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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome!


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I guess the cooler is likely to be a bit of a place with some of us people trying hard to keep out of trouble to linger a while. Hopefully. I just hope more will open their bleedin' mouths and talk to us. Doesn't have to be anything important as I prove in every post!


I read your angst on the other thread and rather than post there I'll give my two pennyworth here. For what it's worth, in your situation and if (and this is the thing) if you would lose any cash by changing your arrangements then I would not hesitate to say stick with it. I say that for a few reasons.


Firstly I have just heard from a friend who has had a really great time. An opinion I trust implicitly. The person is as picky and grumpy as me.


Secondly ... and this is difficult to express without potentially being misinterpreted ... the poster on the other thread has considerable cruise experience from several different lines and is from my calculation quite young ... I think 45'ish compared to the sound of your goodself. They have a few hundred nights under their belt on several different lines from their posts. Why is that a factor? Bluntly compared to you they might (I mean this constructively) be more discerning due to their considerable experience. You do not have a point of comparison and with the right attitude you will probably be wowed.


So I'd say a factor is the loss of deposit and cash but if all else is equal I'd go for it. Is that perspective on any help or have I caused more angst?


Now ..... how are you filling your days? And more importantly how long are you going to spend in Singapore?




Yes, my DH and I have been discussing this Shadow thing a bit and I do think we are going to cancel. We are both of the mind that 2 failing strikes from the CDC (as opposed to the America past time's - not mine -3) and you're out. Yes, we will lose our "administrative fee" but I think our piece of mind, and my potential health (suppressed immune system) is worth it.


We have cruised on various lines and I always approach cruises, and life, with a positive view and an open mind. I do tend to make my own fun.;) I make good lemonade, too.


A cruise we are thinking about would leave Singapore on 2/14 and we arrive very early morning on the 11th. So we have a few days at the front and since we'd return there, depending on what we decide to do, might have some more at the back end. From what I've read, a lot to see and do.


Filling my days - oh, well they do sometimes just fill up by themselves. Read, troll the internet, plan trips, granddaughter's athletic events, waste time, serve on the board of a non-profit and provide other assistance, avid NFL fan - Indianapolis Colts 31 year season ticket holder, Indiana University basketball fan.....Sorry you asked???:D

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Yes, my DH and I have been discussing this Shadow thing a bit and I do think we are going to cancel. We are both of the mind that 2 failing strikes from the CDC (as opposed to the America past time's - not mine -3) and you're out. Yes, we will lose our "administrative fee" but I think our piece of mind, and my potential health (suppressed immune system) is worth it.


We have cruised on various lines and I always approach cruises, and life, with a positive view and an open mind. I do tend to make my own fun.;) I make good lemonade, too.


A cruise we are thinking about would leave Singapore on 2/14 and we arrive very early morning on the 11th. So we have a few days at the front and since we'd return there, depending on what we decide to do, might have some more at the back end. From what I've read, a lot to see and do.


Filling my days - oh, well they do sometimes just fill up by themselves. Read, troll the internet, plan trips, granddaughter's athletic events, waste time, serve on the board of a non-profit and provide other assistance, avid NFL fan - Indianapolis Colts 31 year season ticket holder, Indiana University basketball fan.....Sorry you asked???:D




In your situation you have clearly done exactly the right thing with a suppressed immune system it is a risk too far.


Clearly a replacement cruise is on your mind .... but failing that Singapore is a place to consider spending a while. Not everyone's cup of tea but the first place we have a long-term relationship where it get's better every visit .... whatever the opposite of "familiarity breeding contempt is".


As I mentioned we are there for just over a month just before you arrive. You could use your cruise cash on making a memorable Singapore trip .... that is if you enjoy doing pretty well nothing ... but doing it well each day. It would be terrible if it got under your skin in the way it has ours.


I'm so sorry that SS have let you down in this way. Who would have though a few years ago I'd be talking to a customer who is cancelling a trip with SS because he/she cannot rely on them to keep them safe and well. Who'd have thought. The key issue which is overlooked on some of the comments on the other thread is not the infractions per se it, it is the deceptions because it is the deceptions which make an open-eyed customer ask "what else might there be". It is what you don't know rather than do know which is the issue. If it hadn't been the staff last time objecting we would never have known about fresh food being hidden in crew quarters.


You did the right thing.



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Hello Sophia!

Welcome back from your cruise/crossing. So how about some details! You got on just as we got off. I am so envious, we had a memorable cruise in every sense of the word.

I understand it did get rough and you had to divert because of a huge storm. But as well I am sure the Captain took good care of you all.

Did you book another cruise?


