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Everything posted by Mark_K

  1. I believe they start every cruise with the day one menu as opposed to doing a continuous 14 day rotation.
  2. It looks like you, and a lot of other people also did.
  3. I booked one today. Sunset Sky Suite on Edge, August 1-14, 2026, the Solar Eclipse cruise out of Southampton. I already had one booked on the Princess Solar Eclipse cruise which I will be canceling.
  4. According to the March 14, 1993 Tampa Bay Times: ZENITH (1,374 passengers) Celebrity Cruises (800) 437-3111 Every alternate Saturday beginning March 20 _ 7 nights, San Juan, St. Thomas, St. Maarten, Nassau. $1,195-$3,160. Every alternate Saturday beginning March 27 _ 7 nights, Playa del Carmen, Cozumel, Grand Cayman, Montego Bay, Key West. $1,195-$3,160. From Port Canaveral
  5. Many years ago, most people dressed formally on formal night, regardless. The official dress code for La Terrazza on formal night would have been informal, which would have required a jacket but not a tie. i also think there was a time when it was the indoor areas of the ship that were formal not just the main dining room.
  6. What are planning to hang on them? We have really small ones and they work out fine for most clothes. If something was a little too heavy for one, we just put a second one next to it.
  7. You might want to check and make sure your postman hasn’t booked a flight to Southampton. 😉
  8. Just a guess on my part, but I’d guess they would rather get a $10 or $20 bill than a $2 bottle of Jack. Which is hardly a Nashville home town product, regardless.
  9. Currently scheduled bridge sailings
  10. Which is exactly the point of POGE. It’s kind of a corollary to the great is the enemy of the good. Another one I like is: Fast, Cheap, Good - Pick any two.
  11. Most cruise line IT Departments use POGE. The Principle Of Good Enough.
  12. Worth it is really a personal monetary decision. You can definitely save money if you do it on your own, eat at the cheaper restaurants, etc. However, if you tried to duplicate the connoisseur experience, eat three course meals at the better restaurants, etc. I’m not at all sure you could do it on your own and save money.
  13. I wouldn’t worry about what the app says. If you have a medallion in hand go to the green line, if you don’t go to the blue line.
  14. Mark_K

    Dress code

    interesting. It looks like they took the old casual/informal/formal code, added an elegant in front of casual and combined informal and formal. Looks a lot like Celebrity’s casual/evening chic code. (Which they don’t enforce.)
  15. Look closely. The ones I saw on Regal were pretty grungy looking and blended in with the table top.
  16. This is the one we won from Princess Prizes,
  17. Have you tried any high quality Irish Whiskeys? Traditionally, the main difference between them was that the Irish didn’t use peat.
  18. You, like many other people, probably didn’t carefully review the terms and conditions associated with using their website. Among others things, there’s this: Princess reserves the right not to honor any published prices that it determines were erroneous due to printing, electronic or clerical error. Princess shall have the right to refuse or cancel any bookings made at an incorrect price whether or not the order has been confirmed and your credit card charged. If your credit card has already been charged for the purchase and your order is canceled, Princess shall immediately issue a credit to your credit card account in the amount of the incorrect price
  19. I believe this is covered by Hanlon’s Razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity
  20. We were in a suite on Regal Princess earlier this month, no kettle in the room. Didn’t ask about getting one.
  21. Interesting how different things are important to different people. I’ve had reserved theatre seating multiple times on three different cruise lines and never used it.
  22. Maybe, maybe not, regardless it was given an exemption.
  23. The ship was completed in Germany and congress gave NCL an exemption from the US built requirement of the PVSA.
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