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I know ... the tall Lord?


Or as we like to say The Longest Knight.


You could have held up a sign and waved.




Don't think he had time to wave Jeff once he'd thrown the crown jewels into that carriage ...last l noticed on camera was a flash of red velvet heading toward Horseguards for a glass of Crystal! :cool:



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I know ... the tall Lord?


Or as we like to say The Longest Knight.


You could have held up a sign and waved.




I tried to smuggle the sign in but Black Rod saw it and gave me a bollocking,he said "Eat at Jeff's" was not in keeping with tradition.


I did have Champagne but it was Bollinger it's a safe bet for a house Champagne

Nice turbot today,we are spoilt.

Claridges tomorrow for lunch.


Someone's got to do it you know!

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What was that silly looking bloke doing walking around Brenda with a snooker cue?




Do you mean The Lord Great Chamberlain? He summons Black Rod to get his arse over to the Lords before the door is slammed in his face and he has to knock three times to gain access.

This is serious stuff you know


Did you know that most Lords rent the fancy dress just for the day,only a select few bother to have their own made.

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Do you mean The Lord Great Chamberlain? He summons Black Rod to get his arse over to the Lords before the door is slammed in his face and he has to knock three times to gain access.

This is serious stuff you know


Did you know that most Lords rent the fancy dress just for the day,only a select few bother to have their own made.


It certainly looked like fancy dress today!


I'm glad that our George - the cycling baronet - wasn't the hostage at the Palace. He wandered in to the Lords with the shortest person he could! :D


Really sad to see he never made Speaker and this will be his last before retiring. He is the best Speaker we never had. I had some texts from him on the day it nearly happened and they chose that idiotic ***** instead. I thought it was going to happen Such a shame. He was a great Leader and Whip. He also has some great stories and memories.

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It certainly looked like fancy dress today!


I'm glad that our George - the cycling baronet - wasn't the hostage at the Palace. He wandered in to the Lords with the shortest person he could! :D


Really sad to see he never made Speaker and this will be his last before retiring. He is the best Speaker we never had. I had some texts from him on the day it nearly happened and they chose that idiotic ***** instead. I thought it was going to happen Such a shame. He was a great Leader and Whip. He also has some great stories and memories.


Did you know that George lost to Bercow by 51 votes

Good man for North West Hants

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Did you know that George lost to Bercow by 51 votes

Good man for North West Hants




On the day he was actually still not certain he wanted to do it - he couldn't decide. It was odd because the House was on TV, and he was in his normal corner front-row seat - and I could see him texting me from the house.


It seemed absolutely certain he would win but those lovely people thought it would be a great hoot if they voted for Bercow who has been not very good.


Sir G.'s best friend was the previous MP for Totnes who you may recall had a misunderstanding about which home was his primary home and whether a tree plantation was a viable MP expense. It was a shame because I've known him since we were young, and he has done so much good to counter "slavery". It's a shame his career ended in such poor circumstances.


We also share a passion for travel posters and he and I have crossed swords at Christies more than once - me on-line and him there. He has actually cost me quite a lot without either of us realising we were both going for the same posters. But my collection is bigger than his .....:D


His wife - Carolyn - is a consultant psychiatrist and she once begged me to get him to retire. He of course did ..... but it was a terrible day ...


I expect to see Sir G. go to the upper house ... what do you thinK?

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I suppose that would be the move to make once he retires from the house.


Hope he keeps away from a steering wheel,do you remember in 87 he smashed into a motorway barrier and the Police stopped him :eek:

He was done for DD

Edited by Mr Luxury
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I suppose that would be the move to make once he retires from the house.


Hope he keeps away from a steering wheel,do you remember in 87 he smashed into a motorway barrier and the Police stopped him :eek:

He was done for DD



Was he not also done for "failing to stop ...." ;)


I never remember it as 51 votes ... just 26 idiots ..... :(

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Presuming you decide to proceed - then if you want the "reassurance" of a useful email address whilst on board just in case .... pm me at Flyertalk and I'll try to help.




I shall indeed proceed Jeff! Thank you for your kindness, much appreciated, I'm not however on Flyertalk.


S :)

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Can I suggest this if you want to try an A380 or B777 simulator




It's near the O2 in Greenwich London


Just realised you sound tempted!