Hi Spin,


It was a super trip, no gory details I'm afraid, l just relaxed and behaved myself...very boring l know...:rolleyes:


Yep, it got a tad choppy when we left Bermuda for some time due to a tropical storm about and we missed the Azores so eight sea days into Lisbon..with the Captain telling us that whilst the ship would be fine he wasn't sure the passengers would be!


I did book another cruise for later this year, Istanbul to Athens so far...:D


Sophia :)

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Soapy Gal,


We kept this space at the table for you .... good to see you had a good time!


You could of gone to the bleedin' moon and back for the time you've been off!







Still on fine form then Jeffers..thought you might have retired from public life by now....;) oh..and l note you have been charming some of the ladies you old devil you..good job I'm back to keep an eye on you....:D



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Hi Spin,


It was a super trip, no gory details I'm afraid, l just relaxed and behaved myself...very boring l know...:rolleyes:


Yep, it got a tad choppy when we left Bermuda for some time due to a tropical storm about and we missed the Azores so eight sea days into Lisbon..with the Captain telling us that whilst the ship would be fine he wasn't sure the passengers would be!


I did book another cruise for later this year, Istanbul to Athens so far...:D


Sophia :)


Now then, would this be the same Sophia that favoured the occasional glass of vodka and diet coke? If so, how did you enjoy your stay in Lisbon overnight? And did that poor man ever recover from his dinner with the single ladies?;)


Seems a long time ago now...

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Now then, would this be the same Sophia that favoured the occasional glass of vodka and diet coke? If so, how did you enjoy your stay in Lisbon overnight? And did that poor man ever recover from his dinner with the single ladies?;)


Seems a long time ago now...


Aha...yes, one and the same with a twist as you know. ;) Lisbon was excellent, a lovely relaxing day in a superb hotel...I didn't move so still failed miserably with the shopping!

The poor man fortunately had his wife with us that night to support him..I think he closed his ears after the first course!!


Hope you had an uneventful journey home and a lovely welcome back from the pooch...I did! Also hope Mrs Sunset is still recovering well.


S :)

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Still on fine form then Jeffers..thought you might have retired from public life by now....;) oh..and l note you have been charming some of the ladies you old devil you..good job I'm back to keep an eye on you....:D





I was lookin' for solis whist you were' gorn Soupy Girl.




To be honest .... I think I'm losing my touch because I can't tell who are the men and who are gorls most of the time! Even in real life I 'ave problems. All this funny colour hair bizness and gerls with tattooos.



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Aha...yes, one and the same with a twist as you know. ;) Lisbon was excellent, a lovely relaxing day in a superb hotel...I didn't move so still failed miserably with the shopping!

The poor man fortunately had his wife with us that night to support him..I think he closed his ears after the first course!!


Hope you had an uneventful journey home and a lovely welcome back from the pooch...I did! Also hope Mrs Sunset is still recovering well.


S :)


She's jumping around again - boot off. Arrived home to find we had missed a world of chaos with K's mum. Details are tedious but the other 2 sisters were very kind to leave us alone during the crossing. Dog was excited then did his usual thing of being in a huff with us for the rest of the day.

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In your situation you have clearly done exactly the right thing with a suppressed immune system it is a risk too far.


Clearly a replacement cruise is on your mind .... but failing that Singapore is a place to consider spending a while. Not everyone's cup of tea but the first place we have a long-term relationship where it get's better every visit .... whatever the opposite of "familiarity breeding contempt is".


As I mentioned we are there for just over a month just before you arrive. You could use your cruise cash on making a memorable Singapore trip .... that is if you enjoy doing pretty well nothing ... but doing it well each day. It would be terrible if it got under your skin in the way it has ours.


I'm so sorry that SS have let you down in this way. Who would have though a few years ago I'd be talking to a customer who is cancelling a trip with SS because he/she cannot rely on them to keep them safe and well. Who'd have thought. The key issue which is overlooked on some of the comments on the other thread is not the infractions per se it, it is the deceptions because it is the deceptions which make an open-eyed customer ask "what else might there be". It is what you don't know rather than do know which is the issue. If it hadn't been the staff last time objecting we would never have known about fresh food being hidden in crew quarters.


You did the right thing.



Thanks, Jeff. I may not be taking a SS cruise in the near term, but still plan to pop-in on this thread. Most fun that can be had on CC. Yes, I do think Singapore is still in our future.

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Wifey has seriously been talking about moving permanently to Singapore. It will be catastrophic for the UK is any flavour of Labour and anything else prevails. And what also worries me is that the Lib Dems cynical revelations of cabinet type discussions for political advantage of what I consider to be fundamental breaches of trust and confidence means that how will a future government operate when no one will trust anyone any more. The worst political time of our lives.


