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Jeffers.....Lux will as usual cream it...:rolleyes: Once he's finished the brandy and cigars of course...and that could take us into the wee small hours...god bless him ;)


S :)


I don't smoke and rarely have spirits but a little Louis XIII once in a while doesn't hurt.


I think it will all be over by 01.00

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I receive some bizarre marketing emails but this morning I have received one directly from RSSC that must win the prize.



Cruise in ultra-luxury for £16


Yep! If you take one of our 7-night sailings (6 September from Barcelona to Monte Carlo, for example) and break down the price in terms of all the different elements you would have to pay for but are included with Regent, then it's possible to cruise for £16.


1. For meals, equivalent say of a 5-star hotel at best, plus snacks you would probably expect to pay around £180 per person per day. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.


2. Add some extra for fine wine, glass of Champagne, a few cocktails, teas and coffees and you could expect to part with a further spend of £60 per day.


3. Then there's the return flights. With British Airways, they're currently £513 per person, and airport to ship and reverse transfers cost £90 in total.


So, for 7-days of first class meals and drinks including flights and transfers you're looking at £2,283 per person. Regent's all-inclusive price for this cruise starts from just £2,299 per person. The cruise itself for 7 nights luxury accommodation, 6 ports of call and much much more besides will be £16.



So, to save you paying for all this separately, Regent have wrapped it all up into one amazing package for ultimate value and convenience.


The value speaks for itself.



First there is the confusing suggestion "For meals, equivalent say of a 5-star hotel at best" what does that mean? Does it mean that when RSSC meals are at it's best it is as good as a 5 star hotel or that it is the equivalent of the best 5 star hotel? :confused:


And I understand the proposition, they believe that people that are going to spend £480 per couple per day to eat and drink in a 5* hotel are going to upgrade to a cruise for £16 instead?


I can see that what they are trying to do is to make it seem that cruising with them is cheap, but it seems an odd marketing approach to me.



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Yes, we received this strange piece of marketing also, and various others recently which somehow sound a bit desperate, can't quite explain why. Regent's prices are very high, obviously partly because they do include so much, but I suspect put people off when they compare with other lines. We used to like Radisson/Regent, but their way of doing things now does not appeal, particularly this 'up to 48 excursions included' line - how could you possibly do 48 excursions in 7 or 10 days, even if you wanted to?

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Yes, we received this strange piece of marketing also, and various others recently which somehow sound a bit desperate, can't quite explain why. Regent's prices are very high, obviously partly because they do include so much, but I suspect put people off when they compare with other lines. We used to like Radisson/Regent, but their way of doing things now does not appeal, particularly this 'up to 48 excursions included' line - how could you possibly do 48 excursions in 7 or 10 days, even if you wanted to?


I have an impish sense of humour ....;)


I am tempted to say to them that in order to test their claims are ASA compliant Ie honest and not misleading I would like to dispense with all of the optional elements they compare with and mention and just take the cruise for 7 days at £16 per day! I'd say I don't need the suite - I'll sleep on deck where i spend most of the day sleeping anyway. I'll take my own food in a coolbox!


That will confuse them.



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I receive some bizarre marketing emails but this morning I have received one directly from RSSC that must win the prize.




First there is the confusing suggestion "For meals, equivalent say of a 5-star hotel at best" what does that mean? Does it mean that when RSSC meals are at it's best it is as good as a 5 star hotel or that it is the equivalent of the best 5 star hotel? :confused:


And I understand the proposition, they believe that people that are going to spend £480 per couple per day to eat and drink in a 5* hotel are going to upgrade to a cruise for £16 instead?


I can see that what they are trying to do is to make it seem that cruising with them is cheap, but it seems an odd marketing approach to me.




I think it sounds to me like 5 star is the most that you can expect from the food and I would think that a range from McDonalds through to 3 star hotel food and

Perhaps a 5 star experience also.


This sort of marketing can only catch those that are not too bright,surely.


Does it not read to you that they are offering to sell you a cruise for £2299.00 per person?

Edited by Mr Luxury
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I think it sounds to me like 5 star is the most that you can expect from the food and I would think that a range from McDonalds through to 3 star hotel food and

Perhaps a 5 star experience also.


This sort of marketing can only catch those that are not too bright,surely.


Does it not read to you that they are offering to sell you a cruise for £2299.00 per person?


It doesn't make a coherent claim with respect to food quality. As you say it is a 5 star ceiling claim. I sometimes feel that a Big mac is better than much of what is shoved out by so called gourmet burger places.


The really interesting and potentially troublesome claim for them because it is misleading and untruthful is


The cruise itself for 7 nights luxury accommodation, 6 ports of call and much much more besides will be £16.


But they have double discounted the cost at £180 per person. So it has to be added back and factually should say:


The cruise itself for 7 nights luxury accommodation, 6 ports of call and much much more besides will be £196.
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Who cares,we're not buying it.and by the looks of the desperate marketing neither is anyone else.


