look on her face when we visit the Vet, and he is such a sweet & gentle guy!

Happy 4th of July everyone..

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It's true that HAL's brochure pricing is way out of line but :D if you go the mile and ask for a quote there's a mighty difference. Back in May we were interested in pricing the Prinsendam transatlantic. Website said $4111 per person for an outside - the quote from the request we entered was allowing us a discount of 53% -not much wrong with $135 per day. Of course taxes of approximately $330 were added into the total. Didn't check with local TA because we had already made other plans. Maybe next year.



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I travel a great deal. I probably do three cruises a year and usually go by my self. I find HAL to be the most reasonably priced line for a single passenger. I certainly feel that I always get far, far more than what I paid for. The price and service and what I pay for traveling with HAL is always a good value.


I just booked a cruise for the 7/30 Zuiderdam cruise with ****************. Their prices were minimally $ 200.00 less than Expedia, Travelocity, and several other companies, and probably $ 350.00 less than HAL's site. HAL needs the travel agents (something the airlines forgot), so I suspect the higher prices reflect this need. I always book online, and only once did I have a problem. I also do not expect much from my travel agent and make all of my own arrangements. I am sure I will get my documents on time. I immediately checked HAL's site to confirm the reservation was there, since I am going away in three weeks.


At this point I almost exclusively travel on HAL. The experience has almost always been good.



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If you look at the offering rate on the HAL website, it is really high. However, if you proceed through the initial booking process and look at the rate summary, you may notice some pretty healthy discounts. All is not what it appears...

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If you look at the offering rate on the HAL website, it is really high. However, if you proceed through the initial booking process and look at the rate summary, you may notice some pretty healthy discounts. All is not what it appears...


Then they have a problem. IMHO, a good website will let you know the fare you will be paying up front...if for no other reason than to entice you to buy. If you have to go thru the entire booking process, only to be "pleasantly surprised" at a discount, then they've lost a potential booking opportunity.

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