Will be following for Jeff and others, the UK elections tomorrow. I am very interested in politics and more on the "conservative" side. BUT, I had not focused much till reading your comments on the details for this British election.


From the Wall Street Journal this morning, they have this headline: "In U.K. Election, It’s Jobs Boom vs. Stagnant Wages" with this sub-headline: "Prime Minister David Cameron cites job growth, while Ed Miliband attacks cost of living".


The story/analysis opens with "As the U.K. goes to the polls this week, the state of its economy has become both a central issue in the campaign, and a puzzle. Prime Minister David Cameron, the Conservative incumbent, boasts of Britain’s 'jobs miracle,' while Ed Miliband, the Labour Party leader who hopes to replace him, bemoans the worst 'cost of living crisis' since the 1920s. Oddly, both men are right."


They note that Britain has enjoyed a very good record on job creation in recent years, especially for encouraging work and hiring. BUT, they share that the record on productivity, measured by output per worker, has been lagging badly. In reading this story, and others, there are lots of "twists and turns" happening during this election. Especially, this is true given the "context" for the last election being somewhat of a "deathwatch" on the Labour Party and the coalition that Cameron put together. But now, maybe, the Labour Party will be back? Will they win? Will they nationalize lots of businesses that Margaret Thatcher had freed from government ownership? Lots of questions!!


Look forward to seeing the results, including the predictions about the lack of a clear "results" or outcome winner, more unique coalitions, etc. Am I missing something major in reading about these issues from over here in America for what is being debated by the various sides?


This WSJ article also notes questions on "austerity", long-term economics, taxes, etc. Economics are always an interesting questions, especially when comparing UK details versus those in the U.S. and other key countries around the world.


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


From our Jan. 25-Feb. 20, 2015, Amazon River-Caribbean combo sailing over 26 days that started in Barbados, here is the link below to that live/blog. Lots of great visuals from this amazing Brazil river and these various Caribbean Islands (Dutch ABC's, St. Barts, Dominica, Grenada, etc.) that we experienced. Check it out at:


Now at 22,161 views for these postings.

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Hi Terry,


aapologies in advance ....tapped quickly on an ipad and I don't intend to correct so please be tolerant. Other coolers should ignore as it is terribly boring ... even for me, :)


A very complex topic .... so rather than detail may I just offer some short topics, which I believe will give you some background to ggogle read and ponder. That would be the most helpful I think.


Milliband was a key advisor to Gordon Brown. I suggest you look at Gordon Browns sale of gold at the bottom of the market to support spending at a time when UK was in decent growth and should have been running a substantial surplus not selling gold. Also Brown's decimation of occupational pensions schemes.


I'd have a look at Milibands recent criticism of Cameron for lack of preparation for withdrawel from Libya. The Key thing which has been lost which to me is possibly one of the most serious crimes is when Cameron sought support for possible intervention in Syria two years ago Milliband refused to give it. The repercussions of that was the nurturing and growth of the base for ISIS. If we had been able to assist with intervention two years ago we called have retarded ISIS growth. I believe this to be one of the most serious failings in my lifetime, but I i do not believe most understand the i plications of it.


There will be no beinging back into public ownership initiatives. The labour party were the party to start the "propivitisation" of the NHS with Private Finance Initiatives where we are paying a terrible price for hospitals. Also they renogotiated GP contracts the results of which were topay doctors up to£250k and more per year but released them for 24 hr cover. They also created an environment ins hcih patients are somewhat treated now like a crop to be harvested.


Have a look at Millibands refusal to offer UK a referendum on EU membership.


Also the purposeful policy led explosion of immigration from non-eu under labour.


Have a closer look at their current promise not to increase borrowing. What they mean is current account borrowing but not capital account, The public haven't really understood this but borrowing willl explode.


Moat of their policies are now dogma rather than practically based and most will reduce taxation. Milliband comes from a mArxist background. Typical policies are removal of non-dom status, mansion taxes rent controls, assistance for firdt time buyers for properties up to £350,000 etc. These are mostly policies of nurturing class hatred and the tx ones will cost rather than raise tax.


These aree just a few pointers as a student of our politics to google and read about.


The issue really is that we have sustained a continual cycle of labour governments spending followed by conservative government sbeing unpopular for sorting it out, It is a continual cycle.


On a personal note, if you watch Milliband carefully he never appears to actually lsiten to anyone. He talks at people.


This is from my ipad so is uncorrected ... hope it is nearly understandable.