You're right of course ... I guess that I shouldn't continue to be surprised to see so much marketing material these days seemingly written by unsupervised children.

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Good Morning from a very chilly Yorkshire...heating on and it's almost July :eek:


Am comforting myself by reading up about the Caribbean places I'm going to in October....probably changed quite a bit since l was last there 43 years ago!


A comforting chicken casserole is already in for luncheon...


Happy Sunday


Sohpia :)

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Good Morning S.


Where are you visiting in October? :) Haven't been to the Caribbean for years either I know lot's of it is built up .. and the house we rented in Paynes Bay was redeveloped years ago.


Lamb kebabs, pitta and salad today with the red house wine!



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I think it sounds to me like 5 star is the most that you can expect from the food and I would think that a range from McDonalds through to 3 star hotel food and

Perhaps a 5 star experience also.


This sort of marketing can only catch those that are not too bright,surely.


Does it not read to you that they are offering to sell you a cruise for £2299.00 per person?

Poorly worded, but I think they're trying to infer that their food IS five star, while the food at a five star hotel is, at best, five star (but likely not).



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Good Morning from a very chilly Yorkshire...heating on and it's almost July :eek:


Am comforting myself by reading up about the Caribbean places I'm going to in October....probably changed quite a bit since l was last there 43 years ago!


A comforting chicken casserole is already in for luncheon...


Happy Sunday


Sohpia :)


So glad I'm not the only one!I'm cold too, but refuse to turn the heating on, so I've got a hot water bottle and a thick pair of socks on while I do my internet catching up today.

Chicken casserole sounds perfect actually.

October will be here before we know it!

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Good Morning S.


Where are you visiting in October? :) Haven't been to the Caribbean for years either I know lot's of it is built up .. and the house we rented in Paynes Bay was redeveloped years ago.


Lamb kebabs, pitta and salad today with the red house wine!




Bermuda kicks it all off...:D then St Lucia, Antigua, St Barts and finally Barbados.

I'm having three nights pre voyage in NY...then two nights post in Barbados, wish l could have longer but that'll do for now!;)


So much has changed from what I've been reading so it should be interesting!

I shall just do my usual mooching about, can't be doing with the tours as the ship is my destination...with perks!


Your lunch menu sounds delish as usual Jeff...do some pics please...I'm just enjoying a glass of the normal Casa Blanco before l dish up.



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So glad I'm not the only one!I'm cold too, but refuse to turn the heating on, so I've got a hot water bottle and a thick pair of socks on while I do my internet catching up today.

Chicken casserole sounds perfect actually.

October will be here before we know it!


I have actually put my old granny slippers on today :eek: heating will go off after lunch.....

October will be here in a flash!;)



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Quick comment about the Regent marketing. I was immediately put off by the use of the word "Yep!" in their blurb. Not really congruent with a luxury experience to me. What a load of old tosh the rest of it is.



It is a peculiar and ill-thought through marketing message.


You are inferring to people who have the cash (and have been savvy enough to earn the cash) to pay over £5000 per couple per week for a holiday that in fact is only costing £16.


I would have thought it better to focus on quality and luxury.



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Bermuda kicks it all off...:D then St Lucia, Antigua, St Barts and finally Barbados.

I'm having three nights pre voyage in NY...then two nights post in Barbados, wish l could have longer but that'll do for now!;)


So much has changed from what I've been reading so it should be interesting!

I shall just do my usual mooching about, can't be doing with the tours as the ship is my destination...with perks!


Your lunch menu sounds delish as usual Jeff...do some pics please...I'm just enjoying a glass of the normal Casa Blanco before l dish up.




Sounds like a lovely trip.


I have a wonderful picture of wifey on the beach at Paynes Bay with the main guard dog of the house we use to rent. The dog is standing on it's hind legs with his paws on her shoulders staring into her eyes and his head is much higher than hers .... The dogs name was Caribee.


We use to walk up to the next bay along the beach and Caribee always came with and "guarded us". The only problem was that he seemed to resent the rich people at the Sandy Lane, and he walk along the loungers "marking territory" and onced peed on a rather famous film and foody person's stuff by his lounger. He shouted at me "Oy .... your dogs just peed all over my stuff" and I had that pleasurable opportunity of saying "He's not my dog". We met again in Cannes a few years later and he laughed at the memory and he became my uncle after that .....;)


The lunch today looks good. I've made a tabbouleh I'm particularly please with. I'll photograph and post - always do what I'm told!



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I have finally surfaced after what was a great evening at Fort Belvedere.


Well,it did not finish at 01.00 but rather 04.00


The great and the good were there and me.


HM and her Consort were there and her son The POW,Dave the PM and His wife Sam.Joan Collins and Percy and the ever youthful Bianca Jagger who looked wonderful in a black taffeta evening gown.

My friend AB and Lady B arrived in their helicopter and landed next door at Cowarth Park.