..... if you are interested Cranebank has a 777 for £1347 for three hours. I believe the A380 will be available once their need reduces a bit. Whatever you do .... don't waste your time on anything other than a full commercial SIM. As you may know all of the BA A380 crews fully qualified time-wise on the Cranebank SIMs and were qualified first time up.

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I thought I'd show my face, so to speak.

I've stayed away from the SS board since Saturday, because I'm rather tired of reading rude posts. The usual story - it's obvious that the offenders wouldn't dream of talking to a stranger in such a rude way if they were face to face with them. But hide behind the anonymity of the web and it's a bloody free for all.

I've been confining myself to the SB board, but it's started over there now too. :eek:

Anyway, I shall return with some food updates tomorrow and I'll try to catch up on the thread.

Hope everyone is well :D

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I thought I'd show my face, so to speak.

I've stayed away from the SS board since Saturday, because I'm rather tired of reading rude posts. The usual story - it's obvious that the offenders wouldn't dream of talking to a stranger in such a rude way if they were face to face with them. But hide behind the anonymity of the web and it's a bloody free for all.

I've been confining myself to the SB board, but it's started over there now too. :eek:

Anyway, I shall return with some food updates tomorrow and I'll try to catch up on the thread.

Hope everyone is well :D




How lovely to see you back at the table here. :) You have been missed!


If you allow the nasties to dictate in the way you say, you have licensed them and in their mind validated them. Don't let them dictate to you where you sit and who you talk to and what you say. And why should the WC suffer?


My hope is that as I suggested in the OP, people become blind to the poster and perceived previous or current slights and give every new post the benefit of the doubt. The only time a comment about a poster is reasonable is if they are being discourteous to others. It is for us to make it clear we disapprove and stop it.


Today .... R. ... with her having her hair done - I worked on my popcorn and it was a day well spent.



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Thanks Jeff,


I do like to sit up front sometimes when we get a net jets and see what goes on.


Show-off! Thought you had a PPL!


So are you - like me - hoping that Juncker gets appointed so we can be out of the EU? :D


I'm looking for some odds that we lose two party leaders during the next year and gain a female PM within 5 years. An accumulator?



Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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How lovely to see you back at the table here. :) You have been missed!


If you allow the nasties to dictate in the way you say, you have licensed them and in their mind validated them. Don't let them dictate to you where you sit and who you talk to and what you say. And why should the WC suffer?


My hope is that as I suggested in the OP, people become blind to the poster and perceived previous or current slights and give every new post the benefit of the doubt. The only time a comment about a poster is reasonable is if they are being discourteous to others. It is for us to make it clear we disapprove and stop it.


Today .... R. ... with her having her hair done - I worked on my popcorn and it was a day well spent.




Thank you for your lovely kind words.

To my detriment, I'm an overly sensitive and delicate soul, and do get easily upset for others. Even when they may not be upset themselves. Many attempts over the years to toughen up, none have worked. I think I was simply born into the wrong era and should have been around in more genteel times ;)


I hope the outing to get the hair done was a success. I'm similar, well over two decades ago I found a marvellous young woman who could cut mine in a way that is incredibly flattering, and now I'd travel to the other end of the country to see her.


Did you tell us how the popcorn is progressing? Did I miss that part?

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Thank you for your lovely kind words.

To my detriment, I'm an overly sensitive and delicate soul, and do get easily upset for others. Even when they may not be upset themselves. Many attempts over the years to toughen up, none have worked. I think I was simply born into the wrong era and should have been around in more genteel times ;)


I hope the outing to get the hair done was a success. I'm similar, well over two decades ago I found a marvellous young woman who could cut mine in a way that is incredibly flattering, and now I'd travel to the other end of the country to see her.


Did you tell us how the popcorn is progressing? Did I miss that part?


R. the truth is that every single one of us is too sensitive. It is a precondition of being human. Pretending otherwise converts a human into an animal. It is the essential difference between a human and an animal. It is just that some do not connect to the idea that what hurts them also hurts others. I'm very lucky. I believe that real people hurt and cry and good people care and bad people do not - and that no person anywhere who is decent likes seeing others hurt. It is black and white. There is no grey. The odd thing, I don't know whether others notice it .. but when some are nasty to others, the first thing they often seem to do is to then go "over the top" in being nice to someone else as though somehow or other it shows that they are nice really. One nasty post is not negated by one extra nice one. Can you imagine if people only said nice things to others in posts here? How many more would come and chat to us? How many would stay? It's in our hands. Anyway, I am now being a boring old fart, so forgive me.