Good luck,



Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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Jeff, I sincerely hope that voter turnout will be higher that what we are experiencing here. The last Federal election held in 2011 (elections are every 4 years) had a voter turnout of 61.1%. Our last provincial election held in 2014 had a voter turnout of an estimated 52.1%. Apathy is the enemy here and we are paying a high price for it!

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Hi M,



Because I have been left alone by wifey today, I happened to be looking at our 2010 election results by constituency, which included turn out. I placed the spreadsheet in that order and perhaps predictably the bottom was Gerry Adam's constituency because he doesn't take his seat. I'm on my ipad ... so from memory I think it was 28%.


The real challenge we have in my terribly humble opinion is that once again we have the unintended consequences of disparate converging trends.


In the last election the all important protest vote went to the Liberal Democrats. The problem is ... the unintended consequences of that was they became the government. The unintended consequences because they are angry with the Lib Dems and their previous voters are now seeking a protest vote alternative to their last protest vote. So now we have the potential for a number of really minor parties gaining influence because of the trickle down protest protest vote. Every seat is now disproportionately influential.


It is a real mess.


Easy ehhhh?



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Hi Terry,

The issue really is that we have sustained a continual cycle of labour governments spending followed by conservative government sbeing unpopular for sorting it out, It is a continual cycle.

On a personal note, if you watch Milliband carefully he never appears to actually lsiten to anyone. He talks at people.

This is from my ipad so is uncorrected ... hope it is nearly understandable.

Good luck, Jeff


Appreciate so much of these excellent details and insights from Jeff. Very insightful!! I am sure that Miliband's supporters would phrase and focus on other issues and factors. BUT, it seems that so much of politics these days is about "economics". America has its own major issues and political questions, but our situations can be as challenged as are happening now in and around many parts of Europe, etc.


There have been many great quotes from the "Iron Lady" and her views on liberalism. This includes: “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money to spend.” In 1994, I had a chance to meet and talk with her while she was visiting here in Central Ohio. Will share more of these details later. It was not a boring little chat. Very memorable.


Will be watching your election results with great interest tomorrow.


Your typing on your iPad worked out very well. Great efforts and results!!


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Dozens of nice visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc. We are now at 198,704 views for this live/blog re-cap, including much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:


Edited by TLCOhio
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Appreciate so much of these excellent details and insights from Jeff. Very insightful!! I am sure that Miliband's supporters would phrase and focus on other issues and factors. BUT, it seems that so much of politics these days is about "economics". America has its own major issues and political questions, but our situations can be as challenged as are happening now in and around many parts of Europe, etc.


There have been many great quotes from the "Iron Lady" and her views on liberalism. This includes: “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money to spend.” In 1994, I had a chance to meet and talk with her while she was visiting here in Central Ohio. Will share more of these details later. It was not a boring little chat. Very memorable.


Will be watching your election results with great interest tomorrow.


Your typing on your iPad worked out very well. Great efforts and results!!


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Dozens of nice visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc. We are now at 198,704 views for this live/blog re-cap, including much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:



It was a lovely opportunity for you to meet MT.


Sadly she is not only a distant memory of most in the UK she has also taken somewhat of a double whammy.


She is reviled by labourites for being who she was, but increasingly reviled by almost everyone left for being Tony Blairs major influence.


Thats is ... as they say ... Politics.


The doors will open soon ....



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Hi M,



Because I have been left alone by wifey today, I happened to be looking at our 2010 election results by constituency, which included turn out. I placed the spreadsheet in that order and perhaps predictably the bottom was Gerry Adam's constituency because he doesn't take his seat. I'm on my ipad ... so from memory I think it was 28%.


The real challenge we have in my terribly humble opinion is that once again we have the unintended consequences of disparate converging trends.


In the last election the all important protest vote went to the Liberal Democrats. The problem is ... the unintended consequences of that was they became the government. The unintended consequences because they are angry with the Lib Dems and their previous voters are now seeking a protest vote alternative to their last protest vote. So now we have the potential for a number of really minor parties gaining influence because of the trickle down protest protest vote. Every seat is now disproportionately influential.


It is a real mess.


Easy ehhhh?