Catering was by Mustard who produce great food despite there being four hundred guests.


The cast of Mr Selfridge did a performance and the real let down of the Evening was the cabaret.

Julio Inglesias,

Is he still alive I hear you ask,

judging by Last night,I would say no.

He made Joan Rivers look like a novice in the new face department.they should have booked his son Enrique.

It was a very well planned evening with good food excellent wines a bit of dancing and everyone dressed formally all gentlemen wore various versions of a Tux and all ladies wore a long evening gown,not a cocktail dress or a lounge suit in sight unlike a luxury cruise.



DC was a bit sheepish when pressed by several guests on the Europe subject,it is great sport watching politicians get all hot under the collar,he's vowing to fight to the death,I asked him what flowers he wanted at his funeral.

Edited by Mr Luxury
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I have finally surfaced after what was a great evening at Fort Belvedere.


Well,it did not finish at 01.00 but rather 04.00


The great and the good were there and me.


HM and her Consort were there and her son The POW,Dave the PM and His wife Sam.Joan Collins and Percy and the ever youthful Bianca Jagger who looked wonderful in a black taffeta evening gown.

My friend AB and Lady B arrived in their helicopter and landed next door at Cowarth Park.


Catering was by Mustard who produce great food despite there being four hundred guests.


The cast of Mr Selfridge did a performance and the real let down of the Evening was the cabaret.

Julio Inglesias,

Is he still alive I hear you ask,

judging by Last night,I would say no.

He made Joan Rivers look like a novice in the new face department.they should have booked his son Enrique.

It was a very well planned evening with good food excellent wines a bit of dancing and everyone dressed formally all gentlemen wore various versions of a Tux and all ladies wore a long evening gown,not a cocktail dress or a lounge suit in sight unlike a luxury cruise.



DC was a bit sheepish when pressed by several guests on the Europe subject,it is great sport watching politicians get all hot under the collar,he's vowing to fight to the death,I asked him what flowers he wanted at his funeral.


What a lovely account .... thanks so much for posting. So not Just Zorba the Main Man, but Brenda as well! Gosh !!!:eek:


So what was the event; charity do?


Lovely to hear of Bianca's dress ... sounds like a call to Blue Peter and a few bin liners. She has come a long way since a very shambolic wedding on the Cote. ;)


So what did you eat? Drink? Did you drive home?


Is it just me .. but the main thing that seems to have been missed by both the press, the commentators and pundits, etc about the EU issue is not Junkers per se. It is that when the politicians of EU were confronted with a choice of who to take the project to the next phase, they all knew that Junkers was NOT the man and his direction was against the wishes of the citizens. So behind closed doors they rejected him. They all did. He had no supporters. He didn't even really want this job out of the two. So everything was set for an alternative.


Then DC like a deranged idiot went all triumphal. He had got Angela behind him. He trashed a private understanding by making it public. He couldn't resist gloating. That set off the backlash in Germany domestics and she went into reverse. Everyone else (EU) followed her. Who after all wants to irritate the CEO of the bank of last resort. So even though they all know that Junkers will now trash the project and is the wrong man, they went ahead in effect to help Angela keep power in Germany. THAT is the reason why people should be angry about the project and what this "incident" demonstrates about the purpose of the EU, not just about the idiot Junkers himself. It is managed to be in the best interests of individual leaders domestic politics, not for all European citizens.


And people - particularly pro-project people - should be rightly hacked off with DC because when he could have kept his trap shut and he didn't, and I am certain that it will be judged retrospectively from the clearer perspective of the future that because of that, he in effect from the touchlines has possibly been the tinderbox that will be seen bizarrely as the cause of the EU project to implode. But he will now increase in value domestically. Perhaps, even more perversely, he will say "it's turned out nice again!"


Am I making any sense at all?

Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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It's very delicate at the moment as Angela needs us in her camp and to stay in the EU otherwise she is on her own and would then get a pasting from the rest of them.


As usual the summer is upon us and the big break for the politicians will get them away from a difficult situation.The problem is that this one's not going away and awaits them on their return.


I had salmon as did HM,what a good subject I am!


Bollinger R.D a rare treat to start,Corton Charlemagne then Chateau Talbot


Cocktails were done by a specialist boutique pop up bar company,


All lovely


The occasion was the hosts usual summer "At home" party


Great to go to these things as very wealthy folks try to out do each other. sometimes it works and is done with good taste and other times it doesn't work and can be a bit ott.

Last night it was the former but alas Julio RIP

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Whatever might have been intended then presuming nothing untoward happens re referendum, then UK Ltd, has just started jetting towards out. Junkers represents paralysis. He can neither go forward or reverse. He can now only irritate. Hopefully he will overdo breakfast and sleep all day! ;)


You can't go wrong with salmon with a dollop of Heinz Salad Cream. Surprised that the food didn't come from the food hall.


You did lose me with AB and his missus. :confused:

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