Her hair is lovely, as she is. And I remembered to tell her. So all is right.


Tomorrow, I am making her a salmon and samphire risotto.



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R. the truth is that every single one of us is too sensitive. It is a precondition of being human. Pretending otherwise converts a human into an animal. It is the essential difference between a human and an animal. It is just that some do not connect to the idea that what hurts them also hurts others. I'm very lucky. I believe that real people hurt and cry and good people care and bad people do not - and that no person anywhere who is decent likes seeing others hurt. It is black and white. There is no grey. The odd thing, I don't know whether others notice it .. but when some are nasty to others, the first thing they often seem to do is to then go "over the top" in being nice to someone else as though somehow or other it shows that they are nice really. One nasty post is not negated by one extra nice one. Can you imagine if people only said nice things to others in posts here? How many more would come and chat to us? How many would stay? It's in our hands. Anyway, I am now being a boring old fart, so forgive me.


Her hair is lovely, as she is. And I remembered to tell her. So all is right.


Tomorrow, I am making her a salmon and samphire risotto.




Jeff just a quick Hi from the bottom end of the Globe. I am the Australian that is going to come and annoy Mr L in August.


Wise man to compliment the hair...........after spending all the time and money getting it done us girls like it to be admired. :)


Just to say I enjoy reading all the posts and food stories here at the water cooler. Thanks to your comment about samphire it made me google it and I remembered I saw it being used in one of the British cooking shows and being intrigued by it. We will be there early August.......do you think it may be possible to find it on a menu somewhere........as I read it is still in season then?



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Jeff just a quick Hi from the bottom end of the Globe. I am the Australian that is going to come and annoy Mr L in August.


Wise man to compliment the hair...........after spending all the time and money getting it done us girls like it to be admired. :)


Just to say I enjoy reading all the posts and food stories here at the water cooler. Thanks to your comment about samphire it made me google it and I remembered I saw it being used in one of the British cooking shows and being intrigued by it. We will be there early August.......do you think it may be possible to find it on a menu somewhere........as I read it is still in season then?





Hello Julie,


Lovely to hear from you and that you are enjoying all this trivia. Trivia is so much more important than important stuff don't you think?! :D


She misses the buzz of London as we were both brought up and lived in London and have spent a big chunk of our lives together living in central London. So she gets her injection of London and her hair done. I have never questioned it - (or the expense :eek: ) because I'd not do anything to take the shine off of something she loves to do so much. The deal is that she takes a taxi to and from the house to the station at this end so that I am off-duty all day and can drink with lunch. I do pine for her though. Keep staring out of the window like a dog looking for it's boss! It is daft because she always calls from the train to say she is on her way back. :)


Samphire is now available all year now - isn't everything (?) - and much of the samphire we now eat in the UK is imported from places like Isreal. The issue is - not that it isn't available when you come - but that you won't find it on a menu because people use it rarely. It became available late yesterday on my shopping list and so I substituted it for British asparagus in my rissotto for today. The email says that it is on the van and not being substituted. So it's all "on"!


The main thing is that it really mustn't be "cooked". It's so thin I would either simply blanche it quickly or as I am doing add it to a salmon rissotto just before I dish it up. So just a little steam or ambient heat does it.


If you are determined, you are more likely to find it in a seafood/fish type restaurant. If you are staying in a decent hotel when you get here I'd butter up the concierge and ask him if he could get someone to ring around the fish / seafood restaurants he knows to find out whether one will get some in for you. It will be easy - they simply add it to their next veg supply order when their veg man rings. Then on the day of your planned visit, just get the concierge to check with the restaurant that they actually bought some.


What are you doing and eating today?



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Julie will be spending some time with my wife and I before she and her husband go on their Seabourn Legend trip from Stockholm to London.

I can get Samphire in Waitrose on the fish counter.

We also have Le Gavroche and Le Pont de la tour booked for two meals.

Samphiregeddon it could turn out to be.

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