Thanks for the "ehhh"! Now you sound like one of us! :) Protest votes are indeed tricky! We have a New Democratic Party (federal and provincial). The party at one time had a very charismatic and intelligent leader. In the 2011 election, the New Democratic Party became the official opposition. This was partly due to the concept of a protest vote against the incumbent government. Unfortunately, a number of the newly elected Members of Parliament in the NDP party had not really thought they would actually win seats. They were filler candidates added to the various electoral districts so that the NDP would have a candidate there. Several were university students and did not even live in the riding. Unfortunately the wonderful charismatic leader died and was replaced by a new leader elected by the NDP party members. Not charismatic, seemingly not quite as intelligent and arrogant to boot. Our next election will be in the fall. It will be interesting. Especially if only 61% of eligible voters actually get off their arses to vote. :(

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Jeff, I sincerely hope that voter turnout will be higher that what we are experiencing here. The last Federal election held in 2011 (elections are every 4 years) had a voter turnout of 61.1%. Our last provincial election held in 2014 had a voter turnout of an estimated 52.1%. Apathy is the enemy here and we are paying a high price for it!


Here in Oz it is compulsory to vote. If you don't you will be hung drawn and quartered- well not quite but they do chase you down and you will be fined. In the Senate we can have up to 70 people running and we have to put a number against each candidate. Most of these people I wouldn't give a cup of tea, but I'm expected to give them a vote. Who should I vote for - The Sex Party, Stop Fishing Party, Motoring Enthusiast Party, get the picture? It really doesn't matter who you vote for, you will always end up with a politician 😉

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Here in Oz it is compulsory to vote. If you don't you will be hung drawn and quartered- well not quite but they do chase you down and you will be fined. In the Senate we can have up to 70 people running and we have to put a number against each candidate. Most of these people I wouldn't give a cup of tea, but I'm expected to give them a vote. Who should I vote for - The Sex Party, Stop Fishing Party, Motoring Enthusiast Party, get the picture? It really doesn't matter who you vote for, you will always end up with a politician 😉


I do however begrudge you Julia Gillard. Whatever else about her she has made one of the very finest political speeches of all time when she launched into Tony Abbott. It was worth it just to follow the expression on his face as her speech progressed.


I think it's on google if people wish to relive the moment. Is it OK for a Brit to admire her?



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Is it OK for a Brit to admire her?




Only because you missed the rest of her misdemeanours and naivety whilst being the puppet for a bunch of men…



I had the (dis)pleasure of dining with her in the early days of her reign and I would have to say she was the most unpleasant/ignorant dinner companion I have ever had to endure….



the way she spoke to wait staff, other diners was just horrendous...

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Thanks ... but I didn't though did I ..


Whatever else about her she has made one of the very finest political speeches of all time when she launched into Tony Abbott. It was worth it just to follow the expression on his face as her speech progressed.





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It was a lovely opportunity for you to meet MT. Sadly she is not only a distant memory of most in the UK she has also taken somewhat of a double whammy. She is reviled by labourites for being who she was, but increasingly reviled by almost everyone left for being Tony Blairs major influence. Thats is ... as they say ... Politics. The doors will open soon .... Jeff


Appreciate Jeff's added thoughts and comments on politics. It is nice that "free speech" is allowed here. From a top website here, the Drudge Report, their top graphic/story is shown below with an interesting collection of UK newspaper front pages on this upcoming election.


From the international Reuters wire service this morning, they have this headline: "United Kingdom votes in most unpredictable election in decades" with these highlights: "British voters get to decide on Thursday who they want to rule the world's fifth-largest economy in a tight election that could yield weak government, propel the United Kingdom towards a vote on EU membership and stoke Scottish desire for secession. Prime Minister David Cameron's Conservatives and Ed Miliband's opposition Labour Party have been neck and neck in opinion polls for months, indicating neither will win enough seats for an outright majority in the 650-seat parliament."


Everyone seems to agree that the results will be close and maybe a little lacking in "clarity".


Full Reuters news story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Super loved Dubrovnik!!! See more details and lots of great visual samples/examples at this link. Have had over 28,239 views on this posting and appreciate those who have tuned-in and dropped by.





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Jeff, according to the mirror.co.uk you may have to stay awake until 3 am before you can start crying in your brandy or celebrating with yet another glass. Exit polls at 11 pm might give you a hint of what is to come. Best wishes that things go well for the country!

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Jeff, according to the mirror.co.uk you may have to stay awake until 3 am before you can start crying in your brandy or celebrating with yet another glass. Exit polls at 11 pm might give you a hint of what is to come. Best wishes that things go well for the country!




In fact exit polls will start rolling at 10pm when polling stations close. They are essentially useless because they will be at the very very best plus or minus 3%, effectively making a comparison between two parties plus or minus 6% at extremis ie if one party is under and the other over by 3% each.


Shocking I know but our normal bed time is between 2 and 3 and I suspect that I'll be munching the odd sandwich without bothering about bed tonight.


The daft thing is that the highest probability is that nothing will actually be resolved for many days if things pan out as they seem. Cameron will remain PM for some days until a different clearer power base emerges if one does